from today's Nikkei

2009年02月23日 09時20分36秒 | 新聞記事から
金属や化学 減産幅縮小 日鉱金属や三菱化学 中国向け改善 在庫調整も進む 先行き不透明感も

According to some data, many domestic material companies have been making the ranges of reduction of their production smaller than before because of successful developments of their inventory adjustments.Specifically, Nippon Mining & Metals Co.,Ltd. has increased its factory operation rate and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation has also turned to increasing production in China.These are because there has been signs of recovery in such areas as exports to China and demand for vehicles and electric machinery.Nevertheless,the future visibility is still unclear.

参考:電機というとき、electric machinery かelectricity machinery かどちらかなと思うときがある。両方とも見かけるからである。こうしたときの便利な識別法はGoogle を使うやりかたである。"electric machinery" と入れて検索すると、489,000件と件数表示される。又"electricity machinery"と入れて検索すると9,520件と件数表示される。よって、どちらがよりpopular かわかる。
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from today's Nikkei

2009年02月20日 19時16分55秒 | 新聞記事から
日銀 企業の資金繰り支援強化 銀行経由 社債買い取り1兆円 3カ月物資金年0.1%で供給 市場金利低下促す

The Bank of Japan decided on Thursday at its monetary policy decision meeting to strengthen its supporting measures for private companies' collecting funds.Specifically, it will extend half a year until the end of September this year the current scheme in which the bank provides necessary funds for financial institutions with a 0.1-percent interest a year in security for corporate bonds or commercial papers.And also it will revise the period of its loan from the current within three minths to for three months across the board.
This aims at reducing the practical interst rates for a rather long period around three months, which is an actual loan period for most private companies.
In terms of corporate bonds, the bank starts buying them up to 1 trillion yen starting in March. And the period for it buying private companies' commercial papers also is extended through the end of September this year.
Thhis is one of private firm-supporting measures by the Bank of Japan.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2009年02月19日 20時06分38秒 | 新聞記事から
中川財務省が即日辞任 「予算の衆院通過後」から一転 後任与謝野氏が兼務 麻生政権に打撃

House of Representatives lawmaker Shoichi Nakagawa, the Finance Minister and the state minister in charge of financial services met Prime Minister Taro Aso at the prime minister's office on the Febr. 17 evening,and submitted resignation to hi,taking responsibility for a blunder at the press conference after G-7 finance ministers and central bankers' meeting in Rome the other day.Prime Minister Aso accepted his resignation. Nalagawa said on the noon of the day that he will resign after the passage of the budget bill for fiscal 2009 and its related bills in the House of Representatives. But due to strong criticism from ruling parties as well as oppsition paries, he was forced to resign.Aso nominated Kaoru Yosano, the state minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy, as the successor of Nakagawa.The resignation is certain to be a big blow to the Aso administration.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年02月19日 19時40分38秒 | 新聞記事から
米住宅対策 最大900万世帯救済 ローン返済条件を緩和 公的資金7兆円 住宅公社資本注入 36兆円に倍増

U.S. President Barack Obama is to announce on Wednesday housing loan repayment supprting measure targeting up to 9 million households on Feb.18.With public funds of 75 billion dollars (about 36 trillion yen) injected, they intend to change people's loans to the lower-interst ones or urge the parties concerned to ease the condition of payment.This deal makes the ceiling for public fund injection to housing loan public corporations increase to 400 billion dollars (about 36 trillion yen) double the previous one.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2009年02月17日 18時06分58秒 | 新聞記事から
日本製紙、豪3位を買収 内需企業、海外に活路 国際M&A業界最大級 円高進行追い風に

Nippon Paper Group Inc. is considering buying Australian Paper as part of efforts to expand its overseas business.Nippon Paper Group is ranked as the second paper maker in Japan and Australian Paper is the third largest paper manufacturer in Australia.This M&A is the largest ever scale.As demand for paper in the domestic market does not expand more,the company has been seking to full-fledgedly advance to foreign countries. The deal this time is done with strong yen's meritused.This is a showcase of efforts of domestic demand-oriented companies facing difficulties in their business operations due to domestic economy's sharp deterioation and declining birthrate. Most of them are seeking growth opportunity in the Asia and Oceania less influenceed by the current financial crisis than other areas.
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