追加経済対策 公共事業大幅前倒し 政府・与党計画 学校耐震化など急ぐ 民主も独自案
The government and ruling prties on Monday started to deliberate on implementing many kinds of public works projects which are initially expected to be done over more than a year intensively in fiscal 2009 as they were working out the fiscal 2009 extra buget with the aim of implementing additional economic pump-priming measures.They include expansion of optical fiber networks and the works for making public facilities like school buildings earthquake-proof. Given the decline of preliminary gross domestic product from October to December in 2008, they place priority on creation of demand and promotion of employment. Meanwhile, the Demcratic Party of Japan also is planning to draft its own additional economic measures.
The government and ruling prties on Monday started to deliberate on implementing many kinds of public works projects which are initially expected to be done over more than a year intensively in fiscal 2009 as they were working out the fiscal 2009 extra buget with the aim of implementing additional economic pump-priming measures.They include expansion of optical fiber networks and the works for making public facilities like school buildings earthquake-proof. Given the decline of preliminary gross domestic product from October to December in 2008, they place priority on creation of demand and promotion of employment. Meanwhile, the Demcratic Party of Japan also is planning to draft its own additional economic measures.