from today's Nikkei

2009年02月04日 10時46分56秒 | 新聞記事から
公的資金 エルピーダ、申請検討 数百億円の資本増強 今春にも 新制度活用1号

A mojor domestic semiconductor manufacturer Elpida Memory,Inc. has decided to apply for a new scheme in which the government could infuse public fund into a private company facing management difficulty.Under the scheme the company into which public fund would be infused is to issue preferred stocks to the public financial institutions like Development Bank of Japan Inc. Making use of this scheme,Elpida intends to enhance its capital (by) some ten billion yen by (around, or, in the ) spring this year.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年02月03日 12時24分39秒 | 新聞記事から
そごう本店、大丸に売却 大阪・心斎橋 セブン&アイが交渉 北海道の西武2店撤退

According to sources,Seven & i Holdings Co.,Ltd.,which has Sogo Co.,Ltd. and The Seibu Department Stores, Ltd under its umbrella,has decided to sell the Sogo's Shinsai-bashi store and has entered into negotiations with J.Front Retailing Co.,Ltd. And as to the two stores in Hokkaido of Seibu's Sapporo and Asahikawa Stores,the withdrawal from department business is now being considered.

参考:なんとなく変だなという感じもしないわけではありません。もっとほかの普通の言い方があるようにも思われる。いつも英文を書いていないと勘が狂うというか、そういうことがあるわけです。換言すれば毎日英文を書いていることが大事ではないか。正しいか、あっているか、どうかは、next problem でしょう。
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from today's Nikkei

2009年02月02日 15時42分18秒 | 新聞記事から
対パキスタン 日本主催で支援会議 今春にも米欧中などと 数十億ドル規模

According to sources,the Japanese government has decided to host an international conference in Japan for supporting Pakistan,which is now in an unstable situation in its domestic affairs,as soon as possible,for example, at the end of March this year in its earliest case.It intends to call for ten and strong countries and organizations,including the U.S.,EU,and China,to attend the confrence,and have ministerial level talks there for the purpose of coming out with an aide plan for the country with some dozens of dollars level.Amomng the candidates the Japanese government is planning to ask to come is recently appointed U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
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