
2009年02月13日 09時41分11秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
日本語では修飾語が前にありますから、「10倍の」に相当する形容詞を探そうとする癖が私たちにはあります。確かにtenfoldという言葉があるのは事実です。けれども、こうした場合の大半で適用できる発想法は、「54兆円、でそれは・・・の10倍なのだが」という風に考えることです。したがって、後ろから修飾するわけです。後追いで修飾するとも言えます。fund of 54 trillion yen almost ten times the amount reached in 2008 又は fund of as much as 54 trillion yen, which is almost ten times that in 2008 などと表現できると思うのです。
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from today's Nikkei

2009年02月12日 09時06分01秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業 減配・無配3社に1社 今期総額は9%の小幅減 減益・赤字でも増配予定168社

It is learned by a The Nihon Keizai Shimbun's survey that one of three companies among listed compnies likely will reduce their dividends to shareholders compared with the previous term,or cut them to zero for the bisiness term through the end of March, 2009. Given the situation that many firms are facing their business performances' declining, most of them put priority on securing funds available. In these circumstances,the aggregate amount of dividends is ceratin to decline for the first time in seven business terms. But the range of decline is small with abou 9 percent.Meanwhile,some companies are thinking of increasing their dividends even if their business results made their profits decline or made their account settlement turn to the red.

参考:7期ぶりに減少は、decline after a seven-business-term intervalでも表現可能。
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Chichu Art Museum

2009年02月12日 08時22分11秒 | 観光案内
Yesterday I visited Chichu Art Museum in Naoshima in Takamatsu City,Kagawa Orefecture.This is my first visit there.Going on board a ferry boat,it took me about one hour to arrive at a port in Naoshima. From there I rode a town-operated midsized bus. In twenty minutes,I was at Chichu Art Museum's ticket center.
Naoshima is more famous overseas than at home for its excelent exhibition of fine arts combined by architecture designed by Ando Tadao. Most of the museum is under the grond like suggested by its name.The works of Claude Mounet,Walter De Maria and James Turrell are exhibited in the facility designed by Ando Tadao. Not only three artists' works but also the combination of architecture and the works itself is, in a real sense, art work.It is the philosophy of the museum.
Referring to the works of Mounet, they are exhibited in a white-wall room,and made visible entirely by natural lighting.The top of the room is open to the sky with transparent glass. The direct light from the sky is blocked by a kind of cover.I was able to see his four works from only a few of centimeters distance.I was able to see cloth of the canvases and oil paints very clearly. When I was in the room, the brightness in the room sudenly changed. What happend? I thought at the time. Afterward, I got that it took place because brightness in the sky changed.Mounet is a representative artist born in France in the mid-19th century ,belonging to the Impressionist. He was an artist who was very interested in light or brightness and darkness. Such kind of artist's works are being exhibited at the Naoshima's museum. That is a very splendi thing.That is why the world is paying a keen attention to this small island. Go to Naoshima.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年02月10日 14時54分27秒 | 新聞記事から
NTTとマイクロソフト ネット広告で提携 有力7サイト分、共同販売 首位ヤフー追撃
According to sources concerned,NTT and U.S. Microsoft Corporation have recently reached an agreement to make an alliance in the advertisement business on the Internet. They are planning to mobilize as many as seven domestic influential Internet-related business companies with the two companies of NTT and Microsoft as the cores of the group. Under the scheme,they begin to jointly sell advertisement frames on the Internet sites operated by the participating firms, starting in April.At present,Yahoo has been predominant in the domestic Internet advertisement market. In these circumstances, the group led by NTT and Microsoft is expected to pursue strong Yahoo.

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2009年02月10日 02時05分46秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
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