シリア化学兵器 廃棄合意 米ロ、来年前半までに 軍事介入見送り
On Saturday in Geneva, aSwitzerland, Jon Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State, and his Russain counterpart Segey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia, agreed on the farmework urging the Syrian regime to abondon its chemical weapons. The agreement's pillar is that the Assad Administration should accept the inspection by the UN and abolish all the weapons it posesses now within the first half of 2014. Some say there is still uncertainty that this might not be realized. But,anyway,at least for the time being, this deal made the U.S. refrain from implementing its military action in Syria.
On Saturday in Geneva, aSwitzerland, Jon Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State, and his Russain counterpart Segey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia, agreed on the farmework urging the Syrian regime to abondon its chemical weapons. The agreement's pillar is that the Assad Administration should accept the inspection by the UN and abolish all the weapons it posesses now within the first half of 2014. Some say there is still uncertainty that this might not be realized. But,anyway,at least for the time being, this deal made the U.S. refrain from implementing its military action in Syria.