from the September 15 Nikkei

2013年09月26日 13時38分36秒 | 新聞記事から
シリア化学兵器 廃棄合意 米ロ、来年前半までに 軍事介入見送り

On Saturday in Geneva, aSwitzerland, Jon Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State, and his Russain counterpart Segey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia, agreed on the farmework urging the Syrian regime to abondon its chemical weapons. The agreement's pillar is that the Assad Administration should accept the inspection by the UN and abolish all the weapons it posesses now within the first half of 2014. Some say there is still uncertainty that this might not be realized. But,anyway,at least for the time being, this deal made the U.S. refrain from implementing its military action in Syria.
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from the Spetember 25 Nikkei

2013年09月26日 13時09分05秒 | 新聞記事から
半導体装置で日米統合 再編が加速 3位東京エレク 首位アプライド

On Tuesday Tokyo Electron Ltd. and Appleied Materials, Inc. announce a plan that they would integtare their businesses in the latter half of 2014. Tokyo electron and Applied Materials are ranked third and first,respectively,in the semiconductor-manufacturing equipment market in the world. According to the current their scheme, they are planing to set up a holding company, which will control the two firms. This means an integration in the high-technology field of U.S. and Japanese leading companies, and creation of the world's biggest firm in the field.
And this move will surely accelerate the alignment of the semiconductor industry in the world from now, as advancement of semiconductor business is progressing, with the device of smartphones spread among people.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年09月26日 12時00分25秒 | 新聞記事から
夫婦年収360万円メド 介護保険 2割負担に上げ 厚生省案 高齢者5人に1人対象

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced a plan on Wednesday to revise the the current nursing insurance system. At present,people are in a uniform way to pay 10 % of the total necessary cost. However, the minisytry intends to raise the percentage of people's burden up to 20 %, if their anual incomes are more than a ceratin amount. A draft idea concerning the threshhold annual incomes of the couple is about 3.6 million yen including their pension benifits. One of five aged people are expected to be included in the new category, if the current draft reviosn is realized.
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見直し from today's Nikkei

2013年09月16日 09時02分35秒 | 新聞記事から
日本勢 アジアで善戦 本社ブランド調査 スマホなど劣性 デジカメ キャノン テレビ ソニー1位

The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in the Asian six major countries, targeting as many as 12 goods and services.According to the result of the survey,Japanese companies are proven to be very much competent,for Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. are ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.

The above was first written on September 6.


The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in six countries in Asia, targeting as many as 12 goods and services. According to the result,Japanese firms are competent in some areas, with Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.

コメント:理由を後追いで説明していくときに使う接続詞for は難しいかもしれない。
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見直し from Spetember 5 Nikkei

2013年09月16日 08時51分41秒 | 新聞記事から
インフラ長寿命へ新技術 三井住友建 橋の耐久性100年 JR東、トンネル補強安く
Some of domestic general major contractors and material manufacturers are going to launch the implementation of new technology by which infrastrucrures like bridges and tunels are made longer in terms of their duration periods. Specifically, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation has completed its new technology for extending the bridge duration period by up to 50 years by repairing them with carbon fibers used, and will put the technology in practice for those on express highways. Another company is Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co.,Ltd.,which has almost developed a technology for building the bridge whose service lif is more than 100 years. East Japan Railway Co. also is now tackling the enhancement of strength of their tunnels.

The above was first written on Spetember 5.

Some of leading general contractors and material manufacturers at home are gearing up their eforts to put their new technologies into parctice. They all aim to make the service duration peroods of the infrastructure like bridge and tunnels longer than ever before. Specifically, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation has completed a new technology in extending the service span of the bridge. They can extend the period by up to 50 yeras by repairing the bridge with carbon fibers. It is considered very useful when this technology should be applied to the brides built on the express highways. Another firm making efforts now is Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. It has almost finished the development of a technology. The technology is expected to be used in building the bridge. The service life of the bridge would be more than 100 years, they say.East Japan Railway Co. is other firm making efforts in this field. They are now enhancing the tunnels' strength.
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