見直し from today's Nikkei

2013年09月16日 08時11分16秒 | 新聞記事から
賃上げ促す 減税措置拡充 政府検討 法人税「給与増5%」緩和 脱デフレ家計に分配

Accorfing to sources, the government has launched a deliberation of how to expand the corporate tax reduction system which helps companies raise wages for their emplyees. Under the present requiremnts, if a firm increases its total pay for wages by more than 5 % from that in fiscal 2012, it becomes eligible for the tax reduction. The central pillar of the revision this time is believed to be easing such requiremnts. The adminstration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe puts its top priority in making Japanese economy get out of a vicious deflationary cycle. And the move comes amid a hightened intention of the administration to put into practice conctrete measures and make accumulated profits domestic firms have acuumulted thanks to a recent favorable business environment like a weaker yen delivered back to the household sector.

The above was first written on September 8.

The government has decided to launch a concrete study of the revision of the corporate tax reduction.Finally,it aims to create a business environment helping firms raise their payrolls. Under the tax reduction at present, if a company increases its pay for its employees by more than 5 % from that in fiscal 2012, it becomes eligible for the tax reduction. According to people concerned, the central pillar would be to ease such requirements. To make Japanese economy get out of a vicious deflatonary cycle is the top priority of the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. There are lots of firms in recent months seeing their profits accumulated thanks to tailwind factors including a weaker yen. The decision came on the back of the administration's hightened will to put a concrete measure into practice as soon as possible in making accumulated profits in the corporates' safes delivered back to the employees' wallets.

コメント:前置詞of を使って名詞句をつくることを好む自分の性格が少し出たように思われる。
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修正版 from September 7 Nikkei

2013年09月16日 07時03分22秒 | 新聞記事から
米緩和縮小の影響監視  世界経済「下振れリスク」 G20首脳宣言 シリア問題は言及なし

The summit meeting of leaders from the Group of 20 nations and regions in the world, including Japan,Europe and the U.S., closed on the evening of September 6 (nightof the same day Japan time ),issuing a joint communique. According to the communique,the leaders agreed in their awareness that there is still a possibility that the world economy would go downward, and also that they have to watch fallout of the upcoming change of U.S. monetary policy toward shrinkage of its easing policy, for there is a concern that the U.S. policy change would give a significant effect to the so-caled emerging economies. There is no reffering to the Syrian issue in the communique because the opinions of leaders have remained divided.

The above was written September 8.


The summit meeting of the Group of 20 nations and regions closed Spetember 6, and issued a joint communique. According to the statement, the leaders agreed there is still a possibility global economy go downward, and then that they have to carefully watch the proceeding of U.S. monetary policy going toward reducing easing elements because the Washington's change would give a significant effects to the emerging economies.Concerning the Syrian problem, leaders could not get to the consensus, so there is nor referring to it in the document.

The summit meeting of the Group of 20 nations and regions closed Spetember 6, and issued a joint communique. According to the statement, the leaders agreed there is still a possibility global economy go downward, and then that they have to carefully watch the proceeding of U.S. monetary policy going toward easing one in the coming months. There was a concern among leaders that Washington's change of policy would give a significant effects to the emerging economies.Concerning the Syrian problem, leaders could not get to the consensus, so there is nor referring to it in the document.
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修正版 from today's Nikkei

2013年09月15日 21時31分32秒 | 新聞記事から

羽田・成田発着を拡大 五輪へインフラ整備 鉄道・高速道路も 20年五輪、東京決定
In accordance with the IOC's decision of the 2020 Olympic host city to Tokyo, Jpan, Jpan's implementation of the reconstruction of the metropolitan area's transportation infrastructure will begin soon. Among lots of ideas, the top priority will be placed on increase of the number of flights which land at both the Narita and Haneda airports as well as depart from both of them trough the efforts like increasing the number of runways there. Another top priority is believed to be put on the maintenace and renewal of highways and railway's networks in Tokyo and its neighbouring cities.

The above was written Spetember 10.

With Tokyo decided as the host city for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics, the reconstruction of transportation networks in the metropolis is expected to begin soon.What should be addressed first is the increase in the number of depature and landing slots at Haneda and Narita airports.Realizing this entails increasing the number of runways at both airports. Another priority is maintenance or renewal of highways and railway's networks in Tokyo and neighboring cities.


出だしは、After the IOC's decision of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics host city to Tokyo, と前置詞afterを使う方が自然かもしれない。
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traveler to the north

2013年09月06日 07時46分13秒 | 日本の歌を英語で歌うとすれば
The Japanese words here,as you can easily guess, are not my creation, but came
from those written by Yoko Yamaguchi, a famous female songwriter in Japan.

たどりついたら  みさきのはずれ
When I've reached the place, it's a tip of a cape.

赤い 灯がつく ぽつりとひとつ
Red light, the only thing that I can see there

いまでも あなたを まってると
I'm waiting for you yet now.

いとしいおまえの  よぶこえが
My beloved your voice could be heard

おれのせなかで  かぜになる
Far away off my back it(the voice) turns to the wind.

よるの 釧路は  雨になるだろう
In the night, Kushiro, it will soon to rain.

ふるいさかばで うわさをきいた
At an old bar I heard a rumor.

まどの むこうは  こがらし まじり
Cold, winter wind is blowing heavily outside.

半年まえまで  いたという
Till six months ago you had stayed here.

crying, drinking, weeping.

どこへいったか  細い影
To where are you gone, your body not strong?

よるの 函館  霧がつらすぎる
In the night,Hakodate, the fog is puzzling me.

そらで ちぎれる  あの汽笛さえ
Even that whistle heard in the air

ないて わかれる  さいはて港
has to cry and part at a northen port.

いちどは この手に 抱きしめて
at least once I wanna embrace you,

なかせて やりたいおもいきり
and I wanna have you cry fully.

消えぬ面影   たずねびと
I can't forget you I'm serching for.

よるの   小樽は  雪が肩に舞う
In the night, Ohtaru, the snow is falling down toward me.
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2013年09月06日 07時21分53秒 | 日本の歌を英語で歌うとすれば
This kind of translation will help you enhance your English, I believe.The Japanese words here are not my creation, but came from those written by Takao Saiki, a famous song writer, especially active in the period around the 1960s.

あなたをまてば、 あめがふる
When I am waiting for you, it is raining.

You may get wet, or something like that.

ああ、ビルのほとりの、 ティールーム
Aa, surrounded by buildings, a tea room.

あめもいとしや うたってる 甘いブルース
Dear the rain, it's singing a sweet blues.

You and I have decided the word.

At Yuraku-cho I will meet you.

こころに沁みる あめの歌
Moving my heart, the rain is singing.

駅のホームも ねれたろ
The platform, too, may be drenched with rain.

ああ 小雨にけむる デパートよ
Aa, (a) department store smoking in the rain.

今日のシネマハロードショウ かわす囁き
Today's films are a road show, exchanged whispering.

You and I have decided the word.

At Yuraku-cho I will meet you.

悲しい宵は  悲しよに
When I am depressed, worying about me,

もえるやさしい まちあかり
shining tenderly, (a) street light.

ああ いのちをかけた  恋の花
Aa, I am betting my life on a flower.

さいておくれよいつまでも  いついつまでも
(I) hope the flower will bloom, forever with no end.

You and I have decided the word.

At Yuraku-cho I will meet you.

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