鳴き声 浴びて

Many Meimuna opalifera (a kind of cicadas) are singing on my head
I'm going to work
今朝のこと。いつもバス停に行くために小さな公園の脇を通ります。今日はその公園の木立から、ツクツクボーシの声がたくさん降ってきました。出てきたぞ、ツクツクボーシ。ウィキペディアを見てみると、「晩夏から初秋にかけて」とあり、毎年の自分の感覚と一致します。八月の半ば頃からだよな~鳴き声を聴くよーになるのがと思ってて。しかし「晩夏」ですか。そんな気全然しませんが。ところで蝉タチは季節の流れをどうやって掴んでいるんでしょーか。暑さの長さで測るんですかね? 「暑くなり始めてから1ヶ月くらい経つんじゃね?」「そろそろじゃね?」「あんま遅くても涼しくなり過ぎてまずくね?」雨の気配も感知しているよーだし。でも考えてみれば、天候気候の変化は自分の生命に直結するものだし、その感覚機能が発達するのは当然のことですカイ。
I've got Many Meimuna opalifera's songs like taking shower this morning, when I was walking on toward the bus stop for going to work. Meimuna opalifera, it's a kind of cicada, they come out of the ground around from last summer to early autumn, some book said, it's the match of my notice. But is it already "last summer"? I don't think so, as it's still extreme hot in the world. Well, I've no idea how they know the climate and weather change. I think they know about rain, it's going to rain, they can get the information before raining like weather forecast. Think it deeply, I think that the climate and weather change is connected to their life directory. So they need that kind of ability. ---Necessity is the mother of invention.
鳴き声 浴びて

Many Meimuna opalifera (a kind of cicadas) are singing on my head
I'm going to work
今朝のこと。いつもバス停に行くために小さな公園の脇を通ります。今日はその公園の木立から、ツクツクボーシの声がたくさん降ってきました。出てきたぞ、ツクツクボーシ。ウィキペディアを見てみると、「晩夏から初秋にかけて」とあり、毎年の自分の感覚と一致します。八月の半ば頃からだよな~鳴き声を聴くよーになるのがと思ってて。しかし「晩夏」ですか。そんな気全然しませんが。ところで蝉タチは季節の流れをどうやって掴んでいるんでしょーか。暑さの長さで測るんですかね? 「暑くなり始めてから1ヶ月くらい経つんじゃね?」「そろそろじゃね?」「あんま遅くても涼しくなり過ぎてまずくね?」雨の気配も感知しているよーだし。でも考えてみれば、天候気候の変化は自分の生命に直結するものだし、その感覚機能が発達するのは当然のことですカイ。
I've got Many Meimuna opalifera's songs like taking shower this morning, when I was walking on toward the bus stop for going to work. Meimuna opalifera, it's a kind of cicada, they come out of the ground around from last summer to early autumn, some book said, it's the match of my notice. But is it already "last summer"? I don't think so, as it's still extreme hot in the world. Well, I've no idea how they know the climate and weather change. I think they know about rain, it's going to rain, they can get the information before raining like weather forecast. Think it deeply, I think that the climate and weather change is connected to their life directory. So they need that kind of ability. ---Necessity is the mother of invention.