The cat is running away
I'm trying to take photos of him/her
Before going to work
ここ数日の残暑のキビシサっつタラないですね。あーあちいあちいとふーふー言いながら歩いていると、左手の低い壁の上にシュタっと、風を切るよーに彼が現れました。お! おはよー! 今日も元気かい? 写真写真、と慌てているうちに彼は反対側の細い路地に素早く消えて行きました。猫に会えた嬉しサでしばし暑さを忘れましたが、会えて嬉しイと思うのはニンゲンダケ? と思い至ると暑さがジワっと戻ってきてしまいました。
In these days, we've got very very hot days! I'm nearly dying. Yesterday morning, I was walking to the office with saying "Hot! Hot!". From the left side, the cat appeared on the low wall. Oh, good morning! How are you doing? When I was trying to take photos, he quickly flied by into the narrow alleyway. I was happy to see the cat so I forgot "Hot!" But that feeling was only for human? Might be yes. Oh, this hot came back to me.
This hot summer
Comes through again
When I was in one-way love
The cat is running away
I'm trying to take photos of him/her
Before going to work
ここ数日の残暑のキビシサっつタラないですね。あーあちいあちいとふーふー言いながら歩いていると、左手の低い壁の上にシュタっと、風を切るよーに彼が現れました。お! おはよー! 今日も元気かい? 写真写真、と慌てているうちに彼は反対側の細い路地に素早く消えて行きました。猫に会えた嬉しサでしばし暑さを忘れましたが、会えて嬉しイと思うのはニンゲンダケ? と思い至ると暑さがジワっと戻ってきてしまいました。
In these days, we've got very very hot days! I'm nearly dying. Yesterday morning, I was walking to the office with saying "Hot! Hot!". From the left side, the cat appeared on the low wall. Oh, good morning! How are you doing? When I was trying to take photos, he quickly flied by into the narrow alleyway. I was happy to see the cat so I forgot "Hot!" But that feeling was only for human? Might be yes. Oh, this hot came back to me.
This hot summer
Comes through again
When I was in one-way love