オサンポ take a walk - 雨上がり fine weather after the heavy rain

2014年08月17日 | 日記

Fine weather after heavy rain
There is a cool wind
Blowing in the wind path

I cannot go outside during day in summer because it is too hot and bright for me. So I take a walk in the evening, when the sun goes down. I took those photos last evening. We had a fine weather after the heavy rain, when I went outside, there was a cool wind. I looked up at East in the sky, there were pink stripes by sunset glow, but my iPhone camera couldn't catch them. On the other side, I looked up at West, there was still daylight, a few of bats were flying, they made their own silhouette in the sky. I tried to take photos of them, but it couldn't. I've no idea where they fly from, but I see them many times, especially evening. I don't see them in the morning, day, night, only evening before set. I think that we could see them only "evening before set". Sometime each "time" can give us special things.
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