オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect カマキリ mantis

2014年08月31日 | 日記
白玉 蔓に

The mantis's white eggs
Sticking on the vine

カマキリ、またを蟷螂(とうろう)。難しい漢字使いますね。の卵かどうか確かではございませんが、でもカマキリのものにしては小ぶりかしら? まあ何かの虫の卵ッポイものを発見致しました。虫が基本苦手なくせに好奇心は旺盛なのでこーいうものを見つけると、へぇと思ってツイツイ写真に撮ったりして、ブログネタにしちゃいます。日々日々はそんなにネタになるよーなコトも起きませんしね。ホホ。
About mantis, we have a few names in Japanese for it, such as カマキリ Kamakiri, 蟷螂(とうろう) Tourou. Anyway, I can't be sure if the white one attached to the vine is mantis's eggs or not. But it would be eggs of some insect. I wouldn't like any insects, but I'm interested in natures things, even insects, so I took the photo of it. Then I used it as a topic for my blog. You know, we wouldn't have special events everyday in our daily lives, would you?
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