オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蛾 Moth

2014年08月30日 | 日記

When I took a photo of the moth
Some old man asked me
Did you take a flower photo?

蓑虫見たぞ~と、ココロが浮き足立ってしまった同じ日。その道の先にある建築会社の仮囲いの足元に、草花の生えているところがあってその辺にもいないかな~と、蓑虫?蓑虫?と通りすがりに視線を飛ばしていたら、蛾(もしくは蝶?)を発見。あんまり見ない種類かなと思い、へぇと写真撮影。撮り終わって歩き始めたら、その会社のオジサン(かな?)に、「何か花咲いてる?」と訊かれたので、「あ、花ぢゃなくて、蛾です」と答えたら、「蛾ぁ? ああ、そう…」と言って敷地の中に消えて行きました。そりゃあそーですよね。「実はさっき蓑虫を見ましてね…」とか、そんな説明してみたら、良かったかしらん?
On the same day with I saw the bagworms, I found the moth after that when I was walking on the same road. There was a narrow space under the wall, where we could see any flowers and plants. I was looking for another bagworm, I found the moth. I wouldn't have seen it many times, so I took the photo. After that, when I began walking, some old man asked me if I took a photo of flower. I answered him that I took the photo of the moth. He said, "Oh, well, I see...", then he left. Should I explain about the bagworms that I saw 5 mins ago? That's why I was looking for another one??
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