I love to see any Asiatic day flowers

I love to see any Asiatic day flowers
This year, too
They remind me of environment concern
ですがエコバッグは何年も前から当たり前になっているんじゃ、という認識でいますが、レジ袋有料化に伴って色々な種類のエコバッグがまたまたどおっとやたらと出てきているようですが、これ本当にエコバッグでエコなのか? っとちょっと素朴にギモン持ちました。
There are four day flowers in the photograph. You could find them. I am happy to see them this year, too, as I remember that I can see them in a rainy season every year with hydrangeas.
The flower of them are just little but they have a brilliant bright blue colour, so it makes us find them easily.
When it’s raining, it would be a bit dump but if I see them, they give me a better feeling.
Whenever I think about natures, I respect them and impressed them. They survive just with their own abilities that humans cannot do this.
I’m now worried about Eco-bag, that we use when we do shopping at a supermarket and any shop.
In Japan, when we do shopping, many shops give us a free-plastic bag. (Some of supermarkets sell it around ¥5 something.)
But now from the first if July, the government decided to stop providing free-plastic bag. They set the law, so we have to pay for it.
So, many companies have created many kind of Eco-bags that are various. There are too many. Do too-many-Eco-bags save our earth? Do they protect the environment??
We should realise what we should do truly.
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correc