Mallotus japonicus?
葉っぱがでかいです。大人の手のひらよりも大きいな葉がわっさわっさしている樹も結構あります。背丈は1メートル前後のものを街中では見るチャンスが多いかも? でもそれ以上高くなるととにかく葉っぱが大きいのでジャマ感が出て、斬られちゃういや伐られちゃうのかもしれません。
『スキマの植物図鑑』塚谷裕一著 中公新書 ¥1,000(+tax)を参考にしました。今まで、「植物の名前なんか覚えられないよ〜」と弱音を吐きまくっておりましたが、いくらなんでもスキなんだからと、もう少し覚えるようにしようと決意しました、と書けたら勇ましいですが、努力します、とは言おうと思います。(回りくどいですね^^)
I like watching any plants that live in narrow gaps such as a little space of concrete. I guess the plant in the photograph is Mallotus japonicus.
Its leaf is huge, bigger than adult’s size of palm. Its hight is around 1m usual, we could see them in a town and a city, It can be grown more, but its leave are huge, some people think they might encumber people’s activities, such ad walking and cars on a road.
I know a few places where I can meet them in the neighborhood, in the three places, they have been cut but the book said that this plant(tree) is strong enough, soon would come back.
The flower if it is shown in the photograph above. They are lemon yellow, look very sensitive, different from their leaf.
I’d like everyone to be interested in any plants and natures in our neighborhood. I hope that my essays about them could help other people lead their interesting to natures and many problems on the earth.
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.