スズメ見なくはないね?69 we have seen some sparrows 砂浴び穴ぽこ

2020年07月13日 | 日記

Dust bath
There are six hole
Isn’t it made by sparrow 




何があるんだろう? 美味しいエサでも見つけたのかな? と思ってそおっと近寄って首を伸ばして覗き込んでみますと、羽を少し広げながら砂地にカラダを押し付けているような姿が、見えました。

これが噂に聞く、砂浴び? 写真などで見たことはありましたが、ライブでは初めて。うわっと嬉しくて写真に撮ろうと思ったら、あっ   という間にーーー間に、全員四散してしまいました。




It’s a playpit, I found six holes in it, the hole is like a baseball’s ball. 

I know other places where I could see the same as this holes, the one is just my guess, the other is, it’s sighting, I saw many sparrows on there.

It was under bamboo fences, there was strangely sands and dried. The sparrows busily gathered there, were doing something, I thought that there might have been some delicious foods for them. 

I silently tried to get close to them, they quickly did sand dust. Wow. I saw it only in the photograph, I’ve never seen this on live my eyes. 

When I was going to photograph them, then, they fast scattered. Oh. I couldn’t photograph them. Nothing. 

They can move speedily.

How many sparrows have they eaten by humans in the past? I Will never eat you, I tell them in my mind but they never listen to me.

Anyway, one of my dreams is to photograph their sand dust. One day!

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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