Mr. Fern
前回の掲載から二週間経っているようです。真ん中辺りにぴよんと長いのが伸びていますが、成長一直線、というワケでもないのか、下側に生えていた短い葉の幾つかが枯れた? 様子も見えます。
P.S.なんか最近時間に追われています。それなりの文章を書かないと、文章書きの練習にならないのだけど…。気ばかり焦って舟進まず的な。こんな短文に時間を割いちゃって! 読んじゃった方、すみません。でもありがとうございます^^。
It’s the series of Mr.Fern. I upped about him around two weeks ago. At around the middle, there is a longest leaf that looks a new one. But there were some short leaves under that, now they look dying?
It seems that no one hasn’t pulled them out until now, I am happy with the fact. But I am just a passenger who hasn’t got any responsibility to them.
I’ve been crunched for time, I don’t know why, I just feel so. I’d like to write longer essays as I’d like to improve my writing skills. But I cannot do that in these days. Oh my god. What can I do for myself??
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.