

The 3rd VIMS Conference & Workshop

2009-11-16 | 研究・講演


The 3rd VIMS Conference & Workshop Nov.16 – No.18, 2009, Kyoto, Japan
VIMS Conference (Doshisha University, IMADEGAWA campus)

Nov. 16, Monday

Oral Presentation No.1( 10:10-12:00)
10:10-10:30 O01
Alteration of Lumbar Sagittal Alignment Using Axial Loading Device (Dynawell®). Part 1. Repeatability Study Part 2. Validity Study Using Standing X-Ray Films Kei Miyamoto, Akira Hioki, Katsuji Shimizu, Nozomu Inoue
Department of Reconstructive Surgery for Spine, Bone, and Joint, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
10:30-10:50 O02
Applications of Musculoskeletal Model for Knee Extension Exercises
Yasuo Suzuki, Akira Kanai, Eiichi Genda, Hiroki Kimura, Takanori Yoshikura, Yuya Taneda Rosai Rehabilitation Engineering Center
11:00-11:20 O03
Three-Dimensional Morphometric Analysis of the Distal Femur: A Novel Method
for Allograft Selection Using a Virtual Bone Bank
Ritacco, L E; Espinoza Orías, A A; Sugisaki, K; Aponte-Tinao, L; Muscolo, D L; Inoue, N Italian Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rush University Medical Center
11:20-11:40 O04
In vivo measurements of cervical segmental motion after anterior fixation in 13
cervical discogenic disease – preliminary report-
Sadayoshi Watanabe, Junichi Mizuno, Yoshitake Hirano, Tadao Matsushima, Nozomu Inoue Center for Spine Cord Disorders, Southern Tohoku general Hospital
11:40-12:00 O05
Tibiofemoral Joint Reaction Force during Isokinetic Closed Kinetic Chain
Exercise of the ACL Reconstructed Knee
Kawamura, K; Genda, E; Suzuki, Y Kibi International University

Special Lecture (13:30-14:30)
“My Memory and Dream on the Development of RBSM” Tadahiko Kawai, Dr. Engg., Ph.D. Professor, Emeritus, University of Tokyo

Oral Presentation No.2( 14:30-17:30)
14:30-14:50 O06
Evaluation of Bone Strength Using Quantitative Computed Tomography Based
Finite Element Method - Clinical Application for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis -
Isao Ohnishi, Masahiko Bessho, Takuya Matsumoto, Masako Kaneko, Satoru Ohashi, Kazuhiro Imai, and Kozo NakamuraIsao Ohnishi The Dept. of Orhtopaedic Surgery, The University of Tokyo
14:50-15:10 O07
The Use of Virtual, Interactive, Musculoskeletal System in Tennis Two-Handed
Backhand Analysis for Different Shot Lines
Ke-Hsin Lai, Lin-Hwa Wang, Hwai-Ting Lin, Fong-Chin Su Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
15:10-15:30 O08
Food-Texture Detection and Periodontal Masseteric Reflex for the Control of
Chewing Movement in Autonomous Jaw-Movement Simulator JSN/3A
Toyohiko Hayashi Department of Biocybernetics, Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University
16:50-17:10 O09
A Musculoskeletal Model of The Shoulder and Elbow
Fong-Chin Su, Li-Fu Wang, Hwai-Ting Lin, Li-Chieh Kuo Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
17:10-17:30 O10
In-Vivo Three-Dimensional Morphometric Analysis of the Lumbar Pedicle
Keizo, Sugisaki; Howard, S An; Alejandro, A Espinoza; Richard, Rhim; Gunnar, B J Andersson; Nozomu, Inoue Rush University Medical Center, Showa University fujigaoka Hospital, Yokohama, Japan

Nov. 17, Tuesday
Workshop (9:10-11:10)
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