リフォーム徒然なるままに Reform turezure naru-mamani


Xi Jinping, promote resolved in Wuhan virus $ 2 billion gold. Only President Trump affirmed "NO".

2020-05-20 15:18:42 | Weblog

This site is a machine translation of the following Japanese sites.

WHO総会 中国周政権20億ドル(2100億円)の金で解決図る 日本の安倍政権と酷似 トランプ大統領のような庶民の痛みの声の代弁なし トランプだけが庶民の声を代弁している

It seems that there is a mistranslation, so please see the original site above if you feel any doubt.




At the WHO General Assembly, Zhou Jinping said:

"Announced that Xi Jinping (Sea Jinpin) Jintao of China at the opening ceremony, to contribute $ 2 billion to the new corona virus in two years (210 billion yen more than)."

Also gold.




The pain of the common people is unknown.

And I think it can be solved with money.

Up to now, the Communist Party executives, Communist Party members, foreign companies, heads of state, dictators, etc. have all acquired for money.


It is no different from the Japanese Abe administration.

Like President Trump, he does not speak for the pain of the common people.

I don't feel anything.

However, I think it can be solved with money.

Acquiring WHO countries.


Let's take a look at the Abe administration again.

In Typhoon No. 15 that hit Chiba prefecture last year, what did you do to cover up your own mismanagement, that is, the response after the cabinet remodeling during the typhoon disaster?

It has changed the standard of disasters so far.

Specifically, it changed the criteria for half-destruction or total destruction to increase the amount of support for the victims.

He did not take responsibility for himself, that is, he was not responsible for the great politics of remodeling the typhoon's cabinet, and he increased the blood tax of the people to cover up the politics.


What happened to the victims until then?

In other words, the victims before Typhoon No.15.

It's virtually destroyed, but it's still treated as half destroyed.

Is there such an injustice?

Moreover, the increased money is the blood tax of the people.


Xi Jinping also exactly the same.

Responsible for the spread of Wuhan virus with "RMB" paid by the Chinese people.

It does not take responsibility for hiding the spread of Wuhan virus.


The pain of the common people is unknown.

And I think it can be solved with money.


Abe started, this heads of state had been involved in the WHO and the United Nations until, when I felt the pain of the common people, will say clearly what to Xi Jinping as Trump president.

Global companies such as GAFA share their profits by working together with Zhou Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party to set up their head offices in tax avoidance areas.

Moreover, avoid tax obligations in each country.


The Communist Party of China is another GAFA.

That is GAFAC.


It fulfills the desires of the ordinary people without any tax payments.

And leave poverty abandoned.


Among them, President Trump is the only one who has declared “NO” to Zhou Jinping, the Communist Party of China, and GAFA.

It is clear from the behavior of President Trump, who also talks to Apple and others.


The Wuhan Virus is also the responsibility of WHO, GAFA, Zhou Jinping, and the Communist Party of China for all the heads of state and governments who have said nothing before.


Will it be solved with 2 billion dollars?

Xi Jinping is.

The money is used for selling the US government bonds, which the Chinese people bought with the sweat of making iPhones and other products, and bought it with the money that spilled over.


Zhou Jinping, the Communist Party of China, and GAFA, who do not use the blood tax of each citizen (Uezen) to solve poverty, but consume it for their own desires.

The Communist Party of China and GAFA are the same.

Most of the money obtained from fraud is not used for poverty, but for self-satisfaction, acquisition, or avoidance of liability.


Zhou Kinpei is the money I got from the payment

GAFA is money obtained by avoiding tax.

Each is almost a scam.

It is an outlaw.

We do it as a "regular business" without feeling guilty.

That is the biggest problem.

It's a moral hazard.

Therefore, I cannot imagine how many people suffer from poverty.

I can't even imagine some people suffering from the Wuhan virus.


Mafia is much better.

I just have a feeling of guilt.

Worse than the Mafia.


And the Abe administration, which is doing a "cherry blossom viewing party" yesterday with a blood tax that spills over the labor of the people, and even acquiring a de facto vote.

This is also a mafia.


As with Zhou Kinpei, GAFA and the heads of states of all the countries that act together with it are no different from the Mafia.

Only President Trump has put a "NO" on this fraudulent act.

On behalf of the voices of the common people of your country.

The voice of the suffering people in their own words.

Won't provide the spread information of the Wuhan virus promptly, paying 2 billion dollars with the money that hit the common people, not their own money, responsible for the disappearance of more than 310,000 people in the world, "acquisition" of each country's head They are trying to attach "NO" to fraudulent lawsuits that they try to do.


The "cheater" comes with a smile.

Don't be fooled.
