English version⬇
Ancient (8th-10th century) and modern Google Maps of the Himeji Castle area
From Himeji to Sapporo. From Yumezaki River to Sapporo Pets. The delusion that we are related by blood rises from every corner of my body. ...
A visit from Hokkaido to Himeji and the Banshu Plain, a region rich in historical and human sites, is a craziness.
I wanted to compare and contrast the two, because after discovering the above illustration of an ancient map from the 700s to the 900s, my mind was suddenly excited to see how the “Anthropocene” history was layered and how the land space was changed. My family history in the plains of Himeji, especially in the Yumesaki River area, where the Yumesaki River flows into the Seto Inland Sea, stimulated my DNA-like inquisitiveness. I am not sure if it is really DNA-like or not, but it is “highly likely” at this point.
But after the name “Yumemaegawa” stuck in my ears while I was exploring, I couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy (laugh). I have been living in Sapporo, which is said to have its roots in the Ainu language, and I am deeply attached to the name of the place, but I am also deeply rooted in a romantic notion that I may have been related to the Yumezaki River several hundred years ago.
Today, Kobe, which has developed rapidly since the Meiji era, has become the center of Hyogo Prefecture, but in the historical period before that, Himeji was probably the center of Banshu. The modern population size of 530,000 is not so inferior to that of 730,000 in the neighboring prefecture of Okayama. One can imagine that it must have been the largest center of logistics to Osaka for a long time in terms of water transportation on the Seto Inland Sea. I believe that there is no doubt that the port area of Shikama was the most important economic center for Himeji.
According to our family tradition, Himeji had a base in the Ehime region of Shikoku, from where it shared a common destiny with the Seto Inland Sea water transportation system for a long time.
In the above chart, the “Harima Province's national government” was located in the area of today's Himeji Castle, and prospered since ancient times by utilizing the Seto Inland Sea shipping and the Ichikawa River. I imagine that the area around the Yumezae River was called “Shinkaicho” in the later historical period.
In addition, the Himeji Plain is said to have had a “jori system” in place since ancient times, and in an imaginary reconstruction drawing, lines of division can be seen in the land as regularly as a goban (a grid pattern). It is analogous to the modern road layouts that are marked on today's Google Maps. It has been about 100 years since my family moved to Hokkaido, but the missing link of several hundred years of time is still there, thundering in the distance (laughs). It's fun.