似顔絵(檀ふみさん・5)portrait Fumi Dan 5
ドラマ「日本の面影」のラストシーンで、ハーンは「タブン。マモナク、私ハ、死ニマス。」 と言う。
At the end of this drama, Hearn tells his wife Setsu that he will soon die. In a surprise, she tells him that she doesn’t want to hear that kind of topic.
But he keeps on.
“I tell you anyway. Never shed tears.”
He asks her to buy a cheap small pot to put his bones in and to bury it under a grave in a lonely temple in the country.
Setsu cannot stop her tears.
“Don’t be sad.” Hearn says, “You will be playing cards〔Japanese karuta〕with children when someone asks you about me. You will reply, «Oh, he has recently passed away. »―.―That will be enough.”
I still can’t forget this scene.
This is a masterpiece of the scenario writer Taichi Yamada, and also of the actress Fumi Dan.
似顔絵(檀ふみさん・4)portrait Fumi Dan 4
Setsu (played by Fumi Dan) got married to Hearn. This is her figure in Japanese bridal dress. Later, she helped him Hearn in his works by narrating Japanese ghost stories directly before him.
似顔絵(檀ふみさん・3)portrait Fumi Dan 3
Setsu was a daughter of a samurai family which had fallen on hard times at the beginning of the Meiji Era.She helped the family with her hard work of weaving or tailoring. Her father had failed in his amateurish business, her brothers could not find jobs. She had to sustain her family, including also her grandparents. She was desperately poor, so she decided to serve Hearn as a housekeeper.