文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

So, all of the evil is awakening, to say whatever they want, and it is doing

2015年02月13日 15時21分41秒 | 日記

Now, the world becomes unstable really, by such human beings, of all things, in addition to becoming a head of a cabinet in the country, it is because it continues to bruit the evil loudly in the world.

So, all of the evil is awakening, to say whatever they want, and it is doing whatever they want.

The person who speaks up wins, it is their philosophy.

It isn't possible to say such philosophy, too,

In the egregious complaint,

It listened,

It nodded,

Because the feeble-mindedness of the world is too horrible,

There is a chaos in the world in now.


It listens to their lie,

Of all things! it believes,


You have all responsibilities.

It is not whom of the others.

It is in you.

That I write from now is the important thing which is the first time in this and also the world.

2015年02月13日 14時25分41秒 | 日記

Reluctantly, when appearing on the world at the Net, I told the world for the first time.

The turntable of civilization doesn't go around to China or which doesn't go around to India.

Of the reason as you know by the reader

At that time I was thinking in the interval in 50, for information about when to or subsequent to the party dictatorship system in the Communist Party of China.

However, while seeing the face of Xi Jinping frequently, it thought suddenly.

Of that he will become the last dictator possibly.

It was even I surprised because it was not being thinking of this.

In now in the politician in the world, its life depended, it is doing the most solemn ropewalking, and it wears skates on the thinnest ice and who will stand?

Is it not Xi Jinping, the person?

It told me of his look so.

My, now, because there is pm2.5, first, it doesn't go to China.

About the happening in Hawaii ahead by several years of 20 to have decided that didn't go to Korea, my close friends and sincere reader as you know.

It is Xi Jinping that, of course, will know all of China, the actual state of China than anyone.

From that of his face, future is not come in sight.

This means that whether he has been most well know I felt.

That there is no future in the Chinese Communist Party, his expression has said.

That I write from now is the important thing which is the first time in this and also the world.

Therefore, he regressed in the past.

This article continues

introduced an income tax in 1887 prior to the Europe and America,

2015年02月13日 11時05分38秒 | 日記

The following is from " the economic classroom " of the Nikkei Shinbun 20 page on February 11th.
Ms. Moriguchi who is an author is different from the human beings like a disgrace in Kyoto University which is in the political world and surely, she is proving that she doesn't learn in Kyoto University for nothing.

Sentence surplus emphasis is my.

Moriguchi Chiaki
Hitotsubashi University professor
Stanford University visiting professor

At this article, the author introduces the result of analysis in Japan which went with the Emmanuel Saez professor in the University of California, Berkeley including the latest estimation and clarifies a change with long-range gap in the country.
The data in Japan is at the following point and is worth about the attention.
First, because Meiji Government introduced an income tax in 1887 prior to the Europe and America, it lasts in 125, the time-series data which is longer than any country is gotten.

Moreover, it is different from the Europe and America where the Industrial Revolution was developing in the middle stage in the 19th century, all the processes of the modern growth are included in this data period.

As for Japan, the Western countries ran through the process of the half in 1 century or the overcoming industrialization at the speed of doing the duple.
Will such rapid growth be accompanied by the centering of the income and the wealth?
This article continues.