文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

related with Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China.

2015年02月24日 23時21分03秒 | 日記

The following is from Wikipedia which is related with Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China.

In 1949, from which the Communist Party of China which leads Mao Tse-tung controlled a continent and the People's Republic of China was formed and it Kuomintang Chiang Chieh-shih in the Republic of China escaped from to Taiwan, the Japan is still under the occupation of the GHQ, or admit any as legitimate government of China did not free will is given to Japan itself.

As for the San Francisco peace conference concerning the independence of Japan in 1951, too, because the delegacy in China was in the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China which, and in Union country, for the United States and the United Kingdom of opinion did not match, neither was invited it was supposed to devote pacification in Japan and China to the judgement in Japan after the independence.

However, for Japan which links the U.S. with an alliance by the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and it have his name entered in a list of the liberal national group, it isn't possible at all to have diplomatic relations with the communism, and it chooses Taiwan to link Japan-Taiwan Peace Treaty among the Republic of China governments in Taiwan in next 1952, and so on, as the orthodox administration.

With this, it isn't possible to do the public contact with the side of the Chinese Communist Party and it stayed in the alternating current with the private level through Japan-China Friendship Association which was established in 1950 and so on.

The action to prohibit China-bound export completely, and so on, was taken from December of same year, and the Chinese Communist Party supported the North Korean side about the Korean War and had entered the war, too, and as for the toward communist China diplomacy, there was not developing under Yoshida Shigeru administration at all.

he said as for the war, like a Chinese citizen, the Japanese people, too, are a victim.

2015年02月24日 22時05分16秒 | 日記

There was a great writer, Akutagawa Ryunosuke (March 1st, 1892 - July 24th, 1927), in Japan.

He wrote that around is ugly and he is ugly too. And he wrote that looking directly at it and living were hard. It proclaimed that the human being was the miserable or foolish human being who cannot conquer an egoism.

His genius would be because it was too sharp, but he committed suicide and ended his lifetime.

For the Communist Party of China, Mao Tse-tung knew that Japan was a benefactor as it.

When Kouzou Sasaki, the previous Socialist Party chairperson where there was a visit to China apologized to him for the war, Mao Tse-tung answered that apologizing wasn't necessary because there was not Communist Party of China's victory, if the Japanese military (the Imperial Army) didn't fight against the Kuomintang.

When concluding Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China, he said as for the war, like a Chinese citizen, the Japanese people, too, are a victim.

It said that the war was such one and it renounced the request of everything to Japan.

The failure of the Great Leap policy, and then, by the failure of Cultural Revolution in the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China conclusion eve, it was making a state fall into the financial crisis and he in this case fitted the condition which isn't exaggerated even if it said the national existence was in imminent danger.

It knew that there was only Japan in his revamping China, too.

Japan provided the maximum financial support of the human history as much as he hoped which rises up to several times the national budget in China in those days and technical assistance such as the maximum infrastructure construction of the human history.

That this became the foundation of the development of China today is a historic fact.

It is the people in China which could not teach this fact at all from the rulers who appeared after Mao Tse-tung and Zhou En-lai were dead that it doesn't know.

It is the human beings of the part in the U.S. which truly receives the anti-Japanese propaganda which was begun for the dictator Jiang Zemin since then to Miss the eyes of the criticism of the people and the people of the part in the world that it doesn't know.

There is Overseas Chinese of the millionaire who met me by the introduction of my friend, and we were going to very familiar. It is Xi Jinping that it seems very familiar with him, be a right human being.

Xi Jinping don't expose an ignominious evil to the world any more.

He was writing the fact magnificently that all began from here,

2015年02月24日 20時24分39秒 | 日記

Now, by the earth legend of the BBC production, it was telling Constantine the Great making Christianity a state religion in the Roman Empire.

As for the concept to have been thinking of from the time when I am young, instantly, the town to have made notice the answer was Rome.

In other words, it is the town where the turntable of civilization was made.

It is when staying at Rome 8 days calling on the painter who was a close friend at the classmate.

I who entered Villa Borghese gardens which is in the downtown was surprised that the sentences of Lord Byron were carved in the casual monument which was in the entrance.

He was writing the fact magnificently that all began from here, Rome is the beginning of the civilization of the Europe and America.

I thought.

It will not be exaggerated even if Constantine the Great is called the father of the European and American civilization if being.

It puts on a face like a spokesman of the justice and talks about

2015年02月24日 14時15分18秒 | 日記

Even so, she doesn't tell all of being true.
She says only in the partial truth.
Even if it supposes that it took the circumstances into consideration when it is a limit in Korea in now.
It heard her way of talking and I thought.
For example, it does a completely similar way of speaking like a professor of the Korean resident in Japan and so on.
In them, the being of the essential lie is done in their system and the actual state of their country in or the being of it of their doing such a way of speaking is done.
By their doing such a way of speaking, because their system and the actual state of their country have an essential lie in them.

It puts on a face like a spokesman of the justice and talks about whether or not they don't know in the knowing of the thing.
It is that peculiar way of talking.
It was neatly deceived by this or it advanced personally and it is the false moralists that sided.
There was Asahi Shimbun which took the person who fabricated a military comfort woman problem.
That is, there were a fool for whom it is difficult to believe a name, the lawyer, who ground on to dashing forward recklessly to this in the philosophy which isn't exaggerated even if it said that defeated nation Japan was believing in case of being the country of the hoodlum completely except themselves, going to the United Nations and diminishing Japan.

However, it is the speech and action where it is natural to do in the corporate-state.

2015年02月24日 13時54分46秒 | 日記

The news show was reporting the state to be interviewing in the press club with the woman professor who would enter the decent class of Korea in now, visiting Japan.
She published the book which proved the lie of the military comfort woman problem in the range which can be just barely said only there in Korea in now about the military comfort woman problem.

However, she seems to receive terrible bashing in Korea.

It was flowing through the picture which is doing a demonstration march to her, too, it tells that it throws oneself on the ground here, by the speech it is unworthy behavior to democracy.

However, it is the speech and action where it is natural to do in the corporate-state.

If saying for them to have been demanding in many ways, of the publishing ban request of her book, and to her, it is telling that it throws herself on the ground in front of the people.

In other words, there is not free speech with the true meaning in Korea.

As for the world, it should know that the essence in Korea is a corporate-state, being irresponsible.
It is as a result of them who came without righting Ri Seung-man.
Or, it meets as the result in the becoming country as telling a lie is natural and it is because of no one.
If saying forcibly, it meets as a result of continuing a dependency state in China for 2000 years and it is because of no one.

If saying a grudge to the condition, it has no choice but to say to China.

However, it is fearful of them to China which is a neighbor huge country, China which made them a dependency for 2000 years and face to face, they can say nothing.

In the feeling of bitterness, it becomes a defeated nation and it continues to turn to Japan which renounced arms.
Because Japan was different from China and became the country to never attack.

Not concerning to have been a way of merging with Japan which themselves chose in the world situation in those days, too, and fabricating this in case of being a colony.

This article continues


if there is no commitment that not move the goal post anymore,

2015年02月24日 12時36分19秒 | 日記

The following is from the conversation article which crosses p29 from p20 in the number of March of Voice.

There is truth in this article which the people should know, the Japanese people, the Korean people, and the people who fancy to be a fact of inaccurate lobbying which the political group of China and Korea are going in the U.S.

There is truth in here which the people who are on the other side of the intellect that is weak-headed people should know.

There is truth in this article which the people all over the world should know which is doing a stupid thing to the extent that it is difficult to believe to hear the complaint of the monocrats and the totalists who are doing the party monocracy of the Communist Party and Totalitarianism even if it becomes in the 21st century.


I am also feelings in South Korea in about wrote also book called "Sorrowful peninsula national Korean ending" (PHP Shinsho), but accepted not be by all means, it is "be moved the goal posts" in diplomacy.

If analogy to American football, because the goal itself moves, negotiations can not touch down (settled) forever.

Spending 20 years from 1945, Japan while using well the America, has signed Korea and basic treaty.

Because it is a basic treaty, it is exactly what should be the cornerstone of bilateral, but South Korea is not protected its premise.

They also say there will be for. However, if there is no commitment that not move the goal post anymore, Japan or concessions something in between with South Korea, it is not possible to make the political decision.

However, doing such promise isn't eager in the Korean side.

Because, it is because toward Japan problem changes into the problem of the domestic politics, the support rate maintenance by the administration.

This article continues

Miyake Kunihiko (Foreign Policy Research Institute representative) in 1953, Born in Kanagawa Prefecture. After the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, graduating, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in. Japan-US Security Treaty Division, Chinese Embassy Minister, and Middle East Africa Bureau Counsellor etc. served. 2005 years, retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was appointed foreign policy Institute representative. Since '09, serving concurrently as Canon Institute for Global Studies research mission manager. Book, "Sorrowful peninsula national Korean ending" (PHP Institute), etc. in.

Sato Masaru (writer and former Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chief analysis officer),1960, Born in Tokyo. Doshisha University Graduate School of Theology Graduate School after completion, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in. Through the Russian Japanese embassy work, '88, International Intelligence Agency analysis first Division Chief Analysis officer appointed. 2002 years. Arrested in breach of trust and fraudulent means obstruction of business charges, be prosecuted, June 09. Guilty confirm, to lose their jobs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "National Trap" (Shinchosha) to book such a large number.