文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

People of Japan are polite, it is kind, and the subway is convenient,

2015年02月10日 20時29分30秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter. It is excerpting from the interview article of Asahi Shimbun on February 7th.

"However, the racism in China is slowly: it thinks that it is improved."

The omission

"Even if the comer may decrease from Japan to China even if the diplomatic relations may be aggravated, the person who goes to Japan is increasing. Moreover, it is writing a comment in the Internet pleasantly.

People of Japan are polite, it is kind, and the subway is convenient, saying the landscape is beautiful, they have been originating the feelings of the Japanese that they have touched."

"What we should not miss, when so much China-Japan relationship is complex, it is that the private sector is keeping a close relationship. It is considered separately with, the politics you, we interact with the economy and culture. The Chinese have been gradually mature."

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they have been originating the feelings of the Japanese that they have touched.

2015年02月10日 17時56分39秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter. It is excerpting from the interview article of Asahi Shimbun on February 7th.

"However, the racism in China is slowly: it thinks that it is improved."

The omission

"Even if the comer may decrease from Japan to China even if the diplomatic relations may be aggravated, the person who goes to Japan is increasing. Moreover, it is writing a comment in the Internet pleasantly.

People of Japan are polite, it is kind, and the subway is convenient, saying the landscape is beautiful, they have been originating the feelings of the Japanese that they have touched."

"What we should not miss, when so much China-Japan relationship is complex, it is that the private sector is keeping a close relationship. You do politics, we communicate by the economy and the culture, it is considered separately. The Chinese have been gradually mature."

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it isn't possible to make even one policy guideline of the Chinese government.

2015年02月10日 17時51分43秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The following is from the interview article which Asahi Shimbun on February 7th included by using big space.

Kafka Prize writer Yan Lianke, he was born in 1958 at the farm village Henan in china. The Lao She literary award, Lu-xun literary award winning in China.

- What will the literature be able to do?

To publish, it is conscious of the intention of the officials and it should cannot help writing it.

"The literature, there is no power to change the world. Even if there are 100 people of Lu-xun, it isn't possible to make even one policy guideline of the Chinese government. However, indifferently to the social problem, it isn't possible to be. Are you confronted without running away from the reality which changed as heaven and a place were replaced by the reform opening and how do you draw?

I think that I sense the concealed truth and logic and that I want to think of the technique to draw in 10 and in 20."



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they cannot show their face to the businessmen are working for the world

2015年02月10日 17時45分52秒 | 日記

Because I continued to subscribe to more than 40 years of Asahi Shimbun with the newspaper which includes such an article.

Cannot be known to the human that has been active in the business world, for that man or events you should know is present in the world,

To human beings of mass media that are living in the world of speech may be learned, and they have to know.

If it is not so, they cannot show their face to the businessmen are working for the world and for the people every day by passing the blood and sweat and tears,

The businessmen, we want to make this world more prosperous so that we are working.

Much more Asahi Shimbun is the group which gets high pay and high social security, those are one of the Japanese best.

Every day, it should continue to write about the phenomenon in the world which isn't defeated to NHK, the truth of the world, the person in the world who should know and so on.

In time which is repeating the criticism of the chairman in NHK using the valuable paper, and so on, it is not in you.
If there is such time, it should continue to criticize repeatedly until they correct “the evil which isn't known in the bottom” “the plausible lie" in China and Korea.

However, they continued to criticize Japan which is the country which has the best intellect of the world and the liberty.

It is not merely criticism and there is no basis in the incorrigible wrong impression to say that they are right in.

Believing the one which has no basis, the false moralism to have been made to dwell in the head where merely exam study came only at a little, with the right one in the one of the high level,

It continued high-handed criticism to the Japanese people and Japan that have one of the best intellect in the world and have the liberty one of best, too.

The foolishness of the editorialist who continued to do such a thing and the staff who are conforming this has led the downfall of the Asahi Shimbun in now.

If not thinking of stopping burying a paper by the opinion of the such fools and the too horrible advertisement, and if not going to change a paper burying by such good article,

No future in Asahi Shimbun.

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The Chinese doubts and doesn't trust a Chinese government.

2015年02月10日 16時58分37秒 | 日記

The other day, I wrote about the differences between Chinese and Korean.

In particular, I wrote about the attitude towards the government and administration.

The following part is proving the right of my article.

The following is from the interview article which Asahi Shimbun on February 7th.

Sentence surplus coordination by me.

"It visited Japan with the young writer in China at that time and it planned to communicate with the writer in Japan but it had been canceled in the eve. In China, the flagrant writer and the highbrow kept the silence as some species, the group. The insensibility which disobeyed good sense as the highbrow became ashamed."

- Mr. Yan Lianke appealed for "When the culture and the literature are done by the cold reception and disappear, are there any meanings such as the area of the country, aren't there?”

"The writer in China has the common recognition that it should not have an interest in the political issue. Defend yourself, do not talk too much. It is also the experience and lessons our predecessors left behind. But, as intellectuals of one, is it good indifferent to this problem, and I thought with."

The omission

"The Chinese doubts and doesn't trust a Chinese government. There is a rather despised aspect, too. Nevertheless, it seems to believe historical perspective with toward Japan relation which the Chinese government tells, there is a little complicated situation."

The omit the last part

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à propos de la différence entre les Chinois et les Coréens.

2015年02月10日 16時22分18秒 | 日記

L'autre jour, je ai écrit à propos de la différence entre les Chinois et les Coréens.

Plus précisément, il a écrit à propos de l'attitude du gouvernement et de l'administration, mais la partie suivante se avère le droit de mon article.

Ce qui suit est de l'article d'entrevue qui Asahi Shimbun, le 7 Février inclus en utilisant grand espace.

"Il a visité le Japon avec le jeune écrivain en Chine à cette époque et qu'il prévoyait de communiquer avec l'écrivain au Japon mais il avait été annulé dans la veille.

En Chine, l'écrivain flagrante et l'intello gardé le silence comme certaines espèces, le groupe.

L'inconscience où désobéi bon sens que la honte est devenu intello.

- M. Yan Lianke appel pour "Quand la culture, la littérature se font par l'accueil froid et disparaître, il ya ce significations telles que la zone (du pays)".

"L'écrivain en Chine a la reconnaissance commune qu'il ne devrait pas avoir un intérêt dans la question politique. De ce soit possible de se défendre et de ne pas bavarder trop. Ce est l'expérience et la leçon que le précurseur gauche. Cependant, il pensé si je suis indifférent à ce problème comme une savante et si oui ou non ce était bon. "


"Les doutes chinois et n'a pas confiance à un gouvernement chinois. Il ya un aspect plutôt méprisé, aussi. Néanmoins, il semble croire perspective historique avec le Japon vers relation qui le gouvernement chinois dit, il ya un petit situation compliquée."

Le omettre la dernière partie

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L'altro giorno, ho scritto circa la differenza dei cinesi e coreani.

2015年02月10日 16時21分50秒 | 日記

L'altro giorno, ho scritto circa la differenza dei cinesi e coreani.

In particolare, ha scritto circa l'atteggiamento del governo e l'amministrazione, ma la seguente parte sta dimostrando il diritto del mio articolo.

La seguente è dall'articolo intervista che Asahi Shimbun il 7 febbraio incluso utilizzando grande spazio.

"E 'visitato il Giappone con il giovane scrittore in Cina in quel momento e ha progettato per comunicare con lo scrittore in Giappone, ma che era stato annullato in vigilia.

In Cina, lo scrittore flagrante e l'intellettuale mantenuto il silenzio, come alcune specie, il gruppo.

L'insensibilità che disobbedì buon senso come intellettuale è diventato vergogna.

- Mr. Yan Lianke appello per "Quando la cultura, la letteratura sono fatte dalla fredda accoglienza e scompaiono, ci sono quello significati come l'area (del paese)".

"Lo scrittore in Cina ha il riconoscimento comune che non dovrebbe avere un interesse per la questione politica. Di esso sarà possibile difendersi e non a chiacchiere troppo. E 'l'esperienza e la lezione che il precursore sinistra. Tuttavia, pensavo anche io sono indifferente a questo problema come una intellettuale e se sia o non era buono ".


"I dubbi cinesi e non si fida di un governo cinese. C'è un aspetto piuttosto disprezzata, troppo. Tuttavia, sembra credere prospettiva storica con verso il Giappone rapporto che il governo cinese dice, c'è un po 'situazione complicata."

L'omettere l'ultima parte

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acerca de la diferencia de los chinos y los coreanos.

2015年02月10日 16時21分18秒 | 日記

El otro día, escribí acerca de la diferencia de los chinos y los coreanos.

En concreto, se escribió sobre la actitud hacia el gobierno y la administración, pero la siguiente parte está demostrando la derecha de mi artículo.

El siguiente es del artículo de entrevista que Asahi Shimbun el 7 de febrero incluyó al utilizar el espacio grande.

"Es visitó Japón con el joven escritor en China en ese momento y que planeaba comunicar con el escritor en Japón, pero que había sido cancelado en la víspera.

En China, el escritor flagrante y la culta mantienen el silencio como algunas especies, el grupo.

La insensibilidad que desobedeció buen sentido como el intelectual se convirtió en vergüenza.

- Sr. Yan Lianke pidió "Cuando la cultura, la literatura se realizan por la recepción fría y desaparecen, hay qué significados tales como el área (del país)".

"El escritor en China tiene el reconocimiento común de que no debe tener un interés en el tema político. De ser posible para defenderse y no a charlar demasiado. Es la experiencia y la lección que el precursor fue. Sin embargo, pensé si o no me es indiferente a este problema como uno intelectual y si es o no era bueno ".

la omisión

"Las dudas chinos y no confía en el gobierno chino. Hay un aspecto más despreciado, también. Sin embargo, parece creer perspectiva histórica con relación a Japón, que el gobierno chino dice, hay un poco complicada situación."

El omitir la última parte

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über den Unterschied der chinesischen und koreanischen.

2015年02月10日 16時20分43秒 | 日記

Neulich schrieb ich über den Unterschied der chinesischen und koreanischen.

Insbesondere über die Haltung der Regierung und der Verwaltung geschrieben hat, aber die folgenden Teil erweist sich das Recht meines Artikels.

Hier finden Sie aus dem Interview Artikel, der Asahi Shimbun am 7. Februar mit Hilfe großer Raum enthalten.

"Er besuchte Japan mit dem jungen Schriftsteller in China zu dieser Zeit und es mit dem Schriftsteller in Japan kommunizieren geplant, aber es war am Vorabend abgesagt.

In China, dem eklatanten Schriftsteller und der Hochkultur hielt das Schweigen als einigen Arten der Gruppe.

Die Unempfindlichkeit der Vernunft gehorcht wie die deutsche Hoch schämten.

- Herr Yan Lianke appellierte für "Wenn die Kultur, der Literatur werden durch den kalten Empfang getan und verschwinden, gibt es, was Bedeutungen wie die Gegend (des Landes)."

"Der Schriftsteller in China hat die gemeinsame Anerkennung, dass es nicht ein Interesse an der politischen Thema. Von es möglich, sich zu verteidigen und nicht zu viel zu schwatzen. Es ist die Erfahrung und die Lektion, die der Vorläufer gelassen. Es ist jedoch dachte, ob ich gleichgültig für dieses Problem als eine anspruchsvolle und ob es gut war. "

das Weglassen

"Die Chinesen Zweifel und nicht traut einen chinesischen Regierung. Es ist ein ziemlich verachtet Aspekt auch. Dennoch scheint es, die historische Perspektive mit in Richtung Japan Beziehung, die die chinesische Regierung sagt, es ist ein wenig komplizierte Situation zu glauben."

Das lassen Sie den letzten Teil

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No outro dia, eu escrevi sobre a diferença dos chineses e coreanos.

2015年02月10日 16時20分13秒 | 日記

No outro dia, eu escrevi sobre a diferença dos chineses e coreanos.

Especificamente, ele escreveu sobre a atitude em relação ao governo e à administração, mas a parte seguinte está a revelar-se o direito do meu artigo.

O que se segue é a partir do artigo entrevista que Asahi Shimbun em 7 de fevereiro incluído usando grande espaço.

"Ele visitou o Japão com o jovem escritor na China naquela época e que planejava para se comunicar com o escritor no Japão, mas tinha sido cancelado na véspera.

Na China, o escritor flagrante eo erudito manteve o silêncio como algumas espécies, o grupo.

A insensibilidade que desobedeceu bom senso como o intelectual tornou-se envergonhado.

- Mr. Yan Lianke apelou para "Quando a cultura, a literatura é feito pela recepção fria e desaparecer, há que significados, tais como a área (do país)".

"O escritor na China tem o reconhecimento comum de que ele não deve ter um interesse na questão política. De ser possível defender-se e não a bater muito. É a experiência ea lição que o precursor para a esquerda. No entanto, pensou se ou não eu sou indiferente a este problema como um intelectual e se é ou não foi bom. "

a omissão

"As dúvidas chineses e não confiar em um governo chinês. Há um aspecto bastante desprezado, também. No entanto, parece acreditar perspectiva histórica com direção ao Japão relação que o governo chinês diz, há um pouco situação complicada."

O omitir a última parte

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2015年02月10日 16時19分42秒 | 日記







- 閻連科先生呼籲“當文化,文學被冷遇完成而消失,有什麼樣的意義,如(國)的區域”。





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2015年02月10日 16時19分11秒 | 日記







- 阎连科先生呼吁“当文化,文学被冷遇完成而消失,有什么样的意义,如(国)的区域”。





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한국의 차이에 대해 썼다.

2015年02月10日 16時18分36秒 | 日記

다른 날, 나는 중국과 한국의 차이에 대해 썼다.

구체적으로는 정부와 관리에 대한 태도에 대해 쓴하지만 다음과 같은 부분은 내 문서의 권리를 증명한다.

다음은 월 7 일 아사히 신문이 큰 공간을 사용하여 포함 된 인터뷰 기사에서이다.

"그것은 일본은 그 당시 중국의 젊은 작가와 함께 방문하고 일본에서 작가와 통신 할 예정 있지만 직전에 취소되었다.

중국의 악명 높은 작가와 지식인은 어떤 종, 그룹으로 침묵을 지켰다.

지식인이 부끄러워지면서 좋은 감각을 거역 무감각.

- 씨 염련과는 호소 "문화, 문학이 푸대접에 의해 수행 사라질 때, 같은 (국가의) 영역으로 의미가 무엇 있습니다".

"중국의 작가는 정치 문제에 관심을 가지고는 안된다는 공통 인식을 가지고있다. 그것은 스스로를 방어 할 수있을 너무 많이 댔다하지 않는 중. 그것은 그러나. 경험과 전신 왼쪽 교훈, 그것을 내가 한 지식인으로이 문제에 무관심 오전 여부에 좋았 여부를 생각했다. "


"중국 의심하고 중국 정부를 신뢰하지 않습니다. 오히려 멸시 측면도 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 중국 정부가 말해 일본의 관계를 향해, 조금 복잡한 상황이 역사적 관점을 믿을 것 같다."

생략 마지막 부분

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2015年02月10日 16時18分04秒 | 日記

На днях я написал о разнице китайцев и корейском.

В частности, он писал об отношении к власти и администрации, а следующая часть будет, подтверждающий право моей статьи.

Ниже из статьи интервью, которое Asahi Shimbun 7 февраля включены с помощью большого пространства.

"Это посетил Японию с молодым писателем в Китае в то время, и он планирует общаться с писателем в Японии, но он был отменен в канун.

В Китае вопиющим писатель и интеллектуал сохранил молчание, как некоторые виды, группы.

Нечувствительность, которые ослушались хорошее чувство, как интеллектуал стало стыдно.

- Г-н Ян Lianke обратился за "Когда культура, литература делается на холодный прием и исчезают, есть какие смыслы таких, как район (страны)".

"Писатель в Китае имеет общее признание, что он не должен иметь интерес к политическому вопросу. Из его можно защитить себя, а не болтать слишком много. Это опыт и урок, который оставил предшественник. Однако, это считает ли я или нет равнодушными к этой проблеме, как один интеллектуал и действительно ли это было хорошо ".


"Китайские сомнения и не доверять китайским правительством. Существует довольно презираемым аспект тоже. Тем не менее, похоже, считают, историческую перспективу с к Японии отношение, которое китайское правительство говорит, есть немного сложная ситуация."

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despre diferenta de chinezi și coreeană.

2015年02月10日 16時17分29秒 | 日記

Zilele trecute, am scris despre diferenta de chinezi și coreeană.

Mai exact, a scris despre atitudinea guvernului și administrației, dar următoarea parte se dovedește dreptul de articolul meu.

Următoarele este de la articolul interviu care Asahi Shimbun pe 7 februarie inclus folosind spațiul mare.

"Este vizitat Japonia cu tânărul scriitor în China, la acel moment și planificat să comunice cu scriitorul în Japonia, dar a fost anulat în ajunul.

În China, scriitorul flagrantă și provenienta de clasa păstrat tăcerea ca unele specii, grupul.

Insensibilitatea care nu a ascultat simț de bun ca provenienta de clasa a devenit rușine.

- Dl. Yan Lianke apel pentru "Atunci când cultura, literatura de specialitate se face de catre receptia rece și dispar, sunt ceea ce semnificații cum ar fi zona (țării)".

"Scriitorul din China are comun recunoașterea faptului că aceasta nu ar trebui să aibă un interes în problema politică. Din fi posibil să se apere și să nu vorbească prea mult. Este experiența și lecția pe care predecesorul stânga. Cu toate acestea, gândit dacă sunt sau nu sunt indiferenți față de această problemă ca o provenienta de clasa și dacă este sau nu a fost bine. "


"Îndoielile chinezi și nu are încredere un guvern chinez. Este un aspect destul de disprețuit, de asemenea. Cu toate acestea, se pare să creadă perspectivă istorică cu față de ceea Japonia, care spune guvernul chinez, există o situație puțin complicat."

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