文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In now to be made to continue to see the lie to be disgusted by which such

2015年10月01日 23時13分49秒 | 日記

Until August of last year, it may say that I didn't know Takayama Masayuki in the real meaning.

Because, being foolish really for a long time, too, was a subscriber in Asahi newspaper about me.

He joined the Sankei, and served as a social section desk, because human beings that has undergone such as bureau chief in Los Angeles, Tehran, and so on.

Now, I think.

He inherits the mettle and the mind of the rare forerunners who accomplished the Meiji restoration which is a big revolution in the real thing in the world's history, too.

It is the human beings who are making Japanese society, the human beings who are in the Asahi and Mainichi and so on, they are complete good for nothing in direct opposition.

Therefore, they continue to do the saying of that it is difficult to believe really such as that it is possible to learn to the foreign country always.

Of them, even such aspect, also, but it has proved the correctness of my editorial.

In other words, as for them, at the school of the gang which was under my alma mater, is the group of human beings that the performance was little good only.

Because for example, it is possible to catch up with my alma mater and such a thing is the human beings who lived in the supreme proposition, always, they will try to follow others and other countries,

Such, there is no first-class mettle, they are proving that it is the group of the second-class human beings.

In now to be made to continue to see the lie to be disgusted by which such they continue and that it is farfetched and the moralism of the put-on, it isn't exaggerated even if it says that Takayama Masayuki is the eminent savant in the world who knows the truth of the modern world.

In the next chapter, yesterday, from his writings that I introduced, to introduce the stunning sentence, indeed.

Where would there need to be financial assistance to the country.

2015年10月01日 22時06分35秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

It is from the Sankei newspaper of 2014/ 5 / 5

The reconsideration theory which cannot be yet seen

China passes Japan for the first time by the gross domestic product (GDP) in 22 and GDP in 25 becomes about twice Japan in the name.

China continues its military expansion to back the economic strength, the Navy ships cruise the East China Sea and the South China Sea as if it were their own, they have deployed a frequent military exercises in the western Pacific.

Moreover, China is going to plunder openly the Senkaku Islands, which is a territory of Japan.

Where would there need to be financial assistance to the country.

It isn't possible to be seen for now about what ODA to China policy Shinzo Abe administration works out.

But, the answer should have come long ago already.

If leaving such an ODA to China policy, becoming the cause of the laughingstock in the coming ages is sure.

the clause 5 of Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government

2015年10月01日 21時47分53秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

It is from the Sankei newspaper of 2014/ 5 / 5

* The following is my additional notes.

The catching by China with the substitution of the war reparation

In the first place, there is recognition to have the implication of the substitution of the war reparation to China in the Chinese side about the ODA giving which depends on Japan.

In the clause 5 of Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China to have let out in September, 1972, China has declared that it will abandon the claim for compensation war against Japan, it is a complete mistake if the Chinese have the recognition that alternative of war reparations.

*the clause 5 of Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China to have let out in September, 1972 (from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs official documents.)

People's Republic of China government, for China and Japan national friendship, declares that to abandon a claim for war reparations against Japan.

However, it came to Japan in May 2000, Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan (then), "ODA to China is the act of replacing compensation after the war" he showed the recognition that.

In other words, it may say that the consciousness that " it is natural that Japan provides a fund to we China and that it is possible provides is if anything called a duty" is in their root.

This article continues

It was left but the grant aid and technical cooperation are....

2015年10月01日 21時05分44秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

It is from the Sankei newspaper of 2014/ 5 / 5

It was left but the grant aid and technical cooperation are....

At the time it decides the continuation of the grant aid and technical cooperation, Within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although there was the voice for human resource development, such as study abroad support "The significance to foster the cadet responsible for the future China in the pro-Japanese is big" but if you look a storm of anti-Japanese that swept in China, such contemplation can be said to be completely off.

However, the motion that was noticeable in that it reconsider anew the ODA donor for China is not happening to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Rather, it has highlighted the achievements and effectiveness of grant aid and technical cooperation.

National data book about the ODA, for the ODA donor to China, "It is important in order to promote the healthy development of bilateral private promotion of mutual understanding also Japan and China relations, efforts through ODA in such fields still has a certain significance" it wrote.

This article continues

However, grant aid and technical cooperation is a "gift", in Japan not returned a single yen.

2015年10月01日 17時56分58秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

It is from the Sankei Shimbun of 2014. / 5 / .5.

When I look at the '24 edition ODA White Paper again the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued, grant aid to China 23 years is about $ 13 million, technical cooperation 2, 87 billion and a total of about $ 300 million.

When attempting to vary at 100 yen per dollar, the fund which reaches 30 billion yen, too, flows through China from Japan.

Yen loan to lend the funds at low interest rates, as long as China does not deny, it is collected in time by Japan.

However, grant aid and technical cooperation is a "gift", in Japan not returned a single yen.

When it decides to stop donor of ODA loans, the grant aid and technical assistance has been continued, yellow sand, infectious diseases, and measures such as air pollution, and to deepen people-to-people exchange that was centered on students, there has been aim of trying to build the Japan and China the two countries mutually beneficial relationship.

It is difficult to obtain the understanding of Japan-domestic in yen loans to provide a huge amount of money in the background, but in environmental measures, and it bore the advance of the Japanese-affiliated firm in the mind, if aid to the social system development in China, it says that the reading that will not rise, too, was in the government about the big opposite voice.

But, concerns to health damage in Japan due to the fact that the fine particulate material "PM2.5" that have occurred in China flows, after thinking extensive damage to Japanese companies due to frequent anti-Japanese riots, it is whether these grant aid and technical cooperation is to increase the degree of effect, we have to say very doubtful.

This article continues

The world doesn't have to say that it doesn't know at all.

2015年10月01日 17時24分44秒 | 日記

As for the great part of the Japanese people, it doesn't know this fact at all.

Because, the Asahi and Mainichi tell hardly.

The world doesn't have to say that it doesn't know at all.

However, if knowing this fact, in the wickedness of calling party monocrats in the Communist Party, it will become clear to the eyes of anyone how.

The instigator by whom Japan seems to be the fool where it is true that it does but it makes such Japan is Asahi newspaper.

The following is from the Sankei newspaper of 2014. / 5 / .5.

Repeat the territorial waters violation to the Senkaku Islands (Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture), such as unilaterally to set the air defense identification zone in the East China Sea over, China continues to take the expansion principle specific policy.

As for China, Japan has continued official development aid (ODA) still, the amount becomes 30 billion yen in one year, too.

Watching vigilantly for Senkaku-shoto which is the territory that is peculiar to Japan, wielding a history problem, in China which tries to diminish honor in Japan in the international community thoroughly, the fund offer is....

I cannot believe the flurry, but it is also a fact irrefutable.

This moment also...3.65 trillion yen in ODA is in China

ODA is roughly divided by three, Yen loan to lend the funds at low interest, Grant aid of donating the funds without repayment obligation, Dispatch of experts with skills and knowledge and Technical cooperation to support the development plan.

ODA donor to China began in 1980.

Since then, until the 2011 fiscal year, Japan has been donating yen loan 3 trillion 316.4 billion yen, grant aid 156.6 billion yen, a technical cooperation 177.2 billion yen to China.

ODA loans once dropped on large infrastructure such as China domestic airports and ports, railways and transportation network maintenance, and power plants, became the foundation for China's economic development.

However, in response to the criticism, such as "the development of infrastructure that could result in to prop up as a result, the Chinese military buildup," "there are either opaque portion yen loan is being used how in China." , to up to 20 years Beijing Olympics before, Japan ends the new donor to China, both governments reach an agreement.

In the last that six of the projects both in the December 2, 2007 has been confirmed, cease to be newly provided an ODA loan to China.

But, it is still continuing for grant aid and technical assistance.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in '24 of national data book about the ODA, which has issued a total of the amount of grant aid and technical cooperation to China of 23 fiscal year amounted to about 4.1 billion yen.

However, this is only to a Ministry of Foreign Affairs part, numbers combined other ministries such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Education further jumps.

Situation to be "gifts" is also year 30 billion yen in China 

This article continues

Cependant, je suis en train d'écrire un chapitre précédent et remarqué.

2015年10月01日 15時45分39秒 | 日記

Cependant, je suis en train d'écrire un chapitre précédent et remarqué.

Dire étant le journal qui représente le Japon, il donne dans le Asahi, comme pour flatter, par le journal New York Times, et par les principaux journaux en Allemagne, en Corée désigne un pays, et ce sera la Chine et ainsi de suite.

Je informer le monde que personne partout dans le monde sauf moi une annonce.

Particularités de Asahi, certainement, alors qu'aucun journal plus stupides comme le Asahi est présent au Japon, le titre peut être en cours.

En d'autres termes, l'ONU est une organisation très importante pour le monde, et si vous regardez la situation réelle qui est venu maintenue jusqu'à ce que cela,

Les États-Unis et le Japon, sont venus à maintenir et à continuer à payer d'énormes sommes d'argent qui a été massivement tirent le troisième-ème pays,

La justesse de mon éditorial, encore une fois, mais il a été prouvé à 100%.

Particularités de Asahi dévoile la définition de la puissance, paradoxalement.

Cet article continue

Comunque, stavo scrivendo un capitolo

2015年10月01日 15時45分00秒 | 日記

Comunque, stavo scrivendo un capitolo precedente e notai.

Dire di essere il giornale che rappresenta il Giappone, dà in Asahi, come seducenti, dal giornale New York Times, e dai principali quotidiani in Germania, Corea nomina di un paese, e sarà la Cina e così via.

Informo il mondo che nessuno in tutto il mondo tranne me comunicazioni.

Caratteristiche speciali di Asahi, certo, mentre nessun giornale più stupido come la Asahi è presente in Giappone, il titolo può essere attuale.

In altre parole, le Nazioni Unite sono un'organizzazione molto importante per il mondo, e se si guarda alla situazione reale che veniva mantenuta fino a questo,

Gli Stati Uniti e il Giappone, è venuto a mantenere e continuare a pagare ingenti somme di denaro che è stato schiacciante tirano il paese terzo-esimo,

La correttezza del mio editoriale, di nuovo, ma è stato dimostrato 100%.

Particolarità della Asahi rivela la definizione di centrale elettrica paradossalmente.

Questo articolo continua

Sin embargo, yo estaba escribiendo

2015年10月01日 15時44分29秒 | 日記

Sin embargo, yo estaba escribiendo un capítulo anterior y se dio cuenta.

Diciendo ser el periódico que representa Japón, se da en el Asahi, como para halagador, por el diario New York Times, y por los principales periódicos de Alemania, Corea nomina a un país, y que será de China y así sucesivamente.

Informo el mundo que nadie en todo el mundo excepto yo avisos.

Características especiales de Asahi, sin duda, mientras que ningún periódico más estúpidos como el Asahi está presente en Japón, el título puede ser actual.

En otras palabras, las Naciones Unidas son una organización muy importante para el mundo, y si nos fijamos en la situación real que venía mantiene hasta que esto,

Los Estados Unidos y Japón, llegaron a mantener y seguir pagando enormes cantidades de dinero que se tiran de forma abrumadora el tercer º país,

La corrección de mi editorial, de nuevo, pero se ha demostrado 100%.

Características especiales de Asahi revela la definición de potencia paradójicamente.

Este artículo continúa

Allerdings war ich das Schreiben

2015年10月01日 15時43分55秒 | 日記

Allerdings war ich das Schreiben eines vorangegangenen Kapitel und bemerkte.

Zu sagen, dass die Zeitung, die Japan darstellt, gibt es in der Asahi, wie schmeichelhaft, von der New York Times Papier und von den führenden Tageszeitungen in Deutschland, nominiert Korea ein Land, und es wird China sein und so weiter.

Ich informiere Sie der Welt, dass niemand in der ganzen Welt außer mir bemerkt.

Besonderheiten der Asahi, natürlich, während kein dümmer Zeitung wie die Asahi in Japan vorhanden ist, der Titel kann aktuell sein.

Mit anderen Worten, sind die Vereinten Nationen eine sehr wichtige Organisation für die Welt, und wenn man sich die aktuelle Situation, die bis diese aufrechterhalten kam aussehen,

Die Vereinigten Staaten und Japan, kam zu erhalten und weiterhin riesige Mengen an Geld, die mit überwältigender Mehrheit zu ziehen war die dritte-ten Land zu zahlen,

Die Richtigkeit meiner Redaktion, wieder, aber es hat sich 100% bewährt.

Besonderheiten der Asahi zeigt die Definition von Kraftpaket paradox.

Dieser Artikel setzt

No entanto, eu estava escrevendo

2015年10月01日 15時43分21秒 | 日記

No entanto, eu estava escrevendo um capítulo anterior e notou.

Dizendo ser o jornal que representa Japão, dá-nos a Asahi, como por lisonjeiro, pelo jornal New York Times, e pelos principais jornais da Alemanha, Coréia nomeia um país, e será a China e assim por diante.

I informar o mundo de que ninguém em todo o mundo, exceto me avisos.

Recursos especiais do Asahi, certamente, ao passo que nenhum jornal mais estúpido como a Asahi está presente no Japão, o título pode ser atual.

Em outras palavras, a ONU é uma organização muito importante para o mundo, e se você olhar para a situação real que veio mantida até que este,

Os Estados Unidos eo Japão, chegou a manter e continuar a pagar enormes quantias de dinheiro que foi esmagadoramente puxam o país terceiro-th,

A exactidão da minha Editorial, novamente, mas provou-se 100%.

Recursos especiais do Asahi revela a definição de potência paradoxalmente.

Este artigo continua


2015年10月01日 15時42分51秒 | 日記











2015年10月01日 15時42分20秒 | 日記










그러나, 나는

2015年10月01日 15時41分54秒 | 日記

그러나, 나는 이전의 장을 작성하고 발견되었다.

일본을 대표하는 신문 인 말하고, 그것은 뉴욕 타임즈 용지로, 아첨에 관해서는, 아사히에 제공하고, 독일에서 최고의 신문으로, 한국은 국가를 지명하고, 그래서 중국이 될 것이다.

나는 전 세계 아무도 나를 제외하고 통지하는 세계를 알려줍니다.

같은 아사히 등 더 이상 바보 신문은 일본에서 존재하지 않는 동안 아사히의 특징은, 확실히, 제목은 현재 수 있습니다.

즉, 유엔이 세계를위한 매우 중요한 조직이며,이 때까지 유지 제공된 실태를 보면,

미국과 일본은, 유지하고 압도적으로 세 번째 번째 국가 당겨 된 돈의 엄청난 금액을 지불 계속했다

내 사설의 정확성은 다시이지만 100 %를 입증되었다.

아사히의 특징은 역설적 강국의 정의를 보여줍니다.

이 문서는 계속

Тем не менее,

2015年10月01日 15時41分27秒 | 日記

Тем не менее, я писал предыдущий раздел и заметил.

Сказать, будучи газета, которая представляет Японию, он дает в Asahi, как и для лестно, бумагой New York Times, и ведущих газетах в Германии, Кореи назначает страну, и это будет Китай и так далее.

Я сообщаю миру, что никто не всего мира, кроме меня уведомлений.

Особенности Asahi, конечно, в то время как не глупее газета, как Асахи не присутствует в Японии, название может быть тока.

Другими словами, Организация Объединенных Наций является очень важным для организации в мире, и если вы посмотрите на реальной ситуации, что не пришел поддерживается до этого,

Соединенные Штаты и Япония, пришли, чтобы поддерживать и продолжать платить огромные суммы денег, которые были в подавляющем большинстве тянуть третий-й страной,

Правильность моего редакционной снова, но это было доказано на 100%.

Особенности Asahi раскрывает определение электростанция парадоксально.

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