The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Korean Peninsula, too, is the same.
Coming out to the edge of oriental history of China center, or, in face of Japanese history, Three Han subjugation (The war of Empress Jingu however, which is supposed to have dispatched troops in Silla and to have placed a wide area in Korean Peninsula under the submission), or it is appeared only in the occasion of the Battle of Baekgang and so on.
*It is also a theory that Three Han subjugation means Mahan confederacy, Byeonhan confederacy, Jinhan confederacy.
It ends the culture (Ko BunYu) in the land, it learns that Joseon missions to Japan came sometimes and that it learned the knowledge of the silvering and Noria from Japan and a story only by the Japanese history anecdote.
Because the history is vague anyway, for some reason or other, "China culture came to Japan via the Korean Peninsula" like that the one to mistake, too, appears.
Ms. Miyawaki Junko is the wife of Okada HIdehiro and also historian writes "The name of the river of Shina is(close to Korea)spending character of the river (河) in North China. As it is 黄河(Yellow River),熱河(Rehe river).
South towards of China is spending character of Jiang(江). As it is 揚子江(Yangtze River), 珠江 (Pearl River). As Korea spends 洛東江(Nakdong River), 漢江(Han River).
In short, China cultural transmission to the Korea is from Central China and South China via Japan to South China, it is correct.
This is consistent with the president of the Korean restaurant company Moranbong writes "in the capsicum that is referred to in Japan 唐辛子(capsicum that came from Tang) Korea called 倭辛子(Yamato capsicum)"
*Yamato is the name of ancient Japan.
But the reality is, it availed of the illusion of the Japanese, the lie of "Uri (we) told a culture" it has their own way.
This article continues