The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Then, unexpectedly, there are women of my former students who agree with me.
No matter why the teacher by the very person, the husband is the bureaucrat or the Trading company employees and so on, the foreign life, too, is long, and the socializing, too, is wide, it seems to think "Born in Japanese, it was really good"
There is interesting unlike large chorus of people who is ignorant of the real world and become a large newspaper addiction.
The previous reporter on what in the Asahi sent the completely agree letter me who curse.
It’s Mr. Nagae Kiyoshi wrote "36years of Bun'ya living (life of newspaper reporter)" (Soshisha Publishing Co.,Ltd.) and recollected the actual state of Asahi newspaper which failed roughly with the comfort woman report, and he won the Shincho document prize.
I want to celebrate because of the speech liberty in Japan.