文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Therefore, they feared that Japan recovered the sovereignty.

2016年02月23日 20時02分08秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.


Another point, it thinks that it is because there was a kind of fear in the background which waved the flag of "the overall peace" by Mr. Nanbara and others.

Because much that should not lose the war Japan was defeated, the revolution may break out in the meantime.

If becoming so, the Communist Party administration will purge away right-wing influence according to "the thesis in 32" which the Comintern (the world revolutionary movement) presented in 1932.

It feared such a purge and the men of culture as it writes a thing didn't write the thing as it comes off "the thesis" and also there was not such remark.

Will there been such tacit tying?

It thinks that that the Socialist Party opposed a separate peace is because the people of the Korean resident in Japan were opposing in addition to the reason for saying now.

When saying why the people of the Korean resident in Japan opposed about being, it thinks that Kusaka, too, is well experienced about this but as for them, there is a dark business in under occupation because it was free to be.

The Japanese who engage in the dark business controlled but the police pretended not to know the dark business of Korea and the Korean.

* I felt whether or not this was the beginning of the gang.*

In Tsuruoka at my hometown, the dark business of the rice was seen but Korea and a Korean were seen, being generous.

It was giving a black market peddler for Gen Kida who is the famous researcher of Heidegger philosophy and so on, too, to bring up a family.

It was saying this in "the life power calls luck" of the conversation book with me, but the train which the black marketeer took is overcrowded, the police station boards there and comes.

However, it says that it didn't examine for the black marketeer in the Korea to be riding the train only about only 4 or 5 people.

How do you become if Japan recovers independence when there is such profit?

The sovereignty returns to the police in Japan.

Then, it becomes possible to control "the third state national" who says by the word in those days.

Therefore, they feared that Japan recovered the sovereignty.

Saying therefore, did a frightfully huge donation to the Socialist Party in those days.


Hahaa, it did not know.


Being called an overall peace school in those days hung out continuously in the after Socialist Party.

It gets the impression that the anti-Japanese thought is flowing through the Democratic Party in now, too.

Now, it thinks that the artificial island development problem on the South China Sea and the comfort women problem or Senkaku problem  were boiling up but that they were good really under Abe administration.

The true intention when thinking of, if this is under the Democratic Party administration, it shudders.


I agree.


2016年02月23日 15時12分06秒 | 日記




























It was the tribe who can only be described as traitor.

2016年02月23日 14時47分43秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.


The University of Tokyo president Nambara Shigeru at the time, too, were an overall peace disputant.

The Communist Party according to the intention in USSR or the Socialist Party because it was told that it does the direction of Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin, that " support an overall peace! " was the hope of Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin at least, then, because told, it cried for "the separate peace opposition!" and the men of culture to advance, the such influence who thought that the socialism was justice tried to prevent the conclusion of the peace treaty.

It was the tribe who can only be described as traitor.

If saying "The various countries in the USSR area don't enter, it doesn't admit a peace treaty." those times under the cold war, it meant not concluding a peace treaty.

In other words, it was not asking for the independence of its own country and choosing the way of that it is placed under occupation by America tens of years' later.

Therefore, to the president of the University of Tokyo and Nanbara which wields "an overall peace" and obstructs the independent recovery of the country, Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru at the time throws a word, "debauched writers who prostitute learning to pander to the public―literary sycophants", and criticizing severely is flagrant.

The word, "debauched writers who prostitute learning to pander to the public―literary sycophants" who has a meaning, those to distort learning and to flatter the world, became a vogue word, too.

* This is, during this time, all of a sudden, guys referred to as a scholar, appeared on television, all of the norm in the world of countries other than Japan, the bill to protect the country, yet with fascism national and totalitarian state itself aspect, we against from the country's territory and the country began to initiate the aggression against the territorial waters of international law that a bill to protect their country was a resolution in the national Assembly, firmness and war bill, the label of the elementary school level , the opposition, still screaming scholars and the media have, political parties, in this time and it is exactly the same, all over the world of people who have a normal brain should notice.

This manuscript continues.


2016年02月23日 14時21分00秒 | 日記












Nevertheless, there was a strange movement in Japan-domestic.

2016年02月23日 14時16分38秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The fact of being called 49 countries because it may think as little when saying 49 countries but Africa each place is as the colony in the United Kingdom, France and so on and isn't independent yet then of "all countries of most of the worlds"

If attempting to make Japan, shook hands with "almost all of the countries of the world", and the occupation by the United States came to the end, because it was to recover the independence as a nation, there was not a this much fortunate thing.

Nevertheless, there was a strange movement in Japan-domestic.

Taking advantage of being opposing a peace treaty by USSR and the satellite (only three countries!), there was influence which opposed the peace treaty which Japan tried to conclude.

It complained, saying putting a name, "the separate peace", to 49 countries of peace treaties, the peace treaty which put USSR and the satellite is called "an overall peace" and "the country should link an overall peace".


"Separate peace" of the treaty to let's link up with "all countries of most of the worlds", because it is the meaning that the one to have included only three socialist countries, USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, was called "an overall peace" there, surely, it was "word game".

It is the left-leaning highbrows who were called "the man of culture to advance" that used sophistry.


Secretariat of their overall peace faction, it stores to have been placed in certain Iwanami Shoten, Publishers.


It is said that it was the second floor of the Iwanami Shoten.

This article continues

Mais ils ont obtenu librement les énormes actifs que le Japon

2016年02月23日 14時01分10秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Ce sont les actifs énormes où le Japon a chuté impôt national japonais, étant évident et fait qui ne disposent pas de prendre une loi internationale.

Avec la péninsule coréenne en profitant de la perte du Japon, et de la politique qui a rempli à la discrimination et l'ignorance du GQG, et en continuant tous les sophismes.

Qu'il y avait une scène qui le bureaucrate du gouvernement japonais à l'époque était à bout de patience en effet, aussi, est un fait historique.

Mais ils ont obtenu librement les énormes actifs que le Japon a laissées dans la péninsule coréenne à la fin.

Pour atteindre cet objectif, (pour cacher plus tard), Ri Seung-man exécuté propagande anti-japonaise à chaque fois qu'il fait une chose et a commencé à l'éducation anti-japonaise.

Avec cette Corée, et il a été pris en charge par la propagande anti-japonaise dont le Parti communiste chinois de la bouée de sauvetage dont de maintenir leur propre monocracy Parti communiste est anti-japonaise propagande continue à faire intensément depuis Jiang Zemin et ... Ils ont continué à faire l'activité de propagande anti-japonaise persistante, faire de l'Allemagne un champ de bataille principale dans l'Europe, ce qui rend les Etats-Unis un de principal champ de bataille dans le monde dans la persistance qui ne peut être imaginé par les japonais.

Cet article poursuit.

Ma essi acquistate liberamente il patrimonio enorme che il Giappone

2016年02月23日 14時00分39秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

Questo è l'enorme attività in cui il Giappone è sceso fiscale nazionale giapponese, essendo evidente e reso che non c'è bisogno di prendere una legge internazionale.

Con penisola coreana approfittando della perdita del Giappone, e la politica che riempie di discriminazione e l'ignoranza di GHQ, e continuando ogni sofismi.

Che ci fosse una scena che il burocrate del governo giapponese in quei giorni era fuori di pazienza in realtà, anche questo è un fatto storico.

Ma essi acquistate liberamente il patrimonio enorme che il Giappone ha lasciato in penisola coreana fino alla fine.

Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, (per nascondere in seguito), Ri Seung-uomo giustiziato propaganda anti-giapponese ogni volta che fa una cosa e cominciò l'educazione anti-giapponese.

Con questo la Corea, ed è stato sostenuto dalla propaganda anti-giapponese che il Partito comunista cinese la linfa vitale di cui per mantenere la propria monocracy partito comunista è anti-giapponese di propaganda continua a fare intensamente da Jiang Zemin e ... Hanno continuato a fare l'attività di propaganda anti-giapponese con insistenza, rendendo la Germania un campo di battaglia principale in Europa, rendendo gli Stati Uniti un campo di battaglia principale nel mondo nella persistenza che non può essere immaginato dai giapponesi.

Questo articolo continua.

Pero ellos obtuvieron libremente los enormes activos que Japón

2016年02月23日 14時00分03秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

Se trata de los enormes activos en Japón cayó impuesto nacional japonesa, siendo obvio y lo hizo el que no tiene que llevar a cabo una ley internacional.

Con Península Coreana aprovechando la derrota del Japón, y la política que llena de la discriminación y la ignorancia de GHQ, y continuando cada sofisma.

Que había una escena que el burócrata del Gobierno japonés en esos días estaba fuera de la paciencia en efecto, también, es un hecho histórico.

Pero ellos obtuvieron libremente los enormes activos que Japón dejó en península coreana hasta el final.

Para lograr esto, (para ocultar más adelante), Ri Seung-hombre ejecutado propaganda anti-japonesa cada vez que se hace una cosa y comenzó la educación contra el Japón.

Con esta Corea, y fue apoyado por la propaganda anti-japonesa, que el Partido Comunista de China la línea de vida de los que mantener su propia monocrático Partido Comunista es la propaganda anti-japonesa sigue haciendo intensidad a partir de Jiang Zemin y ... Continuaron hacer la actividad de propaganda anti-japonesa persistentemente, lo que hace Alemania un campo de batalla principal de la Europa, por lo que los EE.UU. un campo de batalla principal en el mundo de la persistencia que no puede ser imaginado por los japoneses.

Este artículo continúa.

Aber sie erhalten frei die großen Vermögen,

2016年02月23日 13時59分24秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Dies ist die enorme Vermögenswerte, bei denen Japan japanischen nationalen Steuer fiel, wird klar, und machte es die müssen ein internationales Gesetz nicht herausnehmen.

Mit koreanischen Halbinsel unter Ausnutzung der Japans Verlust, und die Politik, die sich mit Diskriminierung und der Unwissenheit der OHL gefüllt, und weiterhin jede Sophistik.

Dass es eine Szene, die der Beamte der japanischen Regierung in jenen Tagen war in der Tat die Geduld war auch das ist eine historische Tatsache.

Aber sie frei die riesigen Vermögen erhalten, die Japan bis zum Ende in der koreanischen Halbinsel verlassen.

Um dies zu erreichen, (zu verstecken später), Ri Seung-Mann ausgeführt antijapanischen Propaganda jedes Mal eine Sache tut und begann anti-japanische Bildungssystem.

Mit diesem Korea, und es wurde von den antijapanischen Propaganda unterstützt, die die Kommunistische Partei Chinas die Lebensader, die ihre eigenen Kommunistischen Partei monocracy zu halten ist antijapanischen Propaganda intensiv seit Jiang Zemin auch weiterhin tun und ... Sie weiter tun, um die anti-japanischen Propagandatätigkeit beharrlich, einen Hauptschlachtfeld in der Europa machen Deutschland, so dass die USA ein Hauptschlachtfeld in der Welt in der Beharrlichkeit, die durch die japanische kann sich nicht vorstellen.

Dieser Artikel setzt.

Mas eles obtiveram livremente os ativos enormes

2016年02月23日 13時58分49秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

Esta é as enormes ativos onde o Japão caiu imposto nacional japonesa, sendo óbvio e fizeram que não tem que tirar uma lei internacional.

Com Península Coreana aproveitando a perda do Japão e da política que se encheu com a discriminação e a ignorância do GHQ, e continuando todos os sofismas.

Que havia uma cena que o burocrata do governo japonês naqueles dias estava fora de paciência na verdade, também, é um fato histórico.

Mas eles obtiveram livremente os ativos enormes que o Japão ficaram na Península Coreana até o fim.

Para alcançar este objectivo, (para esconder mais tarde), Ri Seung-homem executado propaganda anti-japonesa cada vez que ela faz uma coisa e começou a educação anti-japonês.

Com este Coréia, e foi apoiado pela propaganda anti-japonesa, que o Partido Comunista da China a salvação de que para manter sua própria monocracia Partido Comunista é anti-japonesa propaganda continua a fazê intensamente desde Jiang Zemin e ... Eles continuaram a fazer a atividade de propaganda anti-japonesa persistentemente, tornando a Alemanha um campo de batalha principal na Europa, tornando os EUA um campo de batalha principal do mundo na persistência que não pode ser imaginada pelo japonês.

Este artigo continua.


2016年02月23日 13時58分19秒 | 日記










2016年02月23日 13時57分06秒 | 日記










2016年02月23日 13時56分40秒 | 日記









그러나 그들은

2016年02月23日 13時56分12秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장에서의 속편이다.

이는 일본이 일본의 국세를 떨어 명백한되고하고있는 국제법을 수행 할 필요가 없습니다 만든 엄청난 자산이다.

일본의 손실을 활용하고, 차별과 GHQ의 무지로 가득 정책, 모든 궤변을 계속 한반도로.

당시 일본 정부의 관료가 참으로 인내를 벗어난 장면이 있었다는 것을, 너무, 역사적인 사실이다.

그러나 그들은 자유롭게 일본 끝에 한반도에 남아있는 거대한 자산을 획득했습니다.

(이상 숨길),이를 달성하기 위해, 리 승 남자는 반일 선전에게이 일을 할 때마다 실행과 반일 교육을 시작했다.

이 한국과 함께, 그것은 그들이에 계속 ... 중국의 공산당이 자신의 공산당 독재 정치를 유지하기의 생명선이 선전 장쩌민과 이후 강렬 할 계속 반일 인 반일 선전에 의해 지원되었다 독일을 유럽의 주요 전장을 미국 일본인 상상 할 수없는 지속성에 세계에서 주요 전장하고, 지속적으로 항일 선전 활동을한다.

이 문서는 계속됩니다.

Но они свободно получали

2016年02月23日 13時55分40秒 | 日記

Ниже продолжением предыдущей главе.

Это огромные средства, где Япония упали японский национальный налог, являющиеся очевидными и сделали его, которые не должны вынуть международного права.

С Корейский полуостров пользуясь утратой Японии, а политика, которая наполнена дискриминации и невежества Ставку, и продолжая каждый софистикой.

Это была сцена, которую чиновник японского правительства в те времена был из терпения в самом деле, тоже исторический факт.

Но они свободно получали огромные активы, которые Япония оставленные в Корейском полуострове до конца.

Для достижения этой цели, (чтобы скрыть позже), Ri Seung-мужчина выполнен антияпонской пропаганды каждый раз он делает вещи и начал антияпонской образования.

С этой Кореи, и это было поддержано антияпонской пропаганды, которая Коммунистическая партия Китая жизненно которых поддерживать свою собственную КПРФ единодержавие является антияпонской пропаганды продолжает делать интенсивно, поскольку Цзян Цзэминя и ... они по-прежнему сделать антияпонской пропагандистскую деятельность упорно, делая Германии основной битвы в Европе, что делает США основным полем битвы в мире сохранением которые не могут быть воображаемой японцами.

Эта статья продолжает.