文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

it would not be possible to deny becoming the catalyst that the element,

2016年02月24日 21時53分19秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

Statement stressed is me.

This figure of signature had the description "anti- peace" of which is the change of the revision of the constitution of the Japanese side, "it declares the denial of the renunciation of war and the engagement right and we ask that the pacifist constitution which played the role of the redoubt in peace in East Asia and the world continues", too.

But there is not an expanse of the exercise in such Korea only because of the Dudden effect, it would not be possible to deny becoming the catalyst that the element, "the scholar in America", is influential.

This anti-Japanese politics ground is thick, in Korea, because no, are Korea, it gives the decoration which is called Nobel Peace Prize to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, the one of the intention inviolably then, to say, the strange and ugly campaign is spreading.

The Japanese side receives seriously now and in this reality, it will should take the countermeasure.

*I say once again. It is the human being that Yoshihisa Komori is worth the Nobel Peace Prize.

all of most of the people in the world, awful fact which wasn't known at all is clarified.

2016年02月24日 21時32分57秒 | 日記

Subscribing to Asahi Shimbun and so on which included me, it continues to see the report program of their TV station, by most of the Japanese people and all of most of the people in the world, awful fact which wasn't known at all is clarified.

In the truth which was concealed by such the Asahi and so on which is exaggerated no longer at all even if it says a quisling, let us know this time, Nobel Peace Prize should be given to Mr. Yoshihisa Komori.

It popularizes his paper more, I who introduced to Japan and the world, do I let's decide having a world peace contribution prize?

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

Such an effect seemed to have agreed especially of Korea and the organization which is called "the Korean member of the committee who recommends a Japanese pacifist constitution 9 article to Nobel Peace Prize" in December, 2014 started a new business.

It announced that Lee Hong-koo former prime minister was under the chairman and that about 50 celebrities at previous Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and in the administration officialdom, the learning, the religious world and so on signed a letter of recommendation.

The name ranged by the poet, the writer, the actor, too.

In that last year in January immediately after, that the name ranged was announced to the signature that 142 congressmen in Korea "recommend a Constitution of Japan 9 article to Nobel Peace Prize".

The Lee Joo-young Member of Parliament in the Government party Saenuri Party announced with the Won Hye-young Member of Parliament of the democratic opposition party new politics union at the press conference.

Won, Lee both legislators as its aim "the international community has been concerned about Japan's conservative swing to try to amend Article 9 pacifist constitution. There is a responsibility to protect Japan's Article 9 as a member of the international community in Korea", etc. they said.

This also is an indescribably strange story.

It says that there is a responsibility that Korea keeps the special article of the Constitution in Japan.

This article continues

the Dudden person is appealing recommending the side of China and South Korea

2016年02月24日 20時45分57秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

Park Geun Hye president also takes off her hat to Dudden, it has quoted the word of the Japan criticism by the Dudden person in the main speech, too.

She won a peace grand prize of "Manhae Award" which commemorates the Mr. Han Yong-un of the independent activist in Korea in 2015.

"It protested against the history distortion by Prime Minister Abe" A thing was made a reason and it described that the Dudden person was "the first step of the Korea and Japan relation improvement by the reconsideration of Japan to the devilish crime of the human rights" in case of winning.

The Dudden person appealed the Nobel Peace Prize recommendation of the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution frequently for both China and South Korea by the various media on the side of the U.S..

It is a suit, the signature, to prevent "the forward movement to the war with China by the revision of the constitution of Japanese Government" and "the prussianization of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ".

But, the Dudden person is appealing recommending the side of China and South Korea "Japan Confederation of Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb Sufferers Organizations" with "the meeting in the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution" in Japan as the prize giving candidate.

It will be the computation to regard as advancing more smoothly than making Japanese entire people candidacy.

This article continues.

She denounced the Japanese side based on the figment,

2016年02月24日 20時20分53秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

She denounced the Japanese side based on the figment, "the sexual enslavement of the 200,000 women who depend on the compulsion taking of the Japanese military", by more than 20 years of the pasts, the comfort woman problem.

The Dudden person played the role of the nucleus and the comfort woman problem search in "Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery" which was opened in Tokyo in 2000 drew out Emperor Showa's guilty imitation judgment.

It was consistent and the resolution voting about Japan denouncing by the comfort woman problem in the America Lower House in 2007 became driving force at the coulisse.

Last year, too, the lead character who circulated a protest letter about the history recognition from a lot of European and American scholars of the Abe administration directing by drafting it, too, was Dudden person.

The Dudden person advised South Korean official, too, to do a policy with the US, to do toward Japan policy.

This article continues

It is possible to say that the secret maneuver of this person symbolizes the characteristic

2016年02月24日 20時09分57秒 | 日記

That how many degree is the person who has an extraordinary anti-Japanese thought beyond the level to have continued to criticize in me in Alexis Dudden in this chapter is clarified by the person all over the world with the Japanese people.

As the result of the work of me who continue to do such work in the free, Voice be giving celebrity day by day in Japan.

But there being going-out to the world but supported by the clumsy translation of me.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

The American scholar who denounces a comfort woman problem participates.

Furthermore bizarre thing is, it is that the Alexis Dudden person who was known as the activist for many years of the Japan denouncing by the comfort woman problem in the American side is dealing with the appeal of the solidarity to this Korea and China.

The professional woman scholar Dudden person by the history in Japan and Korean Peninsula in the professor in Connecticut University, in the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution campaign this time, plays a role like a self-styled America representative.

It is possible to say that the secret maneuver of this person symbolizes the characteristic of the international expanse of the movement, and then the movement by Japan-domestic about the Constitution this time, too.

Moreover, the involvement of the Dudden person is accompanied by another big darkness of this Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and the Nobel Prize exercise.

The anti-Japanese history of the Dudden person is terrible.

Moreover, it sticks accurately with the officials and the people in Korea.

This article continues

This is the good status of the convenience in the maximum for Korea and China.

2016年02月24日 19時33分52秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

As everybody knows, Korea occupies Takeshima in Shimane Prefecture in the territory which is peculiar to Japan by the military power to the unreasonableness.

China invades territorial waters and territorial airspace in Japan illegally like every day when to let's grab Senkaku-shoto in Okinawa Prefecture which is this and also the territory which is peculiar to Japan by the military power.

A military defense behavior for the attack with this military species and the self-defense of Japan to the attack is substantially regulated by the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.

Of course, Japan cannot make the expression of the use intention of the preliminary military power for the admitted invasion restraint, too, being an ordinary country.

Actually fight back and defense after having been subjected to military attack, it is constrained.

It is for the selftrapping by the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.

This is the good status of the convenience in the maximum for Korea and China.

Making Japan maintain "a pacifist constitution" beforehand is very favorable arms to toward Japan military attack of Korea and China.

Therefore, it gives the present situation of the Constitution and it suppresses the recognition of Nobel Peace Prize so as not it is possible to do revision of the constitution by all means.

This is what would be the intendment of South Korea and China.

Therefore, the Nobel Prize use influence of the Japanese side is equal to try to give "the arms" which do the Japanese side beforehand to the enemy in Japan leaves to take the backbone out of as it is.

This manuscript continues.

It can be said that it is cunning political activity was extremely biased.

2016年02月24日 19時28分24秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

An opinion to the Constitution in now in Japan is roughly divided by whether or not to be revision of the constitution.

However, the Nobel Prize use influence conceals the reality for the outside, and it fabricates the camouflage package as if only their own one-sided claim is the voice of Japanese national absolute majority just like and tries to get consent from the oversea.

It can be said that it is cunning political activity was extremely biased.

Moreover, more dangerously, this "of Nobel Peace Prize in the Constitution 9 article" execution committee and so on are the fact which is implementing a teamwork in being factual, demanding cooperation with this political movement from both of Korea and China, too.

This motion precisely, it can be said that it is part of the darkness that harm the most Japan's national interests, even this whole exercise.

The execution committee writes the appeal which seeks the signature which sides with the claim of "the recommendation" of themselves in the Korean, Chinese in addition to English and is spreading out extensively.

The thing itself to demand foreign interference by mixing it to the ideal way of the Constitution in Japan is extraordinary.

But more than that, it is in a position of the enemy side with respect to security and defense of Japan South Korea and China also that Article 9 is exactly defined.

It pairs with the "enemy" and it tries to interfere with the policy of the government and the administration, the multitude Government party in its own country.

This action is clearly contrary to the national interest in the sense of national interests of Japan.

This article continues

to use "an external pressure" because of the realization of the claim of the self.

2016年02月24日 18時28分57秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

However, that the Japanese side organization declares as if the Japanese entire people agree to the maintenance of the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution really, too, reaches impropriety, insolence.

The Japanese people who state dissatisfaction to the present Constitution have been really existed in the long years, after the war.
In recent years, the fact that the number of the Japanese people who demand an amendment to the constitution increased steady is obvious from a series of opinion polls, too.
Therefore, it will be possible to be when there is a big deception in the Nobel Peace Prize acquisition exercise which the execution committee and Japanese Communist Party, "Asahi Shimbun" promote, too.

The combined action in Korea and China

In the first place, the use strategy of this Nobel Peace Prize is in addition that the people and the guide layer in the sovereign nation think of the ideal way of the Constitution in its own country and are poaching the ground rule which it should conform by it.

Of course, the ideal way of the Constitution of Japan is the subject that the Japanese people of the party should proceed with the considering and the discussion by Japan-domestic.

However, as for the Nobel Prize misappropriation influence in Japan in now, it is attempting to use "an external pressure" because of the realization of the claim of the self.
It uses the arms which are called Nobel Peace Prize which shows renown and authority in Japan-domestic for the politics purpose of the self and it is the meaning that will obstruct the change of the amendment to the constitution.

This article continues.

In the process, there was a just hopeful report of Asahi Shimbun that

2016年02月24日 17時14分45秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

In the process, there was a just hopeful report of Asahi Shimbun that "Article 9 remained in the final candidate", and "it was received from the Nobel committee, being official" and so on, too.

However, actually, as for the Nobel committee, the recommendation according to the procedure of the regulation was the policy to accept automatically completely and 2014 of 278 pieces of recommendation acceptance in amount were published by February.

The information to have been left in the last candidacy is supposition only. Nobel committee itself is announcing that "it doesn't spend the process of the reviewing of prize giving absolutely and that all information which went outside about the process is supposition only".

This year, too, in Japan, it aimed to close on February 1st and this recommendation work was proceeded with.

The above-mentioned execution committee announced that the object whom this year was recommended to, too, was "the Japanese people who maintain the Constitution 9 article to specify the abandonment of the war" continuously in 3.

However, when misunderstanding when the related source doesn't point to the first, the description, "the Japanese people", doesn't mean Japanese entire people literally on the side of the Nobel committee and is a specific organization like a NGO (the nongovernmental organization) of the name of such expression by chance, too, it spends.

This information, too, will be the expression of the weirdness of the fact to recommend the candidate of Nobel Peace Prize as the entire people in a country even if it supposes that it may be supposition.

Anyway, the work that the Nobel committee tackles this year, too, is not the actual state, "of Nobel Peace Prize in the Constitution 9 article" as reported, being declared in the Japanese side, strictly.

It is repeat but Constitution itself isn't dealt with for the prize.

This article continues


2016年02月24日 16時54分05秒 | 日記

















2016年02月24日 16時38分26秒 | 日記














昨年も、安倍政権宛ての多数の欧米学者からの歴史認識に関する抗議書簡も起草して回覧した主役はダデン氏だった。 ダデン氏は韓国政府高官たちにも対米政策、対日政策を助言してきた。










2016年02月24日 14時50分37秒 | 日記
























2016年02月24日 14時45分07秒 | 日記





















it seems to do the lobby work of the very morbid external pressure use, too

2016年02月24日 14時24分40秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It says that the reasons for the judgement were from saying that it isn't possible not to do defense even if a country receives an invasion from the foreign country is too unrealistic.

In short, the Constitution of Japan was the Constitution which was forced to make never again already Japan a military strong country and a menace with the U.S. army of the former enemy.

It was the action which tries to rob even the right of the self-defense which is essential condition of sovereignty as an independent nation for the purpose substantially.

The political activity organization which puts the label of the evil 

By the way, in Japan in today, the exercise to let's make win Nobel Peace Prize happens to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.

The more it knows the origin of the Constitution, being the more caustic this movement is.

In the domestic political, it seems to do the lobby work of the very morbid external pressure use, too.

If saying that the Constitution of Japan is worth really about Nobel Peace Prize, the Mr. Kades who created the Constitution will be appropriate to the winner first.

However, he was stating indifferently, saying it became unsuitable several years later to the policy in America and the reality of the cold war with the Constitution of Japan proclaimed.

The Japanese people should revise the “the occupation Constitution" independently, it was telling the opinion, too.

Does Mr. Kades live now and what look if knowing a move to Nobel Peace Prize in the Japanese side, will he show?

I cannot resist to imagine.

Therefore while thinking of what is the Constitution of Japan, especially the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution of the symbol once more, it attempted to pursue the movement which aims at the present Nobel Peace Prize.

This article continues

It was blessed with the valuable experience to meet the person who was the practice person

2016年02月24日 12時08分24秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

As for the influence which demands revision of the constitution, the crude claim to want a war is born from there.

However, in recent years, the majority who supports such suggestion collapsed.

The people of the opinion that the ones which revised the Constitution in the various reasons become for Japan increased.

In the present Constitution, suddenly, saying being a pacifist constitution and so on, the number of the people who call like a just ordinary name, too, decreased.

I got the opportunity to touch directly from the quite early time in the true one end of this Constitution of Japan.

It was blessed with the valuable experience to meet the person who was the practice person in charge of the U.S. army which wrote this Constitution actually and to hear the process which the draft making is familiar with.

The practice person in charge is the Mr. Charles Kades who was a civil administration bureau sub director in the Allied Force headquarters in the U.S. army center (GHQ) which occupied Japan at the time of 1946.

He was a colonel when occupying.

It already was a lawyer before Japan-U.S. war begins, but it applied for the army and it worked in the European front as the officer of the law taking charge, it concerned Japan occupation after that and it became the staff of the General MacArthur.

Mr. Kades received the direction of the marshal and finished writing the Constitution of Japan draft in English with other law relation officers 10 several people from February 2nd until the 12th, in 1946.

The draft was made Japanese and became the Constitution with being effective just as it is.

Because Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution was made important especially, he who was the person in charge of the practice of the draft making took on the drafting personally.

It is in Wall Street in New York in 35 years after 1981 that I since then interviewed him.

He was working at the major law office as the lawyer.

With nearly 4 hour Q and A, Mr. Kades said surprisingly frankly.

I marveled most in it and it is the word of him that the biggest purpose of Japan's Constitution making was "do Japan beforehand as demilitarized forever" that learned deep emotion.

Moreover, it says to the guideline for Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution which he was given to from the boss that it had deleted that there was a regulation that Japan renounces a war to defend its own country in his own judgement.

This article continues.