文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the words to right Japan and the world reaches far.

2016年02月07日 23時17分15秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Because that saying that they continued to take advantage of the report which filled to oppress the Japan in the Asahi and so on and hypocrisy wasn't necessary but continuing to take part in them in the United Nations are the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and so-called citizen group, it is jaw-dropping really.

Depending on them, Japan keep the international community and was placed in the situation which is the same as Angela Davis completely.

That is, in a position of political prisoners.

By however, that are the song to have continued to encourage me by, too, ♪Angela♪, in the style which John and Yoko sang, my words, Yoshiko Sakurai's words, having the mission which was given by the God, the words to right Japan and the world reaches far.

This is the enormous assets where Japan dropped Japanese national tax,

2016年02月07日 22時57分28秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

This is the enormous assets where Japan dropped Japanese national tax, being obvious and made it which don't have to take out an international law.

With Korean Peninsula taking advantage of the Japan's loss, and the policy which filled with discrimination and the ignorance of GHQ, and continuing every sophistry.

That there was a scene which the bureaucrat of Japanese Government in those days was out of patience in indeed, too, is a historic fact.

But they freely obtained the huge assets which Japan left in Korean Peninsula to the end.

To achieve this, (to hide later), Ri Seung-man executed anti-Japanese propaganda every time it does a thing and began anti-Japanese education.

With this Korea, and it was supported by the anti-Japanese propaganda which the Communist Party of China the lifeline of which to maintain their own Communist Party monocracy is anti-Japanese propaganda continues to do intensely since Jiang Zemin and... They continued to do the anti-Japanese propaganda activity persistently, making Germany a main battlefield in the Europe, making the U.S. a main battlefield in the world in the persistence which cannot be imagined by Japanese.

This article continues.

only human beings, such as not to say so only referred to as youngsters gather

2016年02月07日 22時40分27秒 | 日記

Yesterday, in the range of one of the John Lennon and Yoko Ono classic the "Angela", I gave to Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, readers around the world, and to everyone of Yuriage is,

Needless to say it but,

Asahi Shimbun came relentlessly repeated bullshit reports, such as hundreds sword and Nanjing Massacre, comfort women, that such forced entrainment, really, it is doings of childish and vicious.

The brainwashing of the GHQ, are those that mix of left-wing thought of messing, the idea that human beings of ex-leftist are making it joined the Asahi and so on, it is the result.

After the war 70 years South Korea has continued do the anti-Japanese education.

Until the defeat, 35 years that Japan had annexed the Korean Peninsula.

Well, now, to the sympathizers of the Asahi Shimbun, really, only human beings, such as not to say so only referred to as youngsters gather…it would make a living by Asahi.

Human beings who have been referred to as the landlord, only shameless, such as continue to appear as well in the Asahi and far does not seem to have.

Because it is different and they are Japanese with the Chinese.

(Unlike the editorial committee members of the Asahi),

The subscriber in the Asahi should notice making a name eyes hardly.

Now, there was calling Eiji Oguma in the stripling who is doing a fellow-traveling to the Asahi extensively but he was writing aptly in Asahi Shimbun newspapers few years ago.

He is enthusiastic in the collection of data and the attitude to verify the material seems evaluative.

The paper but it was the emperor system critical thing, he had pointed out while criticizing a single line of Emperors from time immemorial.

He wrote that Japan should try to remember that there was a period was consolidate nation.

In other words, he admitted that Taiwan, Korea were an consolidate nation unconsciously.

Because it was an consolidate nation, Japan continued to drop more 20 % of the national budget on Korean Peninsula (that Korean Peninsula in those days was one of the world least less-developed countries is a historic fact) for 35 years and did a huge infrastructure building.

This article continues.


2016年02月07日 21時57分03秒 | 日記

今日のNHKの19時のニュースと、今「CIBER SHOCK」(サイバー攻撃)のタイトルで放映されているNHKの番組を観ている日本人の全ては、









Toshiba which continued to maintain the maximum number of employers of Japan,

2016年02月07日 21時28分23秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It is Junichiro Koizumi in those days that ignored this.

He suddenly shook out the flag which is opposite to the nuclear power plant.

Because it was the cause why this thing started a nuclear accident.

Saying not knowing whether or not it is intention of the redemption, Mr. Takayama wrote.

To avoid having the thing known and being examined, as for him, near the mark even if it supposes that.

Now let's return to the main subject, it isn't exaggerated at all even if it says that it is Masayoshi Son that brought about the difficulties of Toshiba in now.

Because the face which drove Toshiba which continued to maintain the maximum number of employers of Japan, employment employee 100,000 units, if you include the relevant group of companies, Toshiba is one of Japan's largest to the difficulties is Masayoshi Son, Naoto Kan, Mizuho Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun and so-called men of culture who followed this, it is utterly at a loss for words.

Attempt to think. The how much Japanese people do you say that Asahi Shimbun and so on employ?

Year before last, in August, it proved that the actual state was idler itself about the men of culture and so on, too.

This manuscript continues.

The dwarfed mind brings about the decline of the industry finally.

2016年02月07日 20時59分29秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In addition to taking out the name of Germany rashly, he was saying certainly so when he could find (saying that the presider who looks for the opinion at such a human being, too, is a presider isn't necessary) an opinion from the presiders such as Tawara and Furutachi.

...Japan should not become a major power. In the area in the South East Asia, it is....

In that there is not a meaning where Korea and China think of the foolish thing like his opinion, and so on, and where there were they, if seeing China in now, it will be obvious.

In other words, rather, they are suited like this man to use, utilize a human being like enigma and make Japan be dwarfed.

The dwarfed mind brings about the decline of the industry finally.

The state which was used while making make Japan a long-range deflation operated exchange fiercely and attempted every convenience to the specific company.

As the result, in no time, Samsung made the reality which exceeds 200 billion yen of total profits of 9 companies of electric appliance manufacturers which Japan is proud of in the world.

Being those companies which employed the Japanese people of the number which is enormous if these big groups of enterprises have the employee of 100,000 units respectively and include a related enterprise is as previously mentioned.

There is a man who buried TRON which is the best invention of Ken Sakamura, it is Masayoshi Son who was an accomplice in Bill Gates, one, to snare an electric appliance manufacturer group to the difficulties.

Mr. Sakamura wasn't thinking of 1 yen of profits.

Now, Toshiba, as if it were a bankrupt company, has been downgraded from the US rating agencies.

But, the United States also, had better make moderately. (It writes this thing later)

As for most of the Japanese people, it will forget that bringing about the difficulties of this Toshiba, too, was Masayoshi Son.

Can who point at Naoto Kan administration in the prolonging life and really such as all nuclear power plant fast shutdowns, by the stupid false moralism below the kindergartner, did he make lose a national interest in Japan?

Mr. Takayama Masayuki let me know the fact to say that Edison was a man like Bill Gates and that he was not a good human being actually of.

That being more proper than GE which he writes in the chapter and being excellent were WH Inc., too, let me know.

As for doing the wonderful of the flaw which it should be surprised at which was that bringing about an accident in Fukushima was the atomic power plant which is made by the GE Inc. there and the technical power of the Japanese companies such as Tokyo Electric Power, Toshiba which restored this perfectly one by one, too, Takayama lets me know.

The fact that bringing about an accident in Fukushima was the atomic power plant which is made by the GE Inc.

Of the flaw which it should be surprised at which was there.

Doing the wonderful of the technical power of the Japanese companies such as Tokyo Electric Power, Toshiba which restored this perfectly one by one, too, Takayama lets me know.

It is Toshiba that bought the WH Inc. which has the technology which is undoubtedly more excellent than the nuclear power plant of the GE Inc., dropping many funds very much.

Washington which knew that there was a problem in the installation site of the emergency-power of the GE Inc. in the accident in Three Mile Island notified to install in the place which left an emergency-power in the various countries which adopt the nuclear power plant which is made by the GE Inc.

This article continues.

About what I wrote yesterday, adding to write as a footnote to the paper that

2016年02月07日 20時20分18秒 | 日記

About what I wrote yesterday, adding to write as a footnote to the paper that originated on January 30. * From * is revision point.

It tried to confirm Kang Sang-jung's Japanese name and it searched Wikipedia.

As that I intuited the doubtfulness of this man is previously mentioned in the moment that I knew him for the first time was "live TV until the morning," of TV-Asahi, I at the time was a day-to-day of the work to have been immersed, to lead my life as the businessman.

* If saying why it intuited, this man takes out Germany frequently to the topical case which says how there should be Japan.

For 99 % of the Japanese people except him and the human being the bread-and-butter job of whom is speech and action with the mass media which made the Asahi and so on the first on the list who was already operated by the Korean government and the CIA, the Chinese government and the CIA,

In addition to Germany's being a distantly far country, because being conscious of Germany daily is the country which is not at all.

Some, in addition to the German car enthusiasts, such as Benz, Germany is, simply put, is a country there is no relationship at all with Japan.

For 99% of the Japanese, because it is not 100% say things like sending a life to be aware of Germany.

He is not only "live TV until the morning" at this time, he appears frequently in such as "news station", and "news 23" frequently that he continues to put the name of Germany and Weizsacker, the viewers should know it.

Using a number of the fabrication report of Asahi Shimbun, South Korea and China, in the international community, also has continued waging relentlessly the motion to drop the Japanese value, since August the year before last, it became clear with Japanese national eyes.

They continued to diminish Japan by comparing Japan to Germany which committed Jew's holocaust.

In this, the leading newspaper in Germany and the influential reporters there continued to write the article which filled malevolence to Japan which was filled any more, being anti-Japanese in the brain and the mind of the boor which is no more which tries to reduce their own sin in addition to the line of the big malefactor like themselves in Japan.

The fact that the result was the thunder of the fine weather for all of the Japanese people such as me, in the opinion poll in Germany, it was the fact to be disgusted by that about 50 % has an anti-Japanese thought.

This article continues.


2016年02月07日 19時04分44秒 | 日記















朝日は、なおも同29日付社説で、〈疑惑のさなかに、自民党 の中から気になる声が聞こえた。

党幹部から「わなを仕掛けられた感がある」といった発言 が続いたのだ。現金を受け取った甘利氏の側が、あたかも被害者であるかの言い分である〉と糾弾した。 















It is a popular page yesterday

2016年02月07日 18時53分11秒 | 日記






But to Korean women, or whether was allowed to rise to a misunderstanding with respect to


but for historical issues had to expand the usual Japanese bad guys theory.












A honfoglaló rák, mert dolgozott az állam.


it will be possible to say that the intellectual door to remove the misunderstanding


Este săptămânal Bunshun, nu-i continue


Ito ba ay lingguhang Bunshun, huwag kang


Er det ukentlig Bunshun,




Di conquistare il cancro, perché stava lavorando per lo Stato.




As for all of the Japanese who have proper intellect who read a part in the following


Est-ce hebdomadaire Bunshun, continuez-vous de telles choses jusqu'à quand?






Before the war, was all so cowardly and were you heartless?


era le parti che continua a dare la sofferenza


były to strony, które nadal daje cierpi


É Bunshun semanal, que você continua tais coisas até quando?


гэта было боку,


Van de verovering van kanker


se oli osapuolten antaa edelleen kärsivät


tai buvo partijos, kurios ir toliau teikia


Originally the postwar education in Japan, there is a distorted roots.


ia adalah pihak-pihak yang terus memberi


Гэта штотыднёвы Bunshun,


Це щотижневий Bunshun,


det var partene som fortsetter å gi lidelse


Af erobre kræft, fordi han arbejdede for staten.


Zu erobern Krebs, weil er für den Staat gearbeitet.




Is het wekelijkse Bunshun, heb


ce sont les partis qui continue à donner subi




È settimanale Bunshun, si continua queste cose fino a quando?


a fost părțile care continuă să dea


это было стороны, которая


dit was die partye wat nog steeds te


Es por semana Bunshun, qué sigues estas cosas hasta cuando?


If taken with the bayonet, there would be lot of Korean men who risked his life


की वजह से


Verower kanker omdat hy besig


Adakah mingguan Bunshun


De conquistar el cáncer, ya que estaba trabajando para el estado.


saraton g'alaba qozonishga



hebdomadaire Bunshun et les informateurs sont l'extrémité

2016年02月07日 11時39分34秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est une continuation du chapitre précédent.

Comme l'écrit avant, la tribu qui accomplit un travail dans le Asahi est pas excellents joueurs au Japon.
Les excellents joueurs au Japon, ils sont dans le groupe d'entreprises dont le Japon est fier dans le monde, et ils font de leur mieux en jour et nuit, pour la personne et pour le monde comme ministre Amari.
Or, il est engagé dans la gestion du pays dans Kasumigaseki.
Or, il devient un médecin pour sauver la vie de l'inconnu, il va sans dire que la mort qui ne permet d'éviter, il est malade presque pour tous les êtres humains, il devient un médecin pour guérir de nombreux maux.

Et 90% des personnes d'obtenir le bonheur de quatre famille qu'il n'y a pas inquiéter dans le substitut de travailler dans la durée de vie et de se contenter de ¥ 5,000,000 de revenus annuels et 05 heures, ou de charge de travail à 06 heures avec l'esprit qui est exagéré non plus, même si elle dit un artiste ayant l'esprit diligent qui est le meilleur dans le monde et l'engagement dans la journée de l'occupation et de la nuit à partir de 09 heures.
Avec des personnes ci-dessus étant l'excellent joueur qui représente le Japon, la tribu, car il ne prend pas un travail honnête, trop, et la tribu car il rend la parole un emploi du pain et du beurre, il est pas l'excellent joueur qui représente le Japon, je écrit et est apparu.
Par une curieuse coïncidence, que ce Asahi Shimbun a prouvé le droit de mon article complètement avant-dernière année de 100% en Août est que tout le Japon sait.

Mais se référant à nouveau, hebdomadaire Bunshun et les informateurs sont l'extrémité du boursier moyen, il a critiqué, la parole de Akiko Santou est juste complètement, tous les gens honnêtes japonais devrait savoir.

settimanale Bunshun e gli informatori sono l'estremità

2016年02月07日 11時38分57秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è una continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Come la scrittura prima, la tribù che sta facendo lavoro nel Asahi non è ottimi giocatori in Giappone.
Gli ottimi giocatori in Giappone, sono nel gruppo di imprese, che il Giappone è orgoglioso di in tutto il mondo, e fanno del loro meglio nel giorno e notte, per la persona e per il mondo come Amari ministro.
Oppure, si è impegnata nella gestione del paese in Kasumigaseki.
O, diventa un medico per salvare la vita del perfetto sconosciuto, va da sé che la morte che nessuno si evita, è malato quasi per tutti gli esseri umani, diventa un medico per curare molti mali.

E il 90% delle persone di ottenere la felicità di quattro famiglia che non vi è preoccupazione nel sostituto di lavorare nel corso della vita e di essere contenuti con 5.000.000 ¥ di reddito annuo e le ore 5, o il lavoro di carica a ore 6 con la mente che è esagerato non è più, anche se si dice un artista con la mente diligente che è il migliore del mondo e coinvolgente nel corso della giornata di occupazione e di notte dalle ore 9.
Con le persone di cui sopra essendo il giocatore eccellente che rappresenta il Giappone, la tribù, come non ci vuole un lavoro onesto, troppo, e la tribù in quanto rende il discorso di un lavoro di pane e burro, non è il giocatore eccellente che rappresenta il Giappone, ho scritto ed è apparso.
Per una curiosa coincidenza, che questa Asahi Shimbun ha dimostrato il diritto del mio articolo completamente due anni fa del 100% nel mese di agosto è che tutto il Giappone sa.

Ma riferendosi ancora una volta, settimanale Bunshun e gli informatori sono l'estremità del compagno di media, ha criticato, parola di Akiko Santou è giusto completamente, tutte le persone oneste giapponese dovrebbe sapere.

Bunshun semanal y los informantes son la extremidad del compañero de media,

2016年02月07日 11時38分10秒 | 日記

La siguiente es una continuación del capítulo anterior.

A medida que el escrito antes, la tribu que está haciendo el trabajo en el Asahi no es excelentes jugadores en Japón.
Los jugadores excelentes en Japón, que están en el grupo de empresas que Japón es orgulloso en el mundo, y hacen todo lo posible en el día y la noche, para la persona y para el mundo como ministro de Amari.
O bien, se dedica a la gestión en el país en Kasumigaseki.
O bien, que se convierta en un médico para rescatar la vida del desconocido, no hace falta decir que la muerte, que nadie se evita, que está enfermo, casi para todos los seres humanos, se convierte en un médico para curar muchos males.

Y el 90% de las personas de conseguir la felicidad de cuatro miembros de la familia que no hay preocupación en el sustituto de trabajar en el curso de la vida y para contentarse con ¥ 5.000.000 de ingresos anuales y las 5, o carga de trabajo a seis con la mente que está exagerada ya ni siquiera si dice un artista con la mente diligente que es el mejor del mundo y participar en el día y la noche ocupación de las 9 horas.
Con la gente por encima de ser el excelente jugador que representa a Japón, la tribu, ya que no toma el trabajo honesto, también, y la tribu, ya que hace un trabajo de voz de pan con mantequilla, que no es el excelente jugador que representa a Japón, me escribió y apareció.
Por una curiosa coincidencia, que este Asahi Shimbun demostró la derecha de mi artículo completo año antepasado en un 100% en agosto es que sabe todo Japón.

Sin embargo, haciendo referencia de nuevo, semanal Bunshun y los informantes son la extremidad del compañero de media, criticó, la palabra de Akiko Santou es completamente correcto, toda la gente honesta japoneses deberían saber.

Wochen Bunshun und die Informanten

2016年02月07日 11時37分38秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist eine Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Da das Schreiben vor, ist der Stamm, die Arbeit in der Asahi tut nicht ausgezeichnete Spieler in Japan.
Die ausgezeichneten Spieler in Japan, sie sind in der Gruppe der Unternehmen, die Japan stolz auf der Welt ist, und sie tun ihr Bestes, Tag und Nacht, für die Person und für die Welt wie Amari Minister.
Oder ist es in der Verwaltung des Landes in Kasumigaseki engagiert.
Oder, um es ein Arzt geworden, das Leben des völlig Fremden zu retten, ist es selbstverständlich, dass der Tod die niemand vermeidet, es krank fast für alle Menschen ist, wird es ein Arzt viele Übel zu heilen.

Und 90% der Menschen nach Glück aus vier Familie bekommen, dass es nicht in der Ersatz ist Sorge in der Lebenszeit zu arbeiten und Inhalte mit ¥ 5.000.000 von einem jährlichen Einkommen und 5 Uhr zu sein, oder nach 06 Uhr Lade Arbeit mit der Geist, der nicht mehr übertrieben, auch wenn es ein Künstler mit der sorgfältigen Verstand sagt, die zu den besten der Welt und in der Besetzung Tag und Nacht von 09.00 Eingriff.
Mit über Menschen die hervorragende Spieler zu sein, der Japan vertritt, der Stamm so dauert es nicht ehrlicher Arbeit, auch, und den Stamm, wie es Sprache ein Brot-und-Butter-Job macht, ist es nicht die ausgezeichnete Spieler, der Japan vertritt, ich schrieb und erschien.
Durch ein merkwürdiger Zufall, dass diese Asahi Shimbun das Recht meines Artikels vollständig vorletzten Jahr um 100% im August bewiesen ist, dass ganz Japan kennt.

Aber bezogen wieder, wöchentlich Bunshun und die Informanten sind das Ende des mittleren Kerl, er kritisiert, Wort Akiko Santou ist seine Richtige vollständig, alle der ehrlich Japaner wissen sollten.

Bunshun semanal e os informantes são a extremidade

2016年02月07日 11時36分50秒 | 日記

O que se segue é uma continuação do capítulo anterior.

Como a escrita antes, a tribo que está fazendo um trabalho na Asahi não é excelentes jogadores no Japão.
As excelentes jogadores no Japão, eles estão no grupo de empresas que o Japão se orgulha de no mundo, e eles fazem o seu melhor no dia e noite, para a pessoa e para o mundo como Amari ministro.
Ou, ela está envolvida na gestão do país em Kasumigaseki.
Ou, se tornar um médico para salvar a vida do total estranho, escusado será dizer que a morte que ninguém evita, ele está doente quase para todos os seres humanos, se torna um médico para curar muitos males.

E 90% das pessoas de obter a felicidade de quatro pessoas da família que não há preocupação no substituto para trabalhar na vida e que se contentar com ¥ 5.000.000 de rendimentos anuais e 5 horas, ou cobrando trabalho para seis horas com a mente que é exagerado já nem sequer se ele diz que um artista com a mente diligente que é o melhor do mundo e se engajar no dia de ocupação e de noite a partir de 09:00.
Com pessoas acima sendo o excelente jogador que representa o Japão, a tribo, uma vez que não leva trabalho honesto, também, e tribo, uma vez que faz o discurso de um trabalho de pão com manteiga, não é o excelente jogador que representa o Japão, eu escreveu e apareceu.
Por uma curiosa coincidência, que este Asahi Shimbun revelou o direito do meu artigo completamente ano antes da última em 100% em agosto é que todo o Japão sabe.

Mas referindo-se novamente, Bunshun semanal e os informantes são a extremidade do companheiro média, criticou, a palavra de Akiko Santou é certo totalmente, todos os japoneses honestos deve saber.


2016年02月07日 11時36分20秒 | 日記



