Compared with Brazil of the variety, island country Japan, it criticizes Japan for being and so on, the article which diminishes Japan is carried on the front page of Asahi Shimbun in the streamer, it is being surprised to make indeed their eyes pop out with astonishment if these Brazilian people know.
As no one of the Brazilians, it is needless to say that not a person who believes such a fool thing.
Almost, all Brazilian people think that it is necessary to be a country like Japan which wants to become like Japan, in every aspect.
Anyone, there are not Brazilian people who have an idea like Shibata.
While the world is saying that after Japan, it is China, or that it is India, as I have been saying, "the turntable of civilization", doesn't go around to these countries, (in that the reason, too, is definite, write for the first time in the world), and it supposed that it turned, I wrote that it is Brazil that only the poverty is a problem, too, as it knows a reader.
However, that it would be 170 years later, too, I referred many times.
This article continues.