文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

No one wrote the following ever, it is the article which exposes the lie which is opposite to

2016年08月30日 22時54分30秒 | 日記

No one wrote the following ever, it is the article which exposes the lie which is opposite to the nuclear power plant which isn't exaggerated even if it says that it is a result of being operated by China and Korea childishly and foolishly.

I grew up, born in Miyagi Prefecture Natori City Yuriage.

When rising up to Hiyoriyama, on the good day of the weather, Kinkasan which is at the end of Oshika peninsula over there could have been seen far beyond.

There is Onagawa town in the bottom in this Oshika peninsula.

Onagawa nuclear power plant of Tohoku Electric Power which is here in case of the Tohoku district Pacific Ocean offing earthquake became the housing of the local resident.

In other words, what and the fact which the nuclear power plant opposition disputants aren't exaggerated are saying even if it says that the human beings who are childishly and stupidly operated by China and Korea accomplish are contrary completely.

It was the safest in case of 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, too, and it is at the Sendai nuclear power plant that it did not give an inch completely.

However, this is that the kindergartner understands originally.

It isn't made with the best robustness except the nuclear power plant at the building in today.

It is made with the strength of the level which doesn't break even if the airplane bumps except the nuclear power plant.

The skyscraper was irresistibly and proof by 9.11 in the U.S..

That 福島 became Fukushima something because of the prime minister in those days, in the next day on March 11th, I who wrote in the moment that he went to the Fukushima nuclear power plant with the helicopter am the first time person in Japan.

In other words, it is because it was Naoto Kan administration whom Asahi Shimbun formed by lifting.

It is because I received the best look from the God in Japan which could watch a situation at that time closely.

This article continues

Passing in 70 after the war, doing such farfetched, the newspaper which is equal to the traitor

2016年08月30日 22時22分50秒 | 日記

Passing in 70 after the war, doing such farfetched, the newspaper which is equal to the traitor, when it should put an end to continuing to make it continue, because it comes long ago.

The state which diminishes Japan using the matter which is said to be the virtue of some country, it is the thought of the staff of Asahi Newspaper and is a brain.

The example for which it is foolish to be cruelest is "it is possible to learn from Germany" but as for the fact, at all, they don't notice even that it is opposite.

I was surprised to know that there were many Korean correspondents in the Asahi Newspaper in several articles which were published on the day when an organization about the military comfort woman was established in Korea.

Being disgusted is surprising to hardly telling about nothing about the actual state of Korea while taking that correspondent system.

Now, the world is proving the right of my "the turntable of civilization" perfectly.

The world is too horrible compared with Japan. Even as for simple peace, even as for the public security, even the free speech is the difference of every poor horrible or extreme poverty and wealth.

Who did continue to place Japan in the political convict in the international community

2016年08月30日 20時35分25秒 | 日記

"Who did continue to place Japan in the political convict in the international community until it led soon in 70 after the war"

In the FrontPage of Asahi Shimbun the other day, Shibata Masahiro of Rio de Janeiro chief correspondent with "island country Japan" and so on to the variety in Brazil, it was writing the article to despise Japan about using the Olympics.

This is not only the issue for him but also the problem for all other men of Asahi Newspaper who carries such an article on the front page in the big space, joyful.

I make it know that it is constitution itself of Asahi Newspaper in the world.

Japan with the government system which doesn't permit the invasion of the other race since the history, to the history of Japan who has continued to achieve peace which isn't exaggerated even if it says that there is not a kind in the foreign country, he doesn't have even the knowledge of the schoolchild level.

The history recognition to have, it does the blind bombing which dropped incendiary on 127 cities to Japan in the last years of the war, the conduct in Japan the burned field of which was whole approximately, the U.S. which made a hellish plan, dropping an atomic bomb on two of Hiroshima and Nagasaki beautiful cities, adding.

The U.S. which braved the maximum war crime of the human history which isn't inferior to Nazis in such Germany at all.

Fabricate Nanjing Massacre and so on to glass this over.

The U.S. does the planting of Japan's being a bad country in the Japanese when the Japanese are the bad people.

It is the history recognition which was made, depending on the state which placed Japanese in the political convict in the international community.

It is supported by the history which themselves fabricated, the actual state with the national education system which is totalitarianism = Korea which continued to use this for the anti-Japanese education.

It is a thought completely the same as the state which continued to use this for the rulers in China which is the party autarchic of the Communist Party to capture much money from Japan.

For the Japanese people or the world, the time when it is necessary to know that it is the lowest as intelligence of Shibata, in other words Asahi Newspaper.


2016年08月30日 18時06分08秒 | 日記




As the lost result in 20 which themselves made, while Osaka withers and falls big,

2016年08月30日 17時17分49秒 | 日記

Its health, too, in other words, he doesn't think back even to the life, for the Japanese people with Japan, as the politician who is an occupation as his destiny, compared with the Prime Minister Abe who makes Japan strong roughly and tries to keep the safety of the territory and the people of Japan whatever thing there is,

With Asahi Shimbun shouldering the instrument of the propaganda such as Nanjing Massacre report, taking part in China's obtaining 30 trillion yen of the historical biggest porks from Japan, and 1 billion yen to pay Korea as a result of fabricating a military comfort woman report, without showing the gesture to be burdened with and so on at all, the state which continues to put a fault by despising Prime Minister Abe any more in the consequentiality which is not.

In case of constructing two Osaka Nakanoshima super high-rise buildings which hung economic fate of the Asahi, show their own power completely, in addition to making 1,600 %, too, raise 1,000 % of floor area ratios on the land on the riverside of the poor subsoil,

As the lost result in 20 which themselves made, while Osaka withers and falls big, the time of the completion of their company buildings = the time of call for the tenant, Asahi Shimbun who fell on the primary period, the second period sale of land in lots time of the Umeda north yard which was the key of the reconstruction of Osaka, it published, making the scoop article of the front page of the green park, and so on, stopping second period sale of land in lots suddenly at the beginning of 2010.
Next, it published the article of all the step digging, being entitled a confused northern yard.
The importance of my article if comparing Prime Minister Abe with the persistent wickedness of this Asahi Shimbun and it should know that I continue to write a very great paper actually for Japan and the world, too.

which has continued maneuvering trying to undermine his foundation is the lowest of the company

2016年08月30日 16時57分59秒 | 日記

Seeing the Prime Minister Abe who was attending the Africa development conference (TICAD) Tokyo International Conference on African Development which was held in Nairobi in Africa if thinking that it attended the closing ceremony of Rio Olympic, there should be many Japanese people who re-recognized being the prime minister who has an energy as much as his being permitted to say that the successive generations is the best.
In me, the right of referring, too, should have been re-recognized when he is a politician in the real thing who is presuming that the reality of the international community and Japan straight completely to being unrelated to the distorted thought and so on.
As for him, as the executive of Japan, even if it says that it is former best, the Japanese people should have begun to notice that it does the thing which isn't exaggerated at all, too.
With respect to this Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, altogether, pick a quarrel, completely, Asahi Shimbun which has continued maneuvering trying to undermine his foundation is the lowest of the company.

If referring to Nikkei Shimbun again, it publishes the article of some executive roughly.

2016年08月30日 16時44分46秒 | 日記

If referring to Nikkei Shimbun again, it publishes the article of some executive roughly.

Several years of 30 became a little in the times in the Internet.

It invented TRON after one genius whom Japan produced before the Windows conquered the world learned in Keio.

It decided that it educated a PC for the Japanese people with Japanese Government in those days installing the PC the heart of which was this TRON in the all over Japan elementary and junior high schools, noticing the greatness of this invention.

It is the times which Japan in those days made whether or not would surpass the U.S., too.

However, Bill Gates who knew that this thing led to the loss of the great profit for the company made bureaucrats in charge attack persistently, using an executive at the beginning in the advance guard.

Though the reason moves a PC, two pieces of software aren't needed.

It was the extremity of the nonsense really that it should use a Windows.

The nonsense will be obvious in the variety of the crime and so on brings about now which the fragilitas of the Windows = in the Internet.

As for this thing, it represents important what no one referred to ever later as Japan to the Japanese people though.

What did this executive bring to Japan?

He brought difficulties to 9 companies of electric appliance manufacturers which Japan is proud of in the world.

As the manufacturer who had the heart of the PC robbed, the deficit continued to be composed of PC category to 9 companies to the matter of course and it is as well-known that it already cut off majority.

Only this loss is unprecedented but as the result of the action which this executive took from Tohoku University earthquake disaster, by the extremity of the foolishness like really a kindergartner such as the immediate stop of the all nuclear power plants, the false moralism to the extent that I have no choice but to think that the maneuvering of some person intervened.

While bringing the heavy losses which equals 10 trillion yen, too, in the few years to the Japanese people with Japan, the very person achieved the acquisition which exceeds 3 trillion yen to do = itself more roughly in the company in addition to becoming 1 or 2 rich men in Japan.

In the process of such a man, Nikkei published an article in the big space today as if to be what is just exaggerated.

About the politician in the real thing who has accomplished what it should do is without writing absolutely, for the Japanese people with Japan, completely to being unknown with the personal greed and so on, jump about the world.

It says the state to have despised such a state.

However, as for they are different, recently I wrote for the first time in Japan

2016年08月30日 16時12分24秒 | 日記

The media of Asahi Shimbun and so on made Japan's lost 20 as it, continuing to write the article which dwarfs Japan.

There is not an executive who doesn't think that it wants to make strong who wants to do its company roughly.

However, as for they are different, recently I wrote for the first time in Japan.

I continue subscription to Asahi Shimbun for many years.

In the writing of the article to have wanted to have made strong or to have maintained that it should be the permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations as the matter of course strongly that they want to do Japan roughly, being ordinary should know all subscribers for many years, never being.

I noticed that this thing was being strange indeed newly.

There should be many readers who feel that Nikkei will be the newspaper which aims at the Asahi.

The article of the streamer of the front page of Nikkei Shinbun on August 29th was proving the thing.

The first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange one company in four companies of the companies, public money, the largest shareholder, but headline. Subheadings decrease market functions, it was.

About 8 years before thinking that the time when it should write the turntable of civilization came real, I began the watching of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

It introduced the remark of Briton manager of the Japanese share investment fund, too, saying "the Tokyo Stock Exchange is the market which can let out a profit absolutely".

Work absolutely in Japan that the turntable of civilization is the country to be turning around which has the height of the liberty and the intellect to equal the U.S. and has peace as the most political stability and the democracy in the world, and they have continued to get a high-risk high-return in the market in the developing country which isn't exaggerated even if it says the risky extremity.

Nikkei Shimbun seems not to have thought that it is a distorted market in the actual state of the Tokyo Stock Exchange who reaches this Japan soon from lost 20 at all.

Indeed, it is no great economic newspaper.

Every time the global economy shows the sign of the fall, they who account for 70 % of the buying and selling of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, for them, as for Japan, = yen is the end of the risk-aversion as the even now absolute riskless assets, being contrary completely of his saying, the man coming from the Ministry of Finance in International Monetary Fund, the finance in Japan is critical status, therefore, with the state which has continued to inflame that the excise tax increase is necessary.

In other words, it brings in to the strong yen.

It makes falling stock prices occur.

The profit that this is absolute is the composition which it is possible to invent.

Where in the world will the market which was distorted any more, the market with declining market mechanism be?


2016年08月30日 15時14分05秒 | 日記











2016年08月30日 14時47分53秒 | 日記

リオ五輪の閉会式に出ていたと思ったら、アフリカのナイロビで開催されたアフリカ開発会議(TICAD)Tokyo International Conference on African Developmentに出席していた安倍首相を見て、彼が歴代最高と言ってもよい程の行動力を持っている首相であることを再認識した日本国民は多いはずである。私が、彼は歪んだ思想などとは全く無縁に日本国と国際社会の現実をストレートにみている本物の政治家であると言及してきた事の正しさも再認識されたはずである。彼は日本国の経営者としては、これまでの最上であると言っても全く過言ではない事も日本国民は気づきだしているはずだ。この安倍首相に対して、悉く、因縁をつける、彼の基盤を弱体化させようと企み続けている朝日新聞は最低の会社である。





2016年08月30日 14時15分17秒 | 日記








Cependant, que ce serait 170 ans plus tard, aussi, je me suis référé à plusieurs reprises.

2016年08月30日 09時58分05秒 | 日記

En comparaison avec le Brésil de la variété, l'île pays Japon, il critique le Japon d'être et ainsi de suite, l'article qui diminue le Japon est porté sur la première page de Asahi Shimbun dans le streamer, il est d'être surpris de faire bien leurs yeux pop avec étonnement si ces gens brésiliens savent.

Comme aucun des Brésiliens, il est inutile de dire que pas une personne qui croit une telle chose de fou.

Presque tous les Brésiliens pensent qu'il est nécessaire d'être un pays comme le Japon, qui veut devenir comme le Japon, dans tous les aspects.

Tout le monde, il n'y a pas des gens brésiliens qui ont une idée comme Shibata.

Alors que le monde dit que, après le Japon, il est de la Chine, ou qu'il est l'Inde, comme je l'ai dit, "la plaque tournante de la civilisation», ne va pas autour de ces pays, (en ce que la raison, aussi, est défini, écrire pour la première fois dans le monde), et il a supposé qu'il tournait, je l'ai écrit qu'il est le Brésil que seule la pauvreté est un problème, aussi, car il connaît un lecteur.

Cependant, que ce serait 170 ans plus tard, aussi, je me suis référé à plusieurs reprises.

Cet article continue.

Tuttavia, che sarebbe 170 anni più tardi, anche, ho parlato molte volte.

2016年08月30日 09時57分18秒 | 日記

Rispetto al Brasile della varietà, isola paese Giappone, si critica il Giappone per essere e così via, l'articolo che diminuisce il Giappone è effettuata sulla prima pagina di Asahi Shimbun nel streamer, è essere sorpreso a fare davvero i loro occhi pop fuori con stupore se queste persone sanno brasiliano.

Poiché nessuno dei brasiliani, è inutile dire che non è una persona che crede una cosa del genere sciocco.

Quasi tutte le persone brasiliani pensano che sia necessario essere un paese come il Giappone, che vuole diventare come il Giappone, in ogni suo aspetto.

Chiunque, non ci sono persone brasiliani che hanno un'idea come Shibata.

Mentre il mondo sta dicendo che dopo il Giappone, è la Cina, o che sia l'India, come ho detto, "il giradischi della civiltà", non va in giro a questi paesi, (in quanto la ragione, troppo, è definitiva, scrivere per la prima volta nel mondo), e si suppone che si è scoperto, ho scritto che è il Brasile che solo la povertà è un problema, anche, come conosce un lettore.

Tuttavia, che sarebbe 170 anni più tardi, anche, ho parlato molte volte.

Questo articolo continua.

Sin embargo, eso sería 170 años más tarde, también, me he referido muchas veces.

2016年08月30日 09時56分43秒 | 日記

En comparación con el Brasil de la variedad, país de la isla de Japón, critica Japón de ser y así sucesivamente, el artículo que disminuye Japón se realiza en la primera página de Asahi Shimbun, en la serpentina, es ser sorprendido para hacer de hecho sus ojos se salgan con asombro si estas personas saben brasileños.

Como ninguno de los brasileños, es necesario decir que no es una persona que cree una cosa tan tonta.

Casi todos los brasileños piensan que no es necesario ser un país como Japón, que quiere llegar a ser como Japón, en todos los aspectos.

Cualquier persona, no hay gente de Brasil que tienen una idea como Shibata.

Mientras el mundo está diciendo que, después de Japón, que es China, o que es la India, ya que he estado diciendo, "el plato giratorio de la civilización", no gira alrededor de estos países, (en la que la razón, también, es definitiva, escribir por primera vez en el mundo), y se supone que resultó, escribí que es el Brasil que sólo la pobreza es un problema, también, como lo sabe un lector.

Sin embargo, eso sería 170 años más tarde, también, me he referido muchas veces.

Este artículo continúa.

Jedoch, dass es 170 Jahre später wäre auch I bezeichnet viele Male.

2016年08月30日 09時55分49秒 | 日記

Im Vergleich zu Brasilien von der Sorte, Inselstaat Japan, kritisiert es Japan für sein und so weiter, der Artikel, die Japan verringert wird auf der Titelseite von Asahi Shimbun im Streamer getragen, wird überrascht sein in der Tat herausspringen ihre Augen mit zu machen Erstaunen, wenn diese brasilianische Leute kennen.

Da niemand der Brasilianer ist es unnötig, eine Person zu sagen, dass nicht, wer so dumm Sache glaubt.

Fast, denken alle brasilianische Volk, dass es notwendig ist, ein Land wie Japan zu sein, die wie Japan werden will, in jeder Hinsicht.

Jeder gibt es nicht brasilianischen Menschen, die eine Idee wie Shibata haben.

Während die Welt sagt, dass nach Japan, es China ist, oder dass es Indien, wie ich gesagt habe, "die Drehscheibe der Zivilisation", nicht in diese Länder geht um, (in das der Grund ist auch bestimmte, zum ersten Mal in der Welt) zu schreiben, und angenommen, dass es stellte sich, schrieb ich, dass es Brasilien ist, dass nur die Armut ist ein Problem, auch, da es einen Leser kennt.

Jedoch, dass es 170 Jahre später wäre auch I bezeichnet viele Male.

Dieser Artikel setzt.