文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2017年07月19日 10時07分56秒 | 日記














Это непреднамеренно раскрывает,

2017年07月19日 10時07分18秒 | 日記

Нет стран, которые встречаются как смешные, как в Японии.

Например, у вас нет чувства дискриминации, будет очевидно, если вы посмотрите на форму сына Масаёши.

Или успеха Lotte, слишком много, чтобы рассчитывать.

Не будет преувеличением сказать, что нет японских бизнесменов, преуспевших в Китае или Корее.

Как Китай и Корейский полуостров, «страны неизвестного зла» и «таинственная ложь», как и для других стран, помогают крупнейшие фонды в истории человечества,

Несмотря на то, что они сразу привнесли свою экономику = национальную силу в нынешнюю ситуацию,

Китай и Южная Корея ничему не учили граждан о колоссальной помощи Японии, и они не произнесли никаких слов благодарности.

Его символ, на японском и китайском саммите, снова и снова, проецируется, является грубым выражением этого Си Цзиньпина.

Напротив, убить 100 человек, используя меч, охват ядовитым газом, резню в Нанкине, женщины с военным комфортом,

Сфабрикованные новости Асахи Симбуна,

Чтобы заставить их атаковать правительство Либерально-демократической партии, храмы Ясукуни посещают проблемы, созданные Като Чихиро и т. Д. В качестве материала для них,

В связи с этим позвольте мне обратиться в суд родной страны обо всех проблемах, связанных с военными работниками и т. Д. В обмен на Японо-Китайский мирный договор, Основной договор между Японией и Кореей в обмен на крупнейшие в Японии гуманитарные средства в истории человечества, Что они захватили большие суммы репараций от японских компаний, которые не хотят сражаться.

Это непреднамеренно раскрывает, ужасное зло, правдоподобная ложь, мир и Организация Объединенных Наций продолжают прощать.


2017年07月19日 10時06分41秒 | 日記


สิ่งที่คุณไม่ค่อยรู้สึกผิด ๆ เช่นจะเห็นได้ชัดถ้าคุณมองไปที่รูปแบบของ Masayoshi Son

หรือความสำเร็จของ Lotte ก็นับว่ามากเกินไป


ในฐานะที่เป็นประเทศจีนและคาบสมุทรเกาหลี "ประเทศที่ไม่รู้จักความชั่วร้าย" และ "การโกหกลึกลับ" เช่นเดียวกับประเทศอื่น ๆ เงินทุนที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์ของมนุษย์จะได้รับความช่วยเหลือ,

ถึงแม้เศรษฐกิจของประเทศจะนำไปสู่ความเข้มแข็งของชาติ /

จีนและเกาหลีใต้ไม่ได้สอนประชาชนเกี่ยวกับความช่วยเหลืออันมหาศาลจากประเทศญี่ปุ่นและไม่ได้กล่าวคำชื่นชมใด ๆ

สัญลักษณ์ของมันคือในการประชุมสุดยอดญี่ปุ่นและจีนอีกครั้งและอีกครั้งที่คาดคือการแสดงออกหยาบคายของ Xi Jinping เป็น

ในทางตรงกันข้ามฆ่า 100 คนโดยใช้ดาบ, ความคุ้มครองก๊าซพิษ, การสังหารหมู่หนานจิง, ผู้หญิงสบายใจทหาร,

ข่าวประดิษฐ์ของ Asahi Shimbun,

เพื่อที่จะทำให้พวกเขาโจมตีรัฐบาลพรรคเสรีนิยมประชาธิปไตยศาลเจ้า Yasukuni เยี่ยมชมปัญหาที่สร้างขึ้นโดย Kato Chihiro ฯลฯ เป็นวัสดุสำหรับพวกเขา,

ในโอกาสนี้ขอให้ฉันอุทธรณ์ไปยังศาลของประเทศบ้านเกิดเพื่อแก้ไขปัญหาแรงงานในยามสงครามที่แก้ไขปัญหาทั้งหมดเป็นต้นเพื่อแลกกับสนธิสัญญาสันติภาพญี่ปุ่น - จีนซึ่งเป็นสนธิสัญญาพื้นฐานญี่ปุ่น - เกาหลีเพื่อแลกกับเงินช่วยเหลือด้านมนุษยธรรมที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์ของประเทศญี่ปุ่น เงื่อนไขที่พวกเขาได้จับกุมจำนวนมากชดเชยจาก บริษัท ญี่ปุ่นที่ไม่ต้องการที่จะต่อสู้


Questo rivelare inavvertitamente, malvagio male

2017年07月19日 10時06分00秒 | 日記

Non ci sono paesi che si incontrano come ridicoli come in Giappone.

Quello che non hai i sentimenti di discriminazione, per esempio, sarà ovvio se si guarda alla forma di Masayoshi Son.

O il successo di Lotte, è troppo da contare.

Non è esagerato dire che non ci sono uomini d'affari giapponesi che sono riusciti in Cina o in Corea.

Come la Cina e la penisola coreana, "paesi sconosciuti male" e "misteriose menzogne", come per gli altri paesi, i fondi più grandi nella storia umana sono aiutati,

Nonostante abbia portato la propria economia = forza nazionale in una sola volta alla situazione attuale,

La Cina e la Corea del Sud non hanno insegnato ai cittadini nulla circa l'enorme aiuto del Giappone, né hanno detto alcuna parola di apprezzamento.

Il suo simbolo è, in Giappone e in Cina, il summit, ancora e ancora, è proiettato, è un'espressione scoraggera di quel Xi Jinping.

Al contrario, uccidere 100 persone usando una spada, copertura del gas veleno, massacro di Nanjing, donne di comunità militari,

Le novità di Asahi Shimbun,

Per farli attaccare al governo del Partito Liberale Democratico, il Santuario di Yasukuni visita i problemi creati da Kato Chihiro ecc. Come materiale per loro,

Nell'occasione, faccio appello al tribunale del paese di origine per tutti i problemi risolti dei lavoratori durante la guerra, ecc. In cambio del Trattato di pace giapponese e cinese, del Trattato di base Giappone-Corea, in cambio dei maggiori soldi del Giappone per l'aiuto umanitario nella storia umana, Condizioni che hanno catturato grandi quantità di riparazioni da aziende giapponesi che non vogliono combattere.

Questo rivelare inavvertitamente, male abisso, bugia plausibile, il mondo e le Nazioni Unite continuano a perdonare.

China's alliance division tactics for Japan seems to reflect the recognition that it is already

2017年07月19日 09時55分32秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Inside of "Okinawa" as the main measure of the alliance division

In addition to that, the report touched the last [alliance division] of the three tactics and raised "Okinawa" as the main item among them.

What is noteworthy is that the same "alliance division" chapter raises the country name of the allied countries of the United States and the state of each country, while in the case of Japan it is not the name of Japan but "Okinawa" It was a point that it was mentioning only.

China's alliance division tactics for Japan seems to reflect the recognition that it is already concentrating in Okinawa.

The description was as follows.

"China tried economically intimidating as a tactic to get Japan to leave Japan - US alliance and make it a concession to China, but it was hardly successful.

Prohibition of rare earth exports to Japan and boycott of Japanese products in China market did not improve effect,

Japan did not make a concession even on the issue of the Senkaku Islands, but on the contrary strengthened security cooperation with other Asian countries, and from the United States gained a statement of support for the Senkaku defense. "

China therefore came to focus on tactics against Japan to work on Okinawa.

"The Chinese military is particularly seriously concerned about the ability of US forces stationed in Okinawa to deploy troops to remote areas, and they are trying to weaken it in a multilateral way"

As is well known in Okinawa, the US military’s Marine elites are stationed.

The unit called the third marine expedition army is also called Marine Air-Ground Task Force and can be deployed in response to conflicts and crisis in remote areas from both the sky and the sea.

Various military operations missions and regional security cooperation activities are possible, and emergency situations can be issued quickly.

It is said that the US military as a whole has the self-reliant operation capability as the most realistic expedition responding unit.

That's exactly a big threat from the Chinese side.

So cutting that strength and ability with all means is an important strategic goal for China.

This draft continues.


2017年07月19日 09時30分28秒 | 日記








「中国は沖縄に米軍の軍事情報を集めるための中国軍の諜報工作員と日本側の米軍基地反対運動をあおるための政治工作員を送りこみ、日米両国の離反を企図している」 「沖縄での中国の諜報工作員たちは米軍基地を常時ひそかに監視して、米軍の軍事活動の詳細をモニターするほか、米軍の自衛隊との連携の実態をも調べている」 


同報告書は中国側の沖縄でのこうした動きをはっきりと「スパイ活動(Espionage)」とか扇動 (Agitation)」と呼び、そうした行動が将来も続けられるという見通しを明言していた。このへんはこの記述以上に詳細で具体的な情報こそ示されないものの、明らかにアメリカ当局独自の事実関係把握に基づく報告であり、警告だといえる。



2017年07月19日 09時28分15秒 | 日記













米軍全体でも最も実戦的な遠征即応部隊としての自立作戦能力を備えているともいわれる。 まさに中国側からすれば大きな脅威というわけだ。




2017年07月19日 08時42分47秒 | 日記






Dal Giappone a loro, come per gli aiuti




Im Diskriminierungssystem, das durch den


it is a promise between the countries that they do not bring bring up the comfort women






Even by that alone it is not exaggeration to say that they are a treasonist, a traitor.


Dans le système de discrimination causé par


En el sistema de discriminación causado por el confucianismo, discriminaron a sus




Actually, they have continued to fulfill their great contribution to China.




그렇게 말하면, 내 마음의


It is also necessary to form common recognition and political consensus of the people




No sistema de discriminação causado pelo












Nel sistema di discriminazione causato dal confucianesimo, essi discriminavano il loro popolo


유교로 인한 차별


As a long-term strategy, China aimed to eliminate the Japan-US alliance, and as a concrete measure


On dit que le sens de la discrimination est dû à la société hypocrite de Christian White




Diz-se que o senso de discriminação é devido à sociedade hipócrita de branco cristão




Si dice che il senso della discriminazione è dovuto alla società ipocrita del bianco cristiano










한국의 반일 운동은 증오심




차별 의식은 기독교


일본으로부터 그들에게,


The distorted mass media from that time was further distorted and screwed.


Говорят, что чувство дискриминации


Du Japon à eux, comme pour l'aide à d'autres pays,




Es wird gesagt, dass das Gefühl der


В системе дискриминации,


Decirlo así, había algo que atrapaba en la esquina de mi corazón un poco,




Dicendo così, c'era qualcosa che mi trovò un po 'nell'angolo del mio cuore,


Von Japan zu ihnen, wie für die Hilfe für andere Länder,


Rudimentary strategy of Intelligence agency is a honey trap, but I recently noticed that


En disant, il y avait quelque chose qui a pris quelque chose dans le coin de mon cœur,


All of this kind of intimidation has the intention of reducing US deterrence.

2017年07月19日 01時06分04秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter


"China has deepened its economic cooperation with Thailand and Pakistan, has developed into military cooperation, and is improving the military capability against the US military in the use of the port in the country of the Chinese Navy.

Implement joint military exercises with Australia and Thailand to complicate security cooperation with the United States of both countries. Strengthening the bonds of the economy with South Korea and relaxing the ties with Korea's America on security side”


"China regulated the import of Philippine bananas during the collision at the Scarborough Atoll with the Philippines.

In the event of a collision with the Japanese near the Senkaku Islands, it regulated the export of rare earth to Japan. Both were intimidating acts of economic punishment. In the vicinity of the Senkaku deploy a naval vessel behind a naval vessel of maritime police, and exercise the power of exercising military power. China also exercised a military intimidation in unilateral oil drilling work in Vietnam's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). All of this kind of intimidation has the intention of reducing US deterrence. "

This draft continues.

This report explained the fundamental features of non-military means to the US, anti-US and

2017年07月19日 01時04分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Specific contents of "involvement" and "intimidation"

This report explained the fundamental features of non-military means to the US, anti-US and anti-US allies to weaken the military's capabilities in that Asian, as follows.

"The top executives of the People's Liberation Army of China repeatedly insist that" war is not a mere competition of military power but a comprehensive competition including politics, economics, diplomacy, culture, "in various papers.

In other words, the idea is that victory cannot be obtained unless non-military factors such as politics, economy, diplomacy, culture, etc. directly or indirectly support military operations.

So to stop intervention in the conflicts involving China in Asia in the Asian region, it is necessary not only to military power, but also to reduce US dependence on the political system of the allies and the countries of the allies and trust in the United States, rolls Such as diplomacy, information and economy are needed.

That kind of lever will also include giving bribe economic interests from trade agreements and friendship diplomacy etc. "In other words, it is the intention of reducing the capacity of the US military by a very wide and diverse means, and the descent of the alliance.

Involvement "," intimidation ", and" alliance division ", which are related to the above three tactics based on the kind of intention of the Chinese side.

I will introduce the outline of the report on "involvement" and "intimidation" before detailed description of "alliance division" that included Okinawa operation among the three tactics.

This draft continues.


2017年07月19日 00時44分58秒 | 日記







その種のテコには貿易協定や友好外交などから賄賂的な経済利権の付与も含まれてくる」 つまりは非常に広範で多様な手段による米軍の能力削減、そして同盟の骨抜きという意図なのである。





オーストラリアやタイとの合同軍事演習を実施して、両国のアメリカとの安全保障協力を複雑にする。韓国との経済のきずなを強めて、安保面でも韓国のアメリカとの密着を緩める」 【威圧】 



Regarding that point, the report provided reasons for the following outline.

2017年07月19日 00時40分39秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Regarding that point, the report provided reasons for the following outline.

"Papers published by the People's Liberation Army executives of the Military Academy in publications etc., in order for China to return to the 'legitimate outstanding historical position' in Asia, the western Pacific, the condition, which along with the Asian allied nations, The US is ready to hold down the military capabilities of China in an emergency, China is necessary to break down it, it insists.”

The "legitimate outstanding position in history" for China in the above description is clearly the global riot of the Chinese empire dynasty before the Qing Dynasty before the "century of humiliation".

That is the revival of that past glory.

This concept is also consistent with political slogans such as Xi Jinping head of state recites, "China's dream" or "great restoration of the Chinese people".

Behind the gentle slogan on the surface "peaceful rise" there is a glaring ambition to restore the present People's Republic of China to the world empire like the past dynasty period, the report by the expert Group of the American side is watching.

This "ambition" was also uncovered also in the "Kudan line" which the international arbitration court ruled as "no basis" on the pursuit of China's maritime hegemony in the South China Sea recently.

"The South China Sea has historically been a Chinese territorial sea from the ancient Kudan line section" is reflected in the anachronistic Chinese government claims that, "a legitimate outstanding position in history".

However, there is no justification in the modern world.

However, from the Chinese side, the existence of the US military in the forward deployment of the United States, especially Asia, is the biggest barrier to building and achieving its 'legitimate outstanding position'.

The report of the US - China Economic Security Survey Committee summarized the military recognition of the Chinese side in this regard as follows.

"Chinese military executives are trying to prevent the United States from entering a legitimate advance in China, South Korea in the South region in Asia and Australia and the Philippines in the South region to contain that China, With Guam as its core, it can attack China deep in long-range strategic weapons, it is going to do, China is watching.

That is why for China, the series of alliances that the United States has built in Asia and its military posture are subject to hostile or opposition regardless of emergency.

So why is China so desperate to weaken US military capabilities in Asia?

2017年07月19日 00時02分07秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

The focus on abating US military capability

In order to position China's move in Okinawa warning of a total of 16 pages of this report within the whole American strategy, let me first give a description of the main focus of this report.

"China is an East Asia, the Western Pacific Region If a military conflict occurs In order to reduce the vulnerability of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to the US Army, to reduce or delay the American side's military response to that kind of conflict, China is continuing to build the ability of "Anti-Access" or "Area Denial".

At the same time, the Chinese side is also promoting other measures including non-military options before the military conflict occurred. These measures are attempts to erode the American side's strategic position, freedom of action, margin of strategy”

In short, China is making the greatest effort to reduce the military capabilities of US forces in Asia.

The work for reducing that US military capability is not necessarily limited to military means.

There is also a series of non-military measures.

Three kinds of movements that the report provides as non-military measures were as follows.

· Engagement · Intimidation · Division of Alliances The tactics of the three sides of China are all aimed at weakening US forces in Asia and at the same time strengthening the Chinese army at the same time.

The target of the tactics is sharply aimed more closely by the allied countries such as Japan at the same time as the United States. China's work on Okinawa, which is the subject of this paper, was included in the tactics of "division of alliance" among them.

So why is China so desperate to weaken US military capabilities in Asia?

This draft continues.