文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Understanding of this problem is falling behind in the Trump regime.

2017年07月23日 16時01分19秒 | 日記

The following is an article of yesterday's Sankei newspaper that made me the previous chapter.

Emphasis in the sentence other than heading is me.

[Washington = Hiroyuki Kano]

US State Department spokesman Nauert said at the press conference on 20th, which she was asked by Korean media, involves the problem that the Korean Moon Jae-in administration announced the enactment of "the Japanese army 'Comfort women' victim anniversary", her recognition Of the "Sexual slavery", she replied, "We are criticizing the general, it is a field of great interest to the US".

South Korea media reported that the US government accused "sexual slavery by Japan" on remarks.

Ms. Nauert also said that "it is a very sensitive issue."

In his remarks, the Sankei Shimbun confirmed the possibility that the US government may be taken when comfort women are recognized as sex slaves,

Adams spokesperson of East Asia Pacific Bureau of the State Department said on July 20, it is refused the general theory, "It is terrible human rights violation that women were trafficked to the Japanese army for sexual purposes during the Second World War, the position of The US government has not changed.”

Understanding of this problem is falling behind in the Trump regime.

"The trafficked by the Japanese Army" is clearly inaccurate and the US government over the comfort women issue it means the recession of understanding of.

The Obama administration predicted that the relationship between Japan and the ROK and had an effect on the security of the region, and the two Korea-Japan governments confirmed the "final and irreversible solution" at the end of last year Us welcomed the agreement.

However, in the United States adopting a political appointee, the executive ministry officials will be replaced every time the administration changes.

It seems that the trump regime has not taken over the background of the agreement between the two countries, the weight of the agreement itself.

In the pre-war and wartime Korean Peninsula, women are often sold by parents from poverty, or sold to comfort station managers by procurer with human trafficking itself as occupation, many cases have become comfort women.

A woman from a former comfort woman who died at the age of 98 in April this year in the city of Seoul was talking about how she was made a comfort woman, once fooled by the sweet word of "a man of about 40 years old Korean".

It is obvious that it is not the former Japanese army.

On the other hand, compulsory entrainment by the former Japanese army and the authorities has not been confirmed.

Last February, Mr. Shinsuke Sugiyama, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs Advisor (then) at the United Nations Europe Headquarters in Switzerland, explained "That the material discovered by the Japanese government, those that confirm the so-called" compulsory entrainment" by the military or authorities there was nothing.”

The expression "the sacrifice of human trafficking" has also been used by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, but was kept in mind about procurer and traders.

The Korean government and some South Korean media are capable of bringing up comfort women's problem again by using the current state of the US government.

The Japanese government should continue to explain the Trump regime until the significance of the Japan - ROK agreement is correctly understood.

(Harakawa Takao)

I dedicate this song to Ms. Heather Ann Nauert.

2017年07月23日 14時51分32秒 | 日記

Isn't it a pity - Concert for George

"Isn't It A Pity (Version 1)"

Isn't it a pity

Now, isn't it a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity

Some things take so long
But how do I explain
When not too many people
Can see we're all the same
And because of all their tears
Their eyes can't hope to see
The beauty that surrounds them
Isn't it a pity

Isn't it a pity
Isn't is a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity

Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity
Forgetting to give back
Now, isn't it a pity

[6 times, fade the 6th:]
What a pity
What a pity, pity, pity
What a pity
What a pity, pity, pity


Si vous faites de la politique à travers le lobbying, vous devez vous en prévenir

2017年07月23日 13時58分42秒 | 日記

Je consacre ce chapitre à Mme Heather Ann Nauert et à Mme Adams, porte-parole du Bureau des affaires de l'Asie de l'Est et du Pacifique aux États-Unis.

Il ne serait pas exagéré de dire que la politique des États-Unis est constituée d'un lobbying.

Ou ce n'est peut-être pas une surestimation de dire que la démocratie aux États-Unis est une activité de lobbying.

Cependant, le fait n'est pas fait de lobbying.

Les activités académiques et artistiques ne sont pas liées au lobbying.

L'absence de sens signifie que les faits, les universitaires, les connaissances et l'art sont complètement exempts de lobbying et quelque chose.

En d'autres termes, si vous faites de la politique par un lobbying, vous devez vous en prévenir.

Aux États-Unis qui identifie le lobbying et la démocratie, les espions soviétiques entrent dans le régime du FDR du Parti démocratique avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Et que Fumimaro Konoe proposait plusieurs fois un sommet Japon-États-Unis pour essayer d'éviter la bataille entre le Japon et les États-Unis au risque de sa vie, FDR l'ignorait intentionnellement et amenait le Japon dans la guerre avec les États-Unis.

Cela a invité l'expansion et la croissance du communisme dans le monde de l'après-guerre et a créé la tyrannie et la présomption de la Chine actuelle et de la péninsule coréenne.

Dans la particularité de la page 2 du journal Sankei d'hier, j'ai lu les remarques du porte-parole du régime Trump et j'ai bien compris qu'ils répètent toujours les mêmes erreurs.

Donc, dans ce chapitre, dites la vérité au monde.

La fonctionnalité que le Sankei Shimbun fait maintenant est la caractéristique des contenus suivants.

La Chine et la Corée du Sud travaillent contre le Japon parce qu'ils conservent leur pouvoir dans la Propagande anti-Japon,

Il n'est pas exagéré de dire qu'ils ont laissé le rapport Asahi Shimbun sur le rapport d'actualité, diffusé l'histoire de la reconnaissance des tissus au monde, pour vaincre le Japon, pour renverser la crédibilité et la confiance du Japon dans la communauté internationale. En essayant d'affaiblir la voix,

Pour leur guerre de traçage, le Japon ne doit pas se taire et ne pas négliger, nous devons nous battre, c'est une série de caractéristiques spéciales.

Il n'est pas exagéré de dire que Sankei Shimbun est la seule société de journaux au monde, avec seulement cette série de caractéristiques spéciales.

Ce projet se poursuit.

Si está haciendo política a través del cabildeo, debe tener cuidado de no hacerlo

2017年07月23日 13時58分08秒 | 日記

Dedico este capítulo a la Sra. Heather Ann Nauert y al portavoz de la Sra. Adams de la Oficina de Asuntos de Asia Oriental y el Pacífico en los Estados Unidos.

No sería una exageración decir que la política de los Estados Unidos se compone de cabildeo.

O puede que no sea una exageración decir que la democracia en los Estados Unidos es una actividad de cabildeo.

Sin embargo, el hecho es libre de cabildeo.

Tanto académico como artístico no están relacionados con el cabildeo.

La falta de sentido significa que los hechos, los académicos, el conocimiento y el arte están completamente libres de cabildeo y algo.

En otras palabras, si usted está haciendo política a través de cabildeo, debe advertirse contra ella.

En los Estados Unidos que identifica el cabildeo y la democracia, los espías soviéticos estaban entrando en el régimen del Partido Demócrata FDR antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Y que Fumimaro Konoe estaba proponiendo una cumbre entre Japón y EEUU para tratar de evitar la batalla entre Japón y Estados Unidos a riesgo de su vida, FDR intencionalmente ignoró esto y arrastró a Japón a la guerra con Estados Unidos.

Esto invitó a la expansión y el crecimiento del comunismo en el mundo de la posguerra y hizo tiranía y presunción de la actual China y la península coreana.

En el artículo especial de la página 2 del periódico Sankei de ayer, leí las declaraciones del portavoz del régimen Trump y estaba muy consciente de que siguen repitiendo los mismos errores.

Así pues, en este capítulo, diga la verdad al mundo.

La característica que el Sankei Shimbun está haciendo ahora es la característica de los siguientes contenidos.

China y Corea del Sur están trabajando contra Japón porque mantienen el poder en la Propaganda Antijaponesa,

No es exagerado decir que dejaron que el informe Asahi Shimbun en el reportaje, difundir la historia de reconocimiento de tela para el mundo, para derrotar a Japón, a la caída de la credibilidad de Japón y la confianza en la comunidad internacional, Tratando de debilitar la voz,

Para su guerra de conspiración, Japón no debe guardar silencio y no pasar por alto, tenemos que luchar, es una serie de características especiales.

No es una exageración decir que Sankei Shimbun es la única compañía de periódicos en el mundo, con sólo esta serie de características especiales.

Este proyecto continúa.

Wenn du Politik durch Lobbyarbeit machst, musst du dich davor bewahren

2017年07月23日 13時57分33秒 | 日記

Ich widme dieses Kapitel Frau Heather Ann Nauert und Frau Adams Sprecherin des ostasiatischen und pazifischen Angelegenheitenbüros in den USA.

Es wäre nicht übertrieben zu sagen, dass die Politik der Vereinigten Staaten aus Lobbyarbeit besteht.

Oder es darf nicht eine Übertreibung sein, um zu sagen, dass die Demokratie in den Vereinigten Staaten eine Lobbyarbeit ist.

Allerdings ist die Tatsache frei von Lobbyarbeit.

Sowohl Akademiker als auch Kunst sind nicht mit Lobbyarbeit verbunden.

Die Sinnlosigkeit bedeutet, dass Fakten, Wissenschaftler, Wissen und Kunst völlig frei von Lobbyarbeit und etwas sind.

Mit anderen Worten, wenn du Politik durch Lobbyarbeit machst, musst du dich davor bewahren.

In den Vereinigten Staaten, die Lobbyarbeit und Demokratie identifizieren, gingen die sowjetischen Spione vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in das FDR-Regime der Demokratischen Partei ein.

Und das Fumimaro Konoe schlägt mehrmals ein Japan-US-Gipfeltreffen vor, um zu versuchen, den Kampf zwischen Japan und den Vereinigten Staaten auf die Gefahr seines Lebens zu vermeiden. FDR hat dies absichtlich ignoriert und Japan in den Krieg mit den Vereinigten Staaten gezogen.

Dies lud die Expansion und das Wachstum des Kommunismus in der Nachkriegswelt ein und machte Tyrannei und Anmaßung des heutigen China und der koreanischen Halbinsel.

In der Besonderheit auf der 2 Seite der gestrigen Sankei Zeitung las ich die Bemerkungen des Sprechers des Trump Regimes und ich war mir bewusst, dass sie immer noch die gleichen Fehler wiederholen.

Also, in diesem Kapitel, erzähle die Wahrheit der Welt.

Das Merkmal, das der Sankei Shimbun jetzt macht, ist das Merkmal des folgenden Inhalts.

China und Südkorea arbeiten gegen Japan, weil sie die Macht in der Anti-Japan-Propaganda behaupten,

Es ist nicht ganz übertrieben zu sagen, dass sie die Asahi Shimbun Bericht über die Nachrichten berichten, verbreiten die Stoff Anerkennung Geschichte in die Welt, um Japan zu besiegen, um Japans Glaubwürdigkeit und Vertrauen in die internationale Gemeinschaft fallen, Versuchen, die Stimme zu schwächen,

Für ihren Plottenkrieg sollte Japan nicht schweigen und nicht übersehen, wir müssen kämpfen, es ist eine Besonderheitsserie.

Es ist nicht übertrieben zu sagen, dass Sankei Shimbun die einzige Zeitungsfirma der Welt ist, mit nur dieser Sonderausführungsreihe.

Dieser Entwurf fährt fort.

Se você está fazendo política através de lobby, você deve se advertir contra isso

2017年07月23日 13時57分00秒 | 日記

Eu dedico este capítulo à Sra. Heather Ann Nauert e a Sra. Adams, porta-voz do Departamento de Assuntos do Leste Asiático e Pacífico nos EUA.

Não seria um exagero dizer que a política dos Estados Unidos é composta por lobby.

Ou pode não ser um exagero dizer que a democracia nos Estados Unidos é uma atividade de lobby.

No entanto, o fato é livre de lobby.

Tanto o acadêmico quanto o artístico não estão relacionados ao lobby.

A falta de sentido significa que fatos, acadêmicos, conhecimentos e arte estão completamente livres de lobby e algo.

Em outras palavras, se você está fazendo política através de lobby, você deve se advertir contra isso.

Nos Estados Unidos, que identifica o lobby e a democracia, os espiões soviéticos entraram no regime FDR do Partido Democrata antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial.

E que Fumimaro Konoe estava propondo uma conversa de cúpula Japão-EUA várias vezes para tentar evitar a batalha entre o Japão e os Estados Unidos sob o risco de sua vida, o FDR intencionalmente ignorou isso e arrastou o Japão para a guerra com os Estados Unidos.

Isso convidou a expansão e crescimento do comunismo no mundo do pós-guerra e fez tirania e presunção da atual China e da Península da Coreia.

Na característica especial na página 2 do jornal Sankei de ontem, leio as observações do porta-voz do regime Trump e fiquei conscientes de que ainda estão repetindo os mesmos erros.

Então, neste capítulo, diga a verdade ao mundo.

O recurso que o Sankei Shimbun está fazendo agora é a característica dos seguintes conteúdos.

China e Coréia do Sul estão trabalhando contra o Japão porque estão mantendo o poder na Propaganda anti-Japão,

Não é exagerado dizer que eles deixaram o relatório de Asahi Shimbun no relatório de notícias, espalharam a história de reconhecimento de tecido para o mundo, derrotaram o Japão, deixando a credibilidade e a confiança do Japão na comunidade internacional, tentando enfraquecer a voz,

Para sua guerra de trama, o Japão não deve ficar em silêncio e não negligenciar, temos que lutar, é uma série de características especiais.

Não é um exagero dizer que Sankei Shimbun é a única empresa de jornal no mundo, com apenas esta série de características especiais.

Este rascunho continua.


2017年07月23日 13時56分26秒 | 日記




















2017年07月23日 13時54分40秒 | 日記







กล่าวอีกนัยหนึ่งถ้าคุณกำลังทำการเมืองผ่าน lobbying คุณต้องระมัดระวังตัวเองกับมัน

ในสหรัฐอเมริกาซึ่งระบุถึงการวิ่งเต้นและระบอบประชาธิปไตยโซเวียตสายลับเข้าสู่ระบอบการปกครองของพรรคประชาธิปัตย์ FDR ก่อนสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง

และที่ Fumimaro Konoe ได้เสนอการประชุมสุดยอดญี่ปุ่น - สหรัฐฯหลายครั้งเพื่อพยายามหลีกเลี่ยงการสู้รบระหว่างญี่ปุ่นและสหรัฐอเมริกาที่มีความเสี่ยงต่อชีวิตของเขา FDR ละเลยโดยเจตนาและลากญี่ปุ่นเข้าสู่สงครามกับสหรัฐฯ


ในคุณลักษณะพิเศษในหน้าหนังสือพิมพ์ Sankei เมื่อวาน 2 หน้าฉันอ่านคำกล่าวของโฆษกของระบอบการปกครองทรัมพ์และฉันตระหนักดีว่าพวกเขายังคงทำซ้ำข้อผิดพลาดเดียวกัน


คุณลักษณะที่ Sankei Shimbun กำลังทำอยู่คือคุณลักษณะของเนื้อหาต่อไปนี้

จีนและเกาหลีใต้กำลังทำงานกับญี่ปุ่นเพราะกำลังรักษาอำนาจในการโฆษณาชวนเชื่อต่อต้านญี่ปุ่น -

ไม่ได้พูดเกินความจริงที่จะบอกว่าพวกเขาปล่อยให้รายงาน Asahi Shimbun รายงานข่าวแพร่กระจายประวัติศาสตร์การรับรู้ผ้าไปทั่วโลกเพื่อเอาชนะญี่ปุ่นเพื่อลดความน่าเชื่อถือของญี่ปุ่นและความไว้วางใจในประชาคมระหว่างประเทศพยายามที่จะทำให้เสียงอ่อนลง,


ไม่ใช่เรื่องที่พูดเกินจริงว่า Sankei Shimbun เป็น บริษัท หนังสือพิมพ์รายเดียวในโลกที่มีเฉพาะชุดคุณลักษณะพิเศษนี้เท่านั้น


Se stai facendo politica attraverso la lobbying, devi preoccuparti contro di essa

2017年07月23日 13時54分01秒 | 日記

Posso dedicare questo capitolo alla sig.ra Heather Ann Nauert e al portavoce dell'ex Asia degli Affari asiatici dell'Asia orientale e negli Stati Uniti.

Non sarebbe un'esagerazione affermare che la politica degli Stati Uniti è costituita da lobby.

O non può essere un sovraccarico affermare che la democrazia negli Stati Uniti è un'attività di lobbying.

Tuttavia, il fatto è privo di lobby.

L'accademico e l'arte non sono legati alla lobbying.

L'assenza di significato significa che i fatti, gli accademici, la conoscenza e l'arte sono completamente esenti da lobby e da qualcosa.

In altre parole, se stai facendo politica attraverso la lobbying, devi preoccuparti contro di essa.

Negli Stati Uniti che identifica lobbismo e democrazia, le spie sovietiche entrano nel regime FDR del Partito Democratico prima della seconda guerra mondiale.

E che Fumimaro Konoe stava proponendo più volte una riunione del Giappone-USA per cercare di evitare la battaglia tra il Giappone e gli Stati Uniti a rischio della sua vita, FDR lo ignorò intenzionalmente e trascinò il Giappone nella guerra con gli Stati Uniti.

Questo invitò l'espansione e la crescita del comunismo nel mondo del dopoguerra e fece la tirannia e la presunzione della attuale Cina e della penisola coreana.

Nella speciale funzione della 2 pagina del giornale Sankei di ieri, ho letto le osservazioni del portavoce del regime di Trump e sono stato molto consapevole che stanno ancora ripetendo gli stessi errori.

Quindi, in questo capitolo, dire la verità al mondo.

La caratteristica che Sankei Shimbun sta facendo ora è la caratteristica dei seguenti contenuti.

La Cina e la Corea del Sud stanno lavorando contro il Giappone perché mantengono il potere nella propaganda anti-Giappone,

Non è abbastanza esagerato dire che hanno lasciato la relazione Asahi Shimbun sulla notizia, ha diffuso la storia del riconoscimento del tessuto al mondo, sconfitto il Giappone, abbandonando la credibilità e la fiducia del Giappone nella comunità internazionale, cercando di indebolire la voce,

Per la loro guerra, il Giappone non deve rimanere in silenzio e non trascurare, dobbiamo combattere, è una serie di specialità.

Non è un'esagerazione affermare che Sankei Shimbun è l'unica società del giornale al mondo, con solo questa serie di specialità.

Questa bozza continua.

I dedicate this chapter to the Adams spokesman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau in US

2017年07月23日 12時18分17秒 | 日記

I dedicate this chapter to the Adams spokesman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau in US.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the politics of the United States are made up of lobbying.

Or it may not be an overstatement to say that democracy in the United States is a lobbying activity.

However, the fact is free from lobbying.

Both academic and art are not related to lobbying.

The meaninglessness means that facts, academics, knowledge, and art are completely free from lobbying and something.

In other words, if you are making politics through lobbying, you must caution yourself against it.

In the United States which identifies lobbying and democracy, the Soviet spies were entering the Democratic Party's FDR regime before the Second World War.

And that Fumimaro Konoe was proposing a Japan - US summit talk several times to try to avoid the battle between Japan and the United States at the risk of his life, FDR intentionally ignored this and dragged Japan into the war with the United States.

This invited the expansion and growth of communism in the postwar world and made tyranny and presumptuousness of the present China and the Korean Peninsula.

In the special feature on the 2 page of yesterday's Sankei newspaper, I read the remarks of the spokesperson of the Trump regime and I was keenly aware that they are still repeating the same mistakes.

So, in this chapter, tell the truth to the world.

The feature that the Sankei Shimbun is doing now is the feature of the following contents.

China and South Korea are working against Japan because they are maintaining power in Anti - Japan Propaganda,

It is not quite exaggeration to say that they let the Asahi Shimbun report on the news report, spread the fabric recognition history to the world, to defeat Japan, to drop Japan's credibility and trust in the international community, Trying to weaken the voice,

For their plotting war, Japan should not keep silent and do not overlook, we have to fight, it is a special feature series.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Sankei Shimbun is the only newspaper company in the world, with only this special feature series.

This draft continues.

I dedicate this chapter to Ms. Heather Ann Nauert.

2017年07月23日 12時06分21秒 | 日記

I dedicate this chapter to Ms. Heather Ann Nauert.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the politics of the United States are made up of lobbying.

Or it may not be an overstatement to say that democracy in the United States is a lobbying activity.

However, the fact is free from lobbying.

Both academic and art are not related to lobbying.

The meaninglessness means that facts, academics, knowledge, and art are completely free from lobbying and something.

In other words, if you are making politics through lobbying, you must caution yourself against it.

In the United States which identifies lobbying and democracy, the Soviet spies were entering the Democratic Party's FDR regime before the Second World War.

And that Fumimaro Konoe was proposing a Japan - US summit talk several times to try to avoid the battle between Japan and the United States at the risk of his life, FDR intentionally ignored this and dragged Japan into the war with the United States.

This invited the expansion and growth of communism in the postwar world and made tyranny and presumptuousness of the present China and the Korean Peninsula.

In the special feature on the 2 page of yesterday's Sankei newspaper, I read the remarks of the spokesperson of the Trump regime and I was keenly aware that they are still repeating the same mistakes.

So, in this chapter, tell the truth to the world.

The feature that the Sankei Shimbun is doing now is the feature of the following contents.

China and South Korea are working against Japan because they are maintaining power in Anti - Japan Propaganda,

It is not quite exaggeration to say that they let the Asahi Shimbun report on the news report, spread the fabric recognition history to the world, to defeat Japan, to drop Japan's credibility and trust in the international community, Trying to weaken the voice,

For their plotting war, Japan should not keep silent and do not overlook, we have to fight, it is a special feature series.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Sankei Shimbun is the only newspaper company in the world, with only this special feature series.

This draft continues.

if you are making politics through lobbying, you must caution yourself against it

2017年07月23日 11時58分58秒 | 日記

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the politics of the United States are made up of lobbying.

Or it may not be an overstatement to say that democracy in the United States is a lobbying activity.

However, the fact is free from lobbying.

Both academic and art are not related to lobbying.

The meaninglessness means that facts, academics, knowledge, and art are completely free from lobbying and something.

In other words, if you are making politics through lobbying, you must caution yourself against it.

In the United States which identifies lobbying and democracy, the Soviet spies were entering the Democratic Party's FDR regime before the Second World War.

And that Fumimaro Konoe was proposing a Japan - US summit talk several times to try to avoid the battle between Japan and the United States at the risk of his life, FDR intentionally ignored this and dragged Japan into the war with the United States.

This invited the expansion and growth of communism in the postwar world and made tyranny and presumptuousness of the present China and the Korean Peninsula.

In the special feature on the 2 page of yesterday's Sankei newspaper, I read the remarks of the spokesperson of the Trump regime and I was keenly aware that they are still repeating the same mistakes.

So, in this chapter, tell the truth to the world.

The feature that the Sankei Shimbun is doing now is the feature of the following contents.

China and South Korea are working against Japan because they are maintaining power in Anti - Japan Propaganda,

It is not quite exaggeration to say that they let the Asahi Shimbun report on the news report, spread the fabric recognition history to the world, to defeat Japan, to drop Japan's credibility and trust in the international community, Trying to weaken the voice,

For their plotting war, Japan should not keep silent and do not overlook, we have to fight, it is a special feature series.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Sankei Shimbun is the only newspaper company in the world, with only this special feature series.

This draft continues.


2017年07月23日 11時56分05秒 | 日記






facts, academics, knowledge, and art are completely free from lobbying and something

2017年07月23日 11時41分59秒 | 日記

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the politics of the United States are made up of lobbying.

Or it may not be an overstatement to say that democracy in the United States is a lobbying activity.

However, the fact is free from lobbying.

Both academic and art are not related to lobbying.

The meaninglessness means that facts, academics, knowledge, and art are completely free from lobbying and something.

In other words, if you are making politics through lobbying, you must caution yourself against it.

In the United States which identifies lobbying and democracy, the Soviet spies were entering the Democratic Party's FDR regime before the Second World War.

And that Fumimaro Konoe was proposing a Japan - US summit talk several times to try to avoid the battle between Japan and the United States at the risk of his life, FDR intentionally ignored this and dragged Japan into the war with the United States.

This invited the expansion and growth of communism in the postwar world and made tyranny and presumptuousness of the present China and the Korean Peninsula.

In the special feature on the 2 page of yesterday's Sankei newspaper, I read the remarks of the spokesperson of the Trump regime and I was keenly aware that they are still repeating the same mistakes.

So, in this chapter, tell the truth to the world.

The feature that the Sankei Shimbun is doing now is the feature of the following contents.

China and South Korea are working against Japan because they are maintaining power in Anti - Japan Propaganda,

It is not quite exaggeration to say that they let the Asahi Shimbun report on the news report, spread the fabric recognition history to the world, to defeat Japan, to drop Japan's credibility and trust in the international community, Trying to weaken the voice,

For their plotting war, Japan should not keep silent and do not overlook, we have to fight, it is a special feature series.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Sankei Shimbun is the only newspaper company in the world, with only this special feature series.

This draft continues.