文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

we've made wording that it is difficult to enter in reality, no matter who is trying to master it

2017年07月17日 23時44分21秒 | 日記

The following is from the feature article on the front page of today's Sankei newspaper.

If you read this article and related articles, the Sankei Shimbun is completely different from Sankei Shimbun about thirty years ago, now the only decent newspaper in Japan ... the only newspaper in Japan ... Everyone will be convinced that it is a newspaper that reports facts properly.

Japan Veterinary Medical Association, Struggle to stop building new departments

Kake Gakuen, Was the administration distorted?

Shield to Ishiba 4 Condition, Donate to the Democratic Party

"Although we had a lot of difficulties in terms of setting new faculties, we've made wording that it is difficult to enter in reality, no matter who is trying to master it."

September 9, 2015.

Shigeru Ishiba, regional creation minister quietly said in his room at the House of Representatives House.

It was facing it, former House of Representatives Naoto Kitamura, the chairman of the political organization "Japan Veterinary Medicine Federation Political League", and Kurauchi Isao who is the president of Nippon Veterinary Medical Association, a public interest corporation, and Liberal Democratic Party Fukuoka prefectural chairperson.

In the words of Ishiba, while Kitamura has a relief expression, but he said to himself "It is still subtle."

This draft continues.


2017年07月17日 23時12分45秒 | 日記




加計学園 行政は歪められたのか









①    現在の提案主体による既存の獣医師養成でない構想が具体化

②    ライフサイエンスなどの獣医師が新たに対応すべき分野における具体的な需要が明らか

③    既存の大学・学部では対応が困難な場合

④    近年の獣医師の需要の動向も考慮しつつ、全国的見地から本年度内に検討―の4つ。






















27年6月、愛媛県と今治市が16回目の申請をすると、国家戦略特区ワーキンググループ (WG)が実現に向け一気に動き出した。 









The one-party dictators of the Communist Party try to pass only their argument as its essence

2017年07月17日 12時27分17秒 | 日記

The result of the previous chapter is the following article which is published on 1 page and 3 pages of today's Nikkei newspaper.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Kuwako’s remarks at NHK・Watch 9 also contributed greatly to China, one of the reasons why this issue did not show a cooperative attitude at all.

Because NHK is not a private broadcaster operated by a newspaper company made of distorted ideas such as TV Asahi, TBS etc., because it is a national broadcast of Japan.

A news program, which is a signboard of the broadcasting station, it makes a convenient remark to China.

The one-party dictators of the Communist Party try to pass only their argument as its essence.

Such single party dictators of the Communist Party cannot overlook the fact that Japanese national broadcasting carries out favorable coverage to China.

Neighboring countries and the world will hold international meetings to suppress Chinese tyranny.

At this time, if the NHK co-ordinates with China, it is impossible for China to respond to cooperation.

For China that has continued to ignore the opinion of the world, NHK's coverage is timely offer.

They continued to completely ignore even the decisions of the International Court of Justice in the South China Sea, while still doing it, occupying the seat of the Kuomintang as it is, with a strong face in the United Nations, as a permanent member of the United Nations with a big face Because it is a country where it is.

The following is from the article on page 3. Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.

Pacific saury overfishing cannot be prevented

Cooperative rule making is problem.

Discussions on the creation of saury’s catch frame by the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC) where 8 countries / regions including Japan are participating broke down.

It was a minimal achievement that each country was waiting for an increase in the number of approved fishing vessels for the time being, highlighting the difficulty of discussing cooperation rules on freedom in the open sea in principle.

If the international framework for overfishing prevention is drifting, there is a risk that "taste of autumn" will be far from the table of Japan in the future. (See 1 page)

"I do not want to receive such a tie."

On 14th, the Chinese government representative at the hotel in Sapporo so began to talk.

The proposed catch limit aimed at Japan collapsed at this moment.

The western part of the North Pacific Ocean extending off Sanriku where Chinese expansion is prominent is one of the most prosperous fishing grounds in the world.

China, which is not satisfied with the coastal fishery products, is focusing on ocean fishery, which is a composition in which friction with Japan cannot be avoided.

"Be unimaginable abnormal catch on the high seas".

Yuji Yamamoto Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries expressed so in China and other operations at the after the Cabinet meeting press conference on 14th.

In Japan, fishing vessels of about 20 to 100 tons are mainstream.

It is common to lodge to the fishing port by the extent that it can be taken, and to circulate in the state with high freshness in the country.

In contrast, China has entered the high seas such as the Sanriku coast of a 1000-ton heavy ship and is "fishing entirely" (person in charge of fisheries wholesale).

It seems to be safe to freeze the saury and transport it to home country by a dedicated carrier.

This draft continues.


2017年07月17日 12時22分19秒 | 日記






Si può dire che i giornalisti quotidiani stanno commettendo omicidio da dolus eventualis.


The current state of journalism in Japan is such a degree, I always think that it is


Pacific saury overfishing cannot be prevented




Es kann gesagt werden, dass Zeitungsreporter Mord durch dolus eventualis begehen.




On peut dire que les journalistes commettent un meurtre par dolus eventualis.




Alguém pensa que podemos confiar nossa segurança e sobrevivência à Coréia do Norte, Coréia e China


신문 기자들이 우발 사건에


Se puede decir que los periodistas están cometiendo asesinato por dolus eventualis.


Можно сказать, что журналисты




Qualcuno pensa che possiamo affidare


We’re just a million little gods causin' rain storms, turnin’ every good thing to rust


Pode-se dizer que jornalistas estão cometendo assassinato por dolus eventis.










Ist jemand der Meinung, dass wir unsere Sicherheit


Est-ce que quelqu'un pense que nous pouvons confier




Der Konsens der japanischen Bürger


Кто-нибудь думает, что мы можем


¿Alguien piensa que podemos confiar nuestra seguridad


Le consensus des citoyens japonais


O consenso dos cidadãos japoneses nunca


Il consenso dei cittadini giapponesi


El consenso de los ciudadanos japoneses


누구든지 북한, 한국,




일본 시민의 공감대는




Консенсус японских граждан






if you are really angry with intolerance, you have to turn anger toward China and South Korea


Lors de l'élection, le Parti démocratique est

2017年07月17日 11時54分04秒 | 日記

Voici la suite du chapitre précédent.

Au Japon, une belle peine a été prononcée à l'étape du discours, lorsque Mme Midori Matsushima, ministre de la Justice (alors) a demandé au sujet du projet de loi de la réglementer, a déclaré: "Je ne veux pas délibérer sur la question de Hate / Discours ", on dit que les démocrates dans sa circonscription ont dit à Renho de s'interroger que ce sont eux qui ont distribué un fan.

Lors de l'élection, le Parti démocratique est un groupe de liaison coréen qui accueille publiquement les groupes coréens dans le pays.

Le discours de haine et l'attaque de fan peuvent être liés.

Les Japonais sont maintenant humanitaires et doux (doux).

Et je trouve naturel de montrer que c'est le cas.

Donc, lorsqu'on leur a demandé "Que penses-tu des discours de haine?", Il y a beaucoup de gens qui répondent qu'ils devraient "quitter" indépendamment de leur véritable cœur.

Ce projet se poursuit.

En las elecciones, el Partido Demócrata

2017年07月17日 11時53分27秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

En Japón, se impuso una multa en la etapa del discurso, cuando la Sra. Midori Matsushima, Ministra de Justicia (entonces) preguntó sobre el proyecto de ley para regularlo, dijo: "No quiero deliberar sobre la cuestión del odio / Discurso ", se dice que los demócratas en su circunscripción le dijeron a Renho que la pregunta era que distribuían un ventilador.

En las elecciones, el Partido Demócrata es un partido coreano vinculante tan públicamente afortunadamente a los grupos coreanos en el país.

El discurso del odio y el ataque del ventilador pueden estar relacionados.

Los japoneses son ahora humanitarios y gentiles (gentiles).

Y creo que es natural demostrar que este es el caso.

Así que cuando se le preguntó "¿Qué piensas sobre el discurso de odio?" Hay muchas personas que responden que deben "dejar de fumar", independientemente de su verdadero corazón.

Este proyecto continúa.

Bei der Wahl ist die Demokratische Partei

2017年07月17日 11時52分53秒 | 日記

Das folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.

In Japan wurde ein fester Satz auf der Bühne der Rede verhängt, als Frau Midori Matsushima, Ministerin des Justizministers (damals) um die Gesetzesvorlage gebeten hatte, zu regeln, sagte: "Ich möchte nicht über die Angelegenheit von Hate / Rede ", heißt es, dass die Demokraten in ihrem Wahlkreis Renho sagte, es sei, dass sie einen Fan verteilt haben.

Bei der Wahl ist die Demokratische Partei eine koreanische Verknüpfungspartei, die so öffentlich dankbar für die koreanischen Gruppen im Land ist.

Hassrede und Fanangriff können verwandt sein.

Die Japaner sind jetzt humanitär und sanft (sanft).

Und ich denke es natürlich, zu zeigen, dass dies der Fall ist.

Also, wenn gefragt "Was denkst du über Hassrede?" Es gibt viele Leute, die darauf antworten, dass sie "aufhören", unabhängig von ihrem wahren Herzen.

Dieser Entwurf fährt fort.

Nas eleições, o Partido Democrata

2017年07月17日 11時52分16秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.

No Japão, uma boa sentença foi imposta no palco do discurso, quando a Sra. Midori Matsushima, ministro da Justiça (então) perguntou sobre o projeto de lei para regulamentá-lo, disse: "Não quero deliberar sobre o assunto de Odeio / Discurso ", diz-se que os democratas em seu distrito eleitoral disseram a Renho que questionou que era que eles distribuíam um fã.

Na eleição, o Partido Democrata é um grupo de ligação coreano tão felizmente para os grupos coreanos no país.

O discurso do ódio e o ataque do fã podem estar relacionados.

Os japoneses são agora humanitários e gentis (gentis).

E acho natural mostrar que este é o caso.

Então, quando perguntado "O que você acha do discurso de ódio?", Há muitas pessoas que respondem que deveriam "sair" independentemente do seu verdadeiro coração.

Este rascunho continua.


2017年07月17日 11時51分43秒 | 日記


在日本,在演讲阶段判处罚款,司法部部长(当时)松花莲议员问法案规定的时候,说:“我不想讨论仇恨/ 言论“,据说民主党在她的选区告诉仁和,他们分配了一个粉丝。







선거에서 민주당은

2017年07月17日 11時51分10秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.

일본에서는 마츠시마 미도리 (Matsushima Midori) 법무부 장관이 법안에 관해 질문했을 때 "나는 증오와 관련된 문제에 대해 심의하고 싶지 않다"며 연설의 무대에서 벌금형이 선고되었다. 연설 "에서, 그녀의 선거 구민에있는 민주당 원이 그것을 요구하기 위하여 Renho에게 말했다는 것은 그들이 팬을 배포했다는 것이다.

선거에서 민주당은 한국의 연계 정당이기 때문에 한국의 한국계 단체에 공개적으로 감사한다.

증오 발언과 팬 공격이 관련 될 수 있습니다.

일본인들은 이제 인도주의적이고 온유합니다.

그리고 나는 이것이 사실임을 보여주는 것이 자연스러운 것이라고 생각합니다.

그래서 "증오심 표현에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?"라고 물었을 때 진정한 마음에 상관없이 "끝내야"하는 사람들이 많이 있습니다.

이 초안은 계속됩니다.

На выборах Демократическая

2017年07月17日 11時50分38秒 | 日記

Следующее - продолжение предыдущей главы.

В Японии на этапе выступления был наложен штраф, когда г-жа Мидори Мацусима, министр юстиции (тогда), спросила, что законопроект регулирует ее, сказал: «Я не хочу обсуждать вопрос о Ненависти / Речь », говорят, что демократы в своем округе сказали Ренхо, что сомневаются в том, что они распространяют поклонников.

На выборах Демократическая партия является стороной корейской связи, столь публично благодарной корейским группам в стране.

Ненависть речи и атаки вентилятора могут быть связаны.

Японцы теперь являются гуманитарными и нежными (нежными).

И я считаю естественным показать, что это так.

Поэтому, когда его спросили: «Что вы думаете о ненавистной речи?», Есть много людей, которые отвечают, что они должны «бросить», независимо от их истинного сердца.

Этот проект продолжается.


2017年07月17日 11時50分04秒 | 日記


ในญี่ปุ่นประโยคที่ถูกกำหนดในขั้นตอนของการพูดเมื่อนางสาว Midori Matsushima รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงยุติธรรมรัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวง (แล้ว) ถามเกี่ยวกับการเรียกเก็บเงินเพื่อควบคุมมันกล่าวว่า "ฉันไม่ต้องการที่จะพิจารณาเกี่ยวกับเรื่องของความเกลียดชัง / Speech "กล่าวว่าพรรคเดโมแครตในเขตเลือกตั้งของเธอบอก Renho ให้ถามว่าพวกเขาแจกจ่ายพัดลม



ขณะนี้ชาวญี่ปุ่นมีมนุษยธรรมและอ่อนโยน (อ่อนโยน)


ดังนั้นเมื่อถามว่า "คุณคิดอย่างไรเกี่ยวกับคำพูดแสดงความเกลียดชัง" มีหลายคนที่ตอบว่าควร "เลิก" โดยไม่คำนึงถึงหัวใจที่แท้จริงของพวกเขา


Nelle elezioni, il Partito Democratico è un partito

2017年07月17日 11時49分22秒 | 日記

Di seguito è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

In Giappone, una frase è stata inflitta alla fase del discorso, quando la sig.ra Midori Matsushima, Ministro della Giustizia (allora) ha chiesto la legge per disciplinarla, ha dichiarato: "Non voglio deliberare sulla questione di Hate / Discorso ", si dice che i democratici del suo collegio elettorale hanno detto a Renho di domandare che sia stato distribuito un fan.

Nelle elezioni, il Partito Democratico è un partito di collegamento coreano così pubblicamente grazie ai gruppi coreani del paese.

Il linguaggio dell'odio e l'attacco del ventilatore possono essere correlati.

I giapponesi sono ora umanitari e gentili (gentili).

E penso sia naturale dimostrare che questo è il caso.

Così, quando viene chiesto: "Cosa pensi del discorso dell'odio?" Ci sono molte persone che rispondono che dovrebbero "uscire" indipendentemente dal loro vero cuore.

Questa bozza continua.

Le mouvement anti-japonais en Corée du Sud

2017年07月17日 10時05分23秒 | 日記

Voici la suite du chapitre précédent.

Bien sûr, l'interviewer du locuteur a répondu: "Cependant, la calomnie chez tous les Coréens est trop exagérée, les Coréens ont aussi des méchants et certains ont de bonnes personnes".

Il n'y a pas beaucoup de Japonais qui pensent de cette façon.

Pour la relation entre le pays et le pays et le pays réciproque.

On présume que ce mot est dérivé étymologiquement à partir de recos-procos, qui est une synthèse de recos (vers l'arrière) et procos (prospective).

C'est pourquoi on peut dire «réciproque» ou «rétributif».

Les relations Japon-Corée ne sont pas réciproques.

Le Japon est une patience face à face, la Corée du Sud est une attaque aberrante face à face, j'ai l'impression.

Le mouvement anti-japonais en Corée du Sud est bien au-delà de l'histoire du langage du discours haineux, etc. C'est une action haineuse ou un mouvement haineux, on peut le voir en regardant les magazines et les images de magazines hebdomadaires.

Il semble que la haine coréenne · Les actes japonais sont encouragés plutôt que d'être tolérés comme étant patriotique en Corée.

Ce projet se poursuit.