文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In the discrimination system caused by Confucianism, they discriminated their people to be

2017年07月11日 23時54分46秒 | 日記

"The sense of discrimination is received as a hypocritical society of Christian white people" (Watanabe Shoichi, from memorial publication, "spring of knowledge")

The Japanese have never had slaves since the history.

The most fundamental spirit of the Article 17 constitution established by Prince Shotoku is Cherish the harmony among people.

Born in Yuriage, Natori, Miyagi prefecture, I was given a brain that was already recognized as having a second grade high school ability in elementary school fifth grade.

My teacher ordered me to stay in Kyoto University and to be Kyoto University with my shoulders on my back.

It is not something to say now, but I was feeling unforgivable to my father I left the house = abandoning the promised elite course without hesitation and everyone of classmates cannot believe it, wandering, I walked a businessman's life from with empty pockets.

So it is no exaggeration to say that my knowledge is the knowledge of the first hand itself.

I was engaged in real estate brokerage business in Osaka.

Kansai is the area where the capital was.

I saw the word Cherish the harmony among people many times on the street corner of the downtown in Osaka. It is written in a signboard etc. as a slogan of a neighborhood association. At first I thought that there would be many place names such as Cherish the harmony among people.

The Constitution of Prince Shotoku is still alive, that is the essence of Japan.

So we will not discriminate against other people.

Since the dynasty era, for example, the ethnic groups who rule over every 100 years have changed, and the rulers and their families, the Chinese who had their cultures eradicated,

The royal family of Eastern Han Dynasty era escaped to Japan and was able to live in abundance living near Otsu city.

It was not an exaggeration to say that Saicho was born from that family as the founder of the Japanese Buddhist world lined with Kukai.

Silla, Baekje and Goguryeo Three Kingdoms era ended in the form of unification of Shilla with the help of China. At this time, the royal family of Baekje escaped to Japan and was allowed to live in an area on the coast of Lake Biwa in Shiga prefecture. The royal family of Goguryeo was allowed to live in the mountains of Kanto.

In other words, Japan was a country that did not discriminate.

The Caucasian made a thorough discrimination on the color of the skin.

China, Korean peninsula which was China's dependency since the history,

In the discrimination system caused by Confucianism, they discriminated their people to be unbelievably subdivided.

Except for royalty and nobility called Yangban, scholars, whatever, they were the discrimination people.

Even a prostitute, the official property of government was distinguished from government - owned slave, and private property belonged to Nobi. The women were not given even their names. For example, women in Yangban's territory are possessions of Ynagban, Ynagban treated it like anything and did not receive any injustice, even if he killed a rape insulting rape.

Activities that Korean residents in Japan started manipulating one Oita housewife graduated from Kyushu University by multiplying the fabricated articles of Asahi Newspaper,

The real North Korean spy groups came jumping to an incredible activity of searching for a comfort woman and compensating it for the Japanese government.

The story the prostitute they gathered told us that even professors at Seoul National University who interviewed were content that was amazed by the absurdity,

Actually, this was the act of insult that they received from Yangban, especially in Korea's status discrimination system.

They did not interfere with the fact that they were rejected by the professor,

They said to the world (primarily in the United States and the United Nations) that this is the most disciplined army in the world and the task of Japanese soldiers who are not exaggerating to say that they are the strongest in the world.

Ignorant and crude in the United Nations and the United States, the lowest people as human beings,

In the United States, Alexis Dudden, Carroll Gluck, and that boss John Dower,

Alternatively, Dutch women scholars, who are in tune with such foolish people,

It is attacking Japan, assuming this crap is the truth.

Why can a prostitute sneak up such a lie?

It is because it is a citizen of the country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lie".

This draft continues.


2017年07月11日 23時02分08秒 | 日記






























from Japan to them, as for aid to other countries, to make the largest funds in human history pay

2017年07月11日 16時55分46秒 | 日記

Media such as the Asahi Shimbun and other so-called scholars, especially, in this case, their representatives Kang Sang-jung and others, as agents of China and Korea, from Japan to them, as for aid to other countries, to make the largest funds in human history pay, only German Weizsäcker speech has been repeatedly repeated,

Until I show up and reveal it, they have kept hiding 100% of the truth, in Germany that the CDU built a long-term government for 32 years, promoted the national strength and the presence in the international community, based on a stable political Form, and dissolution of the Communist Party as being a constitutional violation.

The following is from the front page column of the Sankei newspaper the day before yesterday.

In the previous Tokyo Assembly elections, the Communist Party also won 19 seats by increasing the number of seats by two, while being hidden behind the LDP's major defeat and the rally of the local party "Tokyo Fast Association".

It is nearly four times as many as the Democratic Party which was almost aligned with the LDP and the Komei party of 23 seats.

In the Upper House election in July last year, the Communist Party has doubled the number of elections three seats to six seats, but at the same time, but certainly it is steadily increasing the power.

Condition that the Democratic Party is not able to become a choice of politicians to change to the Liberal Democratic Party's criticism

So, it is probably increasing its presence.

However, the current situation in Japan seems to be rare in the world.

According to Kenichi Fukutomi's historical material collector’s book "Fault of Communism", the Communist Party is making progress in developed countries only in Japan, it is disappearing in Europe and the United States.

In the United States, the UK, Germany, Italy, etc., the Communist Party has no seats in the place of government affairs.

"Why is there a Communist Party in Japan?"

It seems that Mr. Fukutomi will be surprised when he takes young people from other countries to the parliament.

Certainly, from the perspective of a country like West Germany (now Germany) that the Communist Party was dismissed in 1956 as being a constitutional breach, it is mysterious that Japan's defenseless tolerance is mild.

"In the first voter's referee, to spoil LDP's start".

The Communist Party Director Akira Koike won the Tokyo Assembly elections voting ballot date on the 2nd night.

After Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed his draft amendment to the Constitution in May, he emphasized the significance of victory in the first major election as a constitutional party that keeps the entire constitutional provision.

However, the Communist Party Program stipulates that the "imperialism should be solved by the consensus of the people in the future" about the imperial system, and in the future also shows the idea of aiming for republic.

Actually, is not it an Amendment party?


2017年07月11日 16時22分04秒 | 日記





5議席だった民進党の実に4倍近い数字であり、23議席の自民、公明両党にほぼ並んだ。 共産党は昨年7月の参院選でも改選3議席を6議席へと倍増させており、じわりと、だが確実に勢力を伸長させている。













It is said that the sense of discrimination is due to the hypocritical society of Christian white

2017年07月11日 16時06分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Caucasian hypocritical society

But I did not get bashing, Scotland also went safely to Killiecrankie.

So I also forgot about Paki Bashing.

About twenty-five years after that, I decided to live in Edinburgh with my family for a year.

As all three children entered the music school there, negotiations with frequent with the musical instrument shop.

At that time, the biggest musical instrument business in Edinburgh was done by Pakistani people.

This Pakistan shopkeeper did a very polite and tight job.

He had never made a mistake in meeting time and it was a very low-profile person.

The Pakistan I heard at Oxford 25 years ago was a pathetic feeling as a subject of violence by skin head youths, but after twenty-five years it has melted into British society and successful people also come out I felt happy to know that it was.

A shop owner who feels humble and has a humble feeling will be the one who survived safely such Paki Bashing.

By the way, it was a Jamaican immigrant who was being talked about with antipathy among the British at that time (1980’s).

There was a taxi driver who told me of the passenger, "The Jamaican people wielded the knife and the blood is running in London."

Professor T at the University of London who had a meal together at the hotel said to me, "You should stop walking alone in the night. Until a while ago London was good because it is safe.", and took care.

A half century after Paki Bashing, Pakistani immigrants would have adapted suit well to British society, I thought of naive so much from the experience of my own Edinburgh, until recently.

Actually, it does not melt so well, the emergence of Hate's preacher shows it eloquently.

The first generation of Immigrant Paki · bashing was obedient, quietly, continuing to live in the UK, despite being bashing.

Anyway, it would have been better than the lives of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

But when it comes to Immigration II, Immigration III it will be different.

Born as a British, there is discrimination even if you are educated as an Englishman.

It is said that the sense of discrimination is due to the hypocritical society of Christian white people.

This draft continues.


Saying so, there was something that caught in the corner of my heart somewhat,

2017年07月11日 15時41分55秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Paki Bashing example

Indeed the Hate speech is not humanitarian.

I am also openly asked questions, like Masuzoe Tokyo Governor, I think that I would say something similar to saying "It is embarrassing as a country to do the Olympic Games and should be banned."

Saying so, there was something that caught in the corner of my heart somewhat, "Is it enough to simply criticize Hate speech?"

Then I accidentally saw that the hate preacher was reported.

In other words, "Hate Preachers" appearing in the UK and incited England domestic Muslim youth to head of the act of terrorism in Britain and participation in Islamic countries.

This Hate preacher is a British-born Pakistani British who is educated in the UK and also has lawyer qualification.

So my memory came back to England when I went to study abroad about 60 years ago.

At that time it is only ten years since the end of the war that it seems that there was generally an atmosphere of anti-Japanese, but as expected the people dating at the university never feel anti-Japanese It was

And since I never encountered anything other than college people, aside from that I cannot afford money, anyhow was a comfortable life.

Just the priest who was doing the director of the scholar guild cautioned, "Please pay attention to Paki bashing so as not to approach the dangerous place."

I did not understand anything so I asked them to explain.

Among young people in the working class in the UK after World War II, a violent group called Skin Head occurred.

They are dressed as workers, such as jeans, shave their heads, indicating that they are group members.

The tip of the shoe has an iron toe.

This is to kick your opponent.

Speaking of the Japanese style, one of the hobbies (?) Of youths like hooligans is to wallop or kick Pakistan Immigrants.

So it should not approach where they are likely to emerge.

This priest also seriously worried that when I tried to travel alone to Scotland during summer vacation, he wonder if I can return home alive.

This draft continues.

In the election, the Democratic Party is a Korean linkage party so publicly thankfully to the Korean

2017年07月11日 13時23分57秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In Japan, a fine sentence was imposed at the stage of the speech, when Ms. Midori Matsushima, Minister of Justice Minister (then) asked about the bill to regulate it, said "I do not want to deliberate about the matter of Hate / Speech", it is said that Democrats in her constituency told Renho to question it was that they distributed a fan.

In the election, the Democratic Party is a Korean linkage party so publicly thankfully to the Korean groups in the country.

Hate speech and fan attack may be related.

The Japanese are now humanitarian and gentle (gentle).

And I think it natural to show that this is the case.

So when asked "What do you think about hate speech?” there are many people who respond that they should "quit" regardless of their true heart.

This draft continues.

Anti-Japanese movement in South Korea is far beyond the language level story of hate speech, etc.

2017年07月11日 13時12分34秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Of course, the speaker's interviewer answered, "However, slander in all Koreans is too overkill, Koreans also have bad guys and some have good people."

There are not a few Japanese who think this way.

For the relationship between the country and the country and the country reciprocal.

It is presumed that this word was etymologically derived from recos-procos, which is a synthesis of recos (backwards) and procos (prospective).

That is why it can be said "reciprocal" or "retributive".

Japan-Korea relations are not reciprocal.

Japan is patience one - sided, South Korea is an aberrant attack one - sided, I get the impression.

Anti-Japanese movement in South Korea is far beyond the language level story of hate speech, etc. it is hate action, or hate movement, it can be seen by looking at magazines and pictures of weekly magazines.

It seems that Korean hate · Japanese acts are encouraged rather than being tolerated as being patriotic in Korea.

This draft continues.

Fate away from the hate speech it is their home country that is doing hate action.

2017年07月11日 12時45分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Hate speech past and present

Cause of "hate"

Hate speech is a problem.

Just to be sure, consulting the "English-Japanese university dictionary 2001" of the Taishukan, "There is a speech of attack (based on race, religion, sexism)", Hate male "(usually anonymous) protest (harassment) letter "Has also appeared. Although Hate Mail has appeared in the "English-Japanese university dictionary" "2002" of the research company, the hate speech has not been accepted yet.

Although Hate Mail has been around since long ago, is Hate Speech a relatively new phenomenon?

There is also Hate Mail in "Oxford English Dictionary" (1st edition, 1989), but there is no hate speech.

The oldest example of this kind of expression that is included here is Hate Literature.

This word seems to have been said during the First World War when German newspaper criticized Northcliffe, the owner of the London Times (A · C · W · Harmsworth).

That sentence was the subject of "It is Sir Northcliffe, one of the responsible officials who made Europe a sea of blood, who let the London Times write the fabricated inflammatory articles."

Sir Northcliffe certainly had a policy that anti-German spirit was strong and had the policy of letting the world report on the German army atrocities if not facts.

It is from this year that I heard about Japan's hate speech.

According to what is being reported it seems quite extraordinary, and there seems to be some exercise opposed to it.

There was also a report that in Osaka the hate and speech organization was sued and a large fine was imposed.

Even if the hate speech happened to the Koreans in Japan, it seems to be rather new.

This is my desk imagination, is not it because Korean people’s anti - Japanese behavior in Korea, that is, hate action is too known to be too severe?

In the USA Korean people are building comfort women’s statue,

Takeshima occupation and it is trying to make the Sea of Japan "Tokai", being angry to the Korean government,

People say "I want to do something back" have come out.

Reciprocal relationship

As it happened to be in the December issue of this magazine ["WILL" 2014], an article that would make a speech for the Japanese who is feeling like that, I will quote a bit longer.

<The so-called Hate speech is used to mean racial discrimination towards Koreans in Japan. But what are they doing in their homeland in Korea? Burning the Hinomaru, trampling the photo of Shinzo Abe and shouting "Kill the Jap", you are throwing stones at Japanese people. Fate away from the hate speech it is their home country that is doing hate action.

Building a comfort woman around the world, owing to Japanese overseas are thrown stones, spit out, children are bullied. On the other hand, it is natural that a reaction will take place at the Japanese side. If that reaction is unpleasant, is not it logic to go to your home country "Cut it out!" and restrain? But, I cannot hear any such movements. On the contrary, they have received unemployment countermeasure expenses and welfare expenses.

There are people who are talking about hate speech regulation law but stop talking nonsense. Anyway, to lead a group of people is a Asahi newspaper. Targeting to Korean residents in Japan and the home country of Koreans in Japan, stop hate action, to remove the image of comfort woman first> (magazine 107-108)

There are a lot of Japanese people saying "Yes, that's right" for such remarks.

This draft continues.

Targeting to Korean residents in Japan and the home country of Koreans in Japan, stop hate action

2017年07月11日 12時37分05秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Hate speech past and present

Cause of "hate"

Hate speech is a problem.

Just to be sure, consulting the "English-Japanese university dictionary 2001" of the Taishukan, "There is a speech of attack (based on race, religion, sexism)", Hate male "(usually anonymous) protest (harassment) letter "Has also appeared. Although Hate Mail has appeared in the "English-Japanese university dictionary" "2002" of the research company, the hate speech has not been accepted yet.

Although Hate Mail has been around since long ago, is Hate Speech a relatively new phenomenon?

There is also Hate Mail in "Oxford English Dictionary" (1st edition, 1989), but there is no hate speech.

The oldest example of this kind of expression that is included here is Hate Literature.

This word seems to have been said during the First World War when German newspaper criticized Northcliffe, the owner of the London Times (A · C · W · Harmsworth).

That sentence was the subject of "It is Sir Northcliffe, one of the responsible officials who made Europe a sea of blood, who let the London Times write the fabricated inflammatory articles."

Sir Northcliffe certainly had a policy that anti-German spirit was strong and had the policy of letting the world report on the German army atrocities if not facts.

It is from this year that I heard about Japan's hate speech.

According to what is being reported it seems quite extraordinary, and there seems to be some exercise opposed to it.

There was also a report that in Osaka the hate and speech organization was sued and a large fine was imposed.

Even if the hate speech happened to the Koreans in Japan, it seems to be rather new.

This is my desk imagination, is not it because Korean people’s anti - Japanese behavior in Korea, that is, hate action is too known to be too severe?

In the USA Korean people are building comfort women’s statue,

Takeshima occupation and it is trying to make the Sea of Japan "Tokai", being angry to the Korean government,

People say "I want to do something back" have come out.

Reciprocal relationship

As it happened to be in the December issue of this magazine ["WILL" 2014], an article that would make a speech for the Japanese who is feeling like that, I will quote a bit longer.

<The so-called Hate speech is used to mean racial discrimination towards Koreans in Japan. But what are they doing in their homeland in Korea? Burning the Hinomaru, trampling the photo of Shinzo Abe and shouting "Kill the Jap", you are throwing stones at Japanese people. Fate away from the hate speech it is their home country that is doing hate action.

Building a comfort woman around the world, owing to Japanese overseas are thrown stones, spit out, children are bullied. On the other hand, it is natural that a reaction will take place at the Japanese side. If that reaction is unpleasant, is not it logic to go to your home country "Cut it out!" and restrain? But, I cannot hear any such movements. On the contrary, they have received unemployment countermeasure expenses and welfare expenses.

There are people who are talking about hate speech regulation law but stop talking nonsense. Anyway, to lead a group of people is a Asahi newspaper. Targeting to Korean residents in Japan and the home country of Koreans in Japan, stop hate action, to remove the image of comfort woman first> (magazine 107-108)

There are a lot of Japanese people saying "Yes, that's right" for such remarks.

This draft continues.

C'est parce que le Japon est une constitution

2017年07月11日 11時44分19秒 | 日記

Le jour où le PDL a perdu beaucoup dans les élections de l'Assemblée de Tokyo, la Chine voulait affaiblir l'intention de l'administration d'Abe,

En ce qui concerne les médias tels que Asahi Shimbun, etc., et la manière dont NHK etc. ont continué à signaler,

Comme les remerciements de la Chine, la Chine a fait que la marine envahit les eaux territoriales dans le détroit de Tsugaru.

Pour autant que je le sache, seul le Sankei Shimbun a publié une fonction qui comprend des cloches d'alarme sur le fait que la capitale chinoise achète des terres à Hokkaido dans un état qui n'est pas un simple incident. Les gens qui pensent qu'il n'y a rien à voir avec la violation territoriale et l'activité d'achat dans le détroit de Tsugaru à ce moment-là doivent savoir qu'il n'y a aucune qualification pour parler de la politique et de la diplomatie du tout.

En premier lieu, pourquoi la Chine envahit-elle et approche-t-elle les eaux territoriales tous les jours dans les îles Senkaku?

C'est parce que le Japon est une constitution de pays de paix que les Asahi Shimbun et d'autres propagent.

Si la Chine répète une telle action contre les États-Unis, il va sans dire que même si la Chine a négligé une chose, la Chine a certainement été repoussée.

Le Vietnam, un petit pays par rapport au Japon, a fait face à la Chine à ce moment où ses eaux territoriales ont été violées.

Ou la Turquie a abattu un avion de chasse russe qui a violé l'espace aérien.

C'est le bon sens dans tous les pays du monde autre que le Japon.

En l'utilisant à fond, le Japon est un pays contrôlé par les forces énumérées dans le zèle religieux. L'article 9 de la Constitution, la Chine fait une violation répétitive des eaux territoriales et de l'espace aérien.

Cela démontre également que la Chine est un pays de «mal abyssal» et «mensonge plausible».

En coopérant avec ce mal abyssal et plausible et en participant aux médias comme Asahi Shimbun,

Et d'autres médias, tels que les soi-disant savants, les soi-disant avocats des droits de l'homme, les partis d'opposition, l'existence stupide n'est nulle part ailleurs dans le monde, les citoyens japonais et les gens du monde entier doivent le savoir.

Es porque Japón es un país de constitución de paz que el Asahi Shimbun y otros propagan

2017年07月11日 11時43分48秒 | 日記

El día en que el LDP perdió mucho en las elecciones de la Asamblea de Tokio, China quería debilitar a la administración Abe como su intención,

En cuanto a los medios de comunicación como el Asahi Shimbun, etc, y la forma en que NHK etc continuó informando,

Como gracias de China, China hizo que la marina invadiera las aguas territoriales en el Estrecho de Tsugaru.

Por lo que sé, sólo el Sankei Shimbun ha publicado una característica que cuenta con alarmas sobre el hecho de que el capital chino está comprando la tierra en Hokkaido en un estado que no es un mero incidente. Las personas que piensan que no hay nada que ver con la violación territorial y la actividad de compras en el Estrecho Tsugaru de esta época deben saber que no hay ninguna calificación para hablar de política y diplomacia en absoluto.

En primer lugar, ¿por qué China invade y se acerca a las aguas territoriales todos los días en las islas Senkaku?

Es porque Japón es un país de constitución de paz que el Asahi Shimbun y otros se propagan.

Si China repite esta acción contra los Estados Unidos, no hace falta decir que aunque China ha pasado por alto una cosa, China ha sido definitivamente rechazada.

Vietnam, un pequeño país comparado con Japón, enfrentó a China en ese momento en que sus aguas territoriales fueron violadas.

O Turquía derribó un avión de combate ruso que violó el espacio aéreo.

Eso es de sentido común en todos los países del mundo distintos de Japón.

Utilizando a fondo, Japón es un país controlado por las fuerzas enumeradas con celo religioso Artículo 9 de la Constitución, China está haciendo repetitiva violación de las aguas territoriales y el espacio aéreo.

Esto también demuestra que China es un país de "mal abismal" y "mentira plausible".

Como cooperando con este mal abismal y mentira plausible y participando en los medios de comunicación como el Asahi Shimbun,

Y otros medios de comunicación, como los llamados académicos, los llamados abogados de derechos humanos, los partidos de oposición, la existencia estúpida no está en ningún lugar del mundo, los ciudadanos japoneses y las personas de todo el mundo necesitan saber.

Es ist, weil Japan ein Land der Friedensverfassung ist, die die Asahi Shimbun

2017年07月11日 11時43分08秒 | 日記

An dem Tag, an dem die LDP bei den Wahlen in der Tokio-Versammlung viel verloren hatte, wollte China die Abe-Regierung als ihre Absicht schwächen,

Wie für die Medien wie die Asahi Shimbun, etc., und die Art und Weise, in der NHK etc. weiter zu berichten,

Wie danke aus China, machte China die Marine in die Hoheitsgewässer in der Tsugaru-Straße eindringen.

Soweit ich weiß, hat nur die Sankei Shimbun eine Eigenschaft, die Alarmglocken über die Tatsache, dass die chinesische Hauptstadt kauft Land in Hokkaido in einem Zustand, der nicht ein bloßer Vorfall ist. Menschen, die denken, dass es nichts mit der territorialen Verletzung zu tun hat und die Kaufaktivität in dieser Zeit Tsugaru Straits muss wissen, dass es keine Qualifikation gibt, um über Politik und Diplomatie überhaupt zu sprechen.

An erster Stelle, warum dringt China in die Senkaku-Inseln ein und nähert sich den Hoheitsgewässern jeden Tag?

Es ist, weil Japan ein Land der Friedensverfassung ist, die die Asahi Shimbun und andere propagieren.

Wenn China solch eine Aktion gegen die Vereinigten Staaten wiederholt, ist es selbstverständlich, dass, obwohl China ein Ding übersehen hat, China definitiv abgestoßen worden ist.

Vietnam, ein kleines Land im Vergleich zu Japan, stand in diesem Augenblick in China, als seine Hoheitsgewässer verletzt wurden.

Oder die Türkei hat ein russisches Kampfflugzeug abgeschossen, das den Luftraum verletzt hat.

Das ist gesunder Menschenverstand in allen Ländern der Welt außer Japan.

Wenn man es gründlich ausnutzt, ist Japan ein Land, das von den Kräften kontrolliert wird, die mit religiösem Eifer nach Artikel 9 der Verfassung aufgeführt sind. China macht wiederholte Verletzung von Hoheitsgewässern und Luftraum.

Dies zeigt auch, dass China ein Land der "abgründigen Übel" und "plausibler Lüge" ist.

Als Kooperation mit dieser abgründigen bösen und plausiblen Lüge und Teilnahme an den Medien wie die Asahi Shimbun,

Und andere Medien, wie sogenannte Gelehrte, so genannte Menschenrechtsanwälte, Oppositionsparteien, die dumme Existenz ist nicht überall auf der Welt, die japanischen Bürger und die Menschen auf der ganzen Welt müssen wissen.