文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Again from this experience, I am looking at Prime Minister absolutely being falsely accused.

2017年09月04日 18時01分43秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I was appointed by the prime minister and served as a member of the educational revitalization execution conference.

However, Prime Minister Abe wants to advance the construction of veterinary department and nominated is just a delusion, a fabrication. In addition,

However, Prime Minister Abe, "wants to advance the construction of veterinary department and nominated", Mr. Maekawa is saying like that is just a delusion, a fabrication.

Certainly I was in the place of the education revitalization conference and I had about two subjects to talk about Prime Minister Abe to let him know that the establishment of new faculty of veterinary medicine has not progressed.

Because I cannot destroyed with a small drill of Ehime would also like to be able to destroy if I borrow the word of Prime Minister Abe that somehow a hole will open up It is from the thought of supportive shooting.

However, there was no response from the Prime Minister.

Rather, I felt the atmosphere that he was not interested at all.

Again from this experience, I am looking at Prime Minister absolutely being falsely accused.

This draft continues.

This is also completely unilateral prejudice of him.

2017年09月04日 17時48分04秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The Prime Minister did not know at all.

Mr. Maekawa, who wants to make Kake Gakuen a problem for the educational revitalization conference that I served as a committee, wrote in a TV or newspaper interview, "Because Prime Minister nominated Mr. Kato as a direct member of the education revival council, I wonder what it is It was.

In addition, as Mr. Kato brought out the story of the veterinary department at the educational revitalization conference, Prime Minister nominated Kato for attracting veterinary department.

This is also completely unilateral prejudice of him.

I cannot understand the nerve that talks about prejudice in the interview of a TV program on the premise of national broadcasting.

At the time I was serving as Chief of Governor General Affairs Section in MEXT, he was a third grader and was a staff in charge of laws and regulations.

It was a very promising stock, and I felt that he would stand back on the back of ME had a bought his abilities and bizarre attitude as a bureaucratic.

It was enough to think that I was most pleased that he became secretary general, but it is surprising to hear this from the opening of the lid.

In the National Assembly, I dared to say, "I doubt the neural structure of the Maekawa reference person", for the sake of him, I included the meaning of the restraining ball as "How about if you make it a cease fire!

However, it seems that it does not reach him.

This draft continues.

it is difficult to understand why he strengthened the delusion and linked all matters to

2017年09月04日 17時32分35秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is only Mr. Maekawa of former MEXT permanent vice-minister who argues that it was a composition, but it is difficult to understand why he strengthened the delusion and linked all matters to the prime minister it will.

From the experience of working in Kasumigaseki, after ministries and agencies competed with each other for a conclusion, we exchanged sake and said, "You said a lot of tough," and headed for the next step we will cooperate.

This was the culture of Kasumigaseki.

Even in the Diet, I told this story, "I cannot feel the culture of Kasumigaseki this time."

Cabinet Office wanting to get rid of rock regulation,

MEXT wanting to protect the rock while there was a violent collision,

Ultimately, the conclusion came out, it should have been approved by MEXT Minister.

Mr. Maekawa and MEXT probably had regret that "it was pushed by the Cabinet Office."

I think that the example of a golf photograph overlaps with a frustrating feeling that there was such a thing because there was an intention of the Prime Minister, "Friends were given preferential treatment due to the intention of the Prime Minister, administrative distortion" It may be that feelings came out, but everything is his thoughts and delusions.

This draft continues.

The opposition party and the media came over there.

2017年09月04日 17時23分16秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Maekawa former vice-director's fantasy

Mr. Maekawa probably has a form like "a fox that borrows the authority of a tiger" in the "intention statement of prime minister" from the Cabinet Office as the study of the strategic special zones progresses, that is, "from the Prime Minister and the official residence It is a story that there is a fierce push "and it seems to have been pushed in to approve the new construction.

I also understand that it was a bureaucrat, but when it is disagreed between ministries and agencies, we have not a few experiences to promote the story with the names of prime ministers, ministers, and politicians.

However, bureaucrats simply bring it out for the purpose of advancing the story, and it does not mean that that politicians actually put pressure on it.

But this time, "Fireman" Mr. Kitamura brought in "Prime and friends' pictures" added.

Therefore, Mr. Maekawa thought that "Prime Minister Abe must be doing it for his friend Kake Gakuen president that can for the establishment of the veterinary department in the special zones", "I think that the administration is distorted", raised the counter wreck smoke against the regime I think that.

The opposition party and the media came over there.

"Prime Minister ordered" "Because it was a friend, it was a preferential treatment," triumphantly became a fuss.

There is a thick rock wall in the construction of the veterinary department, that the uneven distribution of veterinarians has not been resolved, and so forth, such as "The prime minister distorted the administration for his friends", they keep a false story from beginning to end.

This draft continues.


2017年09月04日 16時59分08秒 | 日記












This is an unacceptable liar’s job.

2017年09月04日 16時53分41秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. * I thought that I had to inform the world about Mr. Kato’s paper not only in Japan but also the world by reading this chapter even more. The golf picture mentioned in this chapter was aired on NHK's watch 9 I was watching.

NHK commented that this photograph and example documents were obtained by NHK's own research, but there is nothing. It was only that Maekawa brought it to the Asahi Newspaper and NHK.

Even so, NHK commented that as a result of their own in-depth investigation, it was the fact that they had grasped, so that it completely emphasized the audience that this was the truth. This is an unacceptable liar’s job. I declare that the press department of NHK is unforgivable. It is not an exaggeration to say that Arima and Kuwako of Watch 9 are no longer traitors. It is no exaggeration to say that there are no such malignant people as they are. Kuwako and others are smiling solely to conceal their left-wing essence, but even that she is a completely untrained person, even that it is the most malignant form I do not think so.

On that day, the viewers who were watching watch 9, those who read my paper instantly refused to pay the reception fee to NHK, and as a result of the contents violating the broadcasting law, Japan and Japanese For various damage suffered by,

We must make a claim for damages.

Golf photos to MEXT?

However, there are still doubts in this "Ishiba four conditions".

However there is a sentence that the concrete demand in the field which the concrete demand in the field is responded newly is satisfied, even if it is good not to admit new construction unless it satisfies it, existing faculties it is quite doubtful if they are positively adopting advanced science.

America is since each state operates politics within the state with strong autonomy, a new veterinary department is created in the blank state one after another, and advanced science is adopted.

However, Japan has an old-fashioned regime and is far behind the United States.

Are not you ashamed?

Prime Minister Abe also made a national strategy special zone to break down these situations.

It is a philosophy of the special district to free up from the mechanism of existing ministries and agencies or the idea of industry groups, to promote the growth of Japan by taking regulation.

Regarding veterinary school, "Why cannot America do it in Japan? Watch the world. Are not you ashamed?",

Thanks to the initiatives of private experts and saying, the opening gate of Imabari's department of veterinary medicine opened.

Nonetheless, the opinions of the people who actively made remarks, including Hara Eiji and Hatta Tatsuo, were not reported at all in the newspaper or the television.

From the standpoint of watching Response over veterinary department, there is a clause that seems to be that the current "Kake Gakuen problem" became a fuss.

In 2007, which was under the first Abe administration, when I bring the vision to MEXT, Kake Kotaro, Chairman of Kake Gakuen, is to formally greet, he went to the veterinarian society for a greeting.

So Kitamura asked, "Are you a friend of someone in a politician?" Kake says, "Shinzo Abe," he replied.

Today is what I said unnecessarily, but after 10 years Kitamura brought MEXT a picture of Prime Minister Abe and Mr. Kake playing golf.

And he advised MEXT, "I am concerned with Prime Minister Abe and President Kake applying for the establishment of veterinary department, so please be careful." 

In response to that Maekawa Kihei Previous permanent vice-minister probably had a prejudice that "they are such a relationship"?

This draft continues.


2017年09月04日 16時08分42秒 | 日記




















2017年09月04日 15時58分39秒 | 日記



















anyone who tried to practice making it realistically difficult to enter the wording

2017年09月04日 15時57分05秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Desperate to protect vested rights

In addition, while the application for the Special Zones for Structural Reform was being applied, the change of government occurred,

In response to the newly proposed proposal in fiscal 2009, the Democratic Party of Japan is determined to consider "to realize."

It made considerable progress.

So far are "Incompatible" and curtly refusing to receive a caller.

There was a campaign by Democratic lawmakers for this.

The number of veterinarians will increase,

The ubiquitous problem that the number of veterinarians and schools with veterinary departments are biased toward eastern Japan,

Democratic lawmakers were asking questions in the Diet etc.

As I thought this was good, as soon as the Democratic Party Veterinarian Federation was formed two weeks later, the brakes were applied.

Instead of the Liberal Democratic Party Veterinarian Assembly League who had power before then, the veterinarian association made powerful membership within the Democratic Party.

As for veterinarians' involvement with their vested rights, it can be said that they are "be quick to seize an opportunity" indeed.

The extremity is the example "Ishiba four conditions".

When we gave a name to National Strategy Special Zone on June 4, 2015, a cabinet decision was made on the Japanese revitalization strategy that included the so-called "Ishiba Four Terms" on June 30 th only three weeks later.

"Ishiba Four conditions" means that in establishing the department of veterinary medicine

① Concepts that are not existing veterinary teacher training by the current proposing entity are materialized,

② Specific demand in areas that veterinarians such as life science should respond to are clear, and

③ If it is difficult for existing universities / faculties to deal with it,

④ It considers the trend of demand of veterinarian in recent years, and it is condition to consider within a year from the national viewpoint.

There is no doubt that this condition was established by the Japan Veterinary Association’s encouragement.

In fact, Mr. Kitamura met with Ishiba Shigeru Local Creation Minister at the Board of Governors of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association and Mr. Ishiba said, "We made a lot of hardship, but to the effect that anyone who tried to practice making it realistically difficult to enter the wording We heard that ", there are activity reports that it told him that.

It seems that he grabbed the information that there is a movement to establish the faculty of

2017年09月04日 11時17分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Like a veterinarian, for example, in the case of a pharmacist is also in four to six years, the number of students has doubled from six thousand to twelve thousand in the past few years, and the new pharmacist is also 27 increasing.

Later, in the second year after the establishment of the second Abe administration, the bill of special strategy for the national strategy was formed and a movement to advance new deregulation began.

In response to this, Imabari City thought that the National Strategy Special Zone is likely to be more prospective.

The first person who gave a name to him was Niigata City, Imabari City raised his hand at the National Strategy Special Zone a year later, followed by Kyoto.

After the review, as a result two years ago in December, Imabari City can finally be certified as a special zone under the national strategic special zoning system, and Kake Academy side also accepted this as a MEXT veterinarian at Okayama University of Science Imabari campus I applied for the establishment of undergraduate.

The National Strategy Special Zone Advisory Council has participated as a committee members from the private sector, and they started working by claiming that they should be able to freely create undergraduates, but from the administrative side such as MEXT The Japanese veterinary medical association also received a fierce rebellion.

Among others, Naoto Kitamura, adviser of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association, is quite "a political strong man", and as soon as I brought it to MEXT before bringing it to the Special Zones for Structural Reform in the summer of 2007, The policy that the entrance capacity of the veterinary department of the veterinary department from the veterinarian society should not be increased has come out.

It seems that he grabbed the information that there is a movement to establish the faculty of veterinary medicine, and asked for such a policy.

Even when we applied for the Special Zones for Structural Reform, we soon flew from Tokyo to the governor's office of Ehime together with Mr. Takeo Sakai of Tokyo University President and asked "We want you to withdraw the Special Zone Application" is.


By the way, five times out of this is impossible under the abe administration, but for some reason

2017年09月04日 10時29分34秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I am in charge of new department, I first brought talks to MEXT.

Because it is my "my home", I thought it would be easy, it was hampered by a very thick wall and bounced back.

Therefore, we used the structural reform special zones system started from the Koizumi Cabinet, and proposed the establishment of the Department of Veterinary Medicine in 2007, which was the Fukuda Cabinet.

However, this was also impossible, since then, I applied for 15 times and it reached it is also bounced back 15 times.

By the way, five times out of this is impossible under the abe administration, but for some reason this point has not been reported much.

With the strong pressure to protect the vested interests of the veterinarian society, MEXT and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery also run away, the new construction was precluded by this bedrock and has not been realized for fifty years.

The Japanese Veterinary Association's "a political strong man"

How is this a thick bedrock?

For example, in private school of veterinary medicine, there are around 50 faculty members who have admission capacity of about 120 people, but in fact they are enrolling 140 people and 150 students in inflated entrance it will.

Looking at the total of the veterinary department of the sixteen institutions throughout the country, they have enrolled 1,000 to 1,300 people, with the capacity of 930 people.

Despite the fact that there are students who wish to proceed to the Department of Veterinary Medicine for that reason, they did not try to accept any new construction.

It is to protect the vested rights of the current veterinary department.

Although there are opinions that "Veterinarian increases too if you approve new construction, it does not match demand," but this is also strange.

All the Japanese citizens must head to the nearest bookstore for subscription.

2017年09月04日 10時14分19秒 | 日記

The following is from the editorial of the former Ehime Prefectural Governor Kato Moriyuki published in monthly magazine HANADA this month's issue.

All the Japanese citizens must head to the nearest bookstore for subscription.

Especially, subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper, Mainichi Newspaper, Tokyo Newspaper, watching TV programs of their television stations and NHK, do not read monthly magazines etc at all, Middle-aged and elderly people reflect on having brought heavy damage to Japan and Japanese citizens. In the future, as a Japanese citizen, the country where civilization turntables are traveling, we should head to the nearest bookstore now to know that we must lead the world.

Middle-aged and elderly people reflect on on brought heavy damage to Japan and Japanese citizens In the future, as a Japanese citizen, the country where the turntable of civilization is turning, it should head to the nearest bookstore now to know that we must lead the world.

You stop stopping subscribing to the above newspaper, stopping watching everything on TV, and you have to subscribe to the monthly magazine I mentioned every month.

If you think that you are human beings with intelligence.

My testimony "ignored" to the media

Kato Moriyuki

For me, "With Kake"

The establishment of the Department of Veterinary Medicine in Ehime, who has worked desperately for over ten years, is about to be crushed right now.

As a party, there is not such regret.

I thought about attracting the Department of Veterinary Medicine to Imabari City in Ehime Prefecture because of my desire to manage the new urban development project that I was proceeding in Imabari and somehow to eliminate the current situation of veterinarian shortage.

Since taking office as Ehime Governor in 1999, I was promoting the introduction of local universities at the academic city plan which is a part of the new urban development project, but the idea has been hardly decided and the concept is floating in the air It was in state. Furthermore, since the beginning of 2000, bird flu, the occurrence of mad cow disease in the United States and diseases related to livestock have been followed one after another, and foot and mouth disease occurred in Miyazaki prefecture in 2010.

In the livestock industry I was forced to strengthen the necessity of veterinarians and quarantine system, but in Ehime prefecture, eventually Shikoku livestock veterinarians were decisively deficient.

In the survey conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 2007, there were few veterinarians in the Shikoku area, and only 2.4% of veterinarians nationwide were working in Shikoku. In addition,

When Imabari-shi began attracting in 2006, establishment of veterinary department has not been allowed for more than forty years.

However, if we can break through this wall and attract the veterinary department to Imabari City, we can eliminate both the promotion of the academic city plan concept and the shortage of livestock veterinarians.

I thought that it was exactly two birds with one stone.

In addition, in 2007, a veterinary expert who was my director of the veterinarian said, "the mad cow disease, the US has raised the country to enhance the veterinary department, and they are beginning to work to new fields," he told me.

In addition to the above "kill two birds with one stone", I thought that it was just "kill three birds with one stone" if we could realize our veterinary initiatives incorporating internationally advanced science in Imabari It is.

I told many colleges about such kill three birds with one stone, but everything was declined and it was only Kake Gakuen who told me to do "let's do".

That's why I told you that "Ehime was with Kake."

This draft continues.


2017年09月04日 09時56分12秒 | 日記


















Les produits fabriqués avec une technologie

2017年09月04日 09時54分10秒 | 日記

Voici la suite du chapitre précédent.

L'accent mis sur la phrase autre que le titre est moi.

SK Hynix Spy Activité

Contrairement à l'annonce officielle de Toshiba intitulée "Acquisition par la banque d'investissement politique et US Bain Capital", SK Hynix, un important fabricant de mémoire coréen, envisage de négocier avec succès la souscription des obligations convertibles à vote de Bain Capital, la nouvelle de l'impact choc qu'il l'a fait .

Les «obligations convertibles» sont la moitié du caractère des obligations, mais elles peuvent être transformées en actions lorsque certaines conditions sont atteintes, et il est facile de reprendre, car il est exactement le même que l'acquisition d'actions lors de la conversion en actions.

Le président de Toshiba Tsunakawa, qui a commenté que «SK Hynix n'a pas de droit de vote lorsqu'il finance une des coalitions d'entreprises», il est naturel que les actionnaires se soient mis en colère contre la duplicité du président Tsunakawa.

SK Hynix est l'un des coupables qui a traîné Toshiba au fond de l'abîme en plus de Westinghouse.

Mais il a été signalé en 2014, Yoshitaka Sugita, ancien employé de SanDisk, a été embauché par SK Hynix de 2008 à 2010 et a provoqué la fuite de la technologie de mémoire de Toshiba en Corée.

Toshiba a développé la mémoire flash NAND en 1987.

SK Hynix a été développé avec succès en 2004 et 17 ans en retard de Toshiba.

Cependant, en 2013, après que Sugita Yoshitaka a échappé à la technologie, la technologie a rattrapé Toshiba qui était techniquement en avance pour 17 ans, et cette année a connu des bénéfices records.

Existe-t-il une telle chose?

Bien sûr, Toshiba a remporté le procès contre Prestige, "the steal profit" Pour SK Hynix, qui ne représente que 33 milliards de yens.

Et SK Hynix, qui était censé être techniquement inférieur, a enregistré un bénéfice d'exploitation record à la période janvier-mars 2017.

Les produits fabriqués avec une technologie volée n'exigent pas de répartition des coûts des dépenses de R & D, de sorte que les coûts peuvent être réduits.

Les dépenses de R & D des entreprises japonaises ne pourront pas récupérer leur investissement à moins que la technologie ne soit conservée.

Cependant, afin de protéger la technologie des entreprises japonaises, le Japon n'a pas été en mesure d'établir une loi anti-espion.

Seul le pauvre japonais qui a été le délinquant exécuté a été arrêté et les fonctionnaires du principal criminel SK Hynix ont émis «les profits les plus élevés» dans le pays d'origine sans aucun reproche et se livrent au luxe avec un énorme bonus.

Bien que le procès au Japon ait pris fin, il existe un risque que SK Hynix soit toujours en train de demander une injonction ou quelque chose de semblable de Toshiba.

C'est pourquoi ils essaient de saisir l'intervention de gestion de Toshiba Memory et le droit de refuser une résolution spéciale des actionnaires.

Ce projet se poursuit.

Los productos hechos con tecnología robada

2017年09月04日 09時53分35秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

El énfasis en la oración que no sea el título es yo.

Actividad de Spy de SK Hynix

Contrariamente al anuncio oficial de Toshiba "Acquisition by policy investment bank y US Bain Capital", SK Hynix, un importante fabricante coreano de memorias, planea negociar tras la suscripción de los bonos convertibles de Bain Capital, la noticia del impacto impactó que lo estaba haciendo .

Los "bonos convertibles" son la mitad del carácter de los bonos, pero se pueden transformar en acciones cuando se cumplen ciertas condiciones, y es fácil de asumir, ya que es exactamente lo mismo que la adquisición de acciones cuando se convierten en acciones.

El presidente de Toshiba Tsunakawa, quien comentó que "SK Hynix no tiene derechos de voto, ya que financia una de las coaliciones corporativas", es natural que los accionistas se sintieran enojados por la duplicidad del presidente Tsunakawa.

SK Hynix es el "uno de los culpables" que arrastró a Toshiba al fondo del abismo además del Westinghouse.

Pero se informó en 2014, Yoshitaka Sugita, ex empleado de SanDisk, fue contratado por SK Hynix de 2008 a 2010 y causó la tecnología de memoria de Toshiba a la fuga a Corea.

Toshiba desarrolló memoria flash NAND en 1987.

SK Hynix se desarrolló con éxito en 2004 y 17 años después de Toshiba.

Sin embargo, en 2013 después de Sugita Yoshitaka fuga de la tecnología, la tecnología alcanzó a Toshiba, que estaba técnicamente por delante durante 17 años, y este año vio récord de ganancias.

¿Hay tal cosa?

Por supuesto, Toshiba ganó la demanda contra Prestige, "el beneficio de robo" Para SK Hynix, que es sólo 33 millones de yenes.

Y SK Hynix, que se suponía que era técnicamente inferior, quemó un récord de ganancias operativas en el período de enero a marzo de 2017.

Los productos hechos con tecnología robada no requieren la asignación de costos de los gastos de I + D, por lo que los costos pueden ser reducidos.

Los gastos de I + D de las empresas japonesas no podrán recuperar su inversión a menos que se mantenga la tecnología.

Sin embargo, con el fin de proteger la tecnología de las empresas japonesas, Japón no pudo establecer una ley anti-espía.

Sólo el pobre japonés que era el delincuente ejecutante fue arrestado y los funcionarios del principal criminal SK Hynix emitió "el mayor beneficio" en el país de origen sin culpa alguna y se entregan al lujo con una enorme ventaja.

A pesar de que la demanda en Japón ha terminado, existe el riesgo de que SK Hynix todavía busque una orden judicial o similar de Toshiba.

Es por eso que están tratando de captar la intervención de gestión de Toshiba Memory y el derecho a rechazar la resolución especial de los accionistas.

Este proyecto continúa.