文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is childish, that is why he is becoming a malicious newspaper company

2017年09月29日 23時02分26秒 | 日記

The following is from today's Sankei Shimbun 3 page.

I read this article, I think that these articles were once written by the Asahi Shimbun and Weekly Asahi.

In other words, now the Asahi Shimbun is busy preparing fake news to realize their thought, not just correct their distorted thought,

They completely forget the journalist's original mission of clarifying hidden facts, hidden facts and telling this to the people,

It is childish, that is why he is becoming a malicious newspaper company,

On the other hand, Sankei Shimbun, in inverse proportion to the Asahi Shimbun, is the brushing day by day the duty as a journalist.

I was watching NHK’s watch 9 now, the thing Arima said finally is the essence of the pretended moralist ... N / A, the fact is clearly expressing that it is an anti - establishmentarian equal to the Communist.

Needless to say that NHK's press department represented by him is reporting the following truth never once, it is their reality.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the current NHK is a broadcasting station mistaken for Japan.

That Arima, or Mr. Kaji Nobuyuki who is greatly our senior, said that a certain Yanagisawa and others who pointed out the actual situation was said to be a gathering group of left-handed people of a low degree with NHK's press department it is no exaggeration to say.

Such humans,

In boldly executing the best economic policy of the past, in diplomacy it is not only to abide in unbelievable conspiracy strategy with China as the lead, but constantly repeating anti-Japanese propaganda,

Far away from China and the Korean Peninsula, which is continuing to defuse Japan's position and credibility in the international community,

For Prime Minister Abe, who is engaged in diplomatic efforts that everyone could not achieve,

It seems to me that there is no more disaster for Japan as it is criticizing, criticizing, attacking in a shallowly pretended moralism or masochistic view of history from above, by NHK and the Asahi and so on.


Behind the confluence concept, the DP and the hope party, another, there was a fight against the DP's "Safety".

The Democratic Party has received about 9 billion yen public funding for political parties a year.

Katsuya Okada, representative of two generations back of "tight-fisted person" used only a minimum as "for the coming days", the former representative Renho did not know to use.

For this reason, it is said that about 15 billion yen of money is sleeping in the "Safety" of the Democratic Party.

On the other hand, the hope party almost is cleaned out.

For this reason, they asked for official approval of contribution of 7 million yen including deposit.

Hosono asked why "10 million yen per person".

Koike, who aims to hold candidates in all the constituencies, wants this money desperately.

Regarding this money, there is a possibility that intense competition will be brought about by Maehara and Koike, and the House of Councilors DP.



2017年09月29日 22時27分38秒 | 日記



























The depth of the human relationship between Asahi Shimbun and the DP

2017年09月29日 16時07分25秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Asahi and NHK's conspiracy

And as early as 17th the same as the Asahi Shimbun’s first report, the Democratic Progressive Party used document group B as a question as early as possible, and on May 19 the Communist Party the AKAHATA published a document of the document A.

The depth of the human relationship between Asahi Shimbun and the DP, and between NHK and the Communist Party can be imagined.

Both NHK and the Communist Party are presenting the full text of Document A, but Documents B does not publish the full text until today, as well as the DP that used the scooped Asahi Shimbun for questioning.

After a while, on June 2, the Democratic Party announced Document A on the ground that it acquired a separate document from document group B which had been acquired in the past.

NHK on the same day reported it as if it was a new scoop, but in reality, this is the same document that NHK himself reported on May 16.

What on earth is it?

Different documents A and B Similar things are brought to NHK and the Asahi Shimbun from different people, and the scoop at 11 o'clock in the evening coincidentally coincides with the scoop of the morning newspaper by chance - there cannot be such a thing.

So the same person brought only document A to NHK, and brought only document group B to the Asahi newspaper?

That is unlikely.

Document A does not know who wrote it, but also the date and time and the name of the attendee are written, which is more credible than document group B.

Still, a mystery remains.

That is because these documents are handling caution documents which should be called low-quality products.

Even if it is a recorded document of MEXT, there is no signature.

Particularly in the document group B, it is not known what kind of opportunity was created and used.

There is no whole credit, it is memo writing.

Anyone can easily fabricate such a thing, it is difficult to prove that it is not forged.

But document A is more credible, it is examined by anyone, including the name of the officer, and if for someone who knows the internal circumstances, counterfeiting is easy.

Conversely, if this was an internal memo of MEXT, the person who caused the leak could be charged with a breach of confidentiality obligation set by the National Public Service Act.

Do humans afflicted with such risks exist in active bureaucrats?

It is a dangerous document to report no collecting evidence for the top 2 of the media ranking of Asahi and NHK.

What will it do if it turns out later if it is an imitation?

In the case of the Asahi Shimbun, since apology of comfort women coverage and forging of the Fukushima nuclear power plant report, the number of copies still continues, and in recent years the management team is said to be demanding an informal media attitude towards scooping ahead unreasonable scoops.

This draft continues.

but they are scooped in conjunction with projects that do not become "cases" unless

2017年09月29日 15時40分18秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

Forged scandal

That's out of the question.

On this day, the Asahi Shimbun had already acquired 8 investigated and released by the government later, but imagined Abe's involvement, "the intention of the prime minister" "the highest level of the official residence" Apart from the parts to make it to the reader almost not to introduce the contents of the document, it has been unpublished today.

The full text of the obtained document will be introduced later but it is not a hundreds of pages of recorded documents.

It is natural that newspaper companies that scooped as administrative scandals, only 611 characters in character number, should publish full texts in the first report.

However, rather than the full text, Asahi Shimbun continued to report repeatedly was only the two previous words.


When reporting the full text of the document, the Asahi Shimbun wants to counterfeit "Abe scandal" will disappears into thin air.

The whole document shows that the establishment of the new veterinary department of Kake Gakuen was promoted negotiations regardless of "The intention of the prime minister".

The Asahi Shimbun aimed at misguiding public opinion from the beginning, continued coverage hiding all parts that are known not to be "The intention of the prime minister".

In particular, what seems to be strange is that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK are not simple case reports, but they are scooped in conjunction with projects that do not become "cases" unless information is manipulated from the beginning.

Actually, NHK and Asahi scooped are not identical documents.

But it is similar, it is a separate document.

Document A is broadcasted by NHK, and document group B is reported by Asahi. In case

A is one piece entitled "Summary of Meeting with Fujiwara Cabinet Office Deputy Director (New Department of Veterinary Medicine)", B is 8 sheets.

A is "September 26 (Monday, September 28, 18: 30 ~ 18: 55)", the date and time and the real name of the officer are clearly stated, but the document of B is almost like a memo.

Of the eight B sheets, one is almost the same content as A, and it is entitled "Matters to be transmitted from the Cabinet Office concerning the establishment of the department of veterinary medicine".

From the format A and B are records by different people, and B seems to be the creation of the same person for all 8 pieces.

Among them, NHK takes up document A in late-night news on May 16th, the Asahi newspaper scoops document group B on May 17 morning edition.

This draft continues.

At first glance, it seems like a theatrical process like a movie or a TV drama like a deductible

2017年09月29日 11時31分54秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The Asahi newspaper publishes the photograph of the acquired scoop document largely on the left side of the front page, but it uses trickery so that it can read only a part by applying a circular gradation to the surroundings. 

At first glance, it seems like a theatrical process like a movie or a TV drama like a deductible, and many people will miss it.

But, given a little thought, it is obviously unknown way to introduce documents that the newspaper got at the scoop.

Normally, after considerable trouble is the acquired scoop document - other than the proper noun from the viewpoint of the Personal Information Protection Act - would not it wants to show off the whole picture?

Let's take a closer look at the pictures.

The first sentence can read the full sentence.

"The intention of the prime minister" comes out in this.

Section 2 will be harder to read on both sides from the 3rd line, but you can still take notes.

However, at the third section below it can only barely read the central part of <line the first line of <Advisory Council Decision ', Prime Minister> and the second line <Does not it look like? Heisei 30>, under it is almost impossible to read as it blends into darkness.

As the whole is skillfully graded, it seems like a coincidence at first glance. 

It is not a coincidence.

Indeed, the first line and the second line of the third section, which was hidden in the picture of the Asahi Shimbun, was the following wording. 

<In the form of "Decision of the Advisory Council of the National Strategy Special Zone", since the Prime Minister is the Chairman, it seems to be an instruction from the Prime Minister>

What is this done? 

It is written just under the same document in which "Prime Minister's intention" was written, "Is it because the prime minister is the chairman, so it seems to be an instruction from the prime minister?"

If there is "an instruction of the prime minister" it will not be said like this.

Because there was no instruction, it is necessary to perform an operation that "looks like an instruction from the Prime Minister" - this document can be read as such. 

The scoop of the Asahi Shimbun hid this part with a black shadow.

This draft continues.

Crafted scoop document

2017年09月29日 11時15分42秒 | 日記

Below is the greatest canard after the war, the Asahi Newspaper "Kake coverage" thorough verification, Eitaro Ogawa.

It is from the article published in monthly issue Hanada this month issue.

This genuine article also proves that my reference to NHK news department and watch 9 was quite right.

We have organized a big feature with the September issue, October issue, about the Asahi Shimbun has leaded Kake Gakuen coverage we have examined from various aspects and have raised doubts.

In mid-October, we will publish by Eitaro Ogawa "Moritomo · Kake incident thoroughly verified - Asahi Shimbun, the largest media crime after the war" (provisional title) from our company in mid-October.

Mr. Ogawa who depicted the organizational and intentional regime of the morning sun in "Abe bashing is a company policy of the Asahi Newspaper" and "The appointed day Abe Shinzo essay" now thoroughly examines the whole picture of Moritomo · Kake problem.

From the same book which excavated many facts of shocks, this issue focuses on "Kake Gakuen canard" and introduces a part of it.

❶ The mystery of the Asahi Shimbun "Scoop".

❷ The darkness of the man called Maekawa Kihei.

May 16th -. At midnight, NHK "MEXT Council Reported" There is a problem "to the new veterinary school", it reported casual news entitled.

It's short news, about a minute and a half.

As entitled, they are reporting the reports of the MEXT Council.

However, at the end of the news, the following words are added, and documents are displayed as much as 10 seconds on the screen.

<In January this policy was set up in Imabari-shi by deregulation, but in the end of September last year the staff of the Cabinet Office installed in Imabari city against the MEXT side Interaction requested to make a schedule on the premise of being left in the document>

This was the scoop of so-called "the MEXT document" which became the core of "the Kake academy problem" after this.

Even so, it is a strange "scoop" that has been gently inserted so that it does not seem to work.

At this time, looking at the images aired on NHK, there was a blackened part, which was the part that "the highest level of the official residence is saying" that will be regarded as a problem later. A few hours after a quiet scoop not noticed by anyone - On May 17th the next morning the Asahi newspaper will conversely scoop the "MEXT document" on the front page top.

"New faculty" Prime Minister's intention "and a large penetrate next to it, and the name of the school that NHK hid," Kake Academy Project. Recorded document in MEXT "heading out.

It was turned out that the document which made it said that it was told was said.

The lead of the Asahi Shimbun is as follows.

<A school corporation that will serve as chairman by an acquaintance about Shinzo Abe "Kake Gakuen" (Okayama City) is planning to establish a veterinary department in the National Strategy Special Zone, MEXT from the Cabinet Office in charge of Special Zone "The highest level of official residence says "" I heard that it is the intention of the Prime Minister ", it was out that the document which made it said that it was told was said.>

Crafted scoop document

However, there are very unnatural things in this Asahi newspaper report.

This draft dontinues.


2017年09月29日 10時51分57秒 | 日記





「安倍叩きは朝日の社是」『約束の日 安倍晋三試論』で朝日の組織的・意図的な政権潰しを描いた小川氏が、いま再び森友・加計問題の全貌を徹底検証。 


❶ 朝日“スクープ”の謎

❷ 前川喜平という男の闇

5月16日―。 深夜11時、NHKが「文科省の審議会 新設獣医学部に『課題あり』と報告」と題するさりげないニュースを報じた。 1分半ほどの短いニュースだ。 








「新学部『総理の意向』」と横に大きくぶち抜き、NHKが隠していた学校名も「加計学園計画 文科省に記録文書」と見出しに打ち出した。

























2017年09月29日 10時48分44秒 | 日記





「安倍叩きは朝日の社是」『約束の日 安倍晋三試論』で朝日の組織的・意図的な政権潰しを描いた小川氏が、いま再び森友・加計問題の全貌を徹底検証。 


❶ 朝日“スクープ”の謎

❷ 前川喜平という男の闇

5月16日―。 深夜11時、NHKが「文科省の審議会 新設獣医学部に『課題あり』と報告」と題するさりげないニュースを報じた。 1分半ほどの短いニュースだ。 








「新学部『総理の意向』」と横に大きくぶち抜き、NHKが隠していた学校名も「加計学園計画 文科省に記録文書」と見出しに打ち出した。
























Come si può vedere, la guerra è ancora

2017年09月29日 09時47分00秒 | 日記

Di seguito è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

La Cina conta l'aumento della popolazione che attraversa il nord, l'ovest e il sud della Cina come una nuova strategia, "la Cina ha un potere di attacco popolare".

Nel frattempo, tutte le residenze di residenti cinesi verranno trasferiti nel territorio cinese.

È la stessa cosa che la Germania pretende di "attaccare la Polonia" sostenendo che "Polnischer Korridor", che ha una grande popolazione tedesca lungo la costa del Mar Baltico, è un territorio tedesco. Era la notte tarda del 1 settembre 1939, subito il Regno Unito e la Francia avevano dichiarato guerra alla Germania.

È l'inizio della seconda guerra mondiale, e dopo che la Germania ha dichiarato guerra alla Germania e alla Francia.

Non serve piangere nel scrivere un tale sfondo,

A quel tempo la Polonia si basava sull'assistenza britannica e francese per dichiarare guerra alla Germania e alla seconda guerra mondiale nel paese di vittoria, ma la Polonia si era dispersa come foschia.

Non c'era paese dove potessero combattere nuovamente per la Polonia trasformando il potere militare di Stalin al nemico.

Come si può vedere, la guerra è ancora decisiva per esercitare la capacità, ma non sa se vince o no.

Pensando che,

In futuro, rafforzare la capacità di autodifesa e fare alleati diventare il campo di battaglia principale.

Questa bozza continua.

sphère culturelle qui comprend la reconnaissance ou le remboursement d'une obligation.

2017年09月29日 09時35分03秒 | 日記

Voici la suite du chapitre précédent.

Comme par le passé, «confrontation entre l'est et l'ouest et le nord-sud», «race blanche et colorée» «pays développé et pays sous-développé» «pays riche et pays pauvre» «ancienne colonie et ancien pays au pouvoir», le conflit religieux est entré.

En outre, elle exerce la violence.

Ni les attentats suicides ni les attaques aveugles n'ont d'ennemis ou d'alliés.

Donc, même si nous créons un axe de conflit par la dichotomie comme nous l'avons déjà fait, nous ne pouvons pas l'utiliser pour la prévision à l'avenir.

En premier lieu, ce que l'on peut argumenter par pays peut déjà être vieux.

Dans le futur conflit, nous avons besoin de diverses perspectives telles que voir le monde par division linguistique, par domaine religieux, en regardant le degré de pénétration de la culture japonaise, domaine culturel qui comprend la reconnaissance ou le remboursement d'une obligation.

Par exemple, en Angleterre, il va sans dire que la miséricorde du monarque et la reconnaissance des gens sont l'esprit fondamental de la nation,

Dans la cérémonie du couronnement du nouveau roi à l'église nationale britannique, l'archevêque de l'église anglicane donne la couronne au nouveau roi, l'évêque canadien se trouve à côté d'elle, troisièmement, il y avait un évêque japonais.

Cependant, dans ce pays, il semble qu'un prêtre qui se rassemble à la mosquée et apprenne que le Coran est beaucoup plus que le nombre de personnes qui chantent le chant britannique en présence aujourd'hui le culte du dimanche matin.

Certaines personnes disent que la Grande-Bretagne est devenue une nation islamique depuis longtemps il y a 20 ans.

Bien aimable, mais je pense bien, je suis reconnaissant que Bouddha et Kami continuent d'être forts au Japon.

Ce projet se poursuit.

cultura que entiende la gratitud o el pago de una obligación.

2017年09月29日 09時34分26秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

Como en el pasado, "la confrontación entre el este-oeste y el norte-sur", "la raza blanca y coloreada" "país desarrollado y país subdesarrollado" "país rico y país pobre" "antigua colonia y antiguo país gobernante", además de, el conflicto religioso entró.

Además, ejerce violencia.

Ni los atentados suicidas ni los ataques indiscriminados tienen enemigos o aliados.

Así que aunque creemos un eje de conflicto por la dicotomía como lo hemos hecho antes, no podemos usarlo para la predicción en el futuro.

En primer lugar, qué discutir por país ya puede ser viejo.

En el futuro conflicto, necesitamos diversas perspectivas, como ver el mundo por división de la lengua, por área religiosa, mirando el grado de penetración de la cultura japonesa, esfera de la cultura que entiende la gratitud o pagar una obligación.

Por ejemplo, en Inglaterra es evidente que la misericordia del monarca y la gratitud del pueblo son el espíritu fundamental de la nación,

En la ceremonia de coronación del nuevo rey en la Iglesia Nacional Británica, el arzobispo de la Iglesia Anglicana da corona al nuevo rey, el obispo canadiense se encuentra junto a él, en tercer lugar fue un obispo japonés que está allí.

Sin embargo, en ese país, parece que un sacerdote que se reúne en la mezquita y aprende el Corán es mucho más que el número de personas que cantan cántico británico en la asistencia a la adoración del domingo por la mañana ahora.

Algunas personas dicen que Gran Bretaña se ha convertido en nación islámica desde hace 20 años.

Bueno gracioso, pero pensando así, estoy agradecido de que Buda y Kami sigan siendo fuertes en Japón.

Este proyecto continúa.

Kultursphäre, die Dankbarkeit versteht oder eine Verpflichtung zurückgibt.

2017年09月29日 09時33分49秒 | 日記

Das folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.

Wie in der Vergangenheit, "Konfrontation zwischen Ost-West und Nord-Süd", "weiße und farbige Rasse" "entwickelte Land und unterentwickelten Land" "reichen Land und armen Land" "ehemalige Kolonie und alten herrschenden Land", zusätzlich zu, religiöser Konflikt kam herein.

Darüber hinaus übt es Gewalt aus.

Weder Selbstmordattentate noch wahllose Angriffe haben Feinde oder Verbündete.

Wenn wir also eine Konfliktachse durch die Dichotomie schaffen, wie wir es vorher getan haben, können wir sie in Zukunft nicht für die Vorhersage verwenden.

In erster Linie, was nach Land zu streiten, kann schon alt sein.

Im künftigen Konflikt brauchen wir verschiedene Perspektiven wie das Sehen der Welt durch sprachliche Teilung, durch religiösen Bereich, Blick auf den Grad der Durchdringung der japanischen Kultur, Kultursphäre, die Dankbarkeit versteht oder eine Verpflichtung zurückzuzahlen.

Zum Beispiel in England ist es selbstverständlich, dass die Gnade aus dem Monarchen und die Dankbarkeit aus dem Volk der Grundgeist der Nation ist,

In der Krönungszeremonie des neuen Königs in der britischen Nationalkirche Erzbischof der anglikanischen Kirche gibt Krone an den neuen König, kanadischen Bischof steht daneben, drittens war es ein japanischer Bischof dort.

Doch in diesem Land scheint es, dass ein Priester, der sich in der Moschee sammelt und den Koran lernt, weit mehr ist als die Zahl der Leute, die am Sonntagmorgen Gottesdienst anwesend sind.

Manche Leute sagen, dass Großbritannien seit der islamischen Nation schon seit 20 Jahren islamisch geworden ist.

Gnädig, aber ich denke so, ich bin dankbar, dass Buddha und Kami in Japan immer noch stark werden.

Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.

esfera de cultura que compreende gratidão ou reembolso de uma obrigação.

2017年09月29日 09時33分15秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.

Como no passado, "confronto entre leste-oeste e norte-sul", "raça branca e colorida" "país desenvolvido e país subdesenvolvido" "país rico e país pobre" "antiga colônia e antigo país dominante", além de, surgiu conflito religioso.

Além disso, ele exerce violência.

Nem ataques suicidas nem ataques indiscriminados têm inimigos ou aliados.

Portanto, mesmo que criemos um eixo de conflito pela dicotomia como fizemos antes, não podemos usá-lo para previsão no futuro.

Em primeiro lugar, o que argumentar por país pode já ser antigo.

No conflito futuro, precisamos de várias perspectivas, como ver o mundo por divisão de línguas, por área religiosa, visando o grau de penetração da cultura japonesa, esfera cultural que entende gratidão ou reembolso de uma obrigação.

Por exemplo, na Inglaterra, é evidente que a misericórdia do monarca e a gratidão das pessoas são o espírito fundamental da nação,

Na cerimônia de coroação do novo rei na Igreja Nacional britânica, o arcebispo da Igreja Anglicana dá coroa ao novo rei, o bispo canadense fica ao lado dele, em terceiro lugar, estava um bispo japonês.

No entanto, naquele país, parece que um padre que se reúne na mesquita e aprende que o Alcorão é muito mais do que o número de pessoas que cantam cantar britânico no culto de domingo a manhã agora.

Algumas pessoas dizem que a Grã-Bretanha tornou-se nação islâmica desde há 20 anos.

Muito gracioso, mas penso assim, agradeço que Buda e Kami ainda estejam fortes no Japão.

Este rascunho continua.


2017年09月29日 09時32分42秒 | 日記














감사를 이해하거나

2017年09月29日 09時32分03秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.

과거와 마찬가지로 "동서남북과의 대결", "백인과 채색 된 인종", "선진국과 저개발국", "부유 한 나라와 가난한 나라", "식민지와 옛 지배 국가"와 마찬가지로, 종교 갈등이 들어왔다.

또한 폭력을 행사합니다.

자살 폭탄 공격이나 무차별 공격은 적이나 동맹국을 갖고 있지 않습니다.

따라서 우리가 이전에 해본 것처럼 이분법으로 갈등 축을 만들더라도 미래의 예측에 사용할 수는 없습니다.

우선 국가가 주장하는 것은 이미 오래되었을 수도 있습니다.

미래의 갈등에서는 언어 구별, 종교 분야, 일본 문화의 보급 정도, 감사를 이해하거나 의무를 이행하는 문화권 등 다양한 관점에서 바라 볼 필요가 있습니다.

예를 들어, 영국에서는 군주로부터의 자비와 국민으로부터의 감사가 국민의 근본 정신이라는 것은 말할 나위도 없습니다.

영국 국교회의 새 대관식에서 영국 성공회 대주교가 새로운 왕에게 왕관을, 캐나다 주교가 옆에 서서, 셋째로 일본 주교가있었습니다.

그러나 그 나라에서는 모스크에 모여 코란을 배우는 성직자는 지금 일요일 아침 예배 참석에 영국 성가를 부르는 사람들의 수보다 훨씬 많은 것으로 보인다.

어떤 사람들은 영국은 20 년 전부터 이슬람 국가가되었다고 말한다.

선량하고 은혜 롭지 만 생각하기에 부처님과 카미는 여전히 일본에서 강하게 가고있다.

이 초안은 계속됩니다.