The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Comintern wished to destroy parliamentary democracy
The communist country "Soviet Union" was born for the first time in the international community in 1917 a century ago.
Lenin leading the Soviet Union in 1919, raised to communism of all the world as a target, founded the international organization the Comintern to mount a clandestine work around the world.
Comintern has devised a method of promotional work making use of newspapers, movies, etc., which has great influence on current left wing · liberal and the mass communication.
The method is very unique.
They did not focus on spreading Communist ideology.
They did not think that the Communist revolution could occur because it increased the communists somewhat.
So, how does the Communist revolution cause?
"After all the established politicians are thinking only about rich people, politicians thinking about poor people, people who are weak in position cannot do with established politicians, but in capitalist society it is better to have money Advantageous, politicians can only become rich representatives "- It thought that inspiring such a distrust of established politicians, zaibatsu, and parliamentary democracy was the way to the revolution.
"The Thesis on Communist Party and Parliament" was announced at the second meeting of Comintern in 1920 (Author Jane Degras. Arahata Kanson et al. Translated. "Comintern / Documentum I" quoted from Modern Thought New Company).
At the beginning of this thesis is written as follows.
"The attitude of the socialist party against parliaments was at the beginning of the first place, already in the first international era, to use the bourgeois parliament for the purpose of triggering. Participation in Congress was considered from the viewpoint of development of class consciousness, that is, from the viewpoint of embracing the class hostility of proletariat against the ruling class”
From the latter half of the eighteenth century political parties with socialism were born one after another in Western Europe, but these socialist parties tried to appeal politics based on socialism in Congress and increase their proponents.
However, Comintern notes such a lukewarm way of thinking, it points out.
"In the earlier era, Congress made a historically progressive job as a tool for the development of capitalism to a certain extent. Under today's conditions of orbital imperialism, however, Congress has become one of tools of falsehood, deception, violence and chatter. In the face of devastation, deprivation, violence, theft and destruction carried out by imperialism, parliamentary improvements lacking in order and durability and systems are no longer of any practical significance for the worker's population "
British honorary revolution, the French Revolution, restrict the kingship, in terms of developing democracy to reflect diverse opinions in politics, Congress has played a major role.
In a country where parliamentary democracy is being held, Congress is the backbone of democracy that reflects the public opinion in politics through elections, and Congress is located at the center of democracy.
However, for the Communist Party the position of Congress is totally different.
Now that capitalism develops and enters the era of imperialism, no matter how much labor may work in parliament, politics will not get better.
Because in the capitalist state Congress is "oppression and subordinate tools in the hands of capital".
This Comin Tern asserts.
Therefore, the mission of the Communist Party is to destroy the parliamentary democracy system and build a proletariat dictatorship, that is, to build a Communist Party dictatorship system.
In Comintern’s Thesis, it declares like this.
"Therefore, it is the immediate historical task of the working class to take off this institution from the hands of the ruling class, destroy it, abolish it completely, then replace the new proletariat power authority"
One-party dictatorship not allowing freedom of speech
The theses continue like this.
"When a class battle is pushed forward, that is, in a civil war, the proletariat must establish a national organization as a battle organization that does not permit participation of delegates of the preceding ruling class at all.
At this stage, the fictional "people's will" is a direct harm to proletariat. Proletariat does not require division of parliamentary powers harmful for it. The form to be taken by the proletarian dictatorship is the Soviet republic”
Destruct the parliamentary democracy and build a proletariat, that is, a political system of the Communist Party dictatorship.
At that time, we will not accept any parties different from ours.
There is no objection.
"The diverse will of the people" shown in the form of election is not acceptable as it is an obstacle to the proletariat dictatorship.
It is "harmful".
This is the real intention of Comintern.
Therefore, the Communist Party and experts and activists who are in line with it will not accept different opinions from themselves.
The theses continue like this.
"Therefore, communism refuses Congressionalism as a future social form and as a form of proletariat's class dictatorship. Communism denies the possibility of permanently acquiring Congress and aims to destroy Congressionalism. That means that Communism only uses them for the purpose of destroying the bourgeois state system”
The Communist Party will join Congress.
But it is not because it admits parliamentary democracy.
It is to participate in Congress to "destroy" parliamentary democracy.
Because of knowing the methods of the Communist Party, in the US and other democratic countries in the West, to protect the Congressional democracy, they prohibit only the Communist Party.
This draft continues.