The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
oriental despotism overflows
Professional of North Korea I was close to, Professor Dae - Sook Suh of the University of Hawaii has often told me.
'For the Korean people, the democracy or the communism did not suit.
South is not a democratic government and the North is the class society of the dictatorship. '
Among the books I translated, in normal conversation he was not mince matters.
That word was right.
Looking at modern China and the Korean Peninsula with big eyes, oriental despotism overflows.
Although it is oriental despotism, from the viewpoint of subordination or slave to tyranny, overall subordination, overall slaveryism can also be rephrased.
What China is doing, enforced the National Defense Mobilization Act in July 2010.
The law that this can mobilize the people anyway is exactly Oriental tyranny.
The reason why the National Defense Mobilization Act was enacted, the reason is the external expansion coming from Hua-Yi distinction.
In September immediately after the enforcement of this law, a fishing boat incident off the Senkaku incident occurred, which is one of a series of scenarios.
In April 2012, a monitoring ship was dispatched to the Scarborough Reef claiming sovereignty to the Philippines, causing a case of interlocking with the Philippine Navy, in September of the same year, under the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands in Japan, It also began to violate territorial waters.
In November 2001, the air defense identification zone was set up in the East China Sea, and in January 2014 it restricted the fishery within the so-called ‘Kudan line’ in the South China Sea.
China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan are collectively geographically grouped as ‘East Asia’, but there are geopolitical big gaps between China, South Korea, North Korea and Japan.
It is the Sea of Japan.
At the time I was still young in my twenties it was believed that there are two modernizations in the world.
Here the West is the continent of the United States of America and Western Europe, and the eastern side from which they looked extended from Eastern Europe / Soviet Union to the Eurasian Continent to the chest China and North Korea.
So from the perspective of Japan, China and North Korea are in the west as a direction, but in Japan they call them ‘East Asia’.
Meanwhile, Japan was located at the western end of western modern countries.
Geopolitically, therefore, the Sea of Japan is a deep trench between the two systems.
Since Korea cannot go north of the 38-degree line, it is the same as the island floating in the Sea of Japan.
Western modernization was capitalism, Oriental modernization was socialism was economic system.
In the political system, modernization in the West is democracy, Oriental modernization is one-person dictatorship or one-party dictatorship of despotism.
Therefore, there was a civil conflict between the two for more than 40 years.
Because it did not know which won more at first, all over Japan became 2 school and it experienced the cold war.
This draft continues.