文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly

2018年11月03日 10時25分56秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

2018年11月03日 10時24分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO

2018年11月03日 10時23分34秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but

2018年11月03日 10時22分08秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

2018年11月03日 10時21分02秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

How did she do Bokova? Sugihara's application was dismissed.

2018年11月03日 10時19分31秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time

2018年11月03日 10時18分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania

2018年11月03日 10時17分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai

2018年11月03日 10時15分31秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border

2018年11月03日 10時13分59秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese

2018年11月03日 10時12分49秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

2018年11月03日 10時11分26秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's

2018年11月03日 10時09分36秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

So, the Chinese get stuck-up, 'a humanitarian Chinese accepted 30,000 refugees in Shanghai as the world rejected the Jews', it began to say that China wanted to register as UNESCO's memory heritage with the reception center at that time.

The facility is a Japanese school in Hongkou, a Japanese concession.

There is no doubt that the Jews entered there, but it accepted Japanese, not Chinese.

The Kwantung Army helped the Jews on the verge of death at Otpor on the Soviet border, and the escape route from Nazi was established ‘from Manchukuo through the Japanese concession of Shanghai’.

The background of this route involves 6 thousand visas issued by Sugihara Chiune in Lithuania.

It was exactly the visa for the life of Sugihara Chiune that was taken out by Japan at about the same time.

How did she do Bokova?

Sugihara's application was dismissed.

The totally relation between Shina, it has never come out clearly like this case.

Perhaps it was thought that it was waiting until the excitement cools down, but there was too much doing nothing but corruption of her, and she was chased after UNESCO without re-election.

The international evaluation sometimes changes if it takes time, too.

Now that the essence of China has come to light, there are voices that appreciate Japan correctly like a reaction.

By the way past, in the past, the New York Times that ignored Sugihara at all, an article that praises him using one page is on.

This may be due to Trump, which is unmasking China.

As you can see from Suu Kyi's example, international public opinion is quite arbitrary

2018年11月03日 08時51分12秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Preamble abridgment.

As you can see from Suu Kyi's example, international public opinion is quite arbitrary.

In short, speaking of Japan, market prices are fixed, which is a bad country that did cruelty in China and Southeast Asia.

On the other hand, Pearl Buck described that the Chinese are rustic and innocent, and Edgar Snow tells another side that they are with a solid belief.

The New York - Times reported that Japanese troops have overrun such China and killed 300,000 people in Nanjing.

Now that there is no room to doubt, Ms. Bokova of UNESCO has registered Nanjing as a world memory heritage.

But this woman is a communist in Bulgaria.

Like the Chinese people, as soon as she gets to the Director-General of UNESCO, she helped herself to travel expenses of US $ 800,000 for the travel expenses, and she bought a house of 500 million yen in cash.

Xi Jinping is a sponsor, so the Nanking Massacre can be registered smoothly, so the United Nations rumor says.

This draft continues.

In short, speaking of Japan, market prices are fixed, which is a bad country that did cruelty

2018年11月03日 08時50分48秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Preamble abridgment.

As you can see from Suu Kyi's example, international public opinion is quite arbitrary.

In short, speaking of Japan, market prices are fixed, which is a bad country that did cruelty in China and Southeast Asia.

On the other hand, Pearl Buck described that the Chinese are rustic and innocent, and Edgar Snow tells another side that they are with a solid belief.

The New York - Times reported that Japanese troops have overrun such China and killed 300,000 people in Nanjing.

Now that there is no room to doubt, Ms. Bokova of UNESCO has registered Nanjing as a world memory heritage.

But this woman is a communist in Bulgaria.

Like the Chinese people, as soon as she gets to the Director-General of UNESCO, she helped herself to travel expenses of US $ 800,000 for the travel expenses, and she bought a house of 500 million yen in cash.

Xi Jinping is a sponsor, so the Nanking Massacre can be registered smoothly, so the United Nations rumor says.

This draft continues.