文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2018年11月28日 22時21分56秒 | 日記




辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、






Neil Young - Change Your Mind


今日の日経新聞11ページからである。中国、新型原発の稼働ラッシュ。 30年、発電能力4倍目指す


Johnny Cash - Heart Of Gold


Neil Young - Natural Beauty


Neil Young - Cowgirl In The Sand




Heart Of Gold


Dire Straits-Why Worry




Neil Young - Sugar Mountain




As you said, there was no enforceability.








Mark Knopfler - Going Home: Theme of the Local Hero (A Night In London) OFFICIAL






Mark Knopfler - Brothers In Arms (Live In Berlin 2007) OFFICIAL






an era when building a house with 5,000 yen, so 25,000 yen is a huge amount of money


They had freedom to refuse unless they agreed.


from the peaceful farm village like a slave by force taking him is a complete figment






「マギーズ・ファーム」 ボブ・ディラン。 訳詞…片桐ユヅルさん 中山容さん。






















Waa erayo kale oo kaftan ah ku dhowaad xun.












中国系ファンド トヨタ大株主に/日本株売り込め…日経新聞11月26日4,9面より






it would be brought to light, is not the identity of the people I felt suspicious feeling revealed?

2018年11月28日 14時09分57秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Maneuvering of the former Soviet Union against Japan was brought to light ... By Mitrokhin Archive publication and Levchenko testimony, it was also brought to light that their maneuvering had spread to all the nationwide papers of Japan.

Sankei Shimbun was no exception ... Yamane Takuji Tokyo headquarters editorial director was found to be an agent of Soviet as well as other editorial boards of the national newspaper.

The Korean Peninsula and China are continuing anti-Japanese education for children by demonstrating that they are the people of abysmal evil and plausible lie, they are the only two countries in the world that is a hostile country against Japan,

Their situation is a Nazism state = totalitarian state ...

It maintains a centripetal force to the administration, depending on inciting hostility to Japan.

Kimura Kan's saying that the government's approval rating is up and down is not an issue lying between Japan and South Korea,
In South Korea, the formation of the postwar nation itself pushed up the hatred against other peoples, measured the centripetal power to the administration,
It is a nation that writes the history of lies in the Constitution and textbooks.
North Korea is no different from this, the worst manga state in contemporary times.
Such Korean Peninsula is in the neighbor of Japan.
China is exactly the same.
It is not an advanced modern state such as France or Poland in Germany,
As defined by Professor Hiroshi Furuta, University of Tsukuba, the world's best expert on the Korean Peninsula,
How do we break off the misfortune of Japan to have an ancient autarchy as the neighboring country?
Japanese people now realize that fact, we feel our anger from the bottom of our heart.
Of course, Japanese people will never allow the Asahi Shimbun who has kept writing fake articles providing for such them, of all things, the materials to attack Japan.

In Korea, the founder of former the Korean Council, undisputable North Korean spy female, her Anti-Japan propaganda activities spread all over the world not only in Korea but the US, the lowest and worst abomination that pours enmity against Japan and attempts to defraud a large sum of money from Japan ...

In this world, it is not exaggerated even if it says that there is not more than the evil.

A group of worst stupidity and anti-intelligence itself.

They will carry out anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world, and they will set out the form of the evil group that will endlessly attempt to get a large sum of money from Japan,

Kimura Kan, a professor at Kobe University, and the reporters of the Sankei Shimbun, defended it.

I have been feeling it for a long time, but I felt halfway from Kobe University that exists under Kyoto University and Osaka University long before.

The best players in Kinki area studying go to Kyoto or Osaka University ... Of course, there are exceptions .... Besides Kyoto University and Osaka University, I am proud of my life, I admire them in my heart, I admire that I am the best friend of my life, two people who are truly excellent and have a wonderful Kangaku graduation.

However, because of this halfway as Kobe University, a national university, I not always wipe out the feeling of suspicion.

When full appearance of maneuvering activities Korean peninsula and China have on Japan, it would be brought to light, is not the identity of the people I felt suspicious feeling revealed?

When full appearance of maneuvering activities Korean peninsula and China have on Japan

2018年11月28日 14時07分55秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Maneuvering of the former Soviet Union against Japan was brought to light ... By Mitrokhin Archive publication and Levchenko testimony, it was also brought to light that their maneuvering had spread to all the nationwide papers of Japan.

Sankei Shimbun was no exception ... Yamane Takuji Tokyo headquarters editorial director was found to be an agent of Soviet as well as other editorial boards of the national newspaper.

The Korean Peninsula and China are continuing anti-Japanese education for children by demonstrating that they are the people of abysmal evil and plausible lie, it is the only country in the world that is a hostile country against Japan,

Their situation is a Nazism state = totalitarian state ...

Fed up hostility towards Japan,

Maintain centripetal force to the administration, ...

In Korea, the founder of former the Korean Council, undisputable North Korean spys' female, her Anti-Japan propaganda activities spread all over the world not only in Korea but the US,

The lowest and worst abomination that pours enmity against Japan and attempts to defraud a large sum of money from Japan ...

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no eviler in this world.

A group of worst stupidity and anti-intelligence itself.

They will carry out anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world, and they will set out the form of the evil group that will endlessly make a large sum of money from Japan,

Kimura Kan, a professor at Kobe University, and the reporters of the Sankei Shimbun, defended it.

I have been feeling it for a long time, but I felt halfway from Kobe University that exists under Kyoto University and Osaka University long before.

The best players in Kinki area studying go to Kyoto or Osaka University ... Of course, there are exceptions .... Besides Kyoto University and Osaka University, I am proud of my life, I admire them in my heart, I admire that I am the best friend of my life, two people who are truly excellent and have a wonderful Kangaku graduation.

However, because of this halfway as Kobe University, a national university, I not always wipe out the feeling of suspicion.

When full appearance of maneuvering activities Korean peninsula and China have on Japan, it would be brought to light, is not the identity of the people I felt suspicious feeling revealed?

They will carry out anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world, and they will set out the form

2018年11月28日 14時06分21秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Maneuvering of the former Soviet Union against Japan was brought to light ... By Mitrokhin Archive publication and Levchenko testimony, it was also brought to light that their maneuvering had spread to all the nationwide papers of Japan.

Sankei Shimbun was no exception ... Yamane Takuji Tokyo headquarters editorial director was found to be an agent of Soviet as well as other editorial boards of the national newspaper.

The Korean Peninsula and China are continuing anti-Japanese education for children by demonstrating that they are the people of abysmal evil and plausible lie, it is the only country in the world that is a hostile country against Japan,

Their situation is a Nazism state = totalitarian state ...

Fed up hostility towards Japan,

Maintain centripetal force to the administration, ...

In Korea, the founder of former the Korean Council, undisputable North Korean spys' female, her Anti-Japan propaganda activities spread all over the world not only in Korea but the US,

The lowest and worst abomination that pours enmity against Japan and attempts to defraud a large sum of money from Japan ...

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no eviler in this world.

A group of worst stupidity and anti-intelligence itself.

They will carry out anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world, and they will set out the form of the evil group that will endlessly make a large sum of money from Japan,

Kimura Kan, a professor at Kobe University, and the reporters of the Sankei Shimbun, defended it.

I have been feeling it for a long time, but I felt halfway from Kobe University that exists under Kyoto University and Osaka University long before.

The best players in Kinki area studying go to Kyoto or Osaka University ... Of course, there are exceptions .... Besides Kyoto University and Osaka University, I am proud of my life, I admire them in my heart, I admire that I am the best friend of my life, two people who are truly excellent and have a wonderful Kangaku graduation.

However, because of this halfway as Kobe University, a national university, I not always wipe out the feeling of suspicion.

When full appearance of maneuvering activities Korean peninsula and China have on Japan, it would be brought to light, is not the identity of the people I felt suspicious feeling revealed?

The lowest and worst abomination that pours enmity against Japan and attempts to defraud a

2018年11月28日 14時04分24秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Maneuvering of the former Soviet Union against Japan was brought to light ... By Mitrokhin Archive publication and Levchenko testimony, it was also brought to light that their maneuvering had spread to all the nationwide papers of Japan.

Sankei Shimbun was no exception ... Yamane Takuji Tokyo headquarters editorial director was found to be an agent of Soviet as well as other editorial boards of the national newspaper.

The Korean Peninsula and China are continuing anti-Japanese education for children by demonstrating that they are the people of abysmal evil and plausible lie, it is the only country in the world that is a hostile country against Japan,

Their situation is a Nazism state = totalitarian state ...

Fed up hostility towards Japan,

Maintain centripetal force to the administration, ...

In Korea, the founder of former the Korean Council, undisputable North Korean spys' female, her Anti-Japan propaganda activities spread all over the world not only in Korea but the US,

The lowest and worst abomination that pours enmity against Japan and attempts to defraud a large sum of money from Japan ...

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no eviler in this world.

A group of worst stupidity and anti-intelligence itself.

They will carry out anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world, and they will set out the form of the evil group that will endlessly make a large sum of money from Japan,

Kimura Kan, a professor at Kobe University, and the reporters of the Sankei Shimbun, defended it.

I have been feeling it for a long time, but I felt halfway from Kobe University that exists under Kyoto University and Osaka University long before.

The best players in Kinki area studying go to Kyoto or Osaka University ... Of course, there are exceptions .... Besides Kyoto University and Osaka University, I am proud of my life, I admire them in my heart, I admire that I am the best friend of my life, two people who are truly excellent and have a wonderful Kangaku graduation.

However, because of this halfway as Kobe University, a national university, I not always wipe out the feeling of suspicion.

When full appearance of maneuvering activities Korean peninsula and China have on Japan, it would be brought to light, is not the identity of the people I felt suspicious feeling revealed?

her Anti-Japan propaganda activities spread all over the world not only in Korea but the US

2018年11月28日 14時02分42秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Maneuvering of the former Soviet Union against Japan was brought to light ... By Mitrokhin Archive publication and Levchenko testimony, it was also brought to light that their maneuvering had spread to all the nationwide papers of Japan.

Sankei Shimbun was no exception ... Yamane Takuji Tokyo headquarters editorial director was found to be an agent of Soviet as well as other editorial boards of the national newspaper.

The Korean Peninsula and China are continuing anti-Japanese education for children by demonstrating that they are the people of abysmal evil and plausible lie, it is the only country in the world that is a hostile country against Japan,

Their situation is a Nazism state = totalitarian state ...

Fed up hostility towards Japan,

Maintain centripetal force to the administration, ...

In Korea, the founder of former the Korean Council, undisputable North Korean spy’s female, her Anti-Japan propaganda activities spread all over the world not only in Korea but the US,

The lowest and worst abomination that pours enmity against Japan and attempts to defraud a large sum of money from Japan ...

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no eviler in this world.

A group of worst stupidity and anti-intelligence itself.

They will carry out anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world, and they will set out the form of the evil group that will endlessly make a large sum of money from Japan,

Kimura Kan, a professor at Kobe University, and the reporters of the Sankei Shimbun, defended it.

I have been feeling it for a long time, but I felt halfway from Kobe University that exists under Kyoto University and Osaka University long before.

The best players in Kinki area studying go to Kyoto or Osaka University ... Of course, there are exceptions .... Besides Kyoto University and Osaka University, I am proud of my life, I admire them in my heart, I admire that I am the best friend of my life, two people who are truly excellent and have a wonderful Kangaku graduation.

However, because of this halfway as Kobe University, a national university, I not always wipe out the feeling of suspicion.

When full appearance of maneuvering activities Korean peninsula and China have on Japan, it would be brought to light, is not the identity of the people I felt suspicious feeling revealed?

The Korean Peninsula and China are continuing anti-Japanese education for children by

2018年11月28日 13時59分26秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Maneuvering of the former Soviet Union against Japan was brought to light ... By Mitrokhin Archive publication and Levchenko testimony, it was also brought to light that their maneuvering had spread to all the nationwide papers of Japan.

Sankei Shimbun was no exception ... Yamane Takuji Tokyo headquarters editorial director was found to be an agent of Soviet as well as other editorial boards of the national newspaper.

The Korean Peninsula and China are continuing anti-Japanese education for children by demonstrating that they are the people of abysmal evil and plausible lie, it is the only country in the world that is a hostile country against Japan,

Their situation is a Nazism state = totalitarian state ...

Fed up hostility towards Japan,

Maintain centripetal force against the administration, ...

In Korea, the founder of former the Korean Council, undisputable North Korean spy’s female, her Anti-Japan propaganda activities spread all over the world not only in Korea but the United States,

The lowest and worst abomination that pours enmity against Japan and attempts to defraud a large sum of money from Japan ...

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no eviler in this world.

A group of worst stupidity and anti-intelligence itself.

They will carry out anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world, and they will set out the form of the evil group that will endlessly make a large sum of money from Japan,

Kimura Kan, a professor at Kobe University, and the reporters of the Sankei Shimbun, defended it.

I have been feeling it for a long time, but I felt halfway from Kobe University that exists under Kyoto University and Osaka University long before.

The best players in Kinki area studying go to Kyoto or Osaka University ... Of course, there are exceptions .... Besides Kyoto University and Osaka University, I am proud of my life, I admire them in my heart, I admire that I am the best friend of my life, two people who are truly excellent and have a wonderful Kangaku graduation.

However, because of this halfway as Kobe University, a national university, I not always wipe out the feeling of suspicion.

When full appearance of maneuvering activities Korean peninsula and China have on Japan, it would be brought to light, is not the identity of the people I felt suspicious feeling revealed?

whether it is 100% wonderful, it is natural that it is not so because it is a large household

2018年11月28日 13時16分03秒 | 日記

I think that it was the December issue of the monthly magazine Voice, but Kimura Kan, professor at Kobe University and calling the Korean Peninsula a specialty, was contributing strange papers.

He says that South Korea is taking such an aspect is not done by Korean politicians for popularity as Japanese journalists say. (The Moon administration's support rate is high)

It was a strange editorial saying that Korean economy grew and Japan became not a big existence.

Kimura Kan, saying it is not possible to permit a state in Korea in now to do us any more, we have a rage truly, against the abomination of their abysmal evil and plausible lie,

Your paper saying that Korea has neglected Japan because of its economic growth is doing no good and a lot of harm.

You do not even notice that there is only paper tiger for Korean economic growth etc.!

If truly economic growth is going on, why does the unemployment rate of young people exceed 10%?

Why, ‘There is no salvation in Korea ... It is Hell · Korea ...’, many Korean youths are flooded with Japanese employment briefing held in Korea the other day!

Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?

Why do not you notice that there is no real technical capability in Korea?

For example, even with Samsung, if there is no excellent production produced by companies that Japan boasts of the world, the fact that one smartphone cannot be made,

Why can't you notice that undeniable fact?

Kimura Kan is even in the slightest degree if you name the professor of Kobe University, it is not only worth noting as a university professor, unless it reveals the actual condition of the Korean economy, it will only be a defender of Korea = Korea.

Although this article was ... in a small column, I think that it is not a mere reporter of Sankei Shimbun but an editorial board, but he was doing a strange praise.

There are real reporters such as Takayama Masayuki in the Sankei Shimbun, though it is quite different from Sankei Shimbun that is 40 years ago or 30 years ago, if it says whether it is 100% wonderful, it is natural that it is not so because it is a large household.

This draft continues.

if there is no excellent production produced by companies that Japan boasts of the world

2018年11月28日 13時13分54秒 | 日記

I think that it was the December issue of the monthly magazine Voice, but Kimura Kan, professor at Kobe University and calling the Korean Peninsula a specialty, was contributing strange papers.

He says that South Korea is taking such an aspect is not done by Korean politicians for popularity as Japanese journalists say. (The Moon administration's support rate is high)

It was a strange editorial saying that Korean economy grew and Japan became not a big existence.

Kimura Kan, saying it is not possible to permit a state in Korea in now to do us any more, we have a rage truly, against the abomination of their abysmal evil and plausible lie,

Your paper saying that Korea has neglected Japan because of its economic growth is doing no good and a lot of harm.

You do not even notice that there is only paper tiger for Korean economic growth etc.!

If truly economic growth is going on, why does the unemployment rate of young people exceed 10%?

Why, ‘There is no salvation in Korea ... It is Hell · Korea ...’, many Korean youths are flooded with Japanese employment briefing held in Korea the other day!

Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?

Why do not you notice that there is no real technical capability in Korea?

For example, even with Samsung, if there is no excellent production produced by companies that Japan boasts of the world, the fact that one smartphone cannot be made,

Why cannot you notice that undeniable fact?

Kimura Kan is even in the slightest degree if you name the professor of Kobe University, it is not only worth noting as a university professor, unless it reveals the actual condition of the Korean economy, it will only be a defender of Korea = Korea.

Although this article was ... in a small column, I think that it is not a mere reporter of Sankei Shimbun but an editorial board, but he was doing a strange praise.

There are real reporters such as Takayama Masayuki in the Sankei Shimbun, though it is quite different from Sankei Shimbun that is 40 years ago or 30 years ago, if it says whether it is 100% wonderful, it is natural that it is not so because it is a large household.

This draft continues.

Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?

2018年11月28日 13時12分34秒 | 日記

I think that it was the December issue of the monthly magazine Voice, but Kimura Kan, professor at Kobe University and calling the Korean Peninsula a specialty, was contributing strange papers.

He says that South Korea is taking such an aspect is not done by Korean politicians for popularity as Japanese journalists say. (The Moon administration's support rate is high)

It was a strange editorial saying that Korean economy grew and Japan became not a big existence.

Kimura Kan, saying it is not possible to permit a state in Korea in now to do us any more, we have a rage truly, against the abomination of their abysmal evil and plausible lie,

Your paper saying that Korea has neglected Japan because of its economic growth is doing no good and a lot of harm.

You do not even notice that there is only paper tiger for Korean economic growth etc.!

If truly economic growth is going on, why does the unemployment rate of young people exceed 10%?

Why, ‘There is no salvation in Korea ... It is Hell · Korea ...’, many Korean youths are flooded with Japanese employment briefing held in Korea the other day!

Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?

Why do not you notice that there is no real technical capability in Korea?

For example, even with Samsung, if there is no excellent production produced by companies that Japan boasts of the world, the fact that one smartphone cannot be made,

Why cannot you notice that undeniable fact?

Kimura Kan is even in the slightest degree if you name the professor of Kobe University, it is not only worth noting as a university professor, unless it reveals the actual condition of the Korean economy, it will only be a defender of Korea = Korea.

Although this article was ... in a small column, I think that it is not a mere reporter of Sankei Shimbun but an editorial board, but he was doing a strange praise.

There are real reporters such as Takayama Masayuki in the Sankei Shimbun, though it is quite different from Sankei Shimbun that is 40 years ago or 30 years ago, if it says whether it is 100% wonderful, it is natural that it is not so because it is a large household.

This draft continues.

You do not even notice that there is only paper tiger for Korean economic growth etc.!

2018年11月28日 13時11分24秒 | 日記

I think that it was the December issue of the monthly magazine Voice, but Kimura Kan, professor at Kobe University and calling the Korean Peninsula a specialty, was contributing strange papers.

He says that South Korea is taking such an aspect is not done by Korean politicians for popularity as Japanese journalists say. (The Moon administration's support rate is high)

It was a strange editorial saying that Korean economy grew and Japan became not a big existence.

Kimura Kan, saying it is not possible to permit a state in Korea in now to do us any more, we have a rage truly, against the abomination of their abysmal evil and plausible lie,

Your paper saying that Korea has neglected Japan because of its economic growth is doing no good and a lot of harm.

You do not even notice that there is only paper tiger for Korean economic growth etc.!

If truly economic growth is going on, why does the unemployment rate of young people exceed 10%?

Why, ‘There is no salvation in Korea ... It is Hell · Korea ...’, many Korean youths are flooded with Japanese employment briefing held in Korea the other day!

Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?

Why do not you notice that there is no real technical capability in Korea?

For example, even with Samsung, if there is no excellent production produced by companies that Japan boasts of the world, the fact that one smartphone cannot be made,

Why cannot you notice that undeniable fact?

Kimura Kan is even in the slightest degree if you name the professor of Kobe University, it is not only worth noting as a university professor, unless it reveals the actual condition of the Korean economy, it will only be a defender of Korea = Korea.

Although this article was ... in a small column, I think that it is not a mere reporter of Sankei Shimbun but an editorial board, but he was doing a strange praise.

There are real reporters such as Takayama Masayuki in the Sankei Shimbun, though it is quite different from Sankei Shimbun that is 40 years ago or 30 years ago, if it says whether it is 100% wonderful, it is natural that it is not so because it is a large household.

This draft continues.

we have a rage truly, against the abomination of their abysmal evil and plausible lie

2018年11月28日 13時09分52秒 | 日記

I think that it was the December issue of the monthly magazine Voice, but Kimura Kan, professor at Kobe University and calling the Korean Peninsula a specialty, was contributing strange papers.

He says that South Korea is taking such an aspect is not done by Korean politicians for popularity as Japanese journalists say. (The Moon administration's support rate is high)

It was a strange editorial saying that Korean economy grew and Japan became not a big existence.

Kimura Kan, saying it is not possible to permit a state in Korea in now to do us any more, we have a rage truly, against the abomination of their abysmal evil and plausible lie,

Your paper saying that Korea has neglected Japan because of its economic growth is doing no good and a lot of harm.

You do not even notice that there is only paper tiger for Korean economic growth etc.!

If truly economic growth is going on, why does the unemployment rate of young people exceed 10%?

Why, ‘There is no salvation in Korea ... It is Hell · Korea ...’, many Korean youths are flooded with Japanese employment briefing held in Korea the other day!

Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?

Why do not you notice that there is no real technical capability in Korea?

For example, even with Samsung, if there is no excellent production produced by companies that Japan boasts of the world, the fact that one smartphone cannot be made,

Why cannot you notice that undeniable fact?

Kimura Kan is even in the slightest degree if you name the professor of Kobe University, it is not only worth noting as a university professor, unless it reveals the actual condition of the Korean economy, it will only be a defender of Korea = Korea.

Although this article was ... in a small column, I think that it is not a mere reporter of Sankei Shimbun but an editorial board, but he was doing a strange praise.

There are real reporters such as Takayama Masayuki in the Sankei Shimbun, though it is quite different from Sankei Shimbun that is 40 years ago or 30 years ago, if it says whether it is 100% wonderful, it is natural that it is not so because it is a large household.

This draft continues.

it is not possible to permit a state in Korea in now to do us any more, we have a rage truly

2018年11月28日 13時07分48秒 | 日記

I think that it was the December issue of the monthly magazine Voice, but Kimura Kan, professor at Kobe University and calling the Korean Peninsula a specialty, was contributing strange papers.

He says that South Korea is taking such an aspect is not done by Korean politicians for popularity as Japanese journalists say. (The Moon administration's support rate is high)

It was a strange editorial saying that Korean economy grew and Japan became not a big existence.

Kimura Kan, saying it is not possible to permit a state in Korea in now to do us any more, we have a rage truly,

Against the abomination of their abysmal evil and plausible lie,

Your paper saying that Korea has neglected Japan because of its economic growth is doing no good and a lot of harm.

You do not even notice that there is only paper tiger for Korean economic growth etc.!

If truly economic growth is going on, why does the unemployment rate of young people exceed 10%?

Why, ‘There is no salvation in Korea ... It is Hell · Korea ...’, many Korean youths are flooded with Japanese employment briefing held in Korea the other day!

Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?

Why do not you notice that there is no real technical capability in Korea?

For example, even with Samsung, if there is no excellent production produced by companies that Japan boasts of the world, the fact that one smartphone cannot be made,

Why cannot you notice that undeniable fact?

Kimura Kan is even in the slightest degree if you name the professor of Kobe University, it is not only worth noting as a university professor, unless it reveals the actual condition of the Korean economy, it will only be a defender of Korea = Korea.

Although this article was ... in a small column, I think that it is not a mere reporter of Sankei Shimbun but an editorial board, but he was doing a strange praise.

There are real reporters such as Takayama Masayuki in the Sankei Shimbun, though it is quite different from Sankei Shimbun that is 40 years ago or 30 years ago, if it says whether it is 100% wonderful, it is natural that it is not so because it is a large household.

This draft continues.


2018年11月28日 12時35分50秒 | 日記






















2018年11月28日 12時34分58秒 | 日記



















