文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

se a Coréia do Sul demonstrou ao mal

2019年01月12日 18時00分23秒 | 日記

Além disso, o Japão abandonou os ativos deixados na Coreia antes da guerra. O capítulo enviado para 2018-11-14 e o capítulo que enviou o mesmo conteúdo para 11-29 são agora a busca de Ameba na melhor das hipóteses 5, é um número esmagadoramente maior do que o habitual, eles são segundo e quinto do que o habitual, são segundo e quinto Totalizando os dois é o melhor.
◆ Originalmente não há obrigação de pedir desculpas à Coreia nem responsabilidade de pagar dinheiro
A Coréia do Sul não é uma vítima, mas um assaltante que participou da guerra no Japão
Da compensação nacional à compensação pessoal, é uma solução final e completa no Tratado Básico Japão - Coreia. (Parágrafo 1 do Artigo 2 do Tratado Básico Japão-Coreia)
Tratado sobre Relações Básicas entre o Japão e a República da Coreia
No Tratado Básico Japão-Coreia de 1965, pagamos US $ 300 milhões gratuitamente, US $ 200 milhões por uma taxa e US $ 300 milhões para empréstimos privados.
São 800 milhões de dólares, totalizando. Como esse valor é nesse momento, converterei o valor monetário nessa idade.
Além disso, tenta pensar, limitando-se apenas à parte gratuita de 300 milhões de dólares em 800 milhões de dólares.
· (Conversão para iene) US $ 300 milhões × 360 ienes (então US $ 1 = 360 ienes) = US $ 108 bilhões
· (Se convertido para os preços atuais) 108 bilhões de ienes × 10 (o salário inicial do graduado da universidade na época é de cerca de 20.000 ienes) = 1.080 bilhões de ienes
Se dividirmos isso pelo total de 900.000 pessoas que compensam 700.000 trabalhadores forçados e 200.000 para mulheres de conforto, como alegado pela Coréia ... Há um argumento natural de que não havia tal comitiva de compulsão, mulheres de conforto e assim por diante, aqui , calcula com o número engolido da reivindicação da Coréia 100%.
· (Vítima forçada convertida per capita) 1.080 bilhões de ienes / 900.000 pessoas = 1.200.000 ienes / pessoa
A quantia de dinheiro que pode ser comparada nisso acabou.
A propósito, em seguida, é sobre se isso é ou não alto.
Freqüentemente, a Alemanha tem uma ampla compensação depois da guerra, vamos nos referir à Alemanha que tem pessoas dizendo que isso é um bom exemplo para nós e para uma empresa jornalística.
Compense um trabalhador compulsivo na Alemanha com 300.000 - 800.000 ienes pela atual mudança de valor.
Até os mais altos trabalhadores escravos judeus são 800.000 ienes.
Com isso, mesmo que pareça objetivamente, pode-se ver que a reparação pós-guerra que o Japão pagou pela Coréia estava em um padrão muito alto.
O valor total de graça, por uma quantia total de 800 milhões de dólares, foi 2,3 vezes o orçamento nacional coreano, mostrando o quão alto era.
Incidentalmente, esse montante de compensação é para todas as áreas da península coreana, e a quantidade de dinheiro que o governo coreano trouxe dizendo: "Se unirmos a Coréia do Norte, pagaremos o Norte para pagar pelo povo do Norte".
* Em outras palavras, é necessário que todos os cidadãos japoneses e pessoas de todo o mundo saibam neste capítulo que o dinheiro da indenização etc, que a Coréia do Norte está tentando solicitar como é natural para o Japão ... Deve ser pago por o governo coreano para a Coreia do Norte.
Se o mundo é um mundo correto feito de pessoas com a inteligência correta, é um fato que até mesmo estudantes do ensino fundamental sabem.
Além disso, o Japão abandonou os ativos deixados na Coreia antes da guerra.
Este é um processo completamente sem precedentes no mundo.
Como no precedente, que o patrimônio pessoal britânico na Índia foi devolvido ao indivíduo britânico quando a Índia se tornou independente do Reino Unido.
Surpreendentemente, foi esse montante e, na pesquisa do Escritório Geral de Gerenciamento do GHQ Geral, foram US $ 5,3 bilhões, excluindo ativos militares. (Ministério da História Financeira Sala 'História da Showa Finance do fim da guerra ao Tratado de Paz Assinado' TOYO KEIZAI INC.)
Em outras palavras, o Japão fez uma enorme compensação pela Coréia do Sul, com US $ 5,3 bilhões em ativos pré-guerra e US $ 800 milhões em reparações de guerra.
E no Tratado Básico Japão - Coreia, as seguintes palavras são escritas.
"Confirmar que o processamento do pós-guerra foi resolvido como completo e definitivo" (Parágrafo 1 do Artigo 2 do Acordo)
No entanto, após a conclusão do tratado, a Coréia do Sul utilizou o dinheiro da liquidação do Japão para o desenvolvimento nacional sem pagar indenização aos indivíduos.
Não há dúvida de que o crescimento econômico da Coréia, que foi dito ser "o milagre do rio Han", foi feito com os esforços do povo coreano, com a liquidação paga por essa Coreia do Norte e do Sul como a força motriz.
E o governo coreano não informou as pessoas sobre este tratado de forma surpreendente.
É para esconder o que desviou para o desenvolvimento nacional sem pagar aos indivíduos?
Ou, será para abanar sentimentos anti-japoneses para sempre?
Ou são os dois?
Por essa razão, os coreanos ainda consideram que o Japão não está cumprindo sua responsabilidade, está indignado, está processando ações por danos que terminaram no Japão.
Uma das grandes valas entre o Japão e a Coréia está lá.
Tgis continhas.

Wenn Südkorea den Vereinigten Staaten

2019年01月12日 17時58分53秒 | 日記

Darüber hinaus hat Japan die im Korea der Vorkriegszeit verbliebenen Vermögenswerte aufgegeben. Das Kapitel, das an den Zeitraum 2018-11-14 gesendet wurde, und das Kapitel, das den gleichen Inhalt an 11-29 gesendet hat, sind jetzt Amebas Suche im besten Fall 5. Es ist eine überwältigend größere Zahl als üblich, sie sind zweite und fünfte als gewöhnlich, sie sind zweite und 5. Die Summe der beiden ist die beste.
◆ Ursprünglich besteht keine Verpflichtung, sich bei Korea zu entschuldigen, und es besteht keine Verpflichtung, Geld zu zahlen
Südkorea ist kein Opfer, sondern ein Angreifer, der am Krieg in Japan teilgenommen hat
Von der nationalen Entschädigung bis zur persönlichen Entschädigung ist dies eine endgültige und vollständige Regelung im Rahmen des Basisvertrags zwischen Japan und Korea. (Artikel 2 Absatz 1 des Basisvertrags zwischen Japan und Korea)
Vertrag über grundlegende Beziehungen zwischen Japan und der Republik Korea
Im Rahmen des Japan-Korea-Basisvertrags von 1965 haben wir 300 Millionen US-Dollar kostenlos, 200 Millionen US-Dollar für eine Gebühr und 300 Millionen US-Dollar für private Darlehen gezahlt.
Es ist 800 Millionen Dollar, insgesamt. Da sich dieser Betrag zu diesem Zeitpunkt befindet, werde ich den Geldwert in dieses Alter umrechnen.
Sie versucht auch zu denken, sie beschränkt sich nur auf den freien Teil von 300 Millionen Dollar in 800 Millionen Dollar.
· (Umwandlung in Yen) 300 Mio. USD × 360 Yen (dann 1 USD = 360 YEN) = 108 Mrd. USD
· (Bei Umrechnung in heutige Preise) 108 Milliarden Yen × 10 (das damalige Grundgehalt des Hochschulabsolventen beträgt etwa 20.000 Yen) = 1,080 Milliarden Yen
Wenn wir dies durch die Gesamtzahl von 900.000 Personen dividieren, die 700.000 Zwangsarbeiter und 200.000 Trostfrauen, wie von Korea behauptet, entschädigen ... Es gibt ein natürliches Argument, dass es hier keine Zwangsgefechte, Trostfrauen usw. gab rechnet es mit der Zahl der koreanischen Behauptung zu 100%.
· (Konvertiertes Zwangsopfer pro Kopf) 1,080 Milliarden Yen / 900.000 Menschen = 1.200.000 Yen / Person
Der Geldbetrag, den man damit vergleichen kann, war vorbei.
Als nächstes geht es übrigens darum, ob dies hoch ist oder nicht.
Häufig hat Deutschland nach dem Krieg eine ausreichende Entschädigung. Wir beziehen uns auf Deutschland, von dem die Leute sagen, es sei ein gutes Beispiel für uns und ein Zeitungsunternehmen.
Entschädigen Sie einen Zwangsarbeiter in Deutschland bei 300.000 - 800.000 Yen durch die aktuelle Wertänderung.
Selbst die höchsten jüdischen Sklavenarbeiter kosten 800.000 Yen.
Selbst wenn dies objektiv aussieht, kann dies sehen, dass Japan die für Korea bezahlte Nachkriegsreparatur auf einem sehr hohen Niveau hielt.
Der Gesamtbetrag von kostenlos für eine Gebühr von 800 Millionen Dollar war das 2,3-fache des damaligen koreanischen Staatshaushalts, was zeigt, wie hoch es war.
Im Übrigen gilt diese Entschädigung für alle Gebiete der koreanischen Halbinsel und für den Betrag, den die koreanische Regierung mitgebracht hat: "Wenn wir Nordkorea vereinen, werden wir den Norden zahlen, um für die Menschen im Norden zu zahlen".
Mit anderen Worten, es ist für alle japanischen Bürger und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt notwendig, in diesem Kapitel zu wissen, dass das Reparationsgeld usw. von Nordkorea verlangt wird, da es für Japan natürlich ist ... Es muss von bezahlt werden die koreanische Regierung nach Nordkorea.
Wenn es sich bei der Welt um eine richtige Welt handelt, die aus Menschen mit der richtigen Intelligenz besteht, ist es eine Tatsache, dass sogar Schüler der Grundschule wissen. *
Darüber hinaus hat Japan die im Korea der Vorkriegszeit verbliebenen Vermögenswerte aufgegeben.
Dies ist ein völlig neuer Prozess in der Welt.
Wie in dem Präzedenzfall, dass die britischen Briten in Indien ein persönliches Gut hatten, wurde sie an die britische Person zurückgegeben, als Indien von Großbritannien unabhängig wurde.
Erstaunlicherweise war es dieser Betrag, und in der Umfrage des General GHQ Private Bureau of Management betrug der Betrag 5,3 Milliarden US-Dollar ohne militärische Vermögenswerte. (Finanzministerium des Finanzministeriums 'Geschichte der Showa Finance vom Ende des Krieges bis zum unterzeichneten Friedensvertrag' TOYO KEIZAI INC.)
Mit anderen Worten, Japan hat Südkorea mit 5,3 Milliarden USD an Vorkriegsgütern und 800 Millionen USD an Kriegsreparationen eine große Entschädigung geleistet.
Im Japan-Korea-Basisvertrag werden die folgenden Wörter geschrieben.
"Vergewissern Sie sich, dass wir die Nachkriegsverarbeitung vollständig und endgültig abgeschlossen haben" (Artikel 2 Absatz 1 des Abkommens).
Nach Abschluß des Vertrages verwendete Südkorea jedoch die Liquidationsgelder aus Japan für die nationale Entwicklung, ohne Einzelpersonen für Entschädigung zu zahlen.
Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass das wirtschaftliche Wachstum Koreas, das als "Wunder des Han-Flusses" bezeichnet wurde, mit den Bemühungen des koreanischen Volkes gemacht wurde, wobei die Liquidation für diesen Norden und Südkorea als treibende Kraft bezahlt wurde.
Und die koreanische Regierung hat die Bevölkerung nicht überraschend über diesen Vertrag informiert.
Ist es zu verbergen, was sich auf die nationale Entwicklung ausgewirkt hat, ohne an Einzelpersonen zu zahlen?
Oder wird es für immer ein anti-japanisches Gefühl sein?
Oder sind es beide?
Aus diesem Grund sind die Koreaner nach wie vor der Ansicht, dass Japan seine Haftung nicht erfüllt, empört ist und Klage auf in Japan endende Schäden erhebt.
Dort ist einer der großen Gräben zwischen Japan und Korea.
Dieser Entwurf enthält Kontingente.

si Corea del Sur demostró a Estados Unidos la maldad abismal de Corea y la plausible mentira

2019年01月12日 17時55分45秒 | 日記

Además, Japón ha abandonado los activos que quedaron en la Corea de antes de la guerra. El capítulo enviado a 2018-11-14 y el capítulo que envió los mismos contenidos a 11-29 ahora son la búsqueda de Ameba en el mejor de los 5 puntos. Es un número abrumadoramente mayor de lo habitual, son el segundo y quinto lugar de lo habitual, son el segundo y Quinto totalizar los dos es el mejor.
◆ Originalmente no hay obligación de disculparse con Corea ni responsabilidad de pagar dinero
Corea del Sur no es una víctima, sino un asaltante que participó en la guerra en Japón.
Desde la compensación nacional hasta la compensación personal, es un acuerdo final y completo en el Tratado Básico Japón - Corea. (Párrafo 1 del artículo 2 del Tratado Básico Japón-Corea)
Tratado de Relaciones Básicas entre Japón y la República de Corea.
En el Tratado Básico Japón-Corea de 1965 pagamos $ 300 millones gratis, $ 200 millones por una tarifa y $ 300 millones por préstamos privados.
Es de 800 millones de dólares, totalizando. Dado que esta cantidad es en ese momento, convertiré el valor monetario a esta edad.
Además, intenta pensar, reduciéndose solo a la parte gratuita de 300 millones de dólares en 800 millones de dólares.
· (Conversión a yen) $ 300 millones × 360 yenes (entonces $ 1 = 360 yenes) = $ 108 mil millones
· (Si se convierte a los precios de hoy) 108 mil millones de yenes x 10 (el salario inicial del graduado universitario en ese momento es de unos 20 mil yenes) = 1,080 mil millones de yenes
Si dividimos esto por el total de 900,000 personas que compensan a 700,000 trabajadores forzados y a 200,000 por mujeres de consuelo como afirma Corea ... Existe un argumento natural de que no existió tal comitiva, de mujeres de consuelo, etc. , se calcula con el número tragado de la reclamación de Corea 100%.
· (Víctima forzada convertida per cápita) 1,080 billones de yenes / 900,000 personas = 1,200,000 yen / persona
La cantidad de dinero que se puede comparar en esto se terminó.
Por cierto, a continuación, se trata de si esto es alto o no.
Con frecuencia, Alemania tiene una amplia compensación después de la guerra, vamos a referirnos a Alemania, que tiene gente que dice que es un buen ejemplo para nosotros y para una compañía de periódicos.
Compensar a un trabajador por compulsión en Alemania entre 300,000 y 800,000 yenes por el cambio de valor actual.
Incluso los más altos trabajadores esclavos judíos son 800,000 yenes.
Con esto, aunque parezca objetivamente, puede ver que la reparación de posguerra que Japón pagó por Corea se encontraba en un nivel muy alto.
El monto total de forma gratuita, por una tarifa total de 800 millones de dólares fue 2,3 veces el presupuesto nacional de Corea en ese momento, lo que muestra qué tan alto era.
A propósito, esta cantidad de compensación es para todas las áreas de la Península de Corea, y la cantidad de dinero que el gobierno coreano aportó diciendo: "Si unimos a Corea del Norte, pagaremos a Norte para que pague por la gente del Norte".
* En otras palabras, es necesario que todos los ciudadanos japoneses y personas de todo el mundo sepan en este capítulo que el dinero de reparación, etc., que Corea del Norte está tratando de solicitar, ya que es natural para Japón ... Debe ser pagado por El gobierno coreano a Corea del Norte.
Si el mundo es un mundo correcto hecho de personas con la inteligencia correcta, es un hecho que incluso los estudiantes de primaria saben. *
Además, Japón ha abandonado los activos que quedaron en la Corea de antes de la guerra.
Este es un proceso completamente sin precedentes en el mundo.
Como en el precedente que el activo personal que los británicos tenían en la India fue devuelto al individuo británico cuando la India se independizó del Reino Unido.
Sorprendentemente, fue esa cantidad, y en la encuesta realizada por el Buró General de Gestión de GHQ, fue de $ 5.3 mil millones, excluyendo los activos militares. (Sala de historia financiera del Ministerio de Finanzas 'Historia de Showa Finance desde el final de la guerra hasta el tratado de paz firmado' TOYO KEIZAI INC.)
En otras palabras, Japón ha realizado una gran cantidad de compensación para Corea del Sur con $ 5.3 mil millones en activos de preguerra y $ 800 millones en reparaciones de guerra.
Y en el Tratado Básico Japón - Corea, están escritas las siguientes palabras.
"Confirme que el proceso de posguerra se resolvió completo y finalmente" (Párrafo 1 del Artículo 2 del Acuerdo)
Sin embargo, después de la conclusión del tratado, Corea del Sur utilizó el dinero de liquidación de Japón para el desarrollo nacional sin pagar a las personas por la compensación.
No hay duda de que el crecimiento económico de Corea, que se dijo que era "el milagro del río Han", se realizó con los esfuerzos del pueblo coreano, y la liquidación pagada por Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur como fuerza motriz.
Y el gobierno coreano no ha informado a la gente sobre este tratado sorprendentemente.
¿Es para ocultar lo que se desvía al desarrollo nacional sin pagar a los individuos?
O, ¿será para fanatizar el sentimiento anti-japonés para siempre?
O, ¿son los dos?
Por esa razón, los coreanos todavía consideran que Japón no está cumpliendo con su responsabilidad, está indignado, está demandando demandas por daños que terminaron en Japón.
Una de las grandes zanjas entre Japón y Corea está ahí.
El borrador de Tgis continúa.

se la Corea del Sud avesse dimostrato agli Stati Uniti la menzogna abissale e plausibile della Corea

2019年01月12日 17時54分28秒 | 日記

Inoltre, il Giappone ha abbandonato le risorse lasciate nella Corea prebellica. Il capitolo inviato al 2018-11-14 e il capitolo che ha inviato gli stessi contenuti a 11-29 sono ora la ricerca di Ameba al meglio 5, È un numero enormemente più grande del solito, sono il secondo e il quinto del solito, sono secondi e quinto Totalizzare i due è il migliore.
◆ Originariamente non vi è alcun obbligo di scusarsi con la Corea, né la responsabilità di pagare denaro
La Corea del Sud non è una vittima ma un assalitore che ha partecipato alla guerra in Giappone
Dal risarcimento nazionale al risarcimento personale, è un accordo definitivo e completo nel Trattato di base Giappone - Corea. (Articolo 1, paragrafo 2, del trattato di base Giappone-Corea)
Trattato sulle relazioni di base tra il Giappone e la Repubblica di Corea
Nel Trattato di base Giappone-Corea del 1965 abbiamo pagato $ 300 milioni gratis, $ 200 milioni a pagamento e $ 300 milioni per prestiti privati.
Sono 800 milioni di dollari, in totale. Dato che questo importo è in quel momento, convertirò il valore monetario in questa età.
Inoltre, tenta di pensare, restringendo solo alla parte libera da 300 milioni di dollari in 800 milioni di dollari.
· (Conversione allo yen) $ 300 milioni × 360 yen (quindi $ 1 = 360 yen) = $ 108 miliardi
· (Se convertito ai prezzi odierni) 108 miliardi di yen × 10 (lo stipendio iniziale del laureato all'epoca è di circa 20.000 yen) = 1.080 miliardi di yen
Se lo dividiamo per il totale di 900.000 persone che compensano 700.000 lavoratori di intrappolamento forzato e 200.000 per le donne di conforto come sostenuto dalla Corea ... C'è una naturale argomentazione che non ci sono persone come l'entourage di costrizione, le donne di conforto e così via, qui , calcola con il numero ingerito della richiesta della Corea al 100%.
· (Vittima forzata convertita pro capite) 1.080 miliardi di yen / 900.000 persone = 1.200.000 yen / persona
La quantità di denaro che può essere confrontata in questo era finita.
A proposito, il prossimo è se questo è alto o meno.
Frequentemente, la Germania ha un ampio risarcimento dopo la guerra, facciamo riferimento alla Germania che ha gente che dice che è un buon esempio per noi e una società di giornali.
Compensare un lavoratore forzato in Germania a 300.000 - 800.000 yen dal cambio di valore attuale.
Anche i più alti schiavi ebrei sono 800.000 yen.
Con questo, anche se sembra obiettivamente, può vedere che la riparazione del dopoguerra che il Giappone ha pagato per la Corea era ad un livello molto alto.
L'ammontare totale gratuito, per un compenso complessivo di 800 milioni di dollari, era 2,3 volte il bilancio nazionale coreano in quel momento, a dimostrazione di quanto fosse alto.
Per inciso, questo ammontare di risarcimento è per tutte le aree della penisola coreana, e la quantità di denaro che il governo coreano ha portato a dire: "Se uniamo la Corea del Nord, pagheremo il Nord per pagare la gente del Nord".
* In altre parole, è necessario che tutti i cittadini e le persone giapponesi di tutto il mondo sappiano in questo capitolo che il denaro di riparazione ecc., Che la Corea del Nord sta cercando di richiedere come è naturale per il Giappone ... Deve essere pagato da il governo coreano in Corea del Nord.
Se il mondo è un mondo corretto fatto di persone con l'intelligenza corretta, è un dato di fatto che anche gli studenti delle scuole elementari sanno. *
Inoltre, il Giappone ha abbandonato le risorse lasciate nella Corea prebellica.
Questo è un processo completamente senza precedenti nel mondo.
Come nel precedente, il patrimonio personale britannico in India è stato restituito all'individuo britannico quando l'India è diventata indipendente dal Regno Unito.
Incredibilmente era quella cifra, e nel sondaggio del General GHQ Private Bureau of Management, era $ 5,3 miliardi, escluse le attività militari. (Ministero delle Finanze della sala della storia finanziaria 'Storia di Showa Finanze dalla fine della guerra al trattato firmato per la pace' TOYO KEIZAI INC.)
In altre parole, il Giappone ha fatto un enorme risarcimento per la Corea del Sud con $ 5,3 miliardi di beni prebellici e $ 800 milioni in riparazioni di guerra.
E nel Trattato di base Giappone - Corea, sono state scritte le seguenti parole.
"Confermare che l'elaborazione post-bellica è stata risolta completa e in definitiva" (articolo 1, paragrafo 1 dell'accordo)
Tuttavia, dopo la conclusione del trattato, la Corea del Sud ha utilizzato i soldi della liquidazione dal Giappone per lo sviluppo nazionale senza pagare gli indennizzi.
Non c'è dubbio che la crescita economica della Corea, che si diceva fosse "il miracolo del fiume Han", fu realizzata con gli sforzi del popolo coreano, con la liquidazione pagata per questa Corea del Nord e del Sud come forza trainante.
E il governo coreano non ha informato la gente di questo trattato sorprendentemente.
È per nascondere ciò che deviato allo sviluppo nazionale senza pagare agli individui?
O sarà per tifare la sensazione anti-giapponese per sempre?
O è entrambi?
Per questa ragione, i coreani continuano a ritenere che il Giappone non rispetti la sua responsabilità, sia indignato, stia intentando causa per danni che si sono conclusi in Giappone.
C'è uno dei grandi fossati tra Giappone e Corea.
Tagine di tiraggio Tgis.

all the advanced country states would beat such a country by the full flawlessly.

2019年01月12日 17時48分49秒 | 日記

Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets left in the pre-war Korea. The chapter sent to 2018-11-14 and the chapter that sent the same contents to 11-29 are now Ameba's search at best 5, It is an overwhelmingly larger number than usual, they are second and fifth than usual, they are second and fifth Totaling the two is the best one.

◆ Originally there is no obligation to apologize to Korea nor responsibility to pay money


South Korea is not a victim but an assailant who participated in the war in Japan

From national compensation to personal compensation, it is final and complete settlement in the Japan - Korea Basic Treaty. (Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty)

Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea

In the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty we paid $ 300 million for free, $ 200 million for a fee, and $ 300 million for private loans.

It is 800 million dollars, totaling. Since this amount is at that time, I will convert the monetary value to this age.

Also, it attempts to think, narrowing down only to the 300-million-dollar free part in 800 million dollars.

· (Conversion to yen) $ 300 million × 360 yen (then $ 1 = 360 yen) = $ 108 billion

· (If converted to today's prices) 108 billion yen × 10 (the initial salary of the university graduate at that time is about 20,000 yen) = 1,080 billion yen

If we divide this by the total of 900,000 persons who compensate for 700,000 forced entrapment workers and 200,000 for comfort women as claimed by Korea ... There is a natural argument that there was not such as compulsion entourage, comfort women and so on, here, it calculates with the number swallowed of Korea's claim 100%.

· (Converted forced victim per capita) 1,080 billion yen / 900,000 people = 1,200,000 yen / person

The amount of money which can be compared in this was over.
By the way, next, it is about whether or not this is high.

Frequently, Germany has ample compensation after the war, let's refer to Germany who has people saying it sets a good example for us and a newspaper company.

Compensate a compulsion laborer in Germany at 300,000 - 800,000 yen by the current value change.

Even the highest Jewish slave workers are 800,000 yen.

With this, even if it looks objectively, it can see that postwar reparation Japan paid for Korea was at a very high standard.

The total amount of for free, for a fee together totaling 800 million dollars was 2.3 times the Korean national budget at that time, showing how high it was.

Incidentally, this amount of compensation is for all areas of the Korean Peninsula, and the amount of money that the Korean government brought in saying, ‘If we unite North Korea, we will pay North to pay for North people’.

* In other words, it is necessary for all Japanese citizens and people all over the world to know in this chapter that the reparation money etc, which North Korea is trying to request as it is natural for Japan...It must be paid by the Korean government to North Korea.

If the world is a correct world made of people with the correct intelligence, it is a fact that even primary school students know.*

Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets left in the pre-war Korea.

This is a completely unprecedented process in the world.

As in the precedent that personal asset British had in India was returned to the British individual when India became independent from the UK.

Amazingly it was that amount, and in the survey by the General GHQ Private Bureau of Management, it was $ 5.3 billion, excluding military assets. (Ministry of Finance Financial History Room 'History of Showa Finance from the end of the War to the Signed Peace Treaty' TOYO KEIZAI INC.)

In other words, Japan has made a huge amount of compensation for South Korea with $ 5.3 billion in prewar assets and $ 800 million in war reparations.

And in the Japan - Korea Basic Treaty, the following words are written.

"Confirm that post-war processing we resolved complete and ultimately " (Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Agreement)

However, after the conclusion of the treaty, South Korea utilized the liquidation money from Japan for national development without paying individuals for compensation.

There is no doubt that the economic growth of Korea, which was said to be 'the Han River's miracle', was made with the efforts of the Korean people, with the liquidation paid for this North and South Korea as the driving force.

And the Korean government has not informed the people about this treaty surprisingly.

Is it to conceal what diverted to national development without paying to individuals?

Or, will it be to fan anti-Japanese feeling forever?
Or, is it the both?

For that reason, Koreans still considers that Japan is not fulfilling its liability, is outraged, is suing lawsuits for damages that ended in Japan.

One of the big ditches between Japan and Korea is there.

I think that it is necessary to know this well as well as Korean citizens and Japanese people.

*Now, if South Korea demonstrated to the United States Korea's abysmal evil and plausible lie that Korea is demonstrating against Japan, South Korea was immediately attacked by the United States and the current has disappeared.

Perhaps the Korean Peninsula may have disappeared from the map.

In other decent countries, countries that normally have military forces, for such countries, first, they will instantly discontinue diplomatic ties.

If the opponent attacked with a backlash, all the advanced country states would beat such a country by the full flawlessly.

It will also reflect on serious mistakes that beat down a country like Japan by the perfection, for the first time.

have military forces, for such countries, first, they will instantly discontinue diplomatic ties.

2019年01月12日 17時47分25秒 | 日記

Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets left in the pre-war Korea. The chapter sent to 2018-11-14 and the chapter that sent the same contents to 11-29 are now Ameba's search at best 5, It is an overwhelmingly larger number than usual, they are second and fifth than usual, they are second and fifth Totaling the two is the best one.

◆ Originally there is no obligation to apologize to Korea nor responsibility to pay money


South Korea is not a victim but an assailant who participated in the war in Japan

From national compensation to personal compensation, it is final and complete settlement in the Japan - Korea Basic Treaty. (Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty)

Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea

In the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty we paid $ 300 million for free, $ 200 million for a fee, and $ 300 million for private loans.

It is 800 million dollars, totaling. Since this amount is at that time, I will convert the monetary value to this age.

Also, it attempts to think, narrowing down only to the 300-million-dollar free part in 800 million dollars.

· (Conversion to yen) $ 300 million × 360 yen (then $ 1 = 360 yen) = $ 108 billion

· (If converted to today's prices) 108 billion yen × 10 (the initial salary of the university graduate at that time is about 20,000 yen) = 1,080 billion yen

If we divide this by the total of 900,000 persons who compensate for 700,000 forced entrapment workers and 200,000 for comfort women as claimed by Korea ... There is a natural argument that there was not such as compulsion entourage, comfort women and so on, here, it calculates with the number swallowed of Korea's claim 100%.

· (Converted forced victim per capita) 1,080 billion yen / 900,000 people = 1,200,000 yen / person

The amount of money which can be compared in this was over.
By the way, next, it is about whether or not this is high.

Frequently, Germany has ample compensation after the war, let's refer to Germany who has people saying it sets a good example for us and a newspaper company.

Compensate a compulsion laborer in Germany at 300,000 - 800,000 yen by the current value change.

Even the highest Jewish slave workers are 800,000 yen.

With this, even if it looks objectively, it can see that postwar reparation Japan paid for Korea was at a very high standard.

The total amount of for free, for a fee together totaling 800 million dollars was 2.3 times the Korean national budget at that time, showing how high it was.

Incidentally, this amount of compensation is for all areas of the Korean Peninsula, and the amount of money that the Korean government brought in saying, ‘If we unite North Korea, we will pay North to pay for North people’.

* In other words, it is necessary for all Japanese citizens and people all over the world to know in this chapter that the reparation money etc, which North Korea is trying to request as it is natural for Japan...It must be paid by the Korean government to North Korea.

If the world is a correct world made of people with the correct intelligence, it is a fact that even primary school students know.*

Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets left in the pre-war Korea.

This is a completely unprecedented process in the world.

As in the precedent that personal asset British had in India was returned to the British individual when India became independent from the UK.

Amazingly it was that amount, and in the survey by the General GHQ Private Bureau of Management, it was $ 5.3 billion, excluding military assets. (Ministry of Finance Financial History Room 'History of Showa Finance from the end of the War to the Signed Peace Treaty' TOYO KEIZAI INC.)

In other words, Japan has made a huge amount of compensation for South Korea with $ 5.3 billion in prewar assets and $ 800 million in war reparations.

And in the Japan - Korea Basic Treaty, the following words are written.

"Confirm that post-war processing we resolved complete and ultimately " (Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Agreement)

However, after the conclusion of the treaty, South Korea utilized the liquidation money from Japan for national development without paying individuals for compensation.

There is no doubt that the economic growth of Korea, which was said to be 'the Han River's miracle', was made with the efforts of the Korean people, with the liquidation paid for this North and South Korea as the driving force.

And the Korean government has not informed the people about this treaty surprisingly.

Is it to conceal what diverted to national development without paying to individuals?

Or, will it be to fan anti-Japanese feeling forever?
Or, is it the both?

For that reason, Koreans still considers that Japan is not fulfilling its liability, is outraged, is suing lawsuits for damages that ended in Japan.

One of the big ditches between Japan and Korea is there.

I think that it is necessary to know this well as well as Korean citizens and Japanese people.

*Now, if South Korea demonstrated to the United States Korea's abysmal evil and plausible lie that Korea is demonstrating against Japan, South Korea was immediately attacked by the United States and the current has disappeared.

Perhaps the Korean Peninsula may have disappeared from the map.

In other decent countries, countries that normally have military forces, for such countries, first, they will instantly discontinue diplomatic ties.

If the opponent attacked with a backlash, all the advanced country states would beat such a country by the full flawlessly.

It will also reflect on serious mistakes that beat down a country like Japan by the perfection, for the first time.

South Korea was immediately attacked by the United States and has disappeared

2019年01月12日 17時45分27秒 | 日記

Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets left in the pre-war Korea. The chapter sent to 2018-11-14 and the chapter that sent the same contents to 11-29 are now Ameba's search at best 5, It is an overwhelmingly larger number than usual, they are second and fifth than usual, they are second and fifth Totaling the two is the best one.

◆ Originally there is no obligation to apologize to Korea nor responsibility to pay money


South Korea is not a victim but an assailant who participated in the war in Japan

From national compensation to personal compensation, it is final and complete settlement in the Japan - Korea Basic Treaty. (Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty)

Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea

In the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty we paid $ 300 million for free, $ 200 million for a fee, and $ 300 million for private loans.

It is 800 million dollars, totaling. Since this amount is at that time, I will convert the monetary value to this age.

Also, it attempts to think, narrowing down only to the 300-million-dollar free part in 800 million dollars.

· (Conversion to yen) $ 300 million × 360 yen (then $ 1 = 360 yen) = $ 108 billion

· (If converted to today's prices) 108 billion yen × 10 (the initial salary of the university graduate at that time is about 20,000 yen) = 1,080 billion yen

If we divide this by the total of 900,000 persons who compensate for 700,000 forced entrapment workers and 200,000 for comfort women as claimed by Korea ... There is a natural argument that there was not such as compulsion entourage, comfort women and so on, here, it calculates with the number swallowed of Korea's claim 100%.

· (Converted forced victim per capita) 1,080 billion yen / 900,000 people = 1,200,000 yen / person

The amount of money which can be compared in this was over.
By the way, next, it is about whether or not this is high.

Frequently, Germany has ample compensation after the war, let's refer to Germany who has people saying it sets a good example for us and a newspaper company.

Compensate a compulsion laborer in Germany at 300,000 - 800,000 yen by the current value change.

Even the highest Jewish slave workers are 800,000 yen.

With this, even if it looks objectively, it can see that postwar reparation Japan paid for Korea was at a very high standard.

The total amount of for free, for a fee together totaling 800 million dollars was 2.3 times the Korean national budget at that time, showing how high it was.

Incidentally, this amount of compensation is for all areas of the Korean Peninsula, and the amount of money that the Korean government brought in saying, ‘If we unite North Korea, we will pay North to pay for North people’.

* In other words, it is necessary for all Japanese citizens and people all over the world to know in this chapter that the reparation money etc, which North Korea is trying to request as it is natural for Japan...It must be paid by the Korean government to North Korea.

If the world is a correct world made of people with the correct intelligence, it is a fact that even primary school students know.*

Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets left in the pre-war Korea.

This is a completely unprecedented process in the world.

As in the precedent that personal asset British had in India was returned to the British individual when India became independent from the UK.

Amazingly it was that amount, and in the survey by the General GHQ Private Bureau of Management, it was $ 5.3 billion, excluding military assets. (Ministry of Finance Financial History Room 'History of Showa Finance from the end of the War to the Signed Peace Treaty' TOYO KEIZAI INC.)

In other words, Japan has made a huge amount of compensation for South Korea with $ 5.3 billion in prewar assets and $ 800 million in war reparations.

And in the Japan - Korea Basic Treaty, the following words are written.

"Confirm that post-war processing we resolved complete and ultimately " (Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Agreement)

However, after the conclusion of the treaty, South Korea utilized the liquidation money from Japan for national development without paying individuals for compensation.

There is no doubt that the economic growth of Korea, which was said to be 'the Han River's miracle', was made with the efforts of the Korean people, with the liquidation paid for this North and South Korea as the driving force.

And the Korean government has not informed the people about this treaty surprisingly.

Is it to conceal what diverted to national development without paying to individuals?

Or, will it be to fan anti-Japanese feeling forever?
Or, is it the both?

For that reason, Koreans still considers that Japan is not fulfilling its liability, is outraged, is suing lawsuits for damages that ended in Japan.

One of the big ditches between Japan and Korea is there.

I think that it is necessary to know this well as well as Korean citizens and Japanese people.

*Now, if South Korea demonstrated to the United States Korea's abysmal evil and plausible lie that Korea is demonstrating against Japan, South Korea was immediately attacked by the United States and the current has disappeared.

Perhaps the Korean Peninsula may have disappeared from the map.

In other decent countries, countries that normally have military forces, for such countries, first, they will instantly discontinue diplomatic ties.

If the opponent attacked with a backlash, all the advanced country states would beat such a country by the full flawlessly.

It will also reflect on serious mistakes that beat down a country like Japan by the perfection, for the first time.


2019年01月12日 17時34分10秒 | 日記



2019年01月12日 11時59分30秒 | 日記






2019年01月12日 11時57分08秒 | 日記






2019年01月12日 11時43分55秒 | 日記




2019年01月12日 11時25分45秒 | 日記



2019年01月12日 11時24分22秒 | 日記


国際的に見ても例外中の例外で国家賠償から個人補償まで日韓基本条約で最終的かつ完全に解決している。(協定第二条1) 日韓基本条約

2019年01月12日 11時03分47秒 | 日記



2019年01月12日 11時01分25秒 | 日記
