Ce qui suit est tiré de la colonne du journal Nikkei hier.
Bien que je n’aie pas lu cette chronique pour la première fois depuis longtemps, le titre du journal Nikkei ‘Oiso Koiso’ est le suivant.
Cela faisait un moment que je lisais cette chronique,
La lecture de cette chronique s’est aussi faite après une longue période, parce que le titre était le problème du réquisitionniste et la justice coréenne.
La personne qui a écrit a été élevée en souscrivant au journal Asahi,
La vision masochiste de l'histoire et donc de l'idée anti-japonaise serait un être humain implanté dans le royaume de l'inconscient.
Il semble que ce soit un article qui tente de réprouver la Corée du Sud en agissant sérieusement,
Dans un endroit sérieux, il révèle sa vraie nature ...
On ne remarque même pas que c’est l’une des racines qui sont mises dans un mensonge abyssal et plausible ...
Le préambule est omis.
En fait, le Japon est un pays qui a mené une folle guerre sous le nom de «Zone de co-prospérité pour l’Asie de l’Est géant» sous le nom de «justice».
Il est évident que l’une des histoires du XXe siècle a été celle de la guerre.
Le fait que la Seconde Guerre mondiale soit une extension de la Première Guerre mondiale ... la guerre du 20ème siècle était une guerre de l'Europe.
Ni la personne qui a vécu cette époque en tant que contemporanéité, ni le pays qui est le corps entier ne peuvent être libérés de la guerre en tant que personne. Mais cet auteur n'est pas.
À l’époque des temps, il est temps de le dire, il ne vit que dans le temps maintenant paisible,
d'un seul aspect que le Japon a fait une guerre stupide, il juge sans aucun doute.
Mais la vérité est ... le monde où cet auteur perçoit des frais de manuscrit et gagne un salaire de cette façon ...
La communauté des médias et de la parole du monde dans lequel il gagne sa vie ...
Ils conduisent le Japon à la guerre.
Ce projet continue.
Das folgende ist aus der Kolumne der Nikkei-Zeitung gestern.
Obwohl ich diese Kolumne seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr zum ersten Mal gelesen hatte, lautet der Titel gestern in der Nikkei-Zeitung "Oiso Koiso".
Es ist eine Weile her, seit ich diese Kolumne gelesen habe.
Das Lesen dieser Kolumne war auch nach langer Zeit, weil der Titel das Problem der Anforderungsarbeiter war und koreanische "Gerechtigkeit".
Die Person, die schrieb, wurde durch das Abonnieren der Asahi-Zeitung erzogen,
Die masochistische Sicht der Geschichte und damit die antijapanische Idee wäre ein im unbewussten Bereich gepflanzter Mensch.
Es scheint ein Artikel zu sein, der versucht, Südkorea durch ernsthaftes Handeln zu tadeln,
An einem ernsthaften Ort offenbart er seine wahre Natur ...
Es fällt gar nicht auf, dass es eine der Wurzeln ist, die in eine miserable und plausible Lüge versetzt wird ...
Präambel wird weggelassen.
Tatsächlich ist Japan ein Land, das unter dem Namen "Giant East Asia Co-Prosperity Zone" im Namen der "Gerechtigkeit" einen törichten Krieg geführt hat.
Es ist offensichtlich, dass eine der Geschichten, die das 20. Jahrhundert verkörperte, das Jahrhundert des Krieges war.
Die Tatsache, dass der Zweite Weltkrieg eine Verlängerung des Ersten Weltkriegs ist ... der Krieg des 20. Jahrhunderts war ein Krieg aus Europa.
Weder die Person, die diese Ära als Zeitgenossenschaft erlebt hat, noch das Land, das den ganzen Körper ausmacht, kann als eine Person nicht frei von Krieg sein. Aber dieser Autor ist es nicht.
In der heutigen Zeit, jetzt zu sagen, lebt er nur in einer friedlichen Zeit,
Nur in einem einzigen Aspekt, dass Japan einen törichten Krieg geführt hat, urteilt er ohne Zweifel.
Aber die Wahrheit ist ... die Welt, in der der Autor eine Manuskriptgebühr erhält und auf diese Weise ein Gehalt erhält ...
Die Medien- und Sprachgemeinschaft ist die Welt, in der er lebt ...
Sie treiben Japan in den Krieg.
Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.
Lo siguiente es de la columna del periódico Nikkei ayer.
Aunque no había leído esta columna por primera vez en mucho tiempo, el título es el siguiente, del periódico Nikkei "Oiso Koiso" de ayer.
Hace un tiempo desde que leí esta columna,
La lectura de esta columna también fue después de un largo tiempo, porque el título era el problema de los trabajadores de requisición y la "justicia" coreana.
La persona que escribió fue criada suscribiéndose al periódico Asahi,
La visión masoquista de la historia y, por tanto, la idea antijaponesa sería un ser humano plantado en el reino inconsciente.
Parece ser un artículo que intenta reprender a Corea del Sur actuando seriamente,
En un lugar serio, revela su verdadera naturaleza ...
Ni siquiera se da cuenta de que es una de las raíces que se ponen en una mentira abismal y plausible ...
Se omite el preámbulo.
De hecho, Japón es un país que ha hecho una guerra tonta bajo el nombre de "Zona de co-prosperidad gigante de Asia oriental" en nombre de "justicia".
Es un hecho evidente que una de las historias que encarnó el siglo XX fue el siglo de la guerra.
El hecho de que la Segunda Guerra Mundial sea una extensión de la Primera Guerra Mundial ... la guerra del siglo XX fue una guerra de Europa.
Ni la persona que vivió esta era como contemporaneidad ni el país que es todo el cuerpo no puede estar libre de la guerra como una sola persona. Pero este autor no lo es.
En la era de ahora, es hora de decir ahora, él solo vive ahora en un tiempo tranquilo
solo por un aspecto que Japón hizo una guerra tonta, está juzgando sin ninguna duda.
Pero la verdad es ... el mundo donde este autor recibe una tarifa de manuscrito y gana un salario de esta manera ...
Medios y comunidad de habla que es el mundo en el que se está ganando la vida ...
Conducen a Japón a la guerra.
Este borrador continúa.
Quanto segue è tratto dalla colonna del quotidiano Nikkei.
Anche se non ho letto questa colonna per la prima volta da un po 'di tempo, il titolo è il seguente, dal quotidiano Nikkoi' Oiso Koiso 'ieri.
Era da un po 'che ho letto questa colonna,
La lettura di questa colonna, inoltre, è avvenuta dopo molto tempo, perché il titolo era il problema dei requisitori e la "giustizia" coreana.
La persona che ha scritto è stata educata iscrivendosi al giornale Asahi,
La visione masochista della storia e quindi l'idea anti-giapponese sarebbe un essere umano piantato nel regno dell'inconscio.
Sembra essere un articolo che tenta di rimproverare la Corea del Sud recitando seriamente,
In un posto serio, rivela la sua vera natura ...
Non si accorge nemmeno che è una delle radici che vengono messe in menzogne abissali e plausibili ...
Il preambolo è omesso.
In realtà, il Giappone è un paese che ha fatto una guerra folle sotto il nome di "Giant East Asia Co-Prosperity Zone" nel nome di "giustizia".
È un fatto evidente che una delle storie che il 20 ° secolo rappresentava era il secolo della guerra.
Il fatto che la seconda guerra mondiale sia un'estensione della prima guerra mondiale ... la guerra del XX secolo fu una guerra dall'Europa.
Né la persona che ha vissuto questa epoca come la contemporaneità né il paese che è l'intero corpo non può essere libero dalla guerra come una sola persona. Ma questo autore non lo è.
Nell'era di adesso, ora di dire ora, vive solo in un tempo ormai pacifico,
da un unico aspetto solo che il Giappone ha fatto una guerra folle, sta giudicando senza alcun dubbio.
Ma la verità è ... il mondo in cui questo autore riceve una tassa di manoscritto e guadagna stipendio in questo modo ...
La comunità dei media e del linguaggio è il mondo in cui si sta guadagnando da vivere ...
Guidano il Giappone in guerra.
Questo progetto continua.
The following is from the column of Nikkei Newspaper yesterday.
Although I had not read this column for the first time in a while, the title is the following, from the Nikkei newspaper ‘Oiso Koiso’ yesterday.
It was a while since I read this column,
Reading this column, too, was after a long time, because the title was the requisition worker problem and Korean ‘justice’.
The person who wrote was brought up by subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper,
Masochistic view of history and hence the anti-Japanese idea would be a human being planted in the unconscious realm.
It seems to be an article trying to reprove South Korea by seriously acting,
In a serious place, he reveals his true nature...
It is not even noticing that it is one of the roots which are put in abysmal and plausible lie...
Preamble is omitted.
In fact, Japan is a country that has done a foolish war under the name of ‘Giant East Asia Co-Prosperity Zone’ in the name of ‘justice’.
It is an evident fact that one of the histories that the 20th century embodied was the century of war.
The fact that World War II is an extension of the First World War ... the war from the 20th century was a war from Europe.
Neither the person who lived this era as contemporaneity nor the country which is the whole body cannot be free from war as one person. But this author is not.
In the era of now, time to say now, he only live in now peaceful time,
from a single aspect only that Japan did a foolish war, he is judging without any doubt.
But the truth is...the world where this author gets a manuscript fee and earns salary in this way...
Media and speech community that is the world he is making a living...
They drive Japan into war.
This draft continues.
The following is from the column of Nikkei Newspaper yesterday.
Although I had not read this column for the first time in a while, the title is the following, from the Nikkei newspaper ‘Oiso Koiso’ yesterday.
It was a while since I read this column,
Reading this column, too, was after a long time, because the title was the requisition worker problem and Korean ‘justice’.
The person who wrote was brought up by subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper,
Masochistic view of history and hence the anti-Japanese idea would be a human being planted in the unconscious realm.
It seems to be an article trying to reprove South Korea by seriously acting,
In a serious place, he reveals his true nature...
It is not even noticing that it is one of the roots which are put in abysmal and plausible lie...
Preamble is omitted.
In fact, Japan is a country that has done a foolish war under the name of ‘Giant East Asia Co-Prosperity Zone’ in the name of ‘justice’.
It is an evident fact that one of the histories that the 20th century embodied was the century of war.
The fact that World War II is an extension of the First World War ... the war from the 20th century was a war from Europe.
Neither the person who lived this era as contemporaneity nor the country which is the whole body cannot be free from war as one person. But this author is not.
In the era of now, time to say now, he only live in now peaceful time,
from a single aspect only that Japan did a foolish war, he is judging without any doubt.
But the truth is...the world where this author gets a manuscript fee and earns salary in this way...
Media and speech community that is the world he is making a living...
They drive Japan into war.
This draft continues.
다음은 어제 닛케이 신문의 칼럼에서 발췌 한 것입니다.
어제 처음으로이 칼럼을 읽지는 않았지만 어제 니케이 신문 'Oiso Koiso'의 제목은 다음과 같다.
내가이 칼럼을 읽었을 때가 얼마 였지만,
이 칼럼을 읽는 것도 오랜 시간이 걸렸다. 왜냐하면 그 명칭은 징발 노동자 문제와 한국의 정의였다.
쓴 사람은 아사히 신문에 가입함으로써 자랐으며,
역사에 대한 마스코트적인 견해와 그에 따른 반일 적 개념은 무의식 영역에 심어진 인간이 될 것이다.
그것은 진지하게 행동함으로써 한국을 책망하려고하는 기사 인 것 같다.
진지한 장소에서 그는 진정한 본성을 드러내고 ...
그것은 심지어 그 것이 심술 궂고 그럴듯한 거짓말에 뿌리 중 하나라는 것을 알지 못합니다 ...
서문은 생략되었습니다.
실제로 일본은 '정의'라는 이름으로 '거대한 동아시아 공동 번영 지대'라는 이름으로 어리석은 전쟁을 벌인 나라입니다.
20 세기가 구현 한 역사 중 하나가 전쟁의 세기였던 것이 분명합니다.
2 차 세계 대전이 1 차 세계 대전의 연장선이라는 사실 ... 20 세기 전쟁은 유럽의 전쟁이었습니다.
동시대와 같은 시대도 아니고 전신 인 나라도 전쟁에서 자유롭지 못합니다. 그러나이 저자는 그렇지 않습니다.
지금, 지금 말할 때가되면, 그는 평화로운 시간에 살고 있습니다.
그는 일본이 유일한 한 가지 측면에서 나쁜 전쟁을 수행했다는 것을 의심의 여지없이 판단했다.
그러나 진실은 ...이 저자가 원고료를 받고 이런 식으로 급여를받는 세계입니다 ...
그가 살고있는 세계 인 미디어와 스피치 커뮤니티 ...
그들은 일본을 전쟁으로 몰아 넣습니다.
이 초안은 계속됩니다.
Now, the monthly Hanada collection on sale, Korea, two lies, drafted worker and comfort women... (926 yen) are all Japanese citizens and all the pseudo moralists who are influenced by propaganda, ignores and stupid people in the world ...,
Now, no matter what it does, everyone must subscribe to the book.
This is because, unless you subscribe to this special issue, you will not only be involved in falsehoods that continue to exist in the postwar world, they will continue to be involved in the evils of abysmal evil and plausible lie in China and the Korean Peninsula.
Some people will continue to participate in evil by taking advantage of, underrate things that will not be punished in this world ...
For example, Alexis Bray Dudden in the United States, Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany, Italy's shameless self-name reporter who ruled the Japan Foreign Correspondent
Ignorant, foolish, big asshole with racism discourse thought, living in Paris, which are under the maneuvering of propaganda
abysmal evil and plausible lie ...,
Italy's shameless self-name reporter who ruled the Japan Foreign Correspondents' Association.
But you do not have heavenly gates ... just remember Yama in hell waiting for the greatest hardships to prepare!
The following is from the article of polymath and one of the great benefactors for Japan late Mr. Watanabe Shoichi, which was reprinted from WiLL 2007 supplement published in p122 to p131.
Asking anti-Japanese Japanese ‘national contempt’
On June 26, 2007, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs passed a resolution on ‘Comfort Women’.
The ‘comfort women’ trouble is a very unpleasant issue for Japan.
It is a problem because Rep. Mike Honda submitted a resolution to the House of Representatives in 2007, but in fact it became clear that the facts became clear in Japan, and everything was settled.
It came when it was forgotten.
In Japan, the efforts of Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, Mr. Yoshiaki Itakura, Mr. Uesugi Chitoshi, etc. were completely rejected that there was no ‘compulsion by the constitutional authority’, and ‘comfort women’ disappeared from the textbooks.
The Asahi Shimbun that became an instigator of the problem of ‘Military Comfort Women’ in Japan was a situation that has been recognized as an embarrassing ‘fabricating’ press organization. However, this time, the problem has come from America.
We are extremely concerned about this ‘originating from America’.
The 'Nanjing Massacre' problem also means 'there was not' in being settled state in Japan in general, even Asahi newspaper is not taken up.
However, this is supposed to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the fall of Nanking, and it is supposed to be produced more than 10 anti-Japanese films on ‘Nanjing’ in the United States.
Either, the anti-Japanese policy of China and Korea that have been attacking Japan for many years has turned around the earth and came through the United States.
In fact, according to Mr. Yoshihisa Komori's interview, Mike Honda is receiving donations from Chinese anti-Japanese groups.
As can be seen from this fact, this American issue of ‘comfort women’ is a matter of China's policy towards Japan.
Regarding 'Comfort Women' problem, because Korea also has a relationship, Korea is pleased to follow suit.
Furthermore, it is a schema that Japan's left wing and Asahi newspaper are happily riding.
Although it has been proved in Japan that the ‘comfort women troubled’ problem is fabricated, it is at the core of the problem that this is not transmitted to foreign countries.
This draft continues.
Now, the monthly Hanada collection on sale, Korea, two lies, drafted worker and comfort women... (926 yen) are all Japanese citizens and all the pseudo moralists who are influenced by propaganda, ignores and stupid people in the world ...,
Now, no matter what it does, everyone must subscribe to the book.
This is because, unless you subscribe to this special issue, you will not only be involved in falsehoods that continue to exist in the postwar world, they will continue to be involved in the evils of abysmal evil and plausible lie in China and the Korean Peninsula.
Some people will continue to participate in evil by taking advantage of, underrate things that will not be punished in this world ...
For example, Alexis Bray Dudden in the United States, Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany, Italy's shameless self-name reporter who ruled the Japan Foreign Correspondent
Ignorant, foolish, big asshole with racism discourse thought, living in Paris, which are under the maneuvering of propaganda
abysmal evil and plausible lie ...,
Italy's shameless self-name reporter who ruled the Japan Foreign Correspondents' Association.
But you do not have heavenly gates ... just remember Yama in hell waiting for the greatest hardships to prepare!
The following is from the article of polymath and one of the great benefactors for Japan late Mr. Watanabe Shoichi, which was reprinted from WiLL 2007 supplement published in p122 to p131.
Asking anti-Japanese Japanese ‘national contempt’
On June 26, 2007, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs passed a resolution on ‘Comfort Women’.
The ‘comfort women’ trouble is a very unpleasant issue for Japan.
It is a problem because Rep. Mike Honda submitted a resolution to the House of Representatives in 2007, but in fact it became clear that the facts became clear in Japan, and everything was settled.
It came when it was forgotten.
In Japan, the efforts of Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, Mr. Yoshiaki Itakura, Mr. Uesugi Chitoshi, etc. were completely rejected that there was no ‘compulsion by the constitutional authority’, and ‘comfort women’ disappeared from the textbooks.
The Asahi Shimbun that became an instigator of the problem of ‘Military Comfort Women’ in Japan was a situation that has been recognized as an embarrassing ‘fabricating’ press organization. However, this time, the problem has come from America.
We are extremely concerned about this ‘originating from America’.
The 'Nanjing Massacre' problem also means 'there was not' in being settled state in Japan in general, even Asahi newspaper is not taken up.
However, this is supposed to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the fall of Nanking, and it is supposed to be produced more than 10 anti-Japanese films on ‘Nanjing’ in the United States.
Either, the anti-Japanese policy of China and Korea that have been attacking Japan for many years has turned around the earth and came through the United States.
In fact, according to Mr. Yoshihisa Komori's interview, Mike Honda is receiving donations from Chinese anti-Japanese groups.
As can be seen from this fact, this American issue of ‘comfort women’ is a matter of China's policy towards Japan.
Regarding 'Comfort Women' problem, because Korea also has a relationship, Korea is pleased to follow suit.
Furthermore, it is a schema that Japan's left wing and Asahi newspaper are happily riding.
Although it has been proved in Japan that the ‘comfort women troubled’ problem is fabricated, it is at the core of the problem that this is not transmitted to foreign countries.
This draft continues.