文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。pm 9:15

2021年03月04日 21時16分48秒 | 全般


Intelligence and freedom can bring down the worst dictators in history.


Mas a indústria cinematográfica não tem tanta vergonha de fazer a coisa certa.


We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down








In this article, I will also tell you what we should do, the first in the world




Pero la industria cinematográfica no es tan tímida a la hora de hacer lo correcto.


Mais l’industrie cinématographique n’est pas si timide pour faire ce qui est juste.


Intelligence and freedom can bring down the worst dictators in history.

2021年03月04日 21時02分38秒 | 全般
What is the Chinese public?
Since the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese people have been raised with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
A people under the watchful eye of Xi Jinping, the worst criminal in the history of humankind, realized in the 21st century the surveillance society envisioned by Orwell.
Those who call themselves Han Chinese may only be a part of the surveillance society. Still, Tibetans, Uighurs, Inner Mongolians, or Falun Gong followers are under more genocide and ethnic oppression than the Nazis.
Lu Xun said that Chinese people are slaves forever.
We should not show a soft face to the Chinese people because they are the ones who are under the control of Xi Jinping.
We must not show a soft face to the Chinese people because when Xi Jinping gives the order, they will instantly turn violent as his servants.
What intellect and freedom must do now is confront and crush China, which is ruled by the worst dictator in history, Xi Jinping.
China has yet to issue a single apology for spreading the Wuhan virus to the world.
On the contrary, it has even claimed that it came from another country.
In this article, I will also tell you what we should do, the first in the world.
The other day, an intelligent person contributed a real article to a newspaper.
Germany, the treacherous friend of the Western nations that had to confront China (even Germany), went to the United Nations to denounce China's horrible oppression, including genocide.
Thirty-nine countries, including Japan, voted in favor of this.
Apparently, the number of countries that voted against it was so large that it was rejected, but the countries that voted against it are, in the words of Mr. Shi Ping, a group of thug nations that it would not even call a nation.
I sincerely hope that it will hear this column loudly around the world.
I hope it will be heard by everyone in at least the 39 countries mentioned above.
It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing else for us to do but what we must do now.
It is the only way we can hold Xi Jinping accountable.
We, the intelligent and free people of 39 countries, are boycotting the Beijing Olympics.
The countries that will participate are those that opposed Germany's resolution at the UN.
Opposition politicians such as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, employees of newspapers such as Asahi and Nikkei, employees of NHK, so-called cultural figures, so-called human rights lawyers, so-called academics, so-called citizens' groups, Nakanishi of Keidanren, and others will participate as observers.
This alone will end the dictatorship of Xi Jinping.
The treacherous friend of Western countries says that they can't hold the nation accountable.
Not one of them has ever accused Xi Jinping of anything.
They are too stupid to imagine that this article will echo around the world.
We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down.
We, 39 countries, will boycott the Beijing Olympics.
And it will save humanity.
Intelligence and freedom can bring down the worst dictators in history.

けが人が出るだけ。やめろ! 選手の安全が第一だ スポーツは人間同士とやるものだ やめとけ

2021年03月04日 20時55分37秒 | 全般


1: 首都圏の虎 ★ 2021/03/04(木) 15:24:58.79 ID:CAP_USER 大韓サッカー協会(KFC)と日本サッカー協会(JFA)が10年ぶりとなる韓日評価試合の開催を議論している。KFAによると、KFAとJFAは今
なぜ今?先生の仰る通りだと思います  百害あって一利なし
選手の安全が第一だ スポーツは人間同士とやるものだ やめとけ
 保険会社 日韓戦では、スポーツ保険は適用外となります。 怪我や後遺症につきましては自己負担となります。

We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down

2021年03月04日 20時28分57秒 | 全般

What is the Chinese public?
Since the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese people have been raised with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
A people under the watchful eye of Xi Jinping, the worst criminal in the history of humankind, realized in the 21st century the surveillance society envisioned by Orwell.
Those who call themselves Han Chinese may only be a part of the surveillance society. Still, Tibetans, Uighurs, Inner Mongolians, or Falun Gong followers are under more genocide and ethnic oppression than the Nazis.
Lu Xun said that Chinese people are slaves forever.
We should not show a soft face to the Chinese people because they are the ones who are under the control of Xi Jinping.
We must not show a soft face to the Chinese people because when Xi Jinping gives the order, they will instantly turn violent as his servants.
What intellect and freedom must do now is confront and crush China, which is ruled by the worst dictator in history, Xi Jinping.
China has yet to issue a single apology for spreading the Wuhan virus to the world.
On the contrary, it has even claimed that it came from another country.

In this article, I will also tell you what we should do, the first in the world.
The other day, an intelligent person contributed a real article to a newspaper.
Germany, the treacherous friend of the Western nations that had to confront China (even Germany), went to the United Nations to denounce China's horrible oppression, including genocide.
Thirty-nine countries, including Japan, voted in favor of this.
Apparently, the number of countries that voted against it was so large that it was rejected, but the countries that voted against it are, in the words of Mr. Shi Ping, a group of thug nations that it would not even call a nation.  
I sincerely hope that it will hear this column loudly around the world.
I hope it will be heard by everyone in at least the 39 countries mentioned above.
It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing else for us to do but what we must do now.
It is the only way we can hold Xi Jinping accountable.
We, the intelligent and free people of 39 countries, are boycotting the Beijing Olympics.
The countries that will participate are those that opposed Germany's resolution at the UN.
Opposition politicians such as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, employees of newspapers such as Asahi and Nikkei, employees of NHK, so-called cultural figures, so-called human rights lawyers, so-called academics, so-called citizens' groups, Nakanishi of Keidanren, and others will participate as observers.
This alone will end the dictatorship of Xi Jinping.
The treacherous friend of Western countries says that they can't hold the nation accountable.
Not one of them has ever accused Xi Jinping of anything.
They are too stupid to imagine that this article will echo around the world.
We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down.
We, 39 countries, will boycott the Beijing Olympics.
And it will save humanity.  
Intelligence and freedom can bring down the worst dictators in history.

In this article, I will also tell you what we should do, the first in the world

2021年03月04日 19時08分32秒 | 全般

Florence Welch, the vocalist of Florence and the Machine, is one of those rare singers.
Florence Welch's concert at the Albert Hall in London is the embodiment of our culture and civilization.
It is the opposite of Xi Jinping and his China, which proves to be the worst dictator and criminal in human history, and the foolish countries that follow him.
The people of China's daily lives and the countries that follow it is the exact opposite of our daily life.

What is the Chinese public?
Since the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese people have been raised with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
A people under the watchful eye of Xi Jinping, the worst criminal in the history of humankind, realized in the 21st century the surveillance society envisioned by Orwell.
Those who call themselves Han Chinese may only be a part of the surveillance society. Still, Tibetans, Uighurs, Inner Mongolians, or Falun Gong followers are under more genocide and ethnic oppression than the Nazis.
Lu Xun said that Chinese people are slaves forever.
We should not show a soft face to the Chinese people because they are the ones who are under the control of Xi Jinping.
We must not show a soft face to the Chinese people because when Xi Jinping gives the order, they will instantly turn violent as his servants.
What intellect and freedom must do now is confront and crush China, which is ruled by the worst dictator in history, Xi Jinping.
China has yet to issue a single apology for spreading the Wuhan virus to the world.
On the contrary, it has even claimed that it came from another country.

In this article, I will also tell you what we should do, the first in the world.
The other day, an intelligent person contributed a real article to a newspaper.
Germany, the treacherous friend of the Western nations that had to confront China (even Germany), went to the United Nations to denounce China's horrible oppression, including genocide.
Thirty-nine countries, including Japan, voted in favor of this.
Apparently, the number of countries that voted against it was so large that it was rejected, but the countries that voted against it are, in the words of Mr. Shi Ping, a group of thug nations that it would not even call a nation.  
I sincerely hope that it will hear this column loudly around the world.
I hope it will be heard by everyone in at least the 39 countries mentioned above.
It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing else for us to do but what we must do now.
It is the only way we can hold Xi Jinping accountable.
We, the intelligent and free people of 39 countries, are boycotting the Beijing Olympics.
The countries that will participate are those that opposed Germany's resolution at the UN.
Opposition politicians such as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, employees of newspapers such as Asahi and Nikkei, employees of NHK, so-called cultural figures, so-called human rights lawyers, so-called academics, so-called citizens' groups, Nakanishi of Keidanren, and others will participate as observers.
This alone will end the dictatorship of Xi Jinping.
The treacherous friend of Western countries says that they can't hold the nation accountable.
Not one of them has ever accused Xi Jinping of anything.
They are too stupid to imagine that this article will echo around the world.
We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down.
We, 39 countries, will boycott the Beijing Olympics.
And it will save humanity.  
Intelligence and freedom can bring down the worst dictators in history.

This concert has the essence of the daily life of the G7 countries, for example.
It is a routine that China and its followers have no connection to.
It is Xi Jinping who has made all this routine irrelevant.
The Wuhan virus that he has spread around the world has radically changed our daily lives.

The other day, I saw a video on YouTube showing Hawaii's current state, a place I have visited countless times, using the Sheraton Hotel in Waikiki as the subject.
I was reminded of the fury of the Wuhan virus that Xi Jinping has unleashed on the world.
I was reminded of the fury of the Wuhan virus that Xi Jinping has been spreading around the world because Waikiki is a different world than I have ever seen before.
Not a single one of the opposition politicians of the Constitutional Democratic Party, mass media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, so-called cultural figures, so-called scholars, so-called human rights lawyers, or so-called civic groups have come forward to accuse Xi Jinping.
On the contrary, they are attacking us, the Japanese people, and the Japanese government.
They should be doubly and triply ashamed of themselves, especially former Kyoto University President Juichi Yamazaki, a certain Takagi in criminal law, and a female professor, Keiichiro Hirano.
All of them continue to make shameless remarks, pretending that they are good citizens and (hilariously) the guardians of democracy.
But in some respects, they are even eviler than Xi Jinping.
They don't know it.
They don't know that there is no such thing as the gates of heaven.
The only one who knows where they are going is King Yama.
In other words, in the Sanzu River of hell, Yama is waiting for them with the same maximum torment for Xi Jinping.
They are just in a good mood because it cannot punish them in this life. 
This article is the first to tell the world that it is possible to punish them in this life. 

Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall .



We, the intelligent and free people of 39 countries, are boycotting the Beijing Olympics.

2021年03月04日 19時01分55秒 | 全般

Florence Welch, the vocalist of Florence and the Machine, is one of those rare singers.
Florence Welch's concert at the Albert Hall in London is the embodiment of our culture and civilization.
It is the opposite of Xi Jinping and his China, which proves to be the worst dictator and criminal in human history, and the foolish countries that follow him.
The people of China's daily lives and the countries that follow it is the exact opposite of our daily life.

What is the Chinese public?
Since the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese people have been raised with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
A people under the watchful eye of Xi Jinping, the worst criminal in the history of humankind, realized in the 21st century the surveillance society envisioned by Orwell.
Those who call themselves Han Chinese may only be a part of the surveillance society. Still, Tibetans, Uighurs, Inner Mongolians, or Falun Gong followers are under more genocide and ethnic oppression than the Nazis.
Lu Xun said that Chinese people are slaves forever.
We should not show a soft face to the Chinese people because they are the ones who are under the control of Xi Jinping.
We must not show a soft face to the Chinese people because when Xi Jinping gives the order, they will instantly turn violent as his servants.
What intellect and freedom must do now is confront and crush China, which is ruled by the worst dictator in history, Xi Jinping.
China has yet to issue a single apology for spreading the Wuhan virus to the world.
On the contrary, it has even claimed that it came from another country.

In this article, I will also tell you what we should do, the first in the world.
The other day, an intelligent person contributed a real article to a newspaper.
Germany, the treacherous friend of the Western nations that had to confront China (even Germany), went to the United Nations to denounce China's horrible oppression, including genocide.
Thirty-nine countries, including Japan, voted in favor of this.
Apparently, the number of countries that voted against it was so large that it was rejected, but the countries that voted against it are, in the words of Mr. Shi Ping, a group of thug nations that it would not even call a nation.  
I sincerely hope that it will hear this column loudly around the world.
I hope it will be heard by everyone in at least the 39 countries mentioned above.
It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing else for us to do but what we must do now.
It is the only way we can hold Xi Jinping accountable.
We, the intelligent and free people of 39 countries, are boycotting the Beijing Olympics.
The countries that will participate are those that opposed Germany's resolution at the UN.
Opposition politicians such as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, employees of newspapers such as Asahi and Nikkei, employees of NHK, so-called cultural figures, so-called human rights lawyers, so-called academics, so-called citizens' groups, Nakanishi of Keidanren, and others will participate as observers.
This alone will end the dictatorship of Xi Jinping.
The treacherous friend of Western countries says that they can't hold the nation accountable.
Not one of them has ever accused Xi Jinping of anything.
They are too stupid to imagine that this article will echo around the world.
We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down.
We, 39 countries, will boycott the Beijing Olympics.
And it will save humanity.  
Intelligence and freedom can bring down the worst dictators in history.

This concert has the essence of the daily life of the G7 countries, for example.
It is a routine that China and its followers have no connection to.
It is Xi Jinping who has made all this routine irrelevant.
The Wuhan virus that he has spread around the world has radically changed our daily lives.

The other day, I saw a video on YouTube showing Hawaii's current state, a place I have visited countless times, using the Sheraton Hotel in Waikiki as the subject.
I was reminded of the fury of the Wuhan virus that Xi Jinping has unleashed on the world.
I was reminded of the fury of the Wuhan virus that Xi Jinping has been spreading around the world because Waikiki is a different world than I have ever seen before.
Not a single one of the opposition politicians of the Constitutional Democratic Party, mass media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, so-called cultural figures, so-called scholars, so-called human rights lawyers, or so-called civic groups have come forward to accuse Xi Jinping.
On the contrary, they are attacking us, the Japanese people, and the Japanese government.
They should be doubly and triply ashamed of themselves, especially former Kyoto University President Juichi Yamazaki, a certain Takagi in criminal law, and a female professor, Keiichiro Hirano.
All of them continue to make shameless remarks, pretending that they are good citizens and (hilariously) the guardians of democracy.
But in some respects, they are even eviler than Xi Jinping.
They don't know it.
They don't know that there is no such thing as the gates of heaven.
The only one who knows where they are going is King Yama.
In other words, in the Sanzu River of hell, Yama is waiting for them with the same maximum torment for Xi Jinping.
They are just in a good mood because it cannot punish them in this life. 
This article is the first to tell the world that it is possible to punish them in this life. 

Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall .




2021年03月04日 18時46分05秒 | 全般
Florence and the Machineのボーカルである Florence Welchは稀代の歌手の一人である。
Florence Welchの、ロンドン・アルバート・ホールでの、このコンサートは、私達の文化、文明を体現している。

Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall


2021年03月04日 18時39分21秒 | 全般
Florence and the Machineのボーカルである Florence Welchは稀代の歌手の一人である。
Florence Welchの、ロンドン・アルバート・ホールでの、このコンサートは、私達の文化、文明を体現している。

Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall


2021年03月04日 18時32分34秒 | 全般
Florence and the Machineのボーカルである Florence Welchは稀代の歌手の一人である。
Florence Welchの、ロンドン・アルバート・ホールでの、このコンサートは、私達の文化、文明を体現している。

Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall


2021年03月04日 17時58分02秒 | 全般
Florence and the Machineのボーカルである Florence Welchは稀代の歌手の一人である。
Florence Welchの、ロンドン・アルバート・ホールでの、このコンサートは、私達の文化、文明を体現している。
それほどにFlorence Welchが素晴らしいからだろう。

Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall


2021年03月04日 17時32分36秒 | 全般

以下是東京大學名譽教授平川康廣名譽教授發表的文章《戰後民主一代的失望》,該文章連載於3月1日的月刊《 Seiron》,標題為《昭和戰爭與和平》。東京審判:比較歷史學家回顧。
我對自己有這種感覺,這是因為我對伊藤敏也的《驕傲:命運的瞬間》抱有先入為主的觀念,其中gawa川雅彥(Msahiko Tsugawa)扮演東條英樹(Hideki Tojo)。
我發現東條英機(Hideki Tojo)出現的那部電影遭到了嚴厲批評。
據報導,在巢鴨監獄中即將被判刑的一天,據報導,東條英機(Hideki Tojo)向他的下屬,陸軍作戰辦公室主任佐藤賢郎說,他是A級戰犯。

1948年11月12日下午,代表佐藤忠雄(Sadao Araki)的Su原弘(Hiroshi Sugawara)在被告與審判長之間坐下。儘管他覺得這很不禮貌,但他還是轉過頭近距離觀察被告,以觀察他們的最終態度。
但是,Su川原在他的《東京審判的真實本質》(日治出版社,1961年)中說,“東條不是這種情況。 Tojo的臉似乎在微笑著,而不是在微笑,好像Tojo的考官正在聽一個叫Webb的學生的回答一樣。


2021年03月04日 17時29分26秒 | 全般

以下是东京大学平川荣休教授的名著《战后民主一代的失望》一文,该文章在3月1日的月刊《 Seiron》上连载,标题为“昭和战争与和平”。东京审判:比较历史学家回顾。
我对自己有这种感觉,这是因为我对伊藤敏也的《骄傲:命运的瞬间》抱有先入为主的观念,其中gawa川雅彦(Msahiko Tsugawa)饰演东条英树(Hideki Tojo)。
我发现东条英机(Hideki Tojo)出演的这部电影遭到了严厉批评。
据报道,在巢鸭监狱中即将被判刑的一天,据报道,东条英机(Hideki Tojo)对他的下属,陆军作战办公室主任佐藤贤郎说,他是A级战犯。

1948年11月12日下午,代表佐藤忠雄(Sadao Araki)的Su原弘(Hiroshi Sugawara)在被告与审判长之间坐下。尽管他觉得这很不礼貌,但他还是转过头近距离观察被告,以观察他们的最终态度。
但是,Su川原在他的《东京审判的真实本质》(日治出版社,1961年)中说,“东条不是这种情况。 Tojo的脸似乎在微笑着,而不是在微笑,好像Tojo的考官正在听一个叫Webb的学生的回答一样。

그러나 영화 산업은 옳은 일을하는 것에 그렇게 부끄러워하지 않습니다.

2021年03月04日 17時26分21秒 | 全般

다음은 도쿄 대학의 명예 교수 히라카와 야스히로 명예 교수가 쓴 "전후 민주화 세대와의 실망"기사에서 "쇼와 전쟁과 전쟁"이라는 제목으로 월간지 "세 이론"3 월 1 일호에 연재되었다. 도쿄 재판 : 비교 역사가가 돌아 본다.
이 기사는 일본인뿐만 아니라 전 세계인도 꼭 읽어야 할 기사입니다.
이전 장의 계속입니다.
나쁜 녀석은 누구입니까?
1983 년 고바야시 마사키 감독은 다큐멘터리 영화 "도쿄 재판"을 만들었다.
그는 실제 영화를 모두 수집했다고 주장했지만, 학살 사진이없는 난징 학살 장면이나 중국인이 부르는 난징 대학살 장면이 있었다는 사실은 그가 느꼈기 때문일 것입니다. 일본이 중국 전선에서 잔학 행위를 저질렀다는 데 의심의 여지가 없었기 때문에 그는 사진이 실물이 아니더라도 중국 선전을위한 사진이라도 포함시켜야했습니다. 감독이 그렇게 생각했기 때문인 것 같다.
아마도 분위기의 결과 일 것입니다.
전쟁 직후 많은 연합군의 군사 재판에서 많은 사람들이 위증을당한 것으로 나타났습니다.
누구에게 책임이 있습니까? 아니면 자신을 위증 한 사람? 자신을 위증 한 사람입니까, 증언을 근거로 유죄 판결을받은 사람입니까?
하지만 고바야시 감독의 다큐멘터리 영화 덕분에 앞서 언급했듯이 변호인 블라 니는“키드 제독의 죽음이 진주만 공격에서 살인죄로 유죄 인 경우 히로시마에 원자 폭탄을 투하 한 사람의 이름을 지을 수있다. 폭격을 계획 한 참모 총장의 이름. 우리는 폭격을 계획 한 참모 총장의 이름을 알고 있으며, 그 나라의 국가 원수의 이름을 알고 있습니다. 일본인.
그러나 사람들이 어떤 작가를 "반동적"이라고 확신하게되면 그의 책을 집어 들지 않을 것입니다.
마찬가지로 한 사람이 정치인을 "나쁘다"고 생각하면 그 정치인에 대한 의견을 바꾸지 않을 것입니다.
츠가와 마사히코가 도조 히데키 역을 맡은 이토 토시야의 "Pride : The Moment of Destiny"에 대한 선입견 때문에 스스로 느꼈습니다.
가정의 저주
1998 년 5 월, 프라이드가 일본에서 개봉되었을 때 베이징에서 가르치 던 중 인민 일보에서 "전범의 미화를 용납하지 않겠다.이 영화는 일본의 권리 확대의 산물"이라는 기사를 읽었다. 날개 이데올로기. " 중국 외교부는이 영화를 비난하며“도조의 칭찬 내용에 충격과 분노를 느낀다.
베이징에 머무는 동안 더 신뢰할 수 있고 객관적인 정보를 얻고 싶었 기 때문에 미국 주간지 Time의 영어판도 해외에서 주문했습니다.
도조 히데키가 등장하는 영화가 격렬한 비판을 받고 있음을 알았습니다.
비판의 어조가 너무 격렬해서 당시에 막연하게 생각했다.“불필요한 영화를 만들지 않았 으면 좋겠다.
일본에 돌아 왔을 때 주변의 아무도 "Pride"를 보지 못했습니다.
몇 년 후 TV에서 "Pride : The Moment of Destiny"를 우연히 보았습니다.
키난 검사와 피고인 도조 히데키의 반대 심문에 대한 반론이 생생하게 재현되었습니다.
나는 영화를 응시했다.
그러다가 타임지의 기사가 도조가 나쁜 사람이라는 이론을 믿는 미국 기자의 알레르기 반응이라는 것을 깨달았습니다.
키난-도조 대결의 실제 영화를 삽입했다면 타임 리포터는 그런 오만한 비난을 쓸 수 없었을 것이라고 느꼈다.
1948 년에 영국 대사 개스 코인은 맥아더가 도조의 방어가 "심각한 영향을 미칠지도 모른다고 우려했다"고 보도했다.
어느 날 스가 모 감옥에서 형을 선고하기 직전 인 도조 히데키는 그의 부하 인 사토 켄료 (Kenryo Sato) A 급 전범에게 말했다.
어떤 형벌을 받게 될지 모르겠지만, 적이 형벌을받을 거라고 생각하면 화를 낼 수 있지만 폐하와 국민의 형벌을 받아 주셨으면합니다.
전쟁에서 패배하여 국가와 국민이 겪은 타격과 희생을 생각할 때 교수대를 오르는 것은 부끄러운 일입니다. 조각 조각 찢어 지더라도 아직 충분하지 않습니다. 나는 교수형의 굴욕을 당할뿐만 아니라 역사의 재앙의 채찍질을 영원히받을 것입니다. 노트 2
나는 츠가와 마사히코가 어떻게 영원히 채찍질을해야 할 사람의 역할을 맡을 수 있었는지 궁금했다.
그러나 영화 산업은 옳은 일을하는 것에 그렇게 부끄러워하지 않습니다.
1999 년 일본 아카데미 주연 배우의 뛰어난 연기 상이 Tsugawa에게 수여되었습니다.
타임 리포터에게 상을 전했다면 그는 화가 났을 것이고 나는 희미한 웃음을 느꼈다.

1948 년 11 월 12 일 오후, 아라키 사다오를 대표하는 스가와라 히로시가 피고인과 재판장 사이에 자리를 잡았습니다. 그는 그것이 무례하다고 느꼈지만, 그는 등을 돌려 피고인들의 최종 태도를 관찰하기 위해 가까운 거리에서 지켜 보았습니다.
피고인 중 일부는 시험관 앞에 서있는 학생처럼 보였다.
그러나 Sugawara는 자신의 저서 "The True Nature of the Tokyo Trials"(Jiji Press, 1961)에서 "도조에서는 그렇지 않았습니다. 도조의 시험관이 웹이라는 학생의 대답을 듣고있는 것처럼 도조의 얼굴은 웃고도 웃지 않는 것 같았다.
그의 얼굴은 웃고있는 것 같고 웃지 않는 것 같았다. 아사히 그래프에서이 얼굴을 자주 묘사했고, 당시 도조 씨의 얼굴을 보았을 때 너무나 깨달았 기 때문에 그가 세속적 인 애착으로부터 해방되는 일을 훌륭하게 해냈다 고 느꼈습니다.
Webb 판사의 교수형 선고를 듣고 그는 가볍게 두 번 고개를 끄덕이며 "사형, 알았어, 알았어, 알았어.
저자는 도조의 삶에서이 신성한 순간을보고 도쿄 재판이 영광스럽게 끝났다는 것을 알고 안심했습니다.
도조는 법정에서 자신의 입장을 체계적으로 밝혔기 때문에 걱정하지 않았습니다.
폐하에게 문제를 일으키지 않고 자신의 죽음에서 의미를 찾은 사람은 감옥에서 3 년 동안 존엄성을 잃지 않았습니다.
또한 도조는 감옥에있는 동안 꼼꼼하게 조사하고, 질문과 답변에 대한 답을 직접 준비하고, 법정에서 적절하게 대응했습니다.
일부 피고인들은 국제 재판소에서 피고인으로서의 지위에 너무 익숙해 져 연합 재판소의 불법 성을 동정했던 전 장관과 장군들의 정신을 잃어버린 것 같습니다.

Но киноиндустрия не так стесняется поступать правильно.

2021年03月04日 17時24分04秒 | 全般

Ниже приводится статья «Разочарование послевоенным демократическим поколением» почетного профессора Ясухиро Хиракавы из Токийского университета, которая была опубликована в номере ежемесячного журнала «Сейрон» от 1 марта под заголовком «Война Сева и война». Токийские процессы: сравнительный исторический взгляд назад.
Эту статью необходимо прочитать не только японцам, но и людям всего мира.
Это продолжение предыдущей главы.
Кто такой плохой парень?
В 1983 году режиссер Масаки Кобаяши снял документальный фильм «Токийские испытания.
Хотя он утверждал, что собрал все настоящие фильмы, тот факт, что там были сцены Нанкинской резни или, как ее называют китайцы, Великой Нанкинской резни, без каких-либо фотографий резни, должен был быть вызван тем, что он чувствовал, что: поскольку не было никаких сомнений в том, что Япония совершила зверства на китайском фронте, ему пришлось приложить несколько фотографий, даже если они не были настоящими, и даже если они были для китайской пропаганды. Наверное, потому, что так думал режиссер.
Вероятно, это было результатом атмосферы.
Сразу после войны на многих военных процессах союзников многие люди были признаны виновными в лжесвидетельстве.
Кто виноват? Или человек, который дал лжесвидетельство? Было ли это лицо, давшее ложные показания, или лицо, осудившее его на основании его показаний?
Однако, благодаря документальному фильму Кобаяши, как я уже упоминал ранее, адвокат Блакни сказал: «Если смерть адмирала Кидда является виновной в убийстве при нападении на Перл-Харбор, то мы можем назвать человека, который сбросил атомную бомбу на Хиросиму. Мы знаем. имя начальника штаба, который планировал взрыв. Мы знаем имя начальника штаба, который планировал взрыв, и мы знаем имя главы государства этой страны »и т. д. Эти заявления были широко известны в Японцы.
Однако, как только люди убедятся в том, что некий автор - «реакционер», они не возьмут его книги в руки.
Точно так же, если человек считает политика «плохим», он не изменит своего мнения о нем.
Я почувствовал это на себе из-за предвзятого мнения о «Гордости: Момент судьбы» Тосии Ито, в котором Масахико Цугава сыграл Хидэки Тодзё.
Проклятие Успения
В мае 1998 года, когда в Японии вышел фильм «Прайд», я преподавал в Пекине и прочитал статью в «Жэньминь жибао», в которой говорилось: «Мы не допустим прославления военных преступников. Этот фильм - продукт расширения прав Японии». крылатая идеология ". Министерство иностранных дел Китая осудило фильм, заявив: «Мы шокированы и возмущены содержанием похвалы Тодзё.
Во время моего пребывания в Пекине я хотел получить более достоверную и объективную информацию, поэтому заказал также английское издание американского еженедельного журнала Time из-за границы.
Я обнаружил, что фильм, в котором появляется Хидеки Тодзё, подвергается жесткой критике.
Тон критики был настолько яростным, что я смутно подумал: «Хотел бы я, чтобы они не сняли этот ненужный фильм.
Когда я вернулся в Японию, никто из окружающих не видел «Прайда».
Несколько лет спустя мне довелось увидеть по телевизору «Гордость: Момент судьбы».
Перекрестный допрос главного прокурора Кинан и ответ обвиняемого Хидеки Тодзё на перекрестный допрос был ярко воссоздан.
Я смотрел в фильм.
Затем я понял, что статья в журнале Time была просто аллергической реакцией американского репортера, который верил в теорию о том, что Тодзё был плохим парнем.
Я чувствовал, что если бы они вставили настоящий фильм о противостоянии Кинан-Тоджо, репортер Time не смог бы написать такое высокомерное осуждение.
В 1948 году британский посол Гаскойн сообщил, что Макартур также был обеспокоен тем, что защита Тодзё могла иметь «глубокие последствия».
Однажды, находясь в тюрьме в Сугамо, приближаясь к приговору, Хидеки Тодзё, как сообщается, сказал своему подчиненному Кенрио Сато, начальнику военного ведомства армии, военному преступнику класса А.
Я не знаю, какой приговор вы получите, но если вы думаете, что враг накажет вас, вы можете рассердиться, но я надеюсь, что вы примете наказание от Нашего Величества и народа.
Когда я думаю о ударах и жертвах, понесенных нацией и ее народом из-за нашего поражения в войне, было бы стыдно, если бы я взобрался на виселицу. Даже если меня разорвут на части, этого все равно мало. Ибо я не только буду страдать от унижения быть повешенным, но и навсегда получу удары бедствия истории. Заметка 2
Мне было интересно, как Масахико Цугава мог взять на себя роль человека, которому придется вечно страдать от ударов плетью.
Но киноиндустрия не так стесняется поступать правильно.
В 1999 году Цугава получил приз Японской академии за выдающееся исполнение главной роли.
Если бы он сообщил репортеру Time о награде, он был бы в ярости, и я почувствовал слабый смешок.

Днем 12 ноября 1948 года Хироши Сугавара, представлявший Садао Араки, получил место между обвиняемыми и председательствующим судьей. Хотя он посчитал это невежливым, он повернулся спиной, чтобы посмотреть на обвиняемых с близкого расстояния, чтобы увидеть их окончательную позицию.
Некоторые из подсудимых выглядели как студенты, стоящие перед экзаменатором.
Однако, - говорит Сугавара в своей книге «Истинная природа Токийских испытаний» (Jiji Press, 1961), «этого не было с Тодзё. Лицо Тодзё казалось одновременно улыбающимся и не улыбающимся, как будто экзаменатор Тодзё слушал ответы ученика по имени Уэбб.
Его лицо казалось улыбающимся, а не улыбающимся. Это лицо часто изображалось в Графике Асахи, и я был настолько просветленным, когда в то время увидел лицо мистера Тодзё, что почувствовал, что он проделал отличную работу по освобождению от мирских привязанностей.
Выслушав приговор судьи Уэбба о повешении, он дважды слегка кивнул и, похоже, сказал: «Смертная казнь, хорошо, хорошо, хорошо.
Автор с облегчением увидел этот божественный момент в жизни Тодзё и узнал, что Токийские испытания подошли к благородному концу.
Тодзё был безразличен, когда он методично излагал свою позицию в суде.
Человек, который нашел смысл в собственной смерти, не причинив беспокойства Его Величеству, не потерял своего достоинства за три года заключения.
Кроме того, Тодзё внимательно изучил проблемы, находясь в тюрьме, подготовил свои собственные ответы на вопросы и ответы о том, как их объяснить, и должным образом ответил в суде.
Некоторые из подсудимых, казалось, настолько привыкли к своему положению обвиняемых в международном трибунале, что утратили дух бывших министров и генералов, которые сжалились над незаконностью союзных трибуналов.

Tetapi industri filem tidak begitu malu melakukan perkara yang betul.

2021年03月04日 17時23分18秒 | 全般

Berikut ini adalah dari artikel "Kekecewaan dengan Generasi Demokratik Pasca Perang," oleh Profesor Emeritus Yasuhiro Hirakawa dari University of Tokyo, yang disiarkan dalam edisi 1 Mac majalah bulanan "Seiron" dengan judul "Perang Showa dan Percubaan Tokyo: Seorang Ahli Sejarah Perbandingan Mengimbas Kembali.
Artikel ini mesti dibaca bukan hanya untuk orang Jepun tetapi juga untuk orang di seluruh dunia.
Ini adalah kesinambungan dari bab sebelumnya.
Siapa Lelaki Jahat?
Pada tahun 1983, pengarah Masaki Kobayashi membuat sebuah film dokumenter, "The Tokyo Trials.
Walaupun dia mengaku telah mengumpulkan semua filem sebenarnya, kenyataannya ada adegan Pembunuhan Nanking, atau seperti yang disebut oleh orang Cina, Pembunuhan Besar Nanking, tanpa gambar pembunuhan itu, pasti kerana dia merasakan itu, kerana tidak ada keraguan bahawa Jepun telah melakukan kekejaman di depan China, dia harus memasukkan beberapa gambar, walaupun itu bukan perkara sebenarnya, dan bahkan jika itu adalah untuk propaganda China. Pasti kerana pengarah berpendapat demikian.
Mungkin itu adalah hasil dari suasana.
Sejurus selepas perang, banyak perbicaraan tentera Bersekutu mendapati banyak orang bersalah atas sumpah sumpah.
Siapa yang harus dipersalahkan? Atau orang yang menipu dirinya sendiri? Adakah orang yang menipu dirinya sendiri atau orang yang disabitkan berdasarkan keterangannya?
Namun, terima kasih kepada filem dokumentari Kobayashi, seperti yang saya sebutkan sebelumnya, peguam bela Blakney mengatakan, "Sekiranya kematian Laksamana Kidd bersalah atas pembunuhan dalam serangan di Pearl Harbor, maka kita dapat menamakan orang yang menjatuhkan bom atom di Hiroshima. Kita tahu nama ketua staf yang merancang pengeboman. Kami tahu nama ketua kakitangan yang merancang pengeboman itu, dan kami tahu nama ketua negara negara itu, "dan lain-lain. Pernyataan ini diketahui umum oleh Orang Jepun.
Namun, apabila orang menjadi yakin kepada pengarang tertentu sebagai "reaksioner", mereka tidak akan mengambil bukunya.
Begitu juga, apabila seseorang menganggap ahli politik sebagai "buruk", mereka tidak akan mengubah pendapat mereka mengenai ahli politik itu.
Saya merasakan ini sendiri kerana prasangka yang saya miliki mengenai "Kebanggaan: Momen Takdir" Toshiya Ito di mana Masahiko Tsugawa memainkan Hideki Tojo.
Kutukan Andaian
Pada bulan Mei 1998, ketika Pride dibebaskan di Jepun, saya mengajar di Beijing dan membaca sebuah artikel di People's Daily yang mengatakan, "Kami tidak akan membenarkan pemuliaan penjenayah perang. Filem ini adalah hasil pengembangan hak Jepun - ideologi sayap. " Kementerian Luar Negeri China mengecam filem itu, dengan mengatakan, "Kami terkejut dan marah dengan isi pujian Tojo.
Semasa saya tinggal di Beijing, saya ingin mendapatkan maklumat yang lebih dipercayai dan objektif, jadi saya juga memesan edisi Bahasa Inggeris majalah mingguan Amerika Time dari luar negara.
Saya mendapati bahawa filem di mana Hideki Tojo muncul sedang dikritik hebat.
Nada kritikan itu sangat keras sehingga saya samar-samar memikirkan saat itu, "Saya harap mereka tidak membuat filem yang tidak perlu itu.
Ketika saya kembali ke Jepun, tidak ada seorang pun di sekitar saya yang melihat "Kebanggaan."
Beberapa tahun kemudian, saya kebetulan melihat "Pride: The Moment of Destiny" di TV.
Pemeriksaan balas terhadap Ketua Pendakwa Keenan dan tanggapan terdakwa Hideki Tojo terhadap pemeriksaan balas dibuat dengan jelas.
Saya merenung filem itu.
Kemudian saya menyedari bahawa artikel majalah Time hanyalah reaksi alergi dari seorang wartawan Amerika yang mempercayai teori bahawa Tojo adalah orang jahat.
Saya merasakan bahawa jika mereka memasukkan filem sebenar konfrontasi Keenan-Tojo, wartawan Time tidak akan dapat menulis kecaman yang sombong itu.
Pada tahun 1948, Duta Besar Britain Gascoyne melaporkan bahawa MacArthur juga bimbang bahawa pertahanan Tojo mungkin mempunyai "kesan yang mendalam.
Suatu hari ketika berada di penjara di Sugamo, hampir menjatuhkan hukuman, Hideki Tojo dilaporkan mengatakan kepada bawahannya, Kenryo Sato, pengarah Pejabat Perang Tentera Darat, penjenayah perang Kelas A.
Saya tidak tahu hukuman apa yang akan anda terima, tetapi jika anda fikir musuh akan menghukum anda, anda mungkin akan merasa marah, tetapi saya harap anda akan menerima hukuman dari Yang Mulia dan rakyat.
Apabila saya memikirkan pukulan dan pengorbanan yang ditanggung oleh negara dan rakyatnya kerana kekalahan kita dalam perang, akan memalukan jika saya memanjat tiang gantung. Walaupun saya terkoyak, ia masih belum mencukupi. Kerana saya tidak hanya akan menderita penghinaan kerana digantung, tetapi saya juga akan menerima cambuk sejarah selama-lamanya. Catatan 2
Saya tertanya-tanya bagaimana Masahiko Tsugawa dapat mengambil peranan sebagai seseorang yang harus menderita sebatan selama-lamanya.
Tetapi industri filem tidak begitu malu melakukan perkara yang betul.
Pada tahun 1999, Hadiah Akademi Jepun untuk Persembahan Luar Biasa oleh Pelakon dalam Peranan Utama diberikan kepada Tsugawa.
Sekiranya ia memberitahu wartawan Time mengenai penghargaan itu, dia pasti marah, dan saya merasa tergelak samar.

Pada petang 12 November 1948, Hiroshi Sugawara, yang mewakili Sadao Araki, diberi tempat duduk antara defendan dan hakim ketua. Walaupun dia merasa tidak sopan, dia berpaling untuk melihat para terdakwa dari jarak dekat untuk memerhatikan sikap terakhir mereka.
Sebilangan defendan kelihatan seperti pelajar yang berdiri di hadapan pemeriksa.
Namun, "kata Sugawara dalam bukunya," The True Nature of the Tokyo Trials "(Jiji Press, 1961)," ini tidak berlaku dengan Tojo. Wajah Tojo kelihatan seperti tersenyum dan tidak tersenyum seolah-olah pemeriksa Tojo sedang mendengar jawapan seorang pelajar bernama Webb.
Wajahnya kelihatan tersenyum dan tidak tersenyum. Ia sering menggambarkan wajah ini dalam Grafik Asahi, dan saya sangat tercerahkan ketika saya melihat wajah Tuan Tojo pada waktu itu sehingga saya merasakan bahawa dia telah melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik untuk membebaskan diri dari keterikatan duniawi.
Setelah mendengar hukuman gantung Hakim Webb, dia mengangguk ringan dua kali dan seolah-olah berkata, "Hukuman mati, oke, oke, oke.
Penulis berasa lega melihat momen ilahi ini dalam kehidupan Tojo dan mengetahui bahawa Percubaan Tokyo telah berakhir.
Tojo tidak peduli kerana dia secara metodik menyatakan kedudukannya di mahkamah.
Seorang lelaki yang menemui makna kematiannya sendiri tanpa menimbulkan masalah kepada Baginda tidak kehilangan martabatnya selama tiga tahun di penjara.
Selanjutnya, Tojo dengan teliti mempelajari permasalahan tersebut ketika berada di penjara, menyiapkan jawapannya sendiri terhadap pertanyaan dan jawapan bagaimana menjelaskannya, dan menjawab dengan tepat di mahkamah.
Sebilangan terdakwa sepertinya telah terbiasa dengan kedudukan mereka sebagai defendan di mahkamah antarabangsa sehingga mereka kehilangan semangat mantan menteri dan jeneral yang merasa kasihan terhadap pengadilan haram sekutu.