文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2021年03月18日 14時55分33秒 | 全般

例如,野村證券(Nomura Securities)預測,中國將在2027年超過美國。
中國共產黨的9,200萬成員,他們的家庭和富裕的中國城市人口約為1.5億,經濟合作與發展組織(OECD),包括居住在日本的中產階級,約為3億。 。剩餘的11億人口只是該結構的“其餘部分”。
在1980年代下半葉,日本和美國之間的貿易摩擦成為一個問題,汽車被關閉並徵收關稅。 Bebble之後,日本的保費被添加到日本的銀行利率中,從而傷害了公司。



2021年03月18日 14時52分53秒 | 全般

例如,野村证券(Nomura Securities)预测,中国将在2027年超过美国。
中国共产党的9,200万成员,他们的家庭和富裕的中国城市人口约为1.5亿,经济合作与发展组织(OECD),包括居住在日本的中产阶级,约为3亿。 。剩余的11亿人口只是该结构的“其余部分”。
在1980年代下半叶,日本和美国之间的贸易摩擦成为一个问题,汽车被关闭并征收关税。 Bebble之后,日本的保费被添加到日本的银行利率中,从而伤害了公司。


Кажется, что нет денежного потока, который можно

2021年03月18日 14時50分15秒 | 全般

Следующее из книги Масахиро Миядзаки и Тецуя Ватанабе, Гражданская война или коммунистическая революция? Надвигающийся американский кошмар.
Экономика Китая под угрозой
Многие мыслители предсказывают, что Китай обгонит США в 2035 году.
Например, Nomura Securities прогнозирует, что Китай обгонит США в 2027 году.
Nomura Securities присутствует на китайском рынке с самого начала.
С нашей точки зрения, эти прогнозы звучат как шутка.
Население Китая действительно в пять раз больше, чем в США, поэтому существует вероятность того, что ВВП Китая может превысить ВВП США, но это не означает, что Китай превзойдет США.
Но говорить о том, что Китай превзойдет США, слишком однобоко.
Нам нужно разделить ВВП на душу населения или качество жизни, чтобы получить правильную цифру и измерить реальность.
Проблема с японскими СМИ в том, что они говорят о Китае как об угрозе или взрывной силе и полностью игнорируют такие вещи, как ВВП на душу населения и реальный ВВП.
Начнем с того, что Китай представляет собой пирамидальную структуру.
92 миллиона членов Коммунистической партии Китая, их семьи и зажиточные китайцы, проживающие в городах, насчитывают около 150 миллионов, а Организацию экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), включая средний класс, проживающий в Японии, составляет около 300 миллионов. . Остальные 1,1 миллиарда человек - это всего лишь «остальная часть» структуры.
Ошибочно думать о рынке в 1,4 миллиарда человек, и нелегко найти среднюю цифру.
Потому что у них нет такого среднего класса, как в Японии.
Это правда, но, с другой стороны, верно и то, что 300 миллионов китайцев могут выезжать за границу.
С другой стороны, 300 миллионов китайцев могут выезжать за границу.
И продано более 1 миллиарда сотовых телефонов.
Оно большое.
Однако в конечном итоге это происходит за счет оставшихся 1,1 миллиарда человек, и это является источником большого социального недовольства.
Как заявил премьер-министр Ли Кэцян на пресс-конференции в мае 2020 года, в Китае 600 миллионов человек с ежемесячным доходом в 1000 юаней (около 15000 иен).
Источником недовольства в конечном итоге становится негодование, а когда магма негодования взрывается, это становится революцией, которая до сих пор была историей Китая.
В этом случае, однако, революционные настроения возникнут только тогда, когда будет голод или когда люди станут настолько бедны, что завтра им не хватит еды.
Но пока фермеры могут есть в конце ряда. Пока солдаты могут есть три раза в день, я не думаю, что китайская армия может надеяться на переворот.
Охоте Си Цзиньпина на тигра в прошлом аплодировали, и именно эти 1,1 миллиарда человек аплодируют социализму, коммунизму и возвращению предков Си Цзиньпина.
Когда, например, Джек Ма из Alibaba стал козлом отпущения, все бедняки подбодрили его.
Это правда. Есть много негодования против богатых.
Мотивы преступности в мире - еда, деньги и женщины.
С этой точки зрения, судьба коммунистической партии Китая - очистить определенное количество богатых людей и сократить средний класс.
Если они этого не сделают, у них закончатся домашние ресурсы.
Если мы сократим средний класс, мы сможем перестать тратить ресурсы. Во-первых, на Земле недостаточно ресурсов, чтобы обогатить 1,4 миллиарда человек.
Пора бросить ее и двигаться дальше.
К 2025 году Китай превратится в общество с сокращающимся населением. Демографическая ситуация изменится от демографического бонуса к нехватке рабочей силы (более благоприятная ситуация, чем работа).
Политика одного ребенка приведет к быстрому старению населения, при этом рождаемость будет в три раза выше, чем в Японии.
Я думаю, что это было в конце экономического пузыря, примерно в 1990 году, когда Япония перешла с «бонуса на человеческую популяцию» на «отрицательную».
Это было примерно в то же время, когда в 1988 году усилился глобализм.
Затем пузырь лопнул, а затем начала рушиться финансовая система.
В Китае мы видели крах фондового рынка Шанхая в 2015 году, верно?
Однако это было по другой причине.
15 августа 2015 года в Тяньцзине произошел огромный взрыв.
Да, по какой-то причине мы сейчас следуем примеру Японии.
Во второй половине 1980-х годов торговые трения между Японией и США были проблемой, и автомобили были остановлены и введены пошлины. После Bebble премии Японии были добавлены к процентным ставкам японских банков, что нанесло ущерб компаниям.
То же самое происходит с Китаем, и, учитывая, что скорость этого процесса в три раза выше, чем у Японии, путь, на который у Японии ушло 30 лет, будет завершен в течение десяти лет.
Можно прогнозировать, что это произойдет примерно в 2025 году.

Помимо видимых «искажений», таких как большая численность населения в 1,4 миллиарда человек, население стареет в три раза быстрее, чем в Японии, незрелая система социального обеспечения, чрезмерная денежная масса, частые дефолты государственных предприятий по их ценные бумаги и крупные отключения электроэнергии, произошедшие в конце прошлого года, создают и другие противоречия в плановой экономике, которые не раскрываются. Помимо видимых «племен», есть также другие невидимые племена, накопившиеся благодаря плановой экономике.
Обычно в свободной экономике всегда есть плато, и корректировки производятся до подъема экономики, но это не относится к китайской экономике.
Когда фондовый рынок в Шанхае рухнул, произошла небольшая корректировка, но плановая экономика обманула еще больше.
Однако сейчас госпредприятия наконец начинают разваливаться.
Это происходит очень быстро. Все началось с дефолта по корпоративным облигациям, а затем с Hengda Group (крупнейшей компании по недвижимости в Китае) и угольного гиганта Yongcheng Coal.
В любом случае, компании, которым не пришлось бы терпеть неудачу, не имеют своего эффекта.
Даже Ziguang Group делает это.
Ziguang Group сделала это очень давно. Fangzheng Group в Пекине.
Цзыгуан связан с Университетом Цинхуа, а Фангчжэн - с Пекинским университетом, поэтому высокотехнологичные предприятия, связанные с высшими академическими учреждениями Китая, кричат ​​до последнего вздоха.
Таким образом, сейчас мы видим большое количество стандартов.
Это похоже на вторую волну пузыря, лопнувшего в прошлом Японии.
Банкротство государственных предприятий означает, что можно обмануть валюту, выраженную в юанях, но невозможно обмануть иностранную валюту.
Об этом свидетельствует тот факт, что многие дефолты в иностранной валюте начали происходить.
Он потеряет международный кредит. Кредитовать китайские компании будет непросто.
Премия Китая теперь составляет не только 2%; это 8%.
Тем не менее им нужна иностранная валюта.
Ходят слухи, что отказ Китая импортировать австралийский уголь на самом деле является не санкцией, а скорее ограничением из-за нехватки иностранной валюты.
Существует не только конфликт с Австралией, но также нехватка иностранной валюты для немедленного урегулирования.
Кажется, что нет денежного потока, который можно было бы использовать.
Китайский Новый год наступает 12 февраля, и то, что будет после нового года, - тема китайской экономики.
Австралийский уголь заменяется углем из Индонезии и других стран, а экспорт древесины из Японии в Китай быстро расширяется из-за вражды между Китаем и Австралией.
Эта статья продолжается.

Parece não haver fluxo de caixa que possa ser usado.

2021年03月18日 14時42分58秒 | 全般

O texto a seguir é de um livro de Masahiro Miyazaki e Tetsuya Watanabe, Guerra Civil ou Revolução Comunista? O iminente pesadelo americano.
Economia da China coberta por risco
Muitos pensadores prevêem que a China ultrapassará os EUA em 2035.
A Nomura Securities, por exemplo, prevê que a China ultrapassará os EUA em 2027.
A Nomura Securities está no mercado chinês desde o início.
Essas previsões soam como uma piada do nosso ponto de vista.
A população da China é de fato cinco vezes maior do que a dos EUA, então há uma possibilidade de que o PIB da China ultrapasse o dos EUA, mas isso não significa que a China ultrapasse os EUA.
Mas dizer que a China vai superar os EUA é muito unilateral.
Precisamos dividir o PIB per capita, ou a qualidade de vida, para obter a cifra certa e medir a realidade.
O problema com a mídia japonesa é que eles falam sobre a China como uma ameaça ou como uma força explosiva, e ignoram completamente coisas como PIB per capita e PIB real.
Para começar, a China é uma estrutura piramidal.
Os 92 milhões de membros do Partido Comunista da China, suas famílias e os chineses abastados que vivem nas cidades somam cerca de 150 milhões e a Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), incluindo a classe média que vive no Japão, é de cerca de 300 milhões . Os 1,1 bilhão de pessoas restantes são apenas o 'resto' da estrutura.
É um erro pensar em um mercado de 1,4 bilhão de pessoas, e não é fácil encontrar uma figura intermediária.
Porque eles não têm uma classe média total como o Japão.
É verdade, mas por outro lado, também é verdade que há 300 milhões de chineses que podem viajar para o exterior.
Por outro lado, existem 300 milhões de chineses que podem viajar para o exterior.
E mais de 1 bilhão de telefones celulares são vendidos.
É grande.
No final das contas, porém, isso ocorre às custas dos 1,1 bilhão de pessoas restantes, e isso é uma fonte de grande descontentamento social.
Como o primeiro-ministro Li Keqiang revelou em uma entrevista coletiva em maio de 2020, há 600 milhões de pessoas na China com uma renda mensal de 1.000 yuans (cerca de 15.000 ienes).
A fonte de descontentamento acaba se transformando em ressentimento e, quando o magma do ressentimento explode, torna-se uma revolução que até então tem sido a história da China.
Nesse caso, porém, o sentimento revolucionário só surgirá quando houver fome ou quando as pessoas forem tão pobres que não terão o que comer amanhã.
Mas, por enquanto, os fazendeiros ainda podem comer no final da linha. Contanto que os soldados possam comer três refeições por dia, não acho que o exército chinês possa esperar um golpe.
A caça ao tigre de Xi Jinping foi aplaudida no passado, e são esses 1,1 bilhão de pessoas que aplaudem o socialismo, o comunismo e o retorno ancestral de Xi Jinping.
Quando Jack Ma do Alibaba, por exemplo, se tornou um bode expiatório, todos os pobres o apoiaram.
É verdade. Há muito ressentimento contra os ricos.
A motivação para o crime no mundo é comida, dinheiro e mulheres.
Dessa perspectiva, é destino do Partido Comunista Chinês purificar uma certa quantidade de pessoas ricas e reduzir a classe média.
Se não o fizerem, eles ficarão sem recursos domésticos.
Se reduzirmos a classe média, podemos parar de desperdiçar recursos. Primeiro, não há recursos suficientes na terra para enriquecer 1,4 bilhão de pessoas.
É hora de deixá-la e seguir em frente.
Em 2025, a China se transformará em uma sociedade com uma população em declínio. A demografia mudará de um bônus demográfico para uma escassez de mão de obra (uma situação mais favorável do que trabalho).
A política do filho único levará ao rápido envelhecimento da população, com uma taxa de natalidade três vezes mais rápida do que no Japão.
Acho que foi no final da bolha econômica, por volta de 1990, que o Japão mudou de um “bônus para a população humana” para uma “população humana negativa.
Foi quase na mesma época que o globalismo aumentou em 1988.
Então a bolha estourou e o sistema financeiro começou a entrar em colapso.
Na China, vimos a quebra do mercado de ações de Xangai em 2015, certo?
No entanto, isso foi por um motivo diferente.
Em 15 de agosto de 2015, houve uma grande explosão em Tianjin.
Sim, por alguma razão, agora estamos seguindo o exemplo do Japão.
Na segunda metade da década de 1980, o atrito comercial entre o Japão e os Estados Unidos era um problema, e os carros foram fechados e tarifas impostas. Depois do Bebble, os prêmios do Japão foram adicionados às taxas de juros dos bancos japoneses, prejudicando as empresas.
O mesmo está sendo feito com a China e, como a velocidade desse processo é três vezes maior que a do Japão, o caminho que levou 30 anos para o Japão será concluído em dez anos.
Podemos prever que isso acontecerá por volta de 2025.

Além das "distorções" visíveis, como a grande população de 1,4 bilhão de pessoas, a população está envelhecendo três vezes mais rápido do que no Japão, o sistema de seguridade social imaturo, a oferta monetária excessiva, a inadimplência freqüente de empresas estatais em seus títulos, e as grandes quedas de energia que ocorreram no final do ano passado, há outras tensões se acumulando na economia planejada, que não foram divulgadas. Além das "tribos" visíveis, também existem outras tribos invisíveis que se acumularam devido à economia planejada.
Normalmente, sempre há um platô em uma economia livre, e os ajustes são feitos antes que a economia cresça, mas não é o caso da economia chinesa.
Quando o mercado de ações despencou em Xangai, houve um breve ajuste, mas a economia planejada trapaceou ainda mais.
Agora, porém, as empresas estatais estão finalmente começando a falir.
Acontece muito rápido. Tudo começou com a inadimplência em títulos corporativos e, em seguida, o Hengda Group (a maior empresa imobiliária da China) e a gigante do carvão Yongcheng Coal.
De qualquer forma, as empresas que não teriam que falir não têm seus efeitos.
Até o Grupo Ziguang o faz.
O Grupo Ziguang fez isso há muito tempo. Grupo Fangzheng em Pequim.
Ziguang é afiliado à Universidade de Tsinghua, e Fangzheng é afiliado à Universidade de Pequim, então as empresas de alta tecnologia afiliadas às instituições acadêmicas mais importantes da China estão gritando para seu último suspiro.
Dessa forma, agora vemos um grande número de padrões.
É como a segunda onda da bolha que estourou no passado do Japão.
A falência de empresas estatais significa que é possível trapacear a moeda denominada em yuan, mas é impossível trapacear moedas estrangeiras.
O fato de muitas inadimplências em moeda estrangeira terem começado a ocorrer é um símbolo disso.
Ele perderá crédito internacional. Não será fácil emprestar para empresas chinesas.
O prêmio da China agora não é de apenas 2%; é 8%.
No entanto, eles querem moeda estrangeira.
Fala-se que a recusa da China em importar carvão australiano não é na verdade uma sanção, mas sim uma restrição devido à escassez de divisas.
Não há apenas um conflito com a Austrália, mas também há falta de divisas para liquidação imediata.
Parece não haver fluxo de caixa que possa ser usado.
O ano novo chinês chega em 12 de fevereiro, e o que vai acontecer depois do ano novo é o tema da economia chinesa.
O carvão da Austrália está sendo substituído pelo carvão da Indonésia e de outros países, e as exportações de madeira do Japão para a China estão se expandindo rapidamente devido à disputa entre a China e a Austrália.
Este artigo continua.


2021年03月18日 13時00分50秒 | 全般


In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.




If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer


The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.


So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.








President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it


There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?




2021年03月18日 10時41分35秒 | 全般












the top 50 searches for the past week


There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?


The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.




Det verkar inte finnas något kassaflöde som kan användas.


That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.

2021年03月18日 10時38分21秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
The organization can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.
In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 
This article continues. 

President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it

2021年03月18日 10時35分57秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
The organization can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.
In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 
This article continues. 

If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer

2021年03月18日 10時34分14秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
The organization can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.
In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 
This article continues. 

Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.

2021年03月18日 10時32分55秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
The organization can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.
In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 
This article continues. 

People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 

2021年03月18日 10時30分15秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
The organization can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.
In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 
This article continues. 

In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.

2021年03月18日 10時28分48秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
The organization can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.
In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 
This article continues. 

So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.

2021年03月18日 10時26分31秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
The organization can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
So who gives the orders to the Politburo? It is President Xi Jinping.
In, it is President Xi Jinping Speaking of whether anyone in the Politburo to the instruction.
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 
This article continues. 

It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.

2021年03月18日 10時17分33秒 | 全般

The following is from a collection of conversations between Takamasa Kadota and Shi Ping published by Sankei Shimbun Publishing on February 11, 2021, under the title, China's Blitzkrieg Invasion 2021-2024.
It is the latest work by these two spirited critics who represent Japan today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Every Japanese citizen who has China as a neighboring country should head to the nearest bookstore right now.
It is the world's highest-level elucidation of the truth about China as only they can.
I will let the people of the world know as much as I can.
Police and TV Stations are the Same Thing
Shi Ping 
There is another hidden theme in "Plague 2020": "What is the Chinese dictatorship?
Japanese people often ask me this question. "You say that China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, but hasn't Japan always been a dictatorship of the Liberal Democratic Party? "
When I am asked this question, I feel so foolish that I lose interest. That's not what I meant at all.
For example, regarding China's cover-up, people in the West think, "If the government does a cover-up, the media will find out about it," or "Even if some powerful people do a cover-up, a general committee will transmit the facts.
But this is not the case.
As Kadota-san says in his book, when it comes to "cover-ups," the National Health and Sanitation Commission, the local government, and CCTV all go at it together.
The simple fact is that foreigners don't know why this is happening.
The bottom line is that CCTV also has a Communist Party committee, and the health committee also has a Communist Party committee. 
In China, there are Communist Party committees in institutions and organizations.
For example, in Dr. Li Wenliang of the Wuhan City Central Hospital, who was the first person to report a new type of pneumonia, the Public Security Bureau grabbed him. It made him write a letter of remorse. Still, CCTV reported the fact that he was remorseful.
It was reported on the same day he wrote the letter of remorse.
Shi Ping 
What does that mean?
In Japan, the police and, for example, Fuji TV are completely separate organizations, but they are the same thing in China.
Mr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan City was given a letter of caution, "All you have to do is sign it," and when he signed it, CCTV in faraway Beijing immediately reported it.
Shi Ping 
The Communist Party is in control of CCTV. The Communist Party also controls the police. In fact, the Communist Party also controls the hospitals.
There is a "Communist Party Discipline Inspection Committee" in the hospital, isn't there?
Smaller hospitals don't have such a committee, but Dr. Li Wenliang's hospital was a top-ranked hospital called "Third Class A" with more than 4,000 employees.
In other words, since it is a large hospital representing Wuhan, there is always a Discipline Inspection Committee.
Shi Ping 
The Discipline Inspection Committee is an organization of the Communist Party.
And the organization that can give orders to CCTV, police, and hospitals is the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
Then, who gives orders to the Politburo, President Xi Jinping? 
This is the nature of China, and this cover-up has exposed it to the world.
People who knew about it but didn't know about it or were indifferent to it now know about it. 
To put it simply, the problem with China's nature is this. 
Let's say that President Xi Jinping suddenly lost his mind one day.
If that crazy President Xi Jinping does something, people all over the world will suffer.
For example, let's say President Xi Jinping desires to spread poison and destroy humanity tomorrow; he can do it.
That regime can do it beautifully. This is the focus of the issue.
This article continues. 

Kullanılabilecek nakit akışı yok gibi görünüyor.

2021年03月18日 10時15分03秒 | 全般

Aşağıdakiler Masahiro Miyazaki ve Tetsuya Watanabe'nin kitabından, Civil War veya Communist Revolution'dan mı? Yaklaşan Amerikan kabusu.
Çin ekonomisi risk altında
Pek çok düşünür Çin'in 2035'te ABD'yi geçeceğini tahmin ediyor.
Örneğin Nomura Securities, Çin'in 2027'de ABD'yi geçeceğini tahmin ediyor.
Nomura Securities, başından beri Çin pazarında.
Bizim bakış açımıza göre bu tahminler bir şaka gibi geliyor.
Çin'in nüfusu aslında ABD'ninkinden beş kat daha fazla, bu nedenle Çin'in GSYİH'sinin ABD'yi geçme olasılığı var, ancak bu Çin'in ABD'yi geçeceği anlamına gelmiyor.
Ancak Çin'in ABD'yi geçeceğini söylemek çok tek taraflı.
Doğru rakamı elde etmek ve gerçekliği ölçmek için kişi başına düşen GSYİH'yi veya yaşam kalitesini bölmemiz gerekiyor.
Japon medyasının sorunu, Çin'den bir tehdit veya patlayıcı bir güç olarak bahsetmeleri ve kişi başına GSYİH ve gerçek GSYİH gibi şeyleri tamamen görmezden gelmeleridir.
Öncelikle Çin bir piramit yapısıdır.
Çin Komünist Partisi'nin 92 milyon üyesinin, ailelerinin ve şehirlerde yaşayan zengin Çinlilerin sayısı yaklaşık 150 milyon ve Japonya'da yaşayan orta sınıf dahil Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Örgütü (OECD) yaklaşık 300 milyon. . Kalan 1,1 milyar insan, yapının sadece 'geri kalanı'.
1,4 milyarlık bir pazar düşünmek hata ve orta bir rakam bulmak kolay değil.
Çünkü Japonya gibi tam bir orta sınıfa sahip değiller.
Doğru ama öte yandan yurt dışına seyahat edebilecek 300 milyon Çinli olduğu da doğru.
Öte yandan, yurt dışına seyahat edebilecek 300 milyon Çinli var.
Ve 1 milyardan fazla cep telefonu satılıyor.
Bu büyük.
Ancak sonuçta, kalan 1,1 milyar insanın zararına gidiyor ve bu büyük bir sosyal hoşnutsuzluk kaynağı.
Başbakan Li Keqiang'ın Mayıs 2020'de düzenlediği basın toplantısında açıkladığı gibi, Çin'de aylık geliri 1.000 yuan (yaklaşık 15.000 yen) olan 600 milyon insan var.
Hoşnutsuzluğun kaynağı nihayetinde kızgınlık olur ve kızgınlık magması patladığında, şimdiye kadar Çin tarihi olan bir devrim haline gelir.
Ancak bu durumda, devrimci duygu ancak kıtlık olduğunda ya da insanlar yarın yeterince yemek yiyemeyecek kadar fakir olduklarında ortaya çıkacaktır.
Ancak çiftçiler şimdilik sıranın sonunda yemek yiyebilirler. Askerler günde üç öğün yemek yiyebildikleri sürece Çin ordusunun darbe ümit edebileceğini sanmıyorum.
Xi Jinping'in kaplan avı geçmişte alkışlandı ve Xi Jinping'in sosyalizmini, komünizmini ve atalarının dönüşünü alkışlayanlar bu 1,1 milyar insan.
Örneğin, Alibaba'dan Jack Ma bir günah keçisi olduğunda, bütün yoksullar ona tezahürat yaptı.
Bu doğru. Zenginlere karşı çok kızgınlık var.
Dünyada suçun nedeni yemek, para ve kadındır.
Bu açıdan bakıldığında, belli bir miktardaki zengin insanı tasfiye etmek ve orta sınıfı küçültmek Çin Komünist Partisinin kaderidir.
Aksi takdirde ev kaynakları tükenecek.
Orta sınıfı azaltırsak, kaynak israfını durdurabiliriz. Birincisi, dünyada 1,4 milyar insanı zenginleştirmek için yeterli kaynak yok.
Onu terk etme ve devam etme zamanı.
2025 yılına kadar Çin, nüfusu azalan bir topluma dönüşecek. Demografik, demografik bir ikramiyeden işgücü sıkıntısına (işten daha destekleyici bir durum) değişecektir.
Tek çocuk politikası, Japonya'dakinden üç kat daha hızlı doğum oranıyla nüfusun hızla yaşlanmasına yol açacak.
Sanırım 1990'larda, balon ekonomisinin sonunda, Japonya bir “insan nüfusu bonusu” ndan “insan nüfusu negatife dönüştü.
1988'de küreselleşmenin artmasıyla hemen hemen aynı zamandı.
Sonra balon patladı ve ardından finansal sistem çökmeye başladı.
Çin'de, 2015 yılında Şangay borsasının çöküşünü gördük, değil mi?
Ancak bu farklı bir nedenden dolayı oldu.
15 Ağustos 2015'te Tianjin'de büyük bir patlama oldu.
Evet, her ne sebeple olursa olsun, şimdi Japonya'nın izinden gidiyoruz.
1980'lerin ikinci yarısında, Japonya ile ABD arasındaki ticaret sürtüşmesi bir sorundu ve arabalar kapatıldı ve gümrük vergileri uygulandı. Bebble'dan sonra, Japonya'nın primleri Japon banka faiz oranlarına eklenerek şirketlere zarar verdi.
Aynısı Çin'e de yapılıyor ve bu sürecin Japonya'nınkinden üç kat daha hızlı olduğu göz önüne alındığında, Japonya'nın 30 yıl süren yolunun on yıl içinde tamamlanacak.
Bunun 2025 civarında olacağını tahmin edebiliriz.

1,4 milyarlık büyük nüfus gibi gözle görülür "çarpıklıklara" ek olarak, nüfus Japonya'dakinden üç kat daha hızlı yaşlanıyor, olgunlaşmamış sosyal güvenlik sistemi, aşırı para arzı, devlete ait işletmelerin menkul kıymetleri ve geçen yılın sonlarında meydana gelen büyük elektrik kesintileri, planlı ekonomide açıklanmayan başka gerilimler oluşuyor. Görünür "kabilelere" ek olarak, planlı ekonomi nedeniyle birikmiş başka görünmeyen kabileler de var.
Normalde, serbest bir ekonomide her zaman bir plato vardır ve ekonomi yükselmeden ayarlamalar yapılır, ancak Çin ekonomisinde durum böyle değildir.
Şangay'da borsa çöktüğünde, kısa bir ayarlama yapıldı, ancak planlı ekonomi daha da hile yaptı.
Ancak şimdi, devlete ait işletmeler nihayet iflas etmeye başlıyor.
Çok hızlı oluyor. Şirket tahvillerindeki temerrütlerle başladı ve ardından Hengda Group (Çin'deki en büyük emlak şirketi) ve kömür devi Yongcheng Coal.
Her iki durumda da, başarısız olması gerekmeyecek şirketlerin etkisi yoktur.
Ziguang Group bile öyle.
Ziguang Group bunu uzun zaman önce yaptı. Pekin'deki Fangzheng Group.
Ziguang, Tsinghua Üniversitesi'ne bağlı ve Fangzheng, Pekin Üniversitesi'ne bağlı, bu nedenle Çin'in en yüksek akademik kurumlarına bağlı yüksek teknoloji işletmeleri son nefesleri için çığlık atıyor.
Bu şekilde artık çok sayıda standart görüyoruz.
Japonya'nın geçmişinde patlayan balonun ikinci dalgası gibi.
Devlete ait işletmelerin iflası, yuan cinsinden parayı aldatmanın mümkün olduğu, ancak yabancı para birimlerini aldatmanın imkansız olduğu anlamına gelir.
Yabancı para cinsinden birçok temerrüdün gerçekleşmeye başlaması bunun bir simgesidir.
Uluslararası krediyi kaybedecek. Çinli şirketlere borç vermek kolay olmayacak.
Çin primi artık sadece% 2 değil; % 8'dir.
Yine de döviz istiyorlar.
Çin'in Avustralya kömürünü ithal etmeyi reddetmesinin aslında bir yaptırım değil, daha çok döviz kıtlığı nedeniyle bir kısıtlama olduğu konuşuluyor.
Sadece Avustralya ile bir çatışma değil, aynı zamanda acil çözüm için döviz eksikliği de var.
Kullanılabilecek nakit akışı yok gibi görünüyor.
Çin Yeni Yılı 12 Şubat'ta başlıyor ve yeni yıldan sonra olacaklar Çin ekonomisinin konusu.
Avustralya'nın kömürünün yerini Endonezya ve diğer ülkelerden gelen kömür alıyor ve Japonya'nın Çin'e kereste ihracatı, Çin ile Avustralya arasındaki çekişme nedeniyle hızla artıyor.
Bu makale devam ediyor.