文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If the UN spokesman and other ridiculous people have anything to say,

2024年07月09日 08時21分00秒 | 全般

But they also watch NHK. Or, why don't they realize that they may be watching NHK the most? 
It is a re-submission of a chapter I originally published on 2017-07-27 titled "Why don't they realize that they are also watching NHK or perhaps watching NHK the most?
Strangely enough, while I am translating Mr. Sekihei's real paper, an extertion, into English, the satellite TV show "The Last Emperor.
I had only seen the high point of the movie, but the part leading up to Manchukuo was the first time I had seen it,
I can understand it now.
I know now that this film also depicts Japan from the standpoint of the victorious nation, an enemy of Japan at the time.
It reminds me of something.
Watch9 is not a program I can watch adequately, so I started watching it diagonally. 
On the other hand, I started watching the International Report at 22:00.
I thought this would be better.
That thought was immediately shattered.
NHK's (Japan's national broadcaster) news program, which aired on the opening day of the South Korean release of the truly outrageous anti-Japanese propaganda film Gunkanjima, showed only the promotional part of the film.
The program did not even mention that the people of Hashima Island, who knew the reality of the situation then, were angry and protesting against the film's absurd content.
It makes NHK look like a Korean state-run broadcaster.
The people nestled in the news and editorial departments of NHK...while living an elegant life of one of the most exclusive and well-treated in Japan, practically at the taxpayers' expense, continue to stand on the shoulders of a hostile nation that strives to undermine and humiliate Japan and continues to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda.
Ueda, who took over as NHK chairman in January, should be ashamed of himself.
The ruling party should also know how lax they are.
They do not even realize that what NHK is doing now is tantamount to treason against the state, in violation of freedom of speech.
So, with their master, Hotsumi Ozaki, the most significant criminal against the nation, as their representative, they are the greatest traitor and treasonist who brought us to war against the US before the war, now they are trying to oust Prime Minister Abe, the best politician in G7. 
Now, they are trying to sell Japan (Senkaku and Okinawa) to China. 
The Asahi Shimbun, the most evil newspaper in Japan, and others who are trying to sell Japan (Senkaku, Okinawa) to China will be the ones to catch them off their feet.
The largest segment of the population today, older people, does not read books. 
They read the Asahi Shimbun and watch their TV stations.
But they also watch NHK.
Or, why don't they realize that they may be watching NHK the most?
Where else can you find a national broadcaster that does not love its own country and cannot send a cheer to its government?
Japan has been the only unified nation in the world for 2,600 years and has produced countless great people.
Why do they let Arima and Okoshi, thugs with the same ideology as Eriko Ikeda and Satoru Nagai, control NHK, the Japanese national broadcaster?
All politicians of the ruling party must realize that this is the most extraordinary negligence of a politician and the greatest crime against Japan and the Japanese people.
You are not the politicians of the opposition parties, which is no exaggeration at all to say that China and South Korea control them.
Correcting NHK is also an urgent issue for Japan today.
If the UN spokesman and other ridiculous people have anything to say, please come and tell me.
As the living Nobunaga Oda, it is my duty to fight these outrageous people off loudly...but in perfect Queen's English, to the bitter end.


2024/7/8 in Akashi
