文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

to reveal to the world that China is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."

2024年07月09日 08時51分17秒 | 全般

July 10, 2022
NHK and other media outlets are still ignoring facts to report what happened.
The murderer did not suppress speech with a gun at all.
He was killed because he believed the false image of Shinzo Abe created by the mass media, including the Asahi Shimbun, and nothing else.
The police report proves this very clearly.
He killed Mr. Abe because he genuinely believed the fabricated reports that the Asahi Shimbun and similar media outlets reported.
As I was thinking about writing this chapter, I realized that Japanese media coverage is also very strange here.
He had a mother who was into a religious group and kept pouring money into it, ruining her family.
So he initially targeted the leaders of that religious group but gave up because of the strong security. 
He decided to go after Mr. Abe because he thought that Mr. Abe had a close relationship with that group (which must have been reported by some media outlet).
It is a crime created by the media from beginning to end.
It is a consequence of the attack on Shinzo Abe, which relies on the vicious fabricated reports started by the Asahi Shimbun.
Nothing could be more infuriating.
Even an elementary school-level brain can understand that the stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun has led to the criminal acts of such a foolish man.
Yet, NHK and the rest of the media, as well as the Asahi Shimbun and its cohorts, are not telling us this simple fact but are instead reporting that the man is a threat to democracy.
The so-called academics who the Asahi Shimbun and NHK pay are calling it a crisis of postwar democracy when it is nothing more than a murder case caused by fools who believed in a false image of Shinzo Abe (who bears no resemblance to the man himself) created by many media outlets that follow the Asahi Shimbun's vicious fabrication.
Their sins are truly deep.
They cannot be forgiven.
As I write this chapter, I am even more shocked that the Nara Prefectural Police, which is arguably the worst police force in history, is an organization that is good only at withholding the names of religious organizations that the perpetrators had a grudge against.

If Columbo were to investigate this case, he would first check the entire list of politicians involved in Chinese honey trapping or money trapping.
It is because a politician's political life can be ended if photos of them caught in a honey trapping are released to the public.
The same is true of money trapping, but the impact would be far more significant than the exposure of photos of the scene of honey trapping.
There is no more cost-effective and efficient way for a country like China to intimidate a political target into helping them do something.
It is no exaggeration to say that it has the power of an atomic bomb.

In this respect, Shinzo Abe was a rare politician.
There is probably no politician in the world more accessible to the elements of honey trapping than he. 
The rest of the population is susceptible to honey trapping at any time and any place. 
In recent years, the world has become gender-equal, so it goes without saying that women from all walks of life are also targets of honey-trapping and money-trapping.
Since the U.S. has the CIA and FBI, a list of all politicians should be available.
They will also find out how Mr. Abe suddenly changed his schedule from Nagano to Nara.
From whom and on what information did he decide to enter Nara Prefecture?

This case is strange.
If I were Columbo, I would start a thorough investigation, saying, "My wife said something strange.

I am not Columbo, so I will only say the following to politicians and men and women from all walks of life.
If you have been caught honey trapping on a moment's impulse and are being threatened by Chinese foreign agents with photographs of the crime scene, reveal to all and sundry that you are, or have been, threatened by China and resign from your positions.
In other words, you must express and let China know that you will not bow down to "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies." and
Because the way the country is in the money trap proves it is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."

If you are a person who truly loves Japan, its beautiful scenery, its mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, rivers, and oceans,
Suppose you genuinely love Japan, its beautiful scenery, mountains and rivers, lakes, forests, rivers, and oceans. 
In that case, you should instantly discard such petty, petty, and trivial things as your success in life because you will do so.
You will lose your job, but you will fulfill your most important duty as a human living in the 21st century: to reveal to the world that China is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
You will let the world know, for example, that even in the 21st century, the spirit of the samurai lives on in the Japanese people.
Since ancient times, Japan has had a tradition of turning misfortune into fortune.
I am sure that even at this very moment, there are many, many people in every house and town in Japan who are being threatened by the Chinese Foreign Ministry and are scared and at their mercy, too severe to be called the price for letting one's guard down for a moment.
To save those people from all walks of life and all walks of life, and to save Japan, I am writing this chapter to you today.
I was born in postwar Japan with the brain of a genius, but due to family troubles, I have lived the life of Le Clézio's "The Book of Fugitives,"
My book that I deliver to save you on behalf of Kukai, Saicho, Michizane, Nobunaga, and many other great men and women who have left Japan.
Nothing will save the world and Japan more than for you to show that you will not give in to China's threats at your peril and for me to deliver this book to you and the world.


2024/7/8 in Akashi
