Let's enjoy English !



2004-08-13 | plant

This is 'a-bu-chi-ro-n'.

According to the column of 'Hana Oriori' in Asahi Shinbun ,on Jluy 31,Saturday, this name comes from Greek.

'A' means no or stop, and 'butiron' means diarrhea of ox.

As they used a kind of them to use stopping diarrhea of domestic animal, it was named like this.

Isn't it interesting?
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2004-08-13 | plant
We have three persimmon trees.
Two of them are sweet and the other is astringent.

Though we eat the sweet ones more, we also eat the astringent ones.
Drying the latter ones , they become so sweet.

The taste of each persimmon is a little different.

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