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Fruitful season

2004-08-21 | food

The other day we were presented these musk melons having grown in Yamagata. I didn't know that they grew melons there.

Especially the region is famous for growing cherries. They also taste good and beautiful to see.

In fall, many kinds of fruits, for example, pears, grapes,tangerines,kiwis,apples,persimmons,figs,chestnuts, ripen.

There are four seasons in Japan, so various kind of fruits grow in each season.
We are blessed to be able to taste them.

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Medalists at the Olympic games

2004-08-21 | diary

This flower is Verbena hybrids, 'ha-na-te-ma-ri ' in Jpanese.

Japanese Olympic players are getting many gold, silver and bronze medals in Athens now. I see the medalists on TV every day.

Although they look very severe and hard during the fight, their looks become quite diffrent after they won.
Smiling softly, each medalist looks happy and charming. They make us happy too.

The appearance of man and woman seems to be influenced by the mind very much.
So the man who is content and happy looks nice,isn't he?

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