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The cutting of New Year's rice-cakes

2005-01-14 | diary
Around here, January 14 is the day we take off New Year's decorations;(ka-ga-mi-bi-ra-ki).

In the morning we removed the decorations and gathered them together.
And in the afternoon Shizusan and I burned 'the decorations' and 'the rice-cakes' in the yard of my house.
Shizusan scattered it's ash to the flower garden in my house.

We will eat the rice-cake cooked to 'zo-u-ni' tomorrow morning.
It is the end of New Year events.

Years ago many people brought them to a certain place called 'tondo-ba' and burned them together.
But recently, we don't do like that in this region.
So I wonder if there is no place to burn, what do they do?
Do they bring them to a garbage dump?
I am reluctant to do that as the decoraions are relevant to god.

The world are changing and these events in the village are also disappearing little by little!

Sunset this evening

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