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A day trip to kyoto

2005-04-11 | diary
Yesterday I went to Kyoto with my friends.

First we went to A-ra-shi-ya-ma.
Next to Te-n-ryu-u-ji which is specified for the world cultural heritage and last we went to He-i-an ji-n-gu-u.

The cherry blossoms were very beautiful and gorgeous everywhere we went.

The Japanese-style garden of the temples and the shrines are so excellent that I was moved very much.
They must be very beautiful in each season, especially in fall.

We went to Kyoto terminal by Shi-n-ka-n-se-n;(Nozomi) and in Kyoto, we used trains, a bus and our feet fully to get to each place.
The number of people comming to see full-bloomed cherry blossoms were so great.
Besides the temperature was so high yesterday, so I was tired so much.

In spite of them, I enjoyed the trip very much seeing the nice scenery and taking many pictures of beautiful cherry blossoms.

The picture above is Chi-o-n-i-n.


At Te-n-ryu-u-ji

At He-i-a-n ji-n-gu-u
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